Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1925: ?(*?)?Chopped Pepper Fish Head


After saying goodbye to Xiao Cui'er, she was a little depressed and she didn't have any more time, so Mo Caihuan didn't do the daily homework of cultivating immortals, but immediately got into the big wooden basin in the kitchen. , staring at the bright red carp inside that seemed to have grown bigger than last night.

Mo Caihuan was very sure, she must have read it right, the red carp in the wooden basin is indeed bigger than when her master brought it back last night.

If it only weighed a pound when Master Anni just threw it in last night, then when he looked at it in the morning, it would have weighed at least two pounds!

And now, it's even more incredible, just a cursory look, it may be at least about three pounds.

Under normal circumstances, this kind of fish is kept in a wooden pot, and even if it does not die the next day, it should become thinner and thinner because there is no food, but now, this fish has turned the other way, and the more it is raised The fatter, the bigger the feeder?

In this regard, Mo Caihuan is not too surprised, because she knows that the fish in front of her is not an ordinary fish, it is actually a monster!

That's right, it's a monster!

And it was captured by her master Annie, and it is said that it was much larger than this, but the demon pill was broken during the capture, so it turned into such a small carp?

However, why did it recover so quickly, and it only grew to about three pounds in one night, a full circle, that was something she couldn't understand.


"Little carp, little carp, it's not that I, Mo Caihuan, want to eat you, but Master wants to eat you. Don't blame me!"

"Wait a minute, don't bite me!"

"I know you are a monster, but who asked you to let Master catch you?"

After staring at the wooden basin for a while, and once again confirming that the opponent, even a monster, has no ability to counterattack and hurt himself, Mo Caihuan squatted down, and while speaking, he stretched out his finger and pointed at the opponent's head, and said so and so away from the relationship.


However, the carp didn't pay any attention to her, just unhurriedly shaking his head in the wooden basin and swimming in circles, not knowing if he understood what Mo Caihuan just said.

"All right!"

"Don't worry, I'll go to sharpen the knife now, and I'll make sure it's quick and sharp, and it'll be over in one go. I'm sure it won't make you suffer too much."

Mo Caihuan stood up, and after thinking for a while, he took the peach cores of the two peaches from the dry stove on the side, and threw them into the wooden basin.

She didn't use the peach pit to make wine, because she was reluctant, so she kept it on the stove, and it had already dried.

But now, she plans to put them in this wooden pot for one night, and then wait until tomorrow, she can try to plant them in the yard.


"Master said that she wants to eat fish head with chopped peppers at night, and as for the fish, she can use it to make soup..."

"I don't know if your monster is that kind of supplement..."


"If the master accidentally eats a bad stomach, then I can't control it!"

So, just like that, while speaking those cruel words of 'comfort', Mo Caihuan walked to the chopping board on the other side of the kitchen, and then with a 'clang', he pulled it out directly from the wooden shelf. The sharp and sharp kitchen knife then walked out to the well and began to draw water and sharpen it hard.

Swish! Swish! chap!

Soon, that harsh rubbing sound began to sound rhythmically in this set of small but not small Shanjian Gardens.

Then, naturally, the large kitchen knife in Mo Caihuan's hand gradually became sharper and sharper.

However, at this time, her mind was not on the blade or on the fish, but while sharpening the knife, her thoughts began to scatter, thinking of what happened in the bamboo forest.


Master refused to accept the apprentice, so Miss Zhao must be very disappointed, or she would not have left on the spot with some gaffe, and Sister Cui'er would also not feel very well. Mo Caihuan actually felt a little bit about it. , or else she wouldn't be a little gloomy now.


After thinking about it, she sighed again.

It's just that, no matter what, she can't change anything, and since she can't help, her life and cultivation must continue. For example, she must prepare on time before her master Annie returns. For dinner, and do as the other party said, make the fish head with chopped peppers and steamed fish soup?

After a while, she stopped sharpening the knife, and touched the blade with her white and delicate hand.

Swish! Swish!

Then, finding that the blade was not fast enough, she moved again, making the dull, repetitive and harsh sound of sharpening the blade mechanically sound again.

"I don't know if Master will come back on time tonight..."

"It would be great if Sister Cui'er and the others could join the division. When cooking, at least there is someone who can attack them, right?"


Swish! Swish!

He sighed and sighed, but Mo Caihuan didn't dare to stop the movement on his hand.

Now the knife is not sharp enough, she has to sharpen it faster and sharper, and then she can cut the carp, the head of the fish is braised with chopped pepper, the body of the fish is steamed with onion, **** and garlic, and then she has to make it again. A few good dishes, and then you can wait for the chef to come back for dinner.

Swish! Swish! chap!


What Mo Caihuan didn't know was that at this moment, behind her, when she was sharpening the knife, the carp essence in the big wooden basin was slowly undergoing some subtle changes.


Finally, the dull and harsh sound of sharpening the knife disappeared, followed by the sound of splashing water to wash the knife.

"All right!"

"Next is..."

After washing it clean and trying the blade, Mo Caihuan nodded and stood up satisfied after confirming that the kitchen knife had become very sharp and could almost reach the level of blowing and breaking hair.

Speaking of which, she Mo Caihuan is not a little woman who does not work hard or does not work hard. Over the years, due to various changes in the family, what kind of hardship has she not suffered?

The life of suffering made her an amazing all-rounder, she could be said to be able to go to the hall, go to the kitchen, cultivate an immortal, and also go to practice medicine, and in the future, if someone married her back home, it would be beautiful. kill him!

So, killing a fish to make a meal right now would definitely not be difficult for her, Fairy Mo.

Yes, it is Fairy Mo!

In a word, Mo Caihuan was still very satisfied with the way that Miss Zhao called her "Fairy Mo" in order to curry favor with her, and decided that she would consider herself a fairy from now on, even if she had just completed two studies. The fairy of the month is the same.




Somewhat unexpectedly, "Fairy Mo" just took the sharp kitchen knife and turned around. Before she could take a few steps and enter the door of the kitchen, she was instantly stunned and exclaimed.


Her big round eyes clearly saw: At this moment, the big red carp in the big wooden tub for washing vegetables disappeared in the moment she was sharpening the knife, and in its place, it seemed to be a bright and clean carp. Soaked in that shallow water, and looked at her strange little girl with those curious and pitiful eyes? !


After a long time, Fairy Mo Caihuan Mo finally came back to her senses, and slowly and subconsciously put the dazzling and terrifying kitchen knife in her hand behind her, and at the same time, she asked hesitantly and uneasily.

"Little girl, are you...?"


Because, she already knew that no one but her and her master could enter in her mansion, including her two friends in the immortal world, but now, there is a man kneeling in the basin. A tender little girl, and the fish is still missing at the same time, it can explain the problem.


"I'm the red carp just now, do you still want to eat me?"

Without waiting for Mo Caihuan to finish speaking, the weird little girl said crisply.

"If you still want to, please come quickly!"

"Anyway, I can't resist..."

"Go ahead!"

Saying that, the little girl who was soaked in the wooden basin and looked very handsome, looked like the kind of golden boy in fairy tales, closed her eyes, and then took the initiative to stretch her milk-white slender. The small neck, indicating that the ink color ring can continue.

Now there is definitely no chopped pepper fish head, but if you don't mind, there is barely such a chopped pepper head.






"Help, help!"

The next second, of course, the knife in Mo Caihuan's hand fell to the ground instantly, and then, without saying a word, she ran out of the house without forgetting to scream.


Seeing Mo Caihuan's reaction, it was the little girl's turn to be surprised.


"You stop!"

"Don't run!!"

Then, naturally, the other party snorted in a milky voice, and in that unquestionable tone, even imitating the tone of a certain little girl, shouting loudly at Mo Caihuan.


‘Fairy Mo’ really stopped.

However, she had already run to the gate of the yard at this time.


Then, she turned around slowly, staring vigilantly at the large wooden basin in the kitchen, wondering why the other party made her master Anne's voice.

But at the same time, she was still ready to escape at any time.

Although she has already cultivated immortality, and was called 'Fairy Mo' by outsiders, she definitely didn't have the courage to fight against such a thousand-year-old monster that could transform into a human form.

In fact, now she doesn't dare to fight anyone, and she has no "law" to fight!

And if the other party is not in her own home right now, and her 'fighting stars shift' can only return to this house in an instant, if she encounters this kind of monster that can transform into a human shape elsewhere, she would be afraid He escaped with that amazing power.


"You man!"

"Fang Cai, obviously you still want to eat me and sharpen your knife, but why are you running now?"

Seeing that she had successfully frightened Mo Caihuan by imitating the voice of Daxian, the bad little girl, and even stopped the other party, she continued to sit in the water basin, naked and didn't come out, so she just sat there. The thousand-year-old monster 'Carp' Jing tilted his head, hugged his tender arms, and sneered at Fairy Mo Caihuanmo.


"I didn't know you could still be human!"

"None of my business!"


"That is to say..."

"You can eat it if you don't change as an adult?"

"Do not!!"

"No! It's not like that!"

"what is that?"

"Did you say that?"


"Anyway, that's what Master ordered, it's none of my business!"

"I swear!"

"It's really what the master ordered!!"

Mo Caihuan, who was speechless after saying a few words, hurriedly stepped back and waved her hands to explain, and even sold her master Annie directly, leaving herself clean.

After all, she really did not lie, whether it was the fish head with chopped pepper or the steamed fish soup, it was indeed Master Annie's orders. No matter what the other party wants to do, it's best to wait until her master comes back.


Hearing that Mo Caihuan brought out a certain bad little girl, the smooth 'carp' suddenly stopped talking, and just stared at her with those beautiful big eyes motionless.


"Big, big demon..."

"You leave now, and I'll buy a fish myself and come back to make up the count?"

Just like that, after the two sides stared at each other for a while, Mo Caihuan suddenly sneered and suggested carefully.

She didn't mean to deceive her master, she just wanted to hurriedly flicker away, and then make her home safe again. As for whether the master will eat the changes in the fish head with chopped peppers and punish her when he comes back, Then she won't be able to take care of that much for the time being.

After all, she could still weigh the difference between being spanked or losing her life.


However, the 'carp' still did not speak, and still looked at Mo Caihuan with that strange expression.


"You are talking!"

After waiting for a while, Mo Caihuan, who was worried, hurriedly shouted to the other party from a distance and asked again.


"You think I don't want to leave?"

"Your master, leave me here, there seems to be some restriction, I can't live without this broken pot!"

"You said, what can I do?!"

Holding her tender arm, the little girl suddenly said so in a fit of anger, and glared at Mo Caihuan angrily.



"So you can't leave the water basin?"

"you sure?"

Hearing this, Mo Caihuan was startled, and then asked again cautiously.

"Do I need to lie to you?"

"If I could run, I'd already run away, and I'm still talking nonsense with you?"


After speaking, the little girl turned her head arrogantly and stopped looking at Mo Caihuan.


"That's great……"

Finally, after hearing the other party say that he can't leave the wooden basin, and thinking about it, it seems reasonable, Mo Caihuan finally relaxed, and took two steps forward, not ready to escape for the time being.

Of course, she didn't dare to just lean towards the kitchen.


However, upon hearing Mo Caihuan's cheers, the big, beautiful eyes of the 'carp' suddenly narrowed, and a fierce and terrifying little look was cast towards Mo Caihuan again.


"Do not……."

"I didn't say it was too good, just..."


"I won't eat you, so don't worry!"

Afraid that the other party might hurt him, Mo Caihuan hurriedly stepped back to the door and waved his hands vigorously to explain aloud.


However, the little girl didn't believe it, she just sat in the wooden basin, squinting her eyes, pursing her mouth, and staring at Mo Caihuan motionless.



She swallowed hard, although Mo Caihuan really wanted to run away, but, for some unknown reason, she couldn't lift her legs after sensing the terrifying aura emanating from him. , and didn't dare to turn around, so he could only continue to stare at each other like that.

for a long time……


"This big demon, let's talk about something else first?"

When it was basically determined that the other party really didn't seem to be violent and hurt him, and he couldn't leave the water basin, it was rare that Mo Caihuan finally gathered up the carefully moved to the courtyard. Next to the stone table, he leaned on the table and asked nervously at the thousand-year-old monster sitting in the wooden basin in the kitchen.

"Say something else?"


"As long as it's not chopped pepper fish head!"

The other party folded his arms and mentioned the words just now in a milky voice. At the same time, he glanced at the kitchen knife that was just thrown to the ground by Mo Caihuan and was sharpened.


"No! Not chopped pepper fish head!"


"I promise!!"


?(????????)?????? Remember the monthly pass~


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