Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1928: |????) Magic Alliance and the Dispute of Dishes

Jinguyuan, this is the front line of the seven parties' anti-magic invasion of Xuguo.

The seven sects of Xu Kingdom are: Huangfeng Valley, Covering Moon Sect, Huadaowu, Qingxu Gate, Tianque Fort, Jujianmen and Ling Beast Mountain. The six sects of the magic way that fought against the seven major factions and tried to invade Xu Kingdom are: Hehuan Sect, Ghost Spirit Sect, Tiansha Sect, Yuling Sect, Demon Flame Sect and Thousand Fantasy Sect.

Right now, the seven major sects and the six demon sects are fighting against each other in this land, far away from the hustle and bustle and the mortal world. In the current state, no one can do anything about it. The confrontation only happens in the world of cultivating immortals. Therefore, For the time being, Xu Kingdom, which has not affected the mortal world.

At this time, in Jinguyuan, a certain Huangfenggu cultivator 'Big Brother Han', who is often mentioned by Fairy Mo Caihuanmo and used as a reference, is here. Fishing on the front lines.


"let me go!"


"Put me down!"

Is this not?

Using the cooperation of a group of puppets, he easily led a demonic spy to this hidden place, and then launched his own trap. In a harassment and siege, he easily gave it to him while exhausted and caught off guard. Take control and hang upside down.

"Who are you?"

"Do you know who I am?"

"Put me down!"

"Otherwise, there are hello..."


It's a pity that the scolding man in the devil's way still seems to be a little confused, and he still wants to struggle to resist and abuse, so he was easily immobilized by an immobilization amulet, and then he was hanged upside down without moving. under the big tree.


"Just order this?"

Looking at the guy who was caught and hoisted by his own tricks, then looked at the storage bag dropped by the other party and the 'meager' property in the bag, a certain person with a sanctimonious appearance, whose name is decent, but his behavior is different. Wretched, sinister and cunning, never playing cards according to the routine, 'Big Brother Han', who is even more magical than the devil, sighed and shook his head.

"I don't know what's going on recently. The magic path just sent these little characters out, and the harvest is far worse than before."

"That's it!"

"It's so bad, anyway, I didn't work in vain today!"

After he finished speaking, he didn't care about the magic way that was hanging and couldn't move, but just took the other party's things and turned around to prepare to walk away.

After all, it's getting late, and he should go back to the camp. Otherwise, if he is discovered and besieged by the people in the magic way at night, I'm afraid he won't get better.

'Roar~! ’



Behind him, the group of puppets quickly rushed towards the magic monk who had become a lamb to be slaughtered, and then a scream sounded.

And then, this hidden valley quickly returned to calm...

And almost at the same time, on the outskirts of the capital of Xu Kingdom, in the mansion of a great immortal family on the edge of the bamboo forest, the 'Fairy Mo', who was originally unable to cultivate immortals because he had no spiritual roots and was destined to die alone. At that time, she was skillfully busy in the kitchen, picking up dinner for her family's Master Annie and Junior Sister Xiaoli.

She had to be proficient. After all, Mo Caihuan was the only one who could cook and cook in this large and small Zhulin Garden. At the same time, she was the lowest in cultivation. Therefore, she was exploited by her master and her junior sister. Supervision and supervision, that is a normal thing.

Is this not?

Before she was done, her junior sister Jin Xiaoli couldn't wait to get into the kitchen and stared at the dishes she had just put on the stove with round eyes.


"One, two, three, four, five..."


First, he stretched out his hand and counted the number of hot dishes on the stove. Then, the koi suddenly raised the tone and screamed:

"Senior Sister Mo!"

"That's not right!"

"Why are there so few dishes tonight?!"

Listening to Jin Xiaoli's exaggerated voice, people who didn't know it thought that Mo Caihuan had done something hurtful.


"It's quite a lot, two meat, two vegetables and one soup, there are five plates!"

First, she turned her head to look at the stove on the side, and then looked at the serious little sister Li. Mo Caihuan, who was mentally prepared, did not seem to have reacted too strongly. She just concealed the expression on her face. After a certain embarrassment and embarrassment, he forced himself to smile and reassure.


"Usually, there are at least ten pots!"

Afraid that Mo Caihuan would not know how to count, Jin Xiaoli hurriedly raised her two Bai Shengsheng palms and said affirmatively.

"Ten pots!!"

"It's ten pots!"

At the same time, because of her milky and milky words, she directly referred to 'pan' as a 'pot', and combined with the little tiger tooth that was exposed when she opened her mouth, it looked so pretty and cute.

"This is..."

Opening his mouth, Mo Caihuan was speechless.

Because, usually there are as many as ten dishes of the three people's dishes, and today it is indeed a little less, this is irrefutable.

"That was before, there are only so many today!"

"There's only so much in the future."

So, after hesitating for a while, she had to confess to the other party truthfully, and made it clear that she could only follow today's specifications in the future, and the scale of the previous 'ten pots' would be gone forever .


"Senior sister, you are lazy!"

"People are going to tell the master later!"

"Let her spank you!"

"You wait!"

However, when he heard Mo Caihuan's words, the little koi no longer asked why, but raised his brows directly, and then threatened to sue and make a small report in a milky voice.

"it's not like that!"

"Little carp!"

"I'm not being lazy!"

Mo Caihuan hurriedly put down the spatula in his hand, then blushed, and hurriedly approached the other party to explain.

"Anyway, things are not what you think!"

However, she opened her mouth, but she didn't know where to start.

"You're just being lazy!"

"I'm not!"

"that is!"




"I've decided that I'm going to report to Master later, and then spank you with her!"

Looking at the poor five pots of vegetables, Jin Xiaoli decided that she was not just a threat, she had to put it into practice, so that the sister's buttocks in front of her could not be bloomed.



"Then I won't lie to you."

Originally, Mo Caihuan didn't want to say that kind of thing to her junior sister, but seeing that the other party was so messed up and wanted to sue him, she had to say it.


Hearing this, Koi Koi frowned.

"Hid me?"

"What do you want to say?"

She was indeed a little surprised. On weekdays, she and the cheap senior sister in front of her were eating, sleeping, washing, playing, and going out. The other party still had something to hide from her, which was really incredible. I'd love to hear it carefully.


"Little carp..."

"It's not Senior Sister, I don't want to make more dishes, but..."


Mo Caihuan didn't know what to say. Anyway, when things came to an end, looking at the serious-looking little guy in front of her, she suddenly felt a little hard to tell.


"What is it exactly?"


"Senior sister, if you don't say anything, I will definitely complain to Master!"


"I will report other things, like the one the day before yesterday?"


"I will still..."


"I said! I said it's not enough!"


"That's it, we're out of money!"

Finally, under the coercion of Jin Xiaoli, Mo Caihuan sighed in frustration and shook out what she didn't intend to say.



After speaking, the air in the kitchen instantly quieted down, and then, Mo Caihuan and her junior sister Xiaoli looked at each other like this.


"What does it mean to have no money?"

Blinking, Jin Xiaoli obviously didn't quite understand what happened to what her senior sister had decided to say after holding back for a long time.


"you do not know?"

Mo Caihuan was startled and asked subconsciously.


"Don't you know it's weird?"

And the koi carp answered with the milky voice of course.

"Yeah, I forgot, you're a monster in the shape of a beast..."

"It's only been over a month since I came here in Xu country."

Nodding, Mo Caihuan was quickly relieved.


"Money is a good thing. With it, we can buy a lot of vegetables, new clothes and fabrics and other things."

"And without it, we can't buy those!"

"Then we'll only be able to eat five dishes a night from now on."

Speaking of this, Mo Caihuan couldn't help but sighed.

She now understands that the saying 'A clever woman can't make a meal without rice' is not only applicable to ordinary people, but also to her 'Fairy Mo', who has begun to cultivate immortality. There is also no way to maintain a good life of ten dishes every night.

Is this not?

Not long after they settled here in Xujing, the lives of their master and apprentice had to be cut in half at the beginning. It had only been like this for more than three months. What will happen in the future, she is still worried now.

"So it is."

"Then Senior Sister, where can I find the money?"


"This, the rich and big family should have it, right?"


"Where are the rich and big families?"

"In the city!"

"There are too many big families in Xujing City.

In this way, one of them dared to ask and the other dared to answer, and Mo Caihuan seemed to be completely unaware of the seriousness of the matter.

"In the city?"

"That's easy!"

"Senior sister, let's go, go to the city!"

Jin Xiaoli rolled up her cuffs to reveal her tender and slender wrists before waving her fists, and then planned to lead Mo Caihuan out of the kitchen.


"What are you doing in the city?"

"I still have a soup to make!"

Mo Caihuan was puzzled, and she was reluctant to go out with the other party at this time, and she directly avoided the little hand that was reaching out to pull her.

"Of course I'm going to get the money!"

"Otherwise what do you think?"

The thousand-year-old big demon koi and the little carp spoke upright and arrogantly with their waists on.


"Where to get it?"

"In the city!"

"Senior sister, the big family you just mentioned!"


"But why did they give you money?"

"You don't need them!"

"We can take it directly by ourselves!"

She said in a milky voice, and at the same time, Jin Xiaoli raised her little fist proudly.

She was originally a thousand-year-old monster. Not long ago, she ate a peach core of a three-thousand-year-old peach and a nine-thousand-year-old peach. Now, not to mention how powerful the spiritual power is. Looking at the entire Xu country, except for their master Annie, She doesn't dare to ignore anyone, so if she goes to the city to find those big families to get money or something, there will definitely be no problem.


"Straight, take it directly?"

"Isn't that robbing?"

"No! No!"

"We can't do that!"

Hearing that her junior sister had such an idea, Mo Caihuan hurriedly waved her hand and sternly refused.

"Junior Sister Xiaoli!"

"It's not right to steal something!"

Then, she hurriedly stared righteously at the doubtful little face of the other party, corrected and preached.


"It's even worse without something good to eat!"

"I do not care!"

"I'm going to eat ten dishes!"

"Every day!"

Jin Xiaoli raised his face and looked at Mo Caihuan seriously.

She didn't know if other people's money was right or not, but she only knew that they had to eat ten pots of vegetables every day, and one less pot would not work, otherwise, it would definitely not be enough for the three of them.

"Anyway, it doesn't work!"

"If we don't have money, we can only earn it ourselves, not rob it!"

"That Senior Sister!"

"How do you want to earn?"

"This is..."

"Before, I relied on selling the medicinal pills that Big Brother Han gave me..."


"Then go ahead and sell some more!"

"I'd rather..."

"But the elixir is gone!"


"What now?"

"I do not know……"

"It seems that I can only find a job..."

Mo Caihuan said frustratedly.

However, she had never thought about this matter before. After all, she was already an immortal cultivator, and she was also called 'Fairy Mo'. Just thinking about it makes me sad.

In the past, she thought that immortal cultivators were the kind of immortal 'immortal masters' who were high up and down, and she had always admired and envied them. It seems that not everything is going as expected?



"What is work?"

Whether it was before or after the transformation, there was never a concept of 'work', and he always ate and slept, slept, ate, and awoke and wandered around, very much like a certain miserable little girl, master. Jin Xiaoli suddenly raised her tender little hands and asked.

"Work is work that earns money!"

"For example, if Senior Sister and I go to the city to practice medicine..."

"That should be able to make a lot of money!"

"Just like that, I'm afraid my practice will be delayed."


Thinking of this, Mo Caihuan couldn't help but sigh.

Cultivation is a waste of time, Mo Caihuan has long understood it, but if you don't go to work, let alone cultivating, I'm afraid she will starve to death soon, this fish and bear's paw She can still weigh the pros and cons between the pros and cons.

"Practice medicine?"

"Senior sister, where did those big families get their money?"

Jin Xiaoli still doesn't know what work is or what medical practice is. She just wants to get money, and then she can eat ten pots of vegetables every day. That's her goal, and nothing else matters.

"I don't know!"

"Maybe it's doing business, or getting people to work for them?"

"Have someone work for them?"

"Then they don't work themselves?"


"I don't know, maybe?"


"They can get rich if they don't work, so why don't we have any money if we don't work?!"

Soon, Jin Xiaoli found the contradiction in the conversation with her senior sister, so she couldn't help raising several pitches when she asked.


"I do not know!"

He opened his mouth, and finally Mo Caihuan lowered his head with a wry smile, feeling somewhat speechless.


"Senior sister, let's not go to work, let's just grab the money from those big families!"

"Since everyone doesn't work, why are they richer than us?"

"It's not like we can't beat them!"

After figuring out the key, Jin Xiaoli once again raised her little hand of the thousand-year-old demon, indicating that she can clean up those so-called big families by herself, and then make those who do not work instantly become. No money like they are now!


"No! No!"

"It's not what you said!"

"That's against the king's law!"

Hearing that her junior sister went around and finally came to the idea of ​​robbing a big family, Mo Caihuan was anxious, and was ready to tell the other party what a nobleman was, what was the royal law formulated by the imperial court, and What is etiquette, integrity and morality, etc.

However, how can those things be explained in a few words?

Therefore, in a hurry, even though she has a thousand words, facing this little carp junior sister who has been transformed from a thousand-year-old monster, she does not know where to start.





"What are you talking about here, is the food ready?"


Fortunately, when Mo Caihuan and Jin Xiaoli were entangled over something, their bad Master Huo Xian, who ran out to play crazy for a day and didn't know what to do, was finally came back.



"Why did you only order so much tonight?"


Soon, Annie noticed at a glance the pitiful five dishes on the stove that were a bit 'shabby' in both the style and quantity.


(● ̄? ̄●)

"Master! Master!"

"Senior Sister Mo said, our family has no money!"


"Let's go to the city to find those big families!"

Having said that, Jin Xiaoli no longer paid attention to Mo Caihuan, but ran to Annie for the first time, and continued to wave his fists, intending to let their master take them to the city to find money.



"What's wrong?"


Unsure of the reason, Annie looked at Mo Caihuan and directly gestured to the other party to explain the situation with her eyes.


"We're out of money..."

As a last resort, although I am a little ashamed to talk about it, I don't want that little sister Li who can only mess around with Mo Caihuan, so I honestly say that the family has no money at present, and the family may suffer some in the future. Affected things are said euphemistically.

"But Master, don't worry!"

"The disciple will soon find a way!"

Having said that, Mo Caihuan made a decision in her heart. She will go to Xujing city tomorrow to find a shop, and then open a medical clinic. After the fame is spread, she believes that life will definitely become rich soon.

Although that would affect her cultivation, she had priorities, and she couldn't care less about it now.

"So that's what happened..."


"Really, could you just say no earlier?"

ε=('ο'*))) alas

Looking at Mo Caihuan's embarrassed expression, and then looking at the pitiful dishes on the stove, Annie quickly understood the problem.

"The silver family definitely doesn't have one, but..."


"There is quite a lot of gold. Look, is this enough?"


Bang! !

Saying that, Annie waved her hand and threw a one-meter square gold ingot directly onto the kitchen floor, and then the nearly 20 tons of stuff instantly crushed and slowed down the bluestone floor of the kitchen. It sank slowly.


Seeing this, Mo Caihuan's eyes widened instantly and almost petrified on the spot, looking at the big gold ingot that was shiny and square.

"No one eats dinner!"



(ˉ▽ ̄~)Cut~~

Seeing the other party's expression, Annie, who knew it must be enough, turned around and left.

After all, of course she didn't like those few dishes, so she decided that tonight, the poor food would be given to these two stupid guys, and she would go back to the room and secretly eat the food from A great meal in the food world!


(● ̄? ̄●)

"So, this is money?"


"Is this money enough?"


"Enough is enough..."


"How long will this money be enough for us to buy groceries?"

"long time!"

"How long is a long time?"


"Enough for us to eat ten dishes a day for a thousand years!"


"Then if we eat twenty pots of vegetables a day, can we eat for five hundred years?"



"Hey! Little carp, don't move, it's very heavy!"


"Put the danger!"


"You stay away from me!!"

In this way, only after Annie returned to her master bedroom and closed the door, the exclamation of Koi Xiaoli came from the kitchen, followed by the frightened sound of Mo Caihuan.


( ̄~ ̄) Chew!

As for what the two were arguing about, Annie ignored it, because she was already eating her big meal.


?*. ?(ˊwˋ*)??*. Remember the monthly pass~


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