Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1922: (??ω??) Together with the world

What I didn't say, the magic circle set up by Anni's flaming immortal for this unique little garden of her own is undoubtedly very clever (of course, it may also be magic?), otherwise, the woman surnamed Zhao and Xiao Cui'er would not know clearly either. I know the exact location of the mansion, but I can only wander a few hundred meters away from the mansion, and I can't get in.

However, Mo Caihuan also discovered that this formation actually has some drawbacks, that is: it can only be invisible, intangible, and inaccessible to outsiders. As for more functions, such as trapping enemies, confusing There is absolutely no enemy or expelling the enemy at all, and it is easy to be targeted.

Isn't that?

It's been almost half an hour. Although Mo Caihuan has already walked to the outermost circle of the mansion formation and waited a few meters away, the two strange women outside did not want to leave at all. The meaning of going, they just stood there and didn't know what to do.

She even heard that the younger girl was still proposing to throw stones, ropes or torches at their house?

Fortunately, the older tall and slender woman seemed to be sensible, and the other party stopped the little girl several times. Mo Caihuan who is alone at home really doesn't know what to do.


After a long time, after looking at the two hateful strange women a few steps away, and then looking up at the sun in the sky, Mo Caihuan became more and more impatient.

It's getting late at this time. If you don't go out to buy, you will definitely not be able to cook and cook dinner. Then, she will probably be spanked for missing the meal time. That kind of shame and anger is something she doesn't care about. Unacceptable no matter what!



After a while, Mo Caihuan couldn't bear it any longer, and after first taking a deep breath, he resolutely tightened the long thin sword hanging from his waist, tidied up his clothes, and after confirming that there was nothing wrong, He gritted his teeth and collapsed out of the formation step by step.


"I don't know if you two are here to hang around, what are you doing?"

After walking out of the formation and showing up, Mo Caihuan, who ignored the surprise on the faces of the two women sitting on the stone, tried to pretend to be an expert with a straight face, and asked directly and preemptively.

To be honest, if she could, she really didn't want to go out at this time, but she couldn't help it, but the two guys in front of her didn't play cards according to common sense, so they just squatted at the door of her house, no matter where she came from. They will see the direction they go out, so what else can she do other than show up?



At first, I was a little surprised to see the sudden appearance, it looked like a fairy, and I was holding a bamboo basket in my hand, which was like an ink ring like an expert in the world. Then, the woman surnamed Zhao and Xiao Cui'er were together. Qi Yi was shocked, jumped off the stone in a hurry, and gave a deep bow to Mo Caihuan for the first time.

"Fairy don't blame me!"

"I heard that there is an immortal chief living here, so I came to visit here on purpose."

"If there is any offense, please don't blame the fairy?"

Before that Xiao Cui'er, who was too scared to speak at this time, could speak, the tall woman surnamed Zhao beside her hurriedly lowered her posture and explained.



"Oh! Are you talking about Master Anne?"

Hearing that this was the case, and hearing that the two were not looking for trouble, Mo Caihuan finally breathed a sigh of relief, and temporarily put off his vigilance and alertness, and smiled at the two in front of him. asked.

Through eavesdropping on the conversation between the two in the formation, Mo Caihuan already knew that the two strangers in front of her seemed to be the kind of immortal cultivators. It was they who had seriously disturbed and affected her as well.

"Master Anne?"



"I came here specially to visit Fairy Annie. I dare to ask Fairy if Master An is at home?"

I didn't expect that the fairy in front of me would reveal the name of the fairy so generously. The woman surnamed Zhao and Xiao Cui'er were both delighted, and then they hurriedly continued to ask.


"That's right!"

"I came with Sister Zhao. We actually wanted to come to apprentice!"

However, without waiting for the tall woman surnamed Zhao to speak, the Xiao Cui'er on the side was outspoken, and directly explained the real purpose of the two of them coming here and patrolling for a long time and reluctant to leave.

"Appreciate a teacher?"

"Aren't we accepting apprentices here?"

"Also, Master Anne never told me about it..."

Unexpectedly, the two immortal cultivators in front of them came to apprentice, which made Mo Caihuan somewhat unexpected.


"Aren't you already immortal cultivators?"

"Why do you still want to be a teacher?"

Then, without waiting for the other party to speak, Mo Caihuan continued to ask a little puzzled.

In Mo Caihuan's impression, immortal cultivators are those high-ranking hermits and immortals, and the one she has been in contact with the most is undoubtedly her big brother Han. Yes, so, for other cultivators and the situation in the cultivator world, she basically has a black eye and doesn't know anything. Therefore, for the two cultivators in front of her who are already cultivating but still want to come to apprentice. However, she just couldn't understand anything, and couldn't understand it.

Just like herself, after she worshipped Master Annie and obtained the inheritance of Master Zhen Yuanzi, she would definitely not have the idea of ​​going to the teacher to learn art, and she would quietly cultivate her own fairy from now on. I will never go to another sect or mountain to apprentice like these two people.

"Why, why do you want to be a teacher?"


"Does Fairy really not know?"

However, hearing that Mo Caihuan was able to say such words, the tall woman surnamed Zhao was startled for a while, and then asked with a strange expression on her face.

"I really don't know..."

Mo Caihuan shook her head slightly shyly.

She said that the only 'immortal cultivator' she had contact with on weekdays was her own master Annie, and she had contacted Brother Han before, so she was really not familiar with things in the cultivating world, and she didn't know why The two are clearly immortal cultivators, and they have to come to apprentice.

"Are you afraid you still don't know?"

"Speaking of which, I have only been under Master Annie's school for two months, and I have just practiced immortality for two months. I don't know much about immortality, and Master never told me about it. "

In fact, the master of a certain poor little girl not only didn't say it, he couldn't even guide her in her daily practice. The other party knew every day that she could eat, drink, play, sleep, and occasionally go out for a run and never come back all day. Or make her do some messy chores, never caring about the practice.

For example, today, she doesn't even know where her family's master Annie went to play crazy again. She has been staying at home every day for the past two months, cultivating immortals, where does she have time to contact and learn about the world of immortality?


"Two, two months?!"

"This is impossible!!"

The next second, to Mo Caihuan's surprise, the two strange women in front of her exclaimed in unison. Did not directly retreat into the array.



"I really only practiced for two months, is there any problem?"

Tiandi can testify, Mo Caihuan said that she is really an immortal who has only cultivated for two months!

Moreover, because her master Annie never gave her any guidance, but only gave her a bracelet to make it easy for her to check the progress, so until today, the immortals she cultivates are groping by themselves, and the progress of the practice is only It has always been very slow, the level of the character realm is only a mere third level, and the highest immortal cultivation technique has only been cultivated to the twelfth level. Really nothing.



When Mo Caihuan said this, the two women, big and small, who came to visit rashly, were instantly speechless, and looked at each other in shock again.

"This, this fairy!"

"Your cultivation base, in my opinion, is at least in the middle stage of Foundation Establishment, right?"

"It's really just two months of cultivation?"

After a while, the tall woman surnamed Zhao hurriedly asked again.

If this matter is fake, it would be fine, but if it is true, the kind of thing that can cultivate to the middle stage of foundation establishment or above in just two months, in their opinion, it is indeed shocking enough.


"It's just two months!"

Mo Caihuan said firmly, in her opinion, there is absolutely no need to conceal or deceive this kind of thing.


"Is there really a realm in the middle stage of foundation building?"

"Do you really think that?"

Then, Mo Caihuan hurriedly asked excitedly and suspiciously about things that made her more concerned.

As far as she knew, when she met Big Brother Han two months ago, he seemed to have told her that he had reached the middle stage of foundation building?

But now, the two immortal cultivators in front of her actually said that Mo Caihuan had also reached the middle stage of foundation building, which was something she had never thought about.



However, the woman surnamed Zhao and Xiao Cui'er didn't answer, they just looked at each other with a strange and astonished look on their faces again.

Obviously, they can all see that the expression of the fairy in front of them doesn't seem to be fake, and the other party seems to have no knowledge of the common sense of the world of immortality, and even the other party's own cultivation realm does not know?

However, the more this is the case, the more curious and eager they are about the other side's 'Sister Anne' and the other side's sect.


"I don't know..."

"Which school and school did you learn from?"

Although it was a bit rash and abrupt to ask such a sudden question, but at this moment, the woman surnamed Zhao couldn't care so much anymore.

"Master's inheritance?"


"Didn't you say it just now?"

"I have two masters, one is Master Annie, and the other is Master Zhenyuanzi..."


"My master Annie's Taoist name is 'Flaming Daxian', and Master Zhenyuanzi also has a Taoist nickname called 'With the World's King'?"

"He is the ancestor of the Earth Immortal, and he is also the headmaster of my Wuzhuangguan sect!"

"However, I haven't seen him. I usually follow Master Annie..."

Mo Caihuan didn't know what to say or not to say at all. Anyway, after seeing that the two people in front of her didn't look like that kind of wicked people and their words were sincere, the good feeling in her heart came up all of a sudden. Shouldn't have said it all.

"The Great Immortal Flame? Great Immortal Zhenyuanzi?"

"Same king as the world?"

"Five Village Views?"

"Ancestor of Earth Immortals?!"

Just hearing the names, schools, and status titles that were unheard of, but extremely remarkable, the woman surnamed Zhao and Xiao Cui'er once again exclaimed and widened their eyes.

Moreover, I don't know why, hearing that each one contains the meaning of Taoism, just listening to it makes them want to kneel down and worship the title, they know that the two great immortals are definitely not the immortals in front of them. It must be the kind of extraordinary existence that they have never seen or heard of before!

Thinking about it carefully, it is not difficult to find that the status and title of 'with the world's lord' and 'the ancestor of the earth immortal', are ordinary immortal cultivators dare to take it casually?

Besides, how can someone who can teach such a fairy who is in the middle stage of foundation establishment in front of him in just two months?

To be honest, it takes two months for immortals to reach the middle stage of the foundation-building stage or above, not to mention the loose cultivators who may stop at perfecting their qi throughout their lives, even if they are the direct descendants of the seven major sects, I am afraid that Can't be cultivated?


"Dare to ask the fairy, is the noble fairy Anne in the mansion?"

"I'm here to apprentice with sincerity, please ask the fairy to report on your behalf!"

"It's work!"

Having said that, the tall woman surnamed Zhao no longer hesitated, directly held the disciple salute, and bowed deeply towards Mo Caihuan.

"And I!"

"My name is Xiao Cui'er, and I'm here to apprentice!"

At this time, Xiao Cui'er didn't dare to be neglectful, and hurriedly followed the registration number to worship.

Originally, she wanted to say that her grandfather also wanted to come to apprentice, but thinking that grandfather was a lot of age, he would definitely not accept it, so she could only take care of herself first.



"But, Master Annie is not at home..."

Seeing the two immortal cultivators bowing to him, Mo Caihuan, who had never seen such a battle, hurriedly waved his hands and moved away.

You must know that in the past, any immortal cultivator was a high-ranking role in her eyes, an existence that she could only hope to achieve, but now, there are two former 'immortal elders' kneeling down and begging for her, she How can you adapt to this change in a short time?


"When will Fairy Anne come back?"

He straightened up, but didn't get up either. Seeing that the expression on Mo Caihuan's face didn't seem like an excuse, the woman surnamed Zhao gritted her teeth and could only ask again.

"I do not know either……"

"I haven't seen her for a long time."

Of course, Mo Caihuan's words for a long time meant most of the day. As for how the two people in front of her would understand it, she didn't think too much about it.


"Can you tell me when Fairy Annie will return?"

When the woman surnamed Zhao asked again, she was very attentive and sincere in her words.

"I do not know either……."


"I won't tell you, I still have very important things. If you have nothing to do, you can go back first and come back another day?"


"I have something very important, you guys come back another day?"

At this time, Mo Caihuan looked at the sun that had already begun to slant westwards in the sky, and then she didn't dare to hesitate any Without waiting for the two to ask again, she hurriedly used her seven-star escape method. Movement, the whole person fluttered forward and quickly floated out, and flew away in the blink of an eye.



Although she really wanted to stop the other party, Xiao Cui'er, who didn't know where to start, couldn't help but hesitate for a while, and then she stomped her feet and looked at her when she saw the fairy completely disappear into the distance. Sister Zhao next to her.

"It's over!"

"Sister Zhao, she ran away, what should we do?"

They came to apprentice, and waited outside for a long time before finally meeting the fairy who has been haunting Xujing frequently recently, but as a result, the other party left without saying a few words, she must be a little bit. unwilling.


However, the woman surnamed Zhao didn't speak, but her eyes changed. She looked ahead, and then looked at the direction Mo Caihuan was leaving. She couldn't make a decision for a long time.

She has gradually believed that at this time, in front of her eyes, it must be a great opportunity, and it is her last hope that she can go further on the road of cultivating immortals. She will never give up no matter what.

However, how can she get this opportunity, how can she let herself worship the two great immortals as a loose cultivator, but she has no clue what to do.



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