Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1911: |??ω?`) to meet the fate of death?

In the distant past, the original golden tree was rich and rich and dripped with blessing droplets, and was equally covered by all living beings. Although the scenery was fleeting and as short as ordinary life, it was once a A time of abundance and equality.


I don't know when, the era of abundance came to an end in a hurry, and the 'Supreme Will' sent the golden meteor and a beast (Eldenmon) to the junction, and then the Eldenmon gradually evolved into the huge gold Tree.

According to legend, in the beginning when the golden tree was not so tall, in the age of the original melting pot of life, life took on various forms and did not distinguish each other.

It was at that time that the 'finger', which was dispatched by the supreme will to the border and ruled the world, that is, the 'two fingers' and the 'three fingers' still belonged to the same hand, and the period when they appeared was the golden tree or the same hand. The period of the crucible of life.

Unfortunately, 'brothers against the wall' seem to be equally applicable in this world. Even if it is the same 'hand', the inside of the hand begins to have huge disputes and disagreements about the future development of the world, so the internal struggle of the 'hand' begins In the end, "Two Fingers" won, and "Three Fingers" was sealed in the lower part of the deep root. Then, "Two Fingers" guided the dynasty in the round table hall of the king city, making the border land enter the golden tree age and until now.


A certain bad little girl doesn't know about the above rumors, she doesn't mind, she only knows: that 'Three Fingers' seems to be underground in the king's city, and she is here to trouble him Yes, as for whether the other party is a winner or a loser, or whether he is engaging in some conspiracy, it is none of her business.

At this moment, she has come to this dark underground city, which looks like a cemetery. The walls of the caves on both sides are full of tombs, and the ground is also full of skeletons.

And the most important thing is: in front of her, what catches her eye is a strange stone door that exudes a rolling heat wave, and has been burned and molten.



"It should be here, right?"


Facts have proved that no matter what it is, as long as Her Lady Queen Anne does it seriously, it can always be done easily.

Is this not?

Even if the hateful witch Melina didn't tell her, Annie finally found it by her own way!

She said that if she could find it tonight, she really found it tonight, without waiting for tomorrow.

Of course, as for how she found the correct route in this maze-like complex underground world of the royal city and the passages, there is no need to describe too much about the details.

Anyway, it's nothing more than tearing down walls, destroying, or teleporting, and such trivial things are not too easy for Annie.


(● ̄? ̄●)



"It seems that there are words written on it?!"


Then, Annie saw at a glance that the molten stone door seemed to be recorded with some kind of flame rune:


'All things belong to the great one, and from the one makes difference...'

'After the distinction is made, life is born, and it also has a mind. ’

"However, this is also a mistake made by the Supreme Will..."

'Pain, despair, curse...'

'All sin and suffering are caused by 'mistakes', so we must go back to .asxs....'

'come on! ’

'Melting everything with a cloudy yellow flame...'

'Melting everything and bringing the world back to one giant...'



"What's the mess?"


After reading the obscure and incomprehensible information above, Annie thought for a while, and then just didn't go too far.


(ˉ▽ ̄~)~~

Obviously, she didn't agree with the fallacies and heresies above, and even sneered a little.



So, after ignoring those boring words, Annie was ready to find a way to get in.

"Just go in, right?"


"how about this?"


Although it has long been seen that there is a seal on it, such a small problem is obviously not difficult for her, the omnipotent Queen Anne, and she intends to reach out and push the molten state. And there are already some melted stone gates.

"stop it now!"


"Please don't touch that door, please..."

At this moment, there was no big accident. A few dozen meters behind Annie, at the end of the dark passage, a familiar voice came suddenly.



"You really are here again!"

'ο'*))) alas

Hearing the sound, Annie had to withdraw her hand and turned her head helplessly.

Then, she saw it, the guy who appeared in the distance, and didn't seem to dare to approach, who wasn't that witch Melina?

"What do you want to do again?"


To be honest, Annie was really impatient.

Before, the other party didn't tell her the exact location, she said some inexplicable words and then walked away, but now, she found the place herself, but the other party ran out to stop it again, it was a bit unreasonable.

"I have to say it again..."

"Please keep your heart away from the madness!"


"Don't enter that place, don't be curious about it, and don't deny the existence of life, it's not something you should touch if you are destined to become a king."

"Please, can you pull back from the precipice?"

That Melina stood alone and pitifully at the end of the passage, looking at Annie who was standing in front of the door of Madness and pleading with her.

In the past, she used to speak to Annie in that kind of expressionless and cold tone, but now, Annie could hear that the other party was anxious, and not only was her tone urgent and earnest, but her expression was the same as before. very different.



However, Annie still felt a little strange.

She didn't understand a little, when did she say that she would deny the existence of life?

Also, why does the other party think that as soon as she enters, something bad will happen, and why can she be so sure?



However, the more the other party is like this, the more curious Annie is!

In particular, the other party only warned and persuaded side-by-side before, but now, she simply came forward to stop and beg, then it was even more impossible for her to stop.


"If you let people stay away, just stay away?"

(ˉ▽ ̄~)Cut~~

"People don't stay away!"


Speaking of which, Annie has said it many times, she really came to trouble the Three Fingers, and now that they are all over the place, how could she go back again?

And then...

The other party is eccentric, always coming to tell her inexplicable things, and always distrusting her Queen Anne's ability, so she simply doesn't bother to talk to the other party anymore.

"Ha ha!"


With that said, Annie turned around and reached out to press the door.

Soon, I don't know what happened. The sealed stone gate that was emitting a rolling heat wave, which had been burned and was in a molten state, changed. It gradually turned red with the contact point of Annie's little hand as the center. .

Immediately afterwards, the place that Annie touched was burned by the high temperature and cracked a small hole just enough to accommodate her.


Seeing this, Melina's face in the distance gradually became more and more difficult to look, and then she didn't say anything more after she finally called out to Annie.

She just stood there motionless with cold eyes, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

"never mind!"

 ̄? ̄)????

"If they don't tell you, just wait outside!"

After speaking, Annie swayed directly from the hole and went in, and disappeared in an instant.

And as Annie entered, the molten stone door miraculously gradually dripped lava, sealing the opening opened by Annie again, so that the outside Melina could no longer see inside. any situation.


With the closing of the stone gate, the passage gradually became darker, leaving only the witch Melina standing silently at the end of the passage and the icy fires emanating from the tombs on both sides. few light sources.


"Those who accompany the fire, one day..."

"Meet the fate of death!"

After a long time, Melina slowly raised her head and said something to the closed stone gate before quietly turning into a little bit of magic dust and disappearing into the underground passage with the 'Three Fingers' sealed. at the end of.

At this time, there was absolutely no movement in the stone room, and a little girl who had just entered the stone room where the 'Three Fingers' was sealed was silent, and she didn't know what was going on inside.


In this dark, cemetery-like passage with graves and skeletons on both sides, only the three or two candles lit in the tomb on the side of the rock wall were shaking slightly and waiting. on.

Unlike the calm in the underground passage, at this time, the streets and alleys of Wangcheng and the residential area were still very lively.

Under the golden light of the golden tree, the golden-armored Rodel knights stood guard at key positions, and at the same time, there were many guards of the big tree galloping on horses, patrolling vigilantly. Know what to look for or guard against.


"How are you over there?"

"That guy, haven't you found it yet?!"

Seeing a group of soldiers from the king's city lined up in the distance, the one with a ferocious dragon claw battle axe made of a large ancient dragon claws on his right shoulder, and a dragon claw shield also made of a large ancient dragon in his left hand. The alien dragon Kai, which is composed of the ribs of a dragon and is full of dragons, wears the same alien dragon helmet on his head, and even the war horses are dressed in similar costumes, which looks extremely hideous and terrifying. The dragon-suited tree guard hurriedly rode forward to meet them and shouted and reprimanded them.

"Return to General!"

"No, no!"


"Then keep looking!"

"go immediately!"

"Be sure to find her!"


Hearing the angry rebuke of the dragon-suited tree guard, that group of soldiers hurriedly dragged their heavy steps and fled with their large shields, daring not to show any slights.

So far, they have been tossing for a day and a half night, except that they caught two sneaky, self-proclaimed clergymen on the cliff on the southwest edge of the Golden Tree Cathedral before, and took them out of their mouths. Knowing that they had seen the little girl and found the remains of a bonfire in an abandoned temple, they had found nothing so far.


"Sir, we found some traces of magic damage in the sewers, and also saw some small footprints, the little girl is likely to go underground!"

At this time, without waiting for the annoyed dragon-suited tree guard to do something, a Rodel knight riding a warhorse galloped over, and only reported loudly after restraining him.



"Which direction?!"

Hearing what the knight said, the dragon-suited tree guard couldn't help being surprised!

Everyone present knows that after countless years of development, the underground environment of King City Rodel is intricate. It is not too much to say that it is another city within a city, and if the target they are looking for really runs away If they go underground, they want to find each other out, I'm afraid it's really not that easy.

"According to the traces, it is probably the area near the root of the golden tree in the south..."

"grown ups!"

"what should we do?"

Saying that, the voice of that Rodel knight became a little hesitant.

Because he knows that that area is a taboo area, no one is allowed to approach it, and those who approach it have never come out again. They don't want to go to such a terrible place casually.


"You first send someone to guard all the exits nearby, and send someone to isolate that area!"

After a pause, the dragon-suited tree guard seemed to know that things were a little tricky, so after hesitating, he had to order in such annoyance.

"As for the rest..."

In fact, after such a day and night of pursuit, after knowing that the other party is a mage, and that he is the kind of mage who can freely use teleportation spells, he has gradually become unwilling to capture or kill the rebellious enemy chieftain. What a hope.

However, whether there is hope or not, they must continue the pursuit work. Even if they cannot really capture or kill the other party, they must at least ensure that they can grasp the general whereabouts of the other party. If they go to the throne of Eldon and disturb the words of the great Blessed King, then their sins will be great.

"I will report to the king!"


After finishing speaking, UU Reading The dragon-suited tree guard waved his hand a little tiredly, indicating that the Rodel knight could go and arrange it.


In this way, with the departure of the knight, after discovering the approximate whereabouts of a certain little girl, the royal city Rodel began to dispatch troops again, and the tumultuous noise and chaos continued. It continued until the sky was getting brighter and then gradually stopped.


Until dawn, they still hadn't been able to find the person they were looking for. They just barely completed the blockade and alert in a key underground area. As for whether those blockades were useful, it was unknown.


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