Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1923: (???`?) The Tao cannot be passed on lightly

For the next period of time, Mo Caihuan felt a little surprised: Master Annie, who was always home on time for dinner in her family, went missing for several days for the first time in a row. In the anxiety and unease of the sky, he didn't come back until it was almost dark tonight. Then, the other party seemed to have caught a fish that he didn't know what it was, and when he got home, he threw it directly to the one in the kitchen. in a large tub.


"Master, what is that?"

It took several days for his master to come back, and he brought back something for the first time, which made Mo Caihuan curious, and then immediately came to the wooden basin and looked at it carefully.


"A red carp?"


"What kind of breed is this, so beautiful!"

Soon, Mo Caihuan not only found that the little thing was beautiful and bright, but it also seemed a little strange in appearance. It was a little different from the common carp on weekdays.

"It's no ordinary carp!"


"It's actually a monster!"


"In the beginning, it wanted to eat people, and then it wanted to run away when it couldn't be beaten. People chased it all the way, and it was hard to beat it back to its original shape. It was only picked up after it became so small."


Annie said proudly.

As for the more specific, such as where she went and what she did, she didn't say much, because it was useless to say it, after all, she would definitely not take the other party to go crazy everywhere, no matter what, That's too much trouble.

"Forget it, people have to eat first!"



( ̄~ ̄) Chew!

Annie said impatiently, and ran to the dining table for the first time, picked up the chopsticks, and ate the meals that Mo Caihuan had already prepared.


"Monster, monster?!"

Subconsciously, Mo Caihuan jumped up for the first time and moved away from the wooden basin with water and the red carp that was swimming sickly inside.

What is a monster, Mo Caihuan has heard it countless times since she was an ordinary person. Of course she knows what those monsters are that can hurt and eat people.

It is said that under normal circumstances, ordinary monsters, even the officials and soldiers of the government, have no choice but to turn to those cultivators for help.

And that is one of the main reasons why the seven major sects can be supported and honored by the mortal court.

Those big sects cling to the body of ordinary people and the imperial court to **** blood, and ordinary people also need to rely on the strength of those cultivators, and the two sides are interdependent on each other.

That kind of relationship, Mo Caihuan can't say it's good or bad, anyway, she was not qualified to contact the so-called 'immortal cultivator' before, so naturally she didn't have much feelings.

Until now, although she is also a 'immortal cultivator', she worships Master Annie, and the sect she joins is the Wuzhuangguan of Zhenyuanzi Daxian, so she has nothing to do with the so-called seven major sects. , Therefore, not much is known about the affairs between Xiu Xianjie and the imperial court.


"Since it's a monster, what are you going to do with it?"

"Isn't it enough to kill?"

Mo Caihuan asked with some apprehension and fear.

She knows that no matter what, monsters are monsters, and monsters can eat people, and putting that kind of thing in a water tank makes her a little scared just thinking about it.

"Of course it's eating!"


Annie's answer was straightforward and arrogant.

"Tomorrow you can take it to make soup!"


"Or braised it!"


Glancing at the large water basin in the kitchen, Annie said indifferently.

As for whether the 'monster beast' was really what she said, it was because she wanted to eat her, and then she was caught by her, that was a matter of opinion.


(● ̄?? ̄●)


Mo Caihuan responded timidly, but she didn't dare to say that. She just hurriedly brought more hot meals that she had prepared and steamed in the pot to the dining room, and took the initiative. A little further away from the tub.

Fortunately, these days, even if her master has not come back, she is preparing food for two people as she likes, so she doesn't need to rush to prepare again now.


(????~????) Hmmmm…

Annie continued to eat her own meal without saying anything or comforting.

Anyway, she caught the fish, and it looked so delicious, so she definitely wouldn't let it go or throw it away easily.


After a while, Mo Caihuan, who saw that her master Annie's mood was gradually improving because of the food, felt that the time was right, and then suddenly came over thiefly, ready to say that the other party was not there for the past few days. those things that happened.


She tried to speak in a soft, almost coquettish tone.

Under normal circumstances, Mo Caihuan would definitely not and would not be able to speak to a little girl in such a tone of voice or act like a spoiled child, but who would let the other party be her master?





Annie looked up at the other party and moved her buttocks cautiously.

"Is such that……"

"In the past few days, when you were away, two cultivators came to visit."

"They said they were loose cultivators who lived near Xujing and knew a lot of fairy magic!"

In this way, after seeing her master eating happily, Mo Caihuan hurriedly took the opportunity to take the two female cultivators, the girl Zhao, who was close to the Great Perfection, and the young girl who had reached the fifth floor of the Qi refining period. Xiao Cui'er's younger sister, the two of them, came to guard the door almost every day for a few days.

In short, after many days of contact and communication, Mo Caihuan has probably learned a lot of common sense about the world of immortality while getting acquainted with the two.

For example, the spiritual roots that have always made her sad and annoyed but helpless before.

It turned out that the spiritual roots in this world can generally be divided into five types, that is, the five elements of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth.

The spiritual roots of most people are mixed with the five or four multi-attributes. Although those people can sense the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, the effect of cultivation can be said to be appalling. Generally, they have no hope of crossing the foundation-building stage in their entire life. Unless What a great adventure?

Therefore, spiritual roots with five or even four attributes are called "pseudo-spiritual roots" by the world of immortal cultivation, in order to distinguish them from spiritual roots that have only two or three attributes and are suitable for immortal cultivation.

As for those single spiritual roots with only one attribute, they are called 'Heavenly Spiritual Roots' by the Immortal Cultivation World, which means God's darling or genius.

Because as long as he has that kind of Heavenly Spiritual Root, no matter what kind of cultivation technique, his cultivation speed is two to three times or even faster than that of ordinary Spiritual Roots! Moreover, when the cultivation reaches the peak of the Foundation Establishment stage, it is very rare that one can easily begin to form pills without having to face the bottleneck that should be faced when entering the Pill Formation Stage.

At the same time, in addition to the 'spiritual root' of the five basic attributes, there are also mutated 'spiritual root', such as 'leiling root', 'ice root', 'dark root', 'wind root' Spiritual root' and so on various variations of the spiritual root.

Although those mutated 'Spiritual Roots' do not have the magical effect of directly breaking through the Core Formation Stage, their cultivation speed is almost the same as that of 'Heavenly Spiritual Roots', so they are also the targets of the major sects.

Of course, it is useless for some people to have good spiritual roots. For example, Miss Zhao, who wants to apprentice, has a rare pseudo-foreign spiritual root, and Xiao Cui'er has dual spiritual roots, but for various reasons, she cannot join the major Pie, and if there are no other opportunities, there is a high probability that this life will only stop at the peak of the Qi refining period, and it is almost impossible to break through!

A person without spiritual roots like Mo Caihuan could not cultivate originally, but she has already started cultivating immortals again, and she was able to practice the foundation of those immortal cultivators in just two months. Dao Xing around the mid-term is indeed a very rare thing that breaks the laws of the world of immortal cultivation for hundreds of thousands of years. Otherwise, the girl Zhao and Xiao Cui'er would not be amazed.

Of course, none of the above matters are important. The important thing is that Mo Caihuan is now entrusted by the two friends, and wants to affirm that her master Annie has led the two to enter the teacher's door and cultivate together.

"Immortal cultivator?"


"Well, what are they doing here to visit?"


After listening to this, Annie couldn't help but feel a little baffled.

After all, she has not come to this world for a long time. She has only been in the world for more than two months. She has only been active near Xujing and occasionally visited some remote small places. The only person she knows is this ink color ring in front of her. That's it, so she couldn't understand why someone came to visit.

"Said to be……"

"You say you want to worship at your door, or at the gate of Wuzhuangguan?"

"They want to learn from a teacher!"

After hesitating for a long time, Mo Caihuan hesitated to tell someone what the two were looking forward to.

"By the door?"


"But, they don't seem to accept apprentices here!"


Without thinking about it, Annie refused.

Because, accepting apprentices or something, that kind of thing is too troublesome!

Just like the Mo Caihuan in front of her, she doesn't know anything about cultivation, and she doesn't know anything in the process of cultivation on weekdays. If she wants to ask anything, she's getting annoyed to death, and if it wasn't for the other party, she would bring tea, water, and fire to cook. , and can take a bath and rub your back together. She might have let the other party get out of the house and go home and practice on her own. Where would she accept that kind of troublesome new apprentice?


(● ̄?? ̄●)


"Master, if you don't accept them, let them join Wuzhuang Guanmen?"

"That's okay, right?"

Mo Caihuan thought about it for a while, and then asked again.

Anyway, she felt that she was lonely when she practiced alone on weekdays, and the master was often away from home. For example, these few days, she was not seen all day. At night, she was left alone in this kind of barren hills where she could not go to the village or the store. Sleeping in the house in Yelingzhong, she always felt strange and a little scared, and if she could be accompanied by two senior sisters, that might not be a bad thing?

Of course, the most important thing is that she has gotten to know those two people very well these days, and at the same time, she also feels that the days they have spent cultivating in looseness are very miserable and pitiful. Besides, they are so sincere and come to talk to her every day. , so she was a little embarrassed and wanted to help them as much as possible.

"Wu Zhuang View?"


"There are very few disciples of Wuzhuangguan, and they don't plan to accept apprentices for that Niubi Laodao!"

(ˉ▽ ̄~)Cut~~

Annie wouldn't say: Wuzhuangguan is now only the old man Zhenyuanzi and Qingfeng Mingyue, the two niu-nosed Taoists. It is an exception for her to teach the inheritance of Wuzhuangguan to Mo Caihuan. It is impossible. Then casually go to help other people take apprentices.

Although, it’s not that she has never given the immortal methods of Wuzhuang to others before, but those are not official disciples. Those are just exercises that she gave away. It can only be said that they are related to the Wuzhuang sect, or they are related to Wuzhuang sect. She is only a related outer disciple, and there is still a little difference between the direct line that she personally empowered and the one who was recognized by Zhenyuanzi Shennian like the Mo Caihuan in front of her.


He didn't expect his master to have such a decisive reaction, which surprised Mo Caihuan, so much so that he didn't know what to say for a while.

"It's too much trouble to teach and take care of it!"

ε=(??ο`*))) alas

This is the most important.

Although, the Mo Caihuan in front of her seldom went to teach her on weekdays, but when she thought of two unfamiliar guys living in her house, she felt uneasy all over!

That kind of thing is too troublesome, and she, Annie Daxian, is the most troublesome, so of course she wants to reject it.

"Still don't accept it!"


Besides, there is nothing good about accepting an apprentice, and there is no benefit. I have never seen them bring anything delicious to visit her, and they want her to accept an apprentice. Don't even think about that!



(Tibbers feels that the last thing is the point, and everything else is an excuse. After all, it is not blind, and it is obvious to all who takes care of whom on weekdays.)



"Is it really impossible to accept any more disciples?"

"Not even two?"

Mo Caihuan was a little unwilling, picked up a spoon and filled a bowl of soup, and asked anxiously while eating.

"Really can not!"


Anne answered with certainty and certainty.

"Can't negotiate?"


It was rare that Mo Caihuan started acting like a spoiled child to her little master again.

"Not negotiable!"


"Anyway, they don't accept it! In this world is determined not to accept apprentices or disciples, you should die of that heart!"




Annie turned her head away and said it with certainty.

Anyway, she will definitely not accept it, disciple or something, it's not fun, and it can't be eaten, whoever likes to accept it, as long as you don't bother her!



"You are so cruel..."

Mo Caihuan put down the spoon, stomped her feet, then lowered her head in frustration, walked to the side with a bitter face, didn't eat, just sat on the side like a **** off.

Well now, she doesn't even know how to meet her two friends who come to talk to her every day to relieve her boredom, and sometimes even take the initiative to point out some of her cultivation skills.


( ̄~ ̄) Chew!


(╯▽╰) So fragrant~~

It was useless to be angry, Annie didn't even look at it, and continued to eat her own.

Since she said that if she doesn't accept it, then she won't accept it. That is something that has already been decided, and it is useless for anyone to persuade her now.


(● ̄?? ̄●)

(Teaching people to cultivate immortals is indeed quite troublesome, and Tibbers has a deep understanding of this... Although it, Uncle Tibbers himself does not know how to cultivate immortals, but he still gave the two female little humans to It has been taught little by little, and as for whether those two have learned crookedly, then it cannot be guaranteed.)


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