Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1921: ?(=?ω?=)o Xiao Cui'er and her Zhao...

Today, one month after Mo Caihuan was attacked by the strange person at the periphery of the bamboo forest, four strange people with strange hairstyles and different heights, shorts, fats and thins brought two women, one large and one small, to a hilltop outside the bamboo forest. and began to look down at the bamboo forest where Mo Caihuan and her master Annie lived.


"Five friends of Mengshan!"

"Are you sure it's that bamboo forest?"

"The Immortal Chief I'm looking for is there?"

After looking at it for a while, the tall woman who didn't notice anything suddenly turned her head and asked the four strange people of different heights, shorts, fats and thins behind her, the so-called 'Five Friends of Mengshan'. .

However, why there are only four of the 'Five Friends of Mengshan' is unknown for the time being.

"That's natural!"

"I waited for the five Mengshan friends to join the WTO and cultivated the most loyalty, and, I waited for the ability to hide whereabouts, Miss Zhao must also know, that is first-class!"

"That person haunts here, I saw it with my own eyes, how can it be fake?"

Seeing that 'Girl Zhao' questioning herself and others, the second of Mengshan's five friends, the old man with a bizarre double-braided hairstyle, immediately came forward and said with some resentment:

"Miss Zhao!"

"You're afraid you don't know?"

"As far as I know, there lives a hermit master and his disciples there."

"A few days ago, that master's disciple, the fairy with a powerful spiritual energy and at least the late foundation-building stage, was attacked by the wicked man in the bamboo forest. The group of guys who attacked the loose cultivators near Xujing!"

"But the result..."

"Guess what happened in the end?"

Speaking of which, the second-ranked guy among the five Mengshan friends suddenly stopped, and proudly looked at the two women, one big and one small, in front of them.

"Don't sell off!"


However, the tall woman surnamed Zhao was a little impatient. She didn't want to talk to him at all, and she didn't want to guess. She just waved her hand and died. Don't waste her time.


"It turned out that the guy was blown away!"

"do you know?"

"The master's disciple didn't even fight with him, and he didn't know what kind of cultivation technique he used, so he just disappeared on the spot. Afterwards, you must have heard the movement in the city, right?"

"The villain didn't catch anyone, so he shouted wildly in the woods, and then ran away in despair."

Mengshan's second child spoke vividly, and finally patted his thigh. He didn't know whether it was regret or excitement, so he told what they saw at that time in such a eloquent way.


"How can you be sure that the hidden master must be there?"

She frowned slightly and thought about it for a while. Finally, the tall, slender woman surnamed Zhao lightly opened her red lips and asked.


"Sister Zhao is right, how did you know?"

At this time, the little girl who was following behind the tall woman surnamed Zhao also asked in a crisp voice, making it clear that she didn't quite believe what the second brother Meng said in the "Five Friends of Mengshan".

She is Xiao Cui'er, and like her grandfather Xiao Zhen, she is a loose cultivator near Xujing.

It's just that she has dual spiritual roots, she can be said to be very talented. It seems that she has already cultivated the fifth level of Qi at the age of twelve or thirteen, which is really not bad.

But to no avail!

Because, in this world, scattered cultivators are just a little better than ordinary mortals.

In the eyes of the cultivators of the great sect with sects and rich resources, the general loose cultivator is a very low-level existence, no different from mortals. If there is no major relationship and background, most of the loose cultivators are Xiu Ye could only hide carefully and live while cultivating.

More importantly, if there is no big opportunity for scattered cultivators, most of them can only stop at perfection in qi training, and then use up their lifespan little by little. In the end, the metropolis will fall and become one at the age of about a hundred years old. Holding the loess, the ending is not much better than that of ordinary people. Those who can break through the foundation are very few, and they are almost rare, not to mention the formation of elixir or the Nascent Soul period on the foundation.

Therefore, these loose cultivators obviously have the aptitude and opportunity to cultivate, but in the end, they can only watch their cultivation base in despair and cannot make any progress, and watch themselves wasting time every day, then Chong obviously has the qualifications to cultivate immortals but has no hope of moving forward. Perhaps, this is the most tormenting and painful thing, right?


"Could it be that he lied to us?"

Then, without waiting for the 'Sister Zhao' in front of her to speak, that Xiao Cui'er continued to ask.


"How can we lie to you?"

"Our five friends of Mengshan are the most loyal and moral!"

Seeing that the little girl dared to doubt her "Five Friends of Mengshan", the second Mengshan hurriedly argued loudly and angrily.

"I'm telling you..."

"According to my observation, every once in a while, that fairy with cultivation base and breath is estimated to have foundation establishment or above, she will always go out to buy, occasionally go to Xujing, and occasionally go to surrounding villages and towns to buy those chickens and ducks. Or a goose or something."


"Every time, she disappears without a trace near the place where the bamboo forest used to be!"

Then, the second eldest of the five friends of Mengshan pointed to the end of the bamboo forest in front of him and pointed to a place on the other side of the mountain.


"you sure?"

"But there is nothing there."

The girl surnamed Zhao first stared at the direction that Meng's second child pointed, and found that there was only a mess of bamboo forests and thorns, and then she frowned again and asked such a question.

"That's natural!"

"For this reason, I waited for the five friends of Mengshan to make a special trip to investigate, but I'm afraid you can't think of it?"

"In that place, there should have been a house!"

"It was an elegant garden built by a wealthy businessman in the city. It is said that it was bought by a beautiful woman two months ago. As a result, the garden has disappeared now. ?"

"I didn't say that, it must have been manipulated. There is some kind of amazing formation nearby!"

Speaking of this, Mengshan's second child stopped and looked proud.

"You're not lying, are you?"

"If there really is that expert there, why don't you go by yourself?"

At this time, the quirky little girl Xiao Cui'er thought about it, and suddenly asked again.


"Hmm! Uh!"

"Hmm! Mmm!"

At this moment, the dumb one among the five friends of Mengshan took the lead and made a few gestures towards Xiao Cui'er.


"Ha ha!"

"It turned out to be driven away, so he deserves it!"

After 'Look' understood the meaning of the other party, Xiao Cui'er laughed loudly without any subtlety and even made a face at the other party.

Before coming here, Xiao Cui'er had seen the five Mengshan friends communicate several times. Then, she was clever, clever and smart, and quickly grasped the general meaning of the sign language of the other party. Her unforgettable skills and mere sign language were still difficult for her.

"Go! Go! Go!"

"What does the child know?"

"The old man advises you not to be too persistent."

"I'm guessing that if you go, it's a waste of money. That kind of expert is like those big factions. If no one recommends it, we won't accept it if you send it to someone else's door!"

"The bigger the sect, the more important it is to follow your feet. For those who are halfway through, like us, that is the most taboo. You should seek more blessings for yourself."

Shaking his head, the second Mengshan didn't say more after persuading him. He just eagerly looked at the tall and handsome girl Zhao, waiting for the other party's reaction.

After all, now that they have done what they should have done, and things have been explained clearly, then it is time for the other party to fulfill their promise.


"Never mind!"

"This is the spirit stone that was promised earlier, you can take it!"

In the end, the girl surnamed Zhao nodded, and without any hesitation, threw a small bag of spirit stones into the hands of the five friends of Mengshan.


"It's best if it makes sense!"

"Miss Zhao is really straightforward, benevolent, and righteous, so I'll just say goodbye?"

When he got what he wanted, the eldest of Mengshan's five friends simply took over the small bag, and then without counting, he waved his hand and signaled his brother to leave with him.

"Sister Zhao..."

"Are we really going to go?"

"I'm a little scared..."

At this time, after the five friends of Mengshan walked away, Xiao Cui'er, who had just been active all the time, immediately collapsed.

It can be seen that her carefree and confident expression just now was just deliberately pretending. Now, after there is no outsider, she finally reveals all the anxiety and unease in her heart.

"Then are you going?"

"If you don't go, go back first, otherwise, your grandfather should worry about you."

Shaking her head, the woman surnamed Zhao suddenly turned her head and persuaded Xiao Cui'er like a general.



"How can I not go?"

"Those guys can go, and you can go too, Sister Zhao. I...why can't I go?"

"Let's go!"

"Let's go together!"

Xiao Cui'er was really fooled, and then, when she was agitated, she immediately went forward to perform Qing Gong, like a nimble lark, rushing into the bamboo forest in front of her.


Shaking her head, that girl Zhao didn't talk much, and hurriedly followed.

However, at this time, she had already practiced the tenth level of Qi, but she just lightly tapped her feet, as if being blown by the wind, without much effort, her clothes were fluttering and she followed behind that Xiao Cui'er like a fairy.

At this time, Mo Caihuan, who was cultivating in the Bamboo Forest Garden, did not know that they had been targeted, nor did they know that two 'uninvited guests' were already on their way to their house.


Character: Mo Caihuan

School: disciple of Wuzhuangguan

Title: Taoist Fairy Child (pseudo)

Level: 3

Physique: 63

Mana: 53

Strength: 53

Stamina: 53

Agility: 63

Basic martial arts: Qixingdun (level 7), Zhou Yixue (level 5), Xiaoxiang Xianyu (level 8), Immortal Cultivation (level 12)

Comprehended the sect spell: Douzhuanxingzhu (use condition: Qixingxun skill reaches level 1)



"It's been two months..."

"The progress of cultivation is still so slow. Sure enough, cultivating immortals has no meaning at all. I just meditate and cultivate every day. I really don't know how Brother Han and the others persevere."


"It would be great if Master still had a peach. I really want to eat a peach that is 9,000 years old, and then immediately become an immortal..."

After staring at the fiery red bracelet on his snow-white wrist and looking at it again and again, and summarizing the achievements of his hard work in the past two months, of course, Mo Caihuan's face became bitter, a look of frustration and thought. Like giving up.


Suddenly, there was a rustling sound from the outside of the mansion, as if someone wanted to break in.

However, Mo Caihuan was not too worried.

Because she knew that the magic circle that her master Annie had set up around the mansion, except for her Mo Caihuan, no one could enter or see it, and not long ago, that one had attacked her. The strange person even came to search here, but in the end, the other party still walked away in despair.

So, she didn't panic this time, she just jumped directly to the roof with experience, and looked outside.


"Those two people have never met, what are they trying to do?"

And when she saw two strange women, one big and one small, wandering outside all the time, even if they couldn't get in, they didn't want to leave, Mo Caihuan couldn't help but feel a little puzzled.


"Forget it, leave them alone, shall we?"

After looking at it, Mo Caihuan jumped back to the yard, ready to continue meditating.

Because she saw that the two strange women didn't look like the evil monster who attacked her who came here to patrol and search before, so she thought that the other party was just passing by, so she didn't plan to take care of her.


In this way, Mo Caihuan in the mansion began to calm down and meditate and practice again. When he didn't pay attention to the outside world, the woman surnamed Zhao and Xiao Cui'er outside the mansion were still like two headless flies. , I clearly wanted to find the formation of the formation and merged into the formation, but no matter how I tried, it was just spinning in place, and I was so anxious that there was no good way to do it.

Time goes by so fast...


After half a day, Mo Caihuan finished his practice and slowly stopped when he was near Shen Shi.


"It's still level 12, when will I be able to reach level 25 in immortal cultivation?"

"At level 25, you can learn to restrain the 'Tai Chi biochemistry' of the demon clan. At that time, you won't have to worry about encountering that weird person when you go out shopping!"

"And Xiaoxiang Xianyu, who is only level 8..."

"Cultivation of immortals is really difficult!"

Looking at the data that had not changed after practicing all day, and then looking at the poor third-level character of the character, Mo Caihuan sighed again, and couldn't help but feel even more depressed.


"It's getting late, let's go buy some food and come back..."

Sighing, Mo Caihuan stood up directly from the futon on the ground.

She has to go out quickly, because she is going to buy something to eat, no matter what it is, as long as it is food, she has to prepare dinner for Master Annie before the time of Xu.


However, as soon as she walked to the door, she was shocked to find that the two guys before, the two strange women, one big and one small, were still outside at this time?


"How can this be good?"

Seeing this, Mo Caihuan couldn't help but exclaimed, not knowing if she should go out at this After all, now that Master Annie is not at home, if she goes out at this time, she is afraid that it will be in danger, but, If you don't go out, what will you do for dinner?

The back kitchen doesn't have fresh ingredients. If she misses the time, the master will definitely make her giant doll bear spank her ass!

Last time, Mo Caihuan was beaten severely because she made a mistake and forgot the time of dinner, and it hurt for several days. She never wanted to do that kind of shameful and painful thing. Going to try it a second time.


"You guys should go quickly!"

"Everyone is not a relative or a reason, no grievance, no hatred, what are you doing here in front of my house?"

Mo Caihuan was anxious and stomped his feet.

If it's Master at home, then it's better to say, she can just report it directly, but now that Master Annie is away, she doesn't know when the other party will come back. At that time, she may be regarded as sophistry and unfavorable. Then you have to be beaten up again!

However, the more Mo Caihuan was worried about something, the more he would come up with something.



Isn't that?

The two people outside the formation didn't know what they were talking about, and then they went straight to find a stone and sat down, as if they didn't intend to leave?


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