Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1926: (?ω?) Junior Sister: Koi Koi



Until the sky was about to turn dark, in Mo Caihuan's anxiety waiting for the stars and the moon, a certain miserable little girl, Master Huo Daxian, finally hummed a song from the outside and took the steps of disrespecting six relatives. Shaking through the gate of the courtyard back home.

God knows what the other party is doing today, but it's a little better than yesterday, Mo Caihuan saw that her master didn't bring back some strange things today, and he didn't carry them in his hands. A fish, let alone other strange little animals or small monsters.


But no matter what, Master finally came back, which made Mo Caihuan's dull expression gradually become more agile.

However, I don't know if it was because she was too stimulated, or for some other reason, she didn't get up to greet her immediately, but just continued to sit on the stone table in the courtyard. beside.



"Well done, why are you sitting in this yard?"


"By the way, is dinner ready?"


Annie saw at a glance that Miss Mo Caihuan's apprentice was sitting at the stone table in the courtyard, and found that the other party was not waiting in the dining room like before, nor was he meditating and practicing, so she just Can't help but curiously leaned over and asked and said hello.


Some dumbfoundedly looked at the master who came over, and then looked at the dirty Tibbers in the other's hand, Mo Caihuan opened his mouth, even if there were a thousand words in his heart, he didn't know it at this time. Where to start.


(● ̄? ̄●)

"What's wrong?"


"Stupid or sick?"


Although she didn't think the other party might get sick, Annie still stretched out her hand and used her madness for a day to be as dirty as Tibbers the Bear, and she didn't know what she did to touch the other party's forehead.

"It's not hot either..."


It's not hot, but after Annie pretended to let go of her hand, there was a dirty little handprint on Mo Caihuan's white, greasy forehead.


Mo Caihuan didn't notice what was happening on her forehead at all, she just looked at her master Annie with some grievances and pity, looking like she was hesitant to say anything.


"My disciple didn't cook dinner today..."

"You should punish the disciple!"

But in the end, she still didn't say much, she just cried with a sad face, and honestly explained that she disobeyed the teacher's order, didn't cook dinner, and didn't do anything about the fish head chopped pepper, and told the truth. Be prepared for some kind of terrible punishment.

"No, no cooking?!"

!? (?\'\'??)?

To be honest, hearing this thunderbolt from the blue did make Annie feel quite surprised and angry.

You must know that the reason why she stepped on the point and came back was because of the promised feast of monsters?

But now it's better, the other party dares to violate yin and yang?





Then, Annie hurriedly asked.

Because as far as she knew, in the days before her, every night when she didn't come back, the other party remembered to cook her portion every day. However, the other party dared to disobey and do nothing?

So, while questioning, Annie's eyes gradually became dangerous.

She was already thinking about it, and was thinking about whether to release Tibbers Bear now, and then put the apprentice, maid, maid, and chef's ink color ring on the stone table in the courtyard, and then beat him fiercely. Out of breath?


"You'd better see for yourself..."

Seeing the terrifying look in her master's eyes, Mo Caihuan didn't explain it, and she didn't even try to defend it. She was just **** off and pointed her finger directly at the man who had become a little dark and dark because no one was holding the lamp. kitchen.

"Look at what?"

∑('△')? !

"What's so beautiful about the kitchen...?"


Next second!



Before she could finish speaking, Annie jumped up in surprise.

Obviously, even if the sky is dark, even if the kitchen is pitch-dark, she, Annie Huo Xian, can see the basic situation in the kitchen at a glance, and of course she sees that person sitting like that at this moment. In that wooden basin, holding Milky Milky's little arms, squinting and pursing her lips, she looks very cute and cute, but she stares at them outside motionlessly, and seems to be a very aggrieved little girl. Son.



Just looking at it, Annie instantly recognized the little girl. What is that guy, if it wasn't the thousand-year-old monster that he caught last night?

"But, how did it become human? It's impossible!"


Immediately afterwards, Annie snorted again in disbelief.

"When people caught it, it was just an ordinary thousand-year-old monster carp spirit, and it really didn't have any intelligence!"


"Even the demon pills were scattered by others!"


Annie exclaimed, and at the same time, she strode towards the kitchen in disbelief. She walked to the tub and looked around carefully, as if she wanted to see more clearly.



Well now, seeing his master here, Mo Caihuan is of course more courageous, so he hurriedly followed and took a closer look at the little girl who was soaking in the vegetable washing tub. stand up.


"Shangxian spare your life!!"

Almost instantly, when Annie and Mo Caihuan walked into the kitchen together, the smooth little carp girl didn't say a word. Annie's direction bowed down, and it was a completely different attitude from when she faced Mo Caihuan alone before.



Annie didn't speak, she just studied carefully, trying to figure out why the other party was so good and could change from a fish to a big living person.



"What the **** did you eat? Why did you suddenly change shape?"


After studying for a while, Annie asked angrily with her waist on her back.

Although she was still a little puzzled, she didn't know why she was fine when she went out in the morning, but when she came back at night, it became like this. However, she also had to admit that the little carp in front of her was indeed transformed into a human being. And he also gained spiritual wisdom, it seems that he really can't eat anymore.


The carp spirit did not dare to speak, but secretly raised his head and glanced at the ink color ring beside him.



Annie also subconsciously turned her head to look.


"I didn't give her anything to eat, really!"

"Nothing was given!!"

Seeing that the eyes of both of them turned to herself, Mo Caihuan hurriedly waved her hands vigorously, indicating that she was completely unaware of this, and she was even less able to interfere with a thousand-year-old monster, let alone transforming the other party.

You know, Fairy Mo Caihuan Mo has only been a fairy for more than two months, and now she can't do anything except the supernatural power spell 'Douzhuanxingzhu' used to escape. How could she know how to help a monster beast? What about the shape?


"I really didn't do anything, and I only came back in the afternoon!"

"At that time, disciple, I was just sharpening my knife, and then..."


Then what, Mo Caihuan couldn't go on.

Because, at this time, she didn't know what she thought of suddenly, and she started to look at the wooden basin and the shallow water under the little girl, and she didn't know what she was looking for.


Soon, when she finally realized that something seemed to have disappeared, gradually, she seemed to understand something, her face suddenly turned pale, and she couldn't say a word for a long time. .



"You said! What the **** is going on?!"


Looking at Mo Caihuan's ugly face, seeing that the other party didn't dare to say a word for a long time, Annie had no choice but to turn her head to look at the 'little carp' in the wooden basin.

"Report to the Immortal!"

"It's the two peach pits that Sister Mo Caihuan soaked in the water. After the little demon ate it, she instantly opened her mind and turned into a humanoid."

The 'little carp' didn't dare to hide it, and directly and honestly explained what happened.

The general situation at the time was: before Mo Caihuan wanted to slaughter her and eat the 'fish head with chopped peppers', he soaked the peach pits in a wooden basin, and then went out to sharpen his knives, while she was swimming in the wooden basin , was attracted by the spiritual energy of the two peach pits, and then, subconsciously, she swallowed them one by one by instinct.

Then, when she woke up, she found that she had transformed into a shape and gained spiritual wisdom. Then, it was her confrontation with Mo Caihuan until the return of a certain Huo Xian, and there was no need to say more about what happened after that.



Now, Annie finally figured it out.

"That's how it is!"


She just said, how can it be done so well? After only half a day of work, a monster that was going to be served on the table was transformed like this. So, everything is because of that idiot Mo Caihuan littering things?

Why didn't that stupid guy think about it, no matter what, it is the peach core of the peach tree. It is the seed of the peach tree in the heaven that has been brewed for three thousand and nine thousand years before it matures. Just take it out to feed the fish, can it be okay?

"It's over!"

And at this time, Mo Caihuan finally collapsed slowly and slumped onto the cold floor in the kitchen.

The little girl monster really didn't talk nonsense. Before, she did soak the peach pits in that pot. She originally planned to soak it in the morning to plant it, but the result...

"I, my peach tree..."


If possible, Mo Caihuan really wanted to cry aloud. After all, not only did she lose her peach tree, but she didn't even eat fish. In the end, she had to be blamed by the master, saying that it was considered light to fetch water from a bamboo basket. of.

But she finally held back. After all, there was a little girl and a little girl in front of her. Although one of them was her own master and the other was a thousand-year-old beast, she was such a 'fairy' who cried in front of them. It's always a little out of place.



"Although the thin-skinned and tender meat looks delicious, it seems that he has indeed become a human, and it is not very edible!"

ε=(′ο`*))) alas

Reaching out her fingers, she squeezed the skin, face, and **** of the little carp spirit. After leaving a few fingerprints on the other person's body, Annie scratched her head, confirming that there really seemed to be no fish head with chopped peppers to eat at night.

"never mind!"


"From now on, it's up to you to take care of her!"

??(?? ̄? ̄)????

"That's it!"


After speaking, she pouted, knowing that the matter was irreversible, and Annie, who didn't want to save it, turned around and strode towards the hall of the mansion.


"Master, let me take care of her?!"

Hearing his master's arrangement and decision, Mo Caihuan immediately exclaimed in surprise.


"Xiao Li, thank the immortal for not killing him!"

After hearing Annie's words and making sure that he was completely safe and that he didn't need to worry about the fate of being served in a pot, the 'little carp' was startled at first, and then cheered and bowed again in the wooden basin.



"Are you sure you want me to take care of her?"

However, Mo Caihuan didn't think there was any surprise. She just felt a little frightened, so she could no longer care about the peach tree in her plan. She climbed up directly and planned to chase it out.

"Senior Sister Caihuan!"

"Please give Xiaoli a bow!"


"Please take care of me?"

At this time, after it was determined that she did not need to be killed to make the fish head with chopped peppers, the ban on the carp essence seemed to be lifted at the same time, so she suddenly jumped out of the wooden tub filled with water and stopped Mo Caihuan, who wanted to rush out the door, saluted and said slyly in a milky voice.

At the same time, she stretched out her hand and fell to the ground in the distance. The large kitchen knife that was rubbed with blood appeared in her hand, and she wanted to hand it to Mo Caihuan with a half-smile.


Teacher, sister?

Mo Caihuan didn't know what the other party's senior sister meant, but she only knew that the kitchen knife that she had sharpened quickly and sharply was now in the other party's hands, and that the other party was a thousand-year-old monster. She ate two of her peach pits, but she was just a little monk who had been cultivating for more than two months.


Although the little girl whose name is Xiaoli in front of her looks ruthless and cute, she is not much better than her master, but when she thinks that the other party is a thousand-year-old demon, she also ate two of her peach cores. , she was angry and scared.

Of course, I'm a little more afraid, after all, the other party still has a dazzling knife in his hand.

"I'll go get you some clothes first!"

After speaking, Mo Caihuan hurriedly rushed out of the door, chasing her master to the hall of the mansion, not daring to stay in the kitchen for a moment.



"Are you really serious?"

"Are you sure?"

"But she..."

When the thousand-year-old demon Xiaoli proudly threw away the knife and continued to stand in the kitchen looking out, all she could see was: Ahead, in the hall that was the main building of the mansion, some kind of light was lit up. There was a bright white light, and then, the fearful and anxious voice of her senior sister Mo Caihuan sounded inside.

However, she didn't know what the other party said.

Because ah, the other party deliberately lowered his voice at this moment, and he didn't know what he was saying to the flame fairy who seemed to be willing to take her hum..."

But she didn't mind, she just stuck her waist and didn't rush to find clothes to wear, so she started looking around and looking at the pitch-black kitchen.

Soon, she saw a bunch of red gadgets put together.


So, curious in her heart, she walked over, picked up one and put it in her mouth and tried to take a bite.


"Bah! Bah! Bah!"


"Hoo! It's so spicy!"

The next second, she spit it out directly, and stuck out that bright red and cute little tongue.

"It's so unpalatable!!"

"This kind of thing doesn't match the head of this carp at all!"


After he figured out what chili is, the thousand-year-old demon Xiaoli no longer wanted to stay in the dark kitchen, but turned around arrogantly, without waiting for Mo Caihuan to find clothes, and went barefoot. Go to the lighted hall.

Just a little, just a little bit, her koi carp was about to be chopped off by the woman and cooked with those red and unpalatable peppers!

But fortunately, she survived another disaster, and she was blessed by misfortune. She unexpectedly obtained a huge spiritual power and directly transformed into a human form. There is nothing better than this.


(?ω?) Monthly Pass

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