Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1927: ?(????)? Xujing chaos

In this way, the thousand-year-old big demon koi, who survived the hardship and escaped the fate of the table, finally 'jumped' over the dragon gate, and successfully settled in the Zhulin Garden and became the dual identity of the beast under the flame of the Great Immortal Gate and the younger sister of Mo Caihuanmo. One of them stayed there for more than a month.

After such a long period of contact, Mo Caihuan finally overcame the fear of monsters and gradually got used to the existence of each other.

Of course, she is only used to the existence of the other party. She has never been too accustomed to some of the other's vices, such as knowingly or unintentionally learning the temperament, behavior, and conversation style of her own master Annie. , I always feel that there are two masters in my family, but there is no other good way to do it.

For example, today, when she went out to meet her friends, the other party had to follow her for such a private matter. It was useless for her to talk about it, and in the end she had to let it go.


In the small pavilion by the bamboo forest, looking at the little girl who was lying on the side, eating cakes and tea, and seeing that the little girl was just a five- or six-year-old little girl, Xiao Cui'er, who was invited, was listening. After Mo Caihuan's introduction, he immediately jumped up.

"That is to say..."

"She's a little girl, is she really your new junior sister?"

"She was recognized by the Great Immortal Flame?!"

She stretched out her fingers, stared at the little girl with round eyes in shock, anger, envy and jealousy, and pointed at the little girl who didn't know what was better than herself, Xiao Cui'er didn't know what to say.


"That's what happened."

Mo Caihuan nodded and did not deny it.

However, her expression at this time was a little sullen, as if she didn't want to talk much.

Because, the person who was invited to come to Zhulin to meet today was originally that girl Zhao, but...the other party still didn't come, so Xiao Cui'er only asked Xiao Cui'er to send a message, saying that she was going to investigate what happened near Xujing recently. The incident of the loose repair being attacked and missing?

It sounds like it is really excusable, but Mo Caihuan also knows that it is just an excuse.


"But why?"

"Sister Mo..."

"Even she can worship under the flame of the Great Immortal Sect, why can't I?"

"It's not fair!"

Although there is nothing fair in this world, Xiao Cui'er still had a bitter face, and lay down on the bamboo table again, not even in the mood for the ongoing 'tea party'.


"She's not a beginner, but the master asked me to take her with me, and then we just called it sisters."

"It's probably like that, isn't it?"

Mo Caihuan said uncertainly.

Because that little koi really didn't go to Master An's door, nor to Wuzhuang Guan's door, she herself didn't know what Master Anni was thinking, but anyway, the other party somehow became one of them.


"Sister Mo..."

"No, it's Senior Sister Mo, can you take me with you too?

Xiao Cui'er had an idea, and she seemed to have thought of something, but she walked up to Mo Caihuan with a shy face, and asked with so much anticipation.



"Although I don't mind, but..."

"You can't get in without Master's permission!"

After hesitating for a while, Mo Caihuan could only say so helplessly, and gave Xiao Cui'er a look of shame and regret.


"If you can't even enter the door, then you can't be considered an entry-level disciple!"

After the little thought that I had just mentioned was instantly extinguished, Xiao Cui'er slumped down again and lay down on the emerald green bamboo table again.

"Do not worry!"

"Sister Cui'er, as long as there is a chance, I will definitely help you as soon as possible!"

"I promise!"

Looking at his only remaining friend in the Immortal Cultivation Realm, Mo Caihuan could only reassure her and try to assure her.

Of course, she wasn't just consoling, she really intended to do it.

If there is a chance, whether Master wants to accept new disciples or something else, she will definitely give priority to Xiao Cui'er first.


"Thank you, Sister Mo..."

However, Xiao Cui'er answered feebly,

She knew that her sister Mo was just comforting her, so she didn't take it seriously, but she was still a little sullen on the table and watched the lucky little koi junior sister from Sister Mo's house gulps. holding something.

Fortunately, Xiao Cui'er didn't know the true identity of the koi carp, and she also didn't know that the opponent was chopped off the fish head to cook and eat. Otherwise, she probably wouldn't be so envious now.


Jin Xiaoli, who was being commented and watched, didn't pay any attention to Xiao Cui'er at all, but just ate her food on his own, and glanced at the two people in the conversation from time to time.

In fact, she didn't have to follow her, but she was the only one in such a big family. She didn't want to stay in it all day, and she didn't want to jump into the lotus pond in the mansion after turning into a fish. I wandered around in the ditch, so I just had to come out, that's all, there was no other meaning.

"Sister Cui'er..."

"Miss Zhao, is she really going to find out the reason for the disappearance of the loose cultivator?"

After chatting for a while, Mo Caihuan suddenly asked about the thing that made her a little worried.

For one thing, it was because she felt a little hard to let go of the fact that she lost Miss Zhao's only friend in the world of immortal cultivation; in addition, she had been attacked by that strange person once before, so if possible, she would like to know more about it. more.


"Sister Mo, you don't know yet, do you?"

"During this period of time, I don't know what's going on. The disappearance of loose cultivators in our neighborhood has become more and more frequent!"

"Two more people were arrested last month, and the seven factions have been ignored. Therefore, we had to join forces and plan to investigate together."

"I originally wanted to go, but Grandpa wouldn't let me, and Sister Zhao wouldn't let me. They said that my cultivation was too low, so I'll cause trouble for everyone."

Speaking of this, Xiao Cui'er became even more frustrated and had to sigh again.

"I see!"

"I really hope they can find out the real culprit, and still have a bright world near Xujing?"

"Otherwise, when I go out on weekdays, I feel a little frightened!"

Nodding, then shaking his head again, Mo Caihuan also sighed.


Xiao Cui'er already knew about Mo Caihuan's rapid cultivation. When they first met, the other party was in the middle stage of foundation building. As for how much it is now, her level in the fifth layer of Qi training in this district must be There is no way to judge, so she can't help but ask a little strangely.

"Sister Mo, you are in the realm of cultivation, and even I can't understand it, are you still afraid?"

In fact, it was precisely because of this that she and Sister Zhao tried their best to worship the Great Immortal Sect of the Flame, but the result was unsatisfactory, so that Sister Zhao almost broke down because of this, and then never again. Dare to approach this bamboo forest, and every time she makes excuses for not coming, she herself has no good way.

"Why aren't you afraid?"

"You don't know, Sister Cui'er, I only have mana now, but there is only one supernatural power to escape, can I not be afraid?"

"If you haven't cultivated to a certain level of the basic magic of the sect taught by the master, you won't be able to comprehend or use those spells..."

"I may not be much stronger than you now."

In this way, Mo Caihuan also began to complain, and shook out all her worries and thoughts.

For example, 'Zhou Yi Xue' needs to reach level 20 to be able to comprehend the spell 'Exorcism' that removes all kinds of poisoning abnormal states, and the skill 'Xiaoxiang Xianyu' needs to reach level 20 to be able to comprehend the misty spell. If she is well-versed, let alone the 'immortal cultivation technique', if she does not reach level 25, she will never be able to use the 'Tai Chi biochemical' stunt that is specially aimed at the demon race, so she is also very helpless!

Now, even if she is practicing immortality diligently every day, after more than three months, she is only a mere tenth level. God knows when she will really achieve something?

Therefore, outsiders don't know her appearance and her cultivation, and they think she is really a 'fairy' master in the late stage of foundation building, but she herself knows that she's just a 'Fairy Mo' Its table is somewhat exaggerated.

"Is that so?"

"Sure enough, it is worthy of being a big sect. Even the foundation of learning spells must be so high. If you learn it at that time, how powerful will it be?"

At first, she was startled, but soon, Xiao Cui'er began to frantically envy, jealous and hate again.


"I have a lot of methods here, Sister Mo, do you want to practice them?"

Suddenly, Xiao Cui'er remembered the animal skin she and her grandfather picked up, so she planned to take it out and share it with her sister Mo Caihuan.

Anyway, she and her grandfather have both practiced, and they still have the ability to remember them. It's okay to lend Mo Caihuan for reference, and there is nothing better than this.

She thinks that even if her grandfather knew about it, he would definitely not blame her. After all, that thing was picked up, and it was not an unannounced secret of family inheritance.

Besides, even if it was inherited from the family, she didn't think that Sister Mo would be attracted to their loose cultivators.


"is it okay?"

Hearing Xiao Cui'er's words, Mo Caihuan was naturally eager to try.


However, at this time, the koi carp who had been silent and only cared about eating spoke up.


"Master Annie said, don't be distracted to learn those messy spells, you can still specialize in your Wuzhuang Xianjue."

Although she was a little girl, Jin Xiaoli still spoke to Mo Caihuan with the same commanding tone.



"I-I know..."

The next second, Xiao Cui'er was a little unbelievable that Mo Caihuan actually listened honestly?



After looking at the two for a while, Xiao Cui'er finally couldn't help but ask:

"Sister Mo, I remember..."

"It seems that you are the sister, and she is the sister, isn't she?"


"Why do you want to listen to her?"

Xiao Cui'er leaned over and asked in a low voice, although she had lowered her voice, the little koi could still hear it when she was so close.


However, Xiao Cui'er found that the little girl didn't say anything, just glanced at her inadvertently.


Shaking his head, if possible, Mo Caihuan really wants to tell the sister Xiao Cui'er, who has practiced the fifth level of Qi in front of her, that the little girl in front of her is not only her junior sister, but also a terrifying thousand-year-old monster. !

Moreover, it's still the kind of super monster who ate her two peach cores!

With the help of the 9,000-year-old peach core, the opponent's recent mana and Taoism have been rising steadily, and he has also arrogantly claimed that all the immortal practitioners near the capital of the entire Xu Kingdom are not their opponents. ... so, does she dare to disobey?

Moreover, even if the other party didn't need to cultivate her to oppress her, the other party ran to complain to Master Annie, that would be enough for her.

"never mind!"

"Sister Cui'er, you don't want to know."

However, after hesitating for a while, Mo Caihuan still didn't say that kind of unimportant thing in the end, so as not to frighten the other party, it would be bad.


Xiao Cui'er was a little puzzled.

"Don't say it, don't say it..."


"Sister Mo, you have to be careful recently, the monster that robbed the monks has come out again. Since he has been here before, he may come again in the future. You must be careful not to run around with food. "

As she said that, Xiao Cui'er also looked around subconsciously and found that the surroundings were calm and there was no danger before she reminded her so carefully.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine!"

Mo Caihuan is really not worried.

Because, not to mention her supernatural ability to escape, just the big monster bodyguard Jin Xiaoli beside her is enough for her to ensure her own safety.

"Still be careful!"

"You're not like me, I still have the breath-holding technique."

"Yes Yes Yes!"

"Then thank you sister Cui'er for missing you."

"As you please!"

"You have a master and a mentor, I guess that villain doesn't dare to continue to provoke you..."

"That guy only dares to catch the loose cultivator!"


"Is there such a thing?"

"of course!"

"Sister Mo, let me tell you, those caught are all loose cultivators, and there are many more!"

In this way, in the whispered conversation between Mo Caihuan and Xiao Cui'er, two friends, one big and one small, and the sound of "baaaahaha" from Jin Xiaoli's eating, the time passed quickly.

After two hours...


"It's getting late, Sister Mo, I'm going back. It's not safe when it's dark, or Grandpa should be worried."

"Sister Mo, you should go back early too!"

After saying that, Xiao Cui'er stood up and planned to leave Zhulin and go back to Xujing City.

"Not urgent!"

"I'll drop you off on the way!"

"Just in time, we're going to the city to buy something too."

Mo Caihuan thought about it for a while, and then suggested this.


"That's great!"

Since there is access, Xiao Cui'er will naturally not refuse.

"I am coming too!"

"I'm going to eat fish head with chopped peppers tonight!"

"Buy some big fish!"

Suddenly, Jin Xiaoli on the side also raised her small hand to indicate that she would also follow.


"You still eat..."

"You yourself are not..."

Because Xiao Cui'er was on the side, Mo Caihuan was a little hesitant to speak, and he didn't dare to say some words directly.

"How about we try another dish?"

"Braised ribs?"

"Tiger green pepper?"

"Salt and pepper green beans?"

So, she tentatively suggested.

Speaking of which, I don't know what's going on. The little koi carp in front of me seems to have been brooding about it since he almost died last month and heard the word 'fish head with chopped peppers'... Not long ago, when she seized the opportunity to cook that dish, it turned out that the other party was obviously a carp, but she still ate it. In the end, she became addicted to it for some reason, and she kept arguing every day to keep eating, so that She is not bothered!

"I do not care!"

"I'm going to eat fish head with chopped peppers!"

"Chopped Pepper Fish Head!"

“Chopped Pepper Fish Head!!”

Jin Xiaoli firmly waved her milky little hands and protested loudly, if she didn't give her food, she would turn her face or roll on the spot.



"You don't mind, then let's buy two big bass tonight..."

Mo Caihuan compromised, and then began to clean up the things on the table.


"Why do you have to chop the fish head with peppers?"

At this time, Xiao Cui'er asked in confusion.


"Sister Cui'er, you can't guess that she became my junior sister because of that 'fish head with chopped peppers'."

Mo Caihuan sighed, not wanting to recall what happened back ah! "

"What exactly is it, can you tell me?"

However, Xiao Cui'er was very interested, and then she moved directly towards the little koi carp, not knowing what she was trying to do.


Shaking her head with a wry smile again, Mo Caihuan continued to pack her things.

Of course she knew what that younger sister Cui'er was thinking. Although she wanted to persuade her, she didn't say much in the end.

Anyway, she knew that the matter of Junior Sister Jin Xiaoli was definitely impossible to copy. It was unlikely that the other party wanted to inquire about the situation and follow suit and become her junior sister.


ヽ(⌒ω⌒)? Remember the monthly pass

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