Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1924: ?(???)??? Road resistance and long

Today's weather is very good, the sky is sunny, the ground is green with bamboo forests, the gentle breeze blows the smoke from the farmhouse's cooking, and the green bamboo leaves sway slowly with the wind. .

Of course, in the eyes of some conscientious people, it is not poetic, but contains the meaning of 'Tao', which is the 'Tao' of nature.

Mo Caihuan has indeed picked a good place. Although it is not a paradise, there is not much spiritual energy, and there is no spiritual spring, but it is far away from the hustle and bustle of cities and villages, and it is also a place to retreat and cultivate. Good place.

However, no matter how good a place is, there will always be some disturbances...

Isn't that?

It wasn't noon today. Miss Zhao and Xiao Cui'er, who had already made an appointment when they parted yesterday, came together again, and once again began to softly call Mo Caihuan's name from outside the formation after they arrived.

"Miss Zhao!"

"Sister Cui'er!"

"Come with me, it's not convenient to talk here. I had someone build a bamboo pavilion in front of me a few days ago, and I also prepared some tea and cakes. Let's go there and talk."

However, this time, Mo Caihuan did not appear from the formation, but appeared directly from the bamboo forest behind the two of them, and led the slightly surprised two to a simple but shabby place in the bamboo forest not far away. But in the somewhat delicate bamboo pavilion, they sat down first and second.

Obviously, Mo Caihuan has been waiting for a long time, and even the tea and cakes are prepared in advance, just waiting for these two people to come.

"Very good!"

"This place is really good, otherwise, every time I come, I have to wait there, and the sun is too sunny."

"Sister Mo, then am I welcome?"

Xiao Cui'er seemed to be very satisfied with this elegant and green bamboo pavilion, which was not far from the mansion hidden in the formation, so that the moment she sat down, she rudely stretched out her hand to eat it. I came with the cakes and tea prepared by Mo Caihuan.


However, unlike Xiao Cui'er's innocent and carefree attitude when she was still young, the girl Zhao on the side was thinking more, and the expression on her face also seemed to be instantly blurred after entering the bamboo pavilion. It was like a haze, and from time to time, he kept looking at Mo Caihuan with those hesitant, restless, and hesitant eyes.

Obviously, she is different from Xiao Cui'er, who is young and does not care about her worries. She has been crawling and rolling in the immortal world as a loose cultivator for so many years. There were some clues in the expressions on Caihuan's face and various behaviors.

"Miss Zhao, do you want to have a cup of tea first?"

"Or should I sit down and have some snacks?"

First, she smiled wryly and looked at Xiao Cui'er, who had already sat down and was eating by herself. Then, Mo Caihuan picked up the teapot and looked to the side, letting the majesty blow her clothes and ribbons. She looked very heroic. That other friend.


However, that girl Zhao didn't speak, she just sighed in disappointment and shook her head gently.

"Fairy Mo..."

"Looking at you like this, where can I sit still?"

"That's it!"

"I'm not the kind of person who doesn't know the good and the bad. If you have something to say, just say it!"

"Whether it's good or bad, I recognize it all."

Then, amid the surprise and surprise on Xiao Cui'er's face, she spoke out so abruptly.


"Sister Zhao..."

She looked at the expression on her sister Zhao's face, and then at the look of sadness on Mo Caihuan's face. No matter how young she was, Xiao Cui'er seemed to have vaguely understood something.

Then, she hurriedly shook her head, wiped her mouth in a panic, left the bamboo chair in a hurry, stood up hurriedly, and followed her sister Zhao, eagerly waiting for Mo Caihuan's reply.


Looking at the two friends who had known each other for a few days and got along very well, although Mo Caihuan really wanted to bring them some good news, but unfortunately, some things were not based on her will.

"Last night, Master came back."


So, just like this, in this beautiful bamboo forest pavilion, Mo Caihuan first sighed, and then she had to grit her teeth to explain the situation of last night, her repeated pleas to Master at that time, and Master Anni's reply, etc. It was explained carefully to the two of them.

She really worked hard, and she begged many times at the risk of making Master angry and punished, but the result...

Her master Annie is still too stubborn, she can't shake the other party's will, and she doesn't know how to make the other party change his mind. Therefore, she feels that she has a lot of trust, and now she doesn't know how to deal with these two of her own. The only friend in the Xiuxian world.


After listening to this, Miss Zhao was like being struck by lightning. She shook her body first, and after a while, she gradually calmed down.


"That is to say..."

"Immortal Huo, she has made it clear that she will not accept any more disciples?"

Then, her face turned pale in an instant, so she bit her lower lip tightly, finally managed to stabilize her emotions, and asked Mo Caihuan with those slightly trembling words and desperate eyes.


"I'm really sorry!"

"Miss Zhao, I persuaded Master several times, and I chose to say it when she was happy."


But what happened? Mo Caihuan lowered his head and didn't say anything further.

God can testify that she really tried her best, and she really wanted her master Annie to accept these two friends. That way, she could have a company when she was cultivating on weekdays, and she would not be too lonely. But……

The teacher's order is hard to violate. She has only just entered the school for more than two months. She can only serve her little master carefully on weekdays. She is a soft-spoken person and has limited ability.

"Fairy Mo!"

"Dare to ask..."

"Is the flame immortal from your faction still in the mansion?"

After a while, after the emotions gradually calmed down, the tall girl Zhao, who was still a little unsightly, gritted her teeth and asked again.

Obviously, she didn't seem to give up completely, so she felt like she wanted to bow down and beg in person.

"It's gone now."

"I don't know why today, but at noon, before you came, she went out one step ahead. Usually, she only goes out in the afternoon."

"I don't know if there is anything important today..."

Mo Caihuan hesitated for a while, but in the end she still spoke hesitantly.

To be honest, from Mo Caihuan's point of view, the miserable little girl in her family, Master, definitely won't have anything important. In fact, she has never seen or heard anything important from the other party. However, it is indeed quite rare to run out to play early in the morning.


"I understand……"

Hearing what Mo Caihuan said, why didn't that girl surnamed Zhao still understand what was going on?


"Sure enough..."

"That Immortal Chief must be avoiding us on purpose, I knew..."

After speaking, she smiled miserably and took a staggered step back.

In the world of immortals, she was actually used to seeing similar things. Which of those big sects would easily recruit them who were half-way monks?

As the saying goes, the Dao cannot be passed on lightly, and the other party is not only a great immortal who has attained the Dao, but also has a way for an ordinary person who could not cultivate immortality without spiritual roots to cultivate to the realm above the middle stage of foundation establishment in just two months. It must be a well-informed and powerful person who does not know how many years of cultivation, and such an existence, how can they be seen by outsiders like them?

"Sister Zhao..."

Seeing the other party's expression, Xiao Cui'er seemed a little worried, and wanted to come over to comfort her, but she was also rejected now, and she was also sad and sad, so she didn't know what to say to comfort the other party. it is good.

But, fortunately, her grandfather gave her a tip last night, saying that he is the kind of great master who would not accept apprentices easily, so she had to pay attention to chance, so she had better be a little mentally prepared?

So, she didn't hold out much hope today, so she didn't feel lost and gaffe like Sister Zhao before her.

"Miss Zhao?"

"Are you OK?"

Mo Caihuan hurriedly put down the teapot in his hand, then asked worriedly, and even wanted to go over to help him.

"Do not!"

"I am okay……"

Gradually, that girl Zhao seemed to recover.

"Never mind!"

"I should have expected that if I knew it couldn't be done, there would always be no good results."

"That's it..."

"Fairy Mo, please forgive me for the harassment these days."

"Let's quit this?"

After speaking, the female cultivator surnamed Zhao still seemed unable to let go, and did not dare to entangle herself. She directly bowed to Mo Caihuan and hurriedly bowed her hands, then turned around and flew into the sky, taking only a few breaths to fly with light energy. Yuan and quickly disappeared in the distance of the bamboo forest, without even greeting Xiao Cui'er who came with her.

"Sister Zhao!"


"Sister Zhao?"

Xiao Cui'er rushed to the pavilion and shouted twice, but unfortunately, the other party did not respond to her.


In the end, after thinking about it, she still didn't follow her, she just sighed in frustration, and then she sat aside in a hurry, and slumped down on the green table made of emerald bamboo and stopped talking.


Mo Caihuan didn't speak either.

Looking at the figure that Miss Zhao left sadly, to be honest, she felt a little uncomfortable in her own heart.

However, she couldn't change anything.

After all, her chance was also bestowed by Master Annie, so she hasn't had time to repay her kindness until now, so how could she dare to continue begging at the risk of making Master angry?

So, even if this matter is over, she will definitely not dare to mention it in the future.


"Sister Cui'er, are you okay?"

She just stared blankly at the direction that Miss Zhao was leaving for a while, then Mo Caihuan turned her head and asked Xiao Cui'er who was lying on the table worriedly.

To be honest, she obviously prefers this 11- or 12-year-old Xiao Cui'er, who is just eleven or twelve years old, more than the more thoughtful Miss Zhao who just left.

But it's no use if she likes it. Her master Annie has already rejected her. So, whether she likes it or not, Xiao Cui'er in front of her is just like that girl Zhao, who can't get into her master Annie's door.

Perhaps, this is the so-called chance, right?

Just like Mo Caihuan herself, the chance didn't come, it was useless how she pleaded with Big Brother Han, but when the chance came, Master Annie came to the door by himself, not to mention, he also gave the exercises to give Pantao and brought himself by his side. Teaching, that kind of thing, was something she could never imagine before.

And if you don't have a chance, it's like that Miss Zhao and sister Xiao Cui'er, even if they come to the door to beg for shelter, but the result is that the bamboo basket is empty after all, what can I do?



"Sister Mo, it really doesn't matter to me, I'm just..."

"It's just a little bit lost..."

Seeing Mo Caihuan approaching to comfort herself carefully, Xiao Cui'er waved her hand quickly, and then her delicate and beautiful face finally collapsed.


"Does it really matter?"

Although she asked in vain, Mo Caihuan had no ability to change herself, but she still wanted to care and comfort the other party.

"well enough?"

"Actually, my grandfather told me yesterday that I shouldn't hold out too much hope. Fate is the most mysterious thing, so I was mentally prepared in advance."


"Sister Mo, I won't lie to you!"

It can be seen that the relationship between Xiao Cui'er and Mo Caihuan seems to be a little better than that of Miss Zhao, so that, as she was talking, she made a big smile at Mo Caihuan, and even turned against her. Come over to comfort Mo Caihuan.



Sighing lightly again, looking at the little girl in front of her who was rejected and tried to face her with a smile, Mo Caihuan's heart became even more uncomfortable.

But in the end, she was helpless, so she sat down opposite Xiao Cui'er in frustration, intending to stay with her for a while longer.


"Sister Mo!"

"I almost forgot to ask, your flame fairy... what kind of person is he?"

"Is that the kind of very powerful and serious white-bearded grandpa?"

Suddenly, after the two were silent for a while, Xiao Cui'er asked so boldly for the first time.


"Do not!"

"certainly not!"

After hesitating for a while, although she felt that being truthful might damage the majesty of Master's "old man", but Mo Caihuan, who had rejected the other party once just now, was unable to say such decisive words again this time.


"Master, she..."

So, after pondering some words, she carefully described the appearance of the poor little girl in her family, her usual personality, etc., and then slowly recited it.

Then, Xiao Cui'er finally learned: It turns out that the dragon has neither head nor tail, the 'flaming fairy' who can make Mo Caihuan practice without spiritual roots, and even the speed of cultivation is a bit appalling. A little girl two or three years younger than her?

Of course, Xiao Cui'er didn't dare to despise or laugh at her. After all, she knew that there were some great powers in the world of immortals. The younger they looked, the more powerful and terrifying they were!

Because, the cultivation of monks is basically equal to age. The higher the cultivation, the longer the lifespan and the older the age! At the same time, the higher the cultivation base, the stronger the mana, and the more various rejuvenating exercises and beauty-preserving treasures will be available, such as the kind of 'rejuvenating beauty pill' that Xiao Cui'er has only heard of but has never seen before. and many more.

However, it is indeed quite rare for an almighty cultivator, a being with the dao name "Flaming Immortal", to like to appear as a little girl.


"Sister That flame fairy in your family, what does she like to do on weekdays?"

Then, Xiao Cui'er, who started the conversation, suddenly became excited. Even though she knew that she could no longer be a teacher, she still wanted to ask more clearly.


"I don't know what to say."

Thinking of the little girl's master in her own family, and the great immortal who likes to eat, drink, play, and sleep, gradually, Mo Caihuan's expression became tangled and rich.

She didn't know where to start, and she didn't even know how to say it so as not to damage her master's wise and martial image in front of outsiders.

Although, in her impression, Master seems to have never been 'wise and martial'?



In this way, Mo Caihuan is not in a hurry to practice, and Xiao Cui'er is not in a hurry to leave. The two of them are just like this on the edge of this desolate bamboo forest, in this green pavilion that has not been built for a long time. They opened up their arms and chatted.

I don't know how long it took...

Until the sun began to slant westward, until Xiao Cuier began to worry about her grandfather who was waiting at home, and until Mo Caihuan was going back to prepare dinner for her master, the two of them reluctantly said goodbye and made an appointment for the next meeting. time before leaving in a hurry.


(〃°ω°〃)? Remember the monthly pass~

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