Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1929: ?|·'-'·) The Tribulation of Loose Cultivation

At this time, the dispute between the seven sects in the original place of the golden drum and the six sects of the magic way is still in full swing, and on the surface, the seven sects still occupy an absolute advantage, so they are protected by the seven sects and regarded as food towns The Xu country was still calm, and there was no sign of any turmoil.

However, the fact that ordinary people cannot perceive the turmoil does not mean that the world of immortals is still as peaceful as before.

In fact, because the seven major factions were busy fighting against the six sects of the magic road on the front line of Jinguyuan and had no time to take care of them for the time being, the world of immortals around Xujing, especially those loose cultivators, were almost alone at this time. A self-defeating mess.

I don't know why, from the time when the Six Sects of the Demon Dao invaded and the Seven Great Sects began to attack and resist the Golden Drum Plain, the activity frequency of the villain (or group) attacking the loose cultivators near Xujing became more and more frequent. It has become more and more frequent, so that in just half a year, more than ten loose cultivators have been poisoned, which can be described as very rampant and terrifying.


After seeing that the seven major sects didn't want to manage (actually, they didn't have time to manage), the loose cultivators who were unwilling to wait for their necks to slaughter spontaneously organized and established a cultivator who was trained by Qi or Dzogchen. The team formed by them began to investigate in depth the reason why the loose cultivators were attacked and disappeared.

After all, all those scattered cultivators who were attacked have disappeared, and they still don’t see people or corpses. As long as they are not fools, they can analyze it, and things are definitely not as simple as fighting or killing treasures that are common in the cultivator world. !

Before, the girl Zhao, who had completed her Qi training and wanted to worship the Great Immortal Sect of the Flame, was not available. In the end, Miss Zhao, who almost collapsed in her Dao Heart, joined the team to investigate the truth of the matter, and this investigation took three months. .

Now, time has passed in a blink of an eye, and those teams jointly organized by the elites of loose cultivators to investigate finally obtained an extremely important piece of information tonight, that is: the missing loose cultivator and a man named 'Black Is it related to the sect of the Shajiao, and the 'Heishajiao' seems to have some unclear connection with the Xu Kingdom royal family?

However, before they could continue their in-depth investigation and discover more information, and at the same time, before they could pass the news back, they were met with a frantic counterattack and siege by the Heisha Sect, so much so that the rest of the team in the same group was attacked. In less than a quarter of an hour, they were all arrested or died on the spot, leaving only the girl Zhao who escaped the catastrophe because of the cover of her fellow Daoists. The surrounding circle rushed out.

"Hoo! Hoo!"

Thus, the present scene appeared:

In the dark forest at night, Miss Zhao, who had completed her Qi refining stage, was running fast in front of her, and behind her, there were a large group of Heisha disciples dressed in black.

They were like a pack of wolves, biting frantically behind them, making it clear that they would not let her leave here alive.

"damn it!"

"These scum of the cult!"

Looking back, Miss Zhao, who knew that she would be unreasonable once she was caught up, had to grit her teeth and continue to squeeze her little mana, and then made her speed a little faster in order to get rid of it completely. The soldiers behind.



Must be faster! !

To be honest, those followers of the Heisha Sect are actually not very powerful, and most of them are only in the middle stage of Qi practice or below. If it is one-on-one or one-on-two, she has the confidence to teach them to go back and forth!


However, there are still too many of them, and they seem to be followed by the great monks of the Foundation Establishment period. Just now, their companions were taken down by those people one by one, so once they are entangled by the little pawns behind, wait. If those in the Foundation Establishment period catch up, then she will be dead.


However, as the so-called fear of what will come.

Just as this Qi training was complete, Miss Zhao, who was only short of a chance to enter the foundation-building stage, was going to work harder to get rid of the chasing soldiers behind her, and then immediately informed the scattered cultivators near Xujing of their three-month discovery. When we arrived, she was horrified to find that there were three figures waiting in front of her, blocking her way?


As a last resort, she hurriedly stopped, and after seeing the three people in front of her clearly, she immediately took a breath.

It turned out that it was not who was standing in front of her at this time, but the little prince, the housekeeper and the bald-headed blood servant of the Xinwangfu!

Especially the bald-headed Blood Servant, the opponent was a master at the early stage of foundation building, and just one person was enough to make her doomed, not to mention the chasing soldiers from behind and the two difficult guys behind the opponent.


Run away! !

The next second, the only thought suddenly appeared in her heart, and she immediately turned around and turned to the left, wanting to win that last glimmer of hope before the chasing soldiers behind the enemy surrounded her.

"Want to run?"

Seeing that the prey that entered the urn still wanted to escape, the bald-headed blood servant naturally refused.


Seeing him accelerate with a jump, he moved around in a very short period of time, and then, the vision of the electric light flint, had already intercepted it with a speed that was very incompatible with the sturdy body.


"Hurry up like a law!"


Edict! !


In a hurry, Miss Zhao didn't care about anything else, and hurriedly pinched a magic trick that she was best at. Then, while the mana was rapidly circulating, a thunderbolt fell from the sky and slammed directly towards the bald head's forehead.


The lightning hit accurately, and the lightning snakes swirled around the opponent's body.


Immediately afterwards, Miss Zhao, who knew that an ordinary thunderbolt might not be able to do anything to the other party's foundation-building cultivator, gritted her teeth again, instead of retreating, she moved forward. At the same time, she shook the long sword in her hand and pointed the radiant sword tip towards the other party. stabbed at the weak point of the throat.

She intends to use the paralysis of the thunderbolt and the attack of the long sword to force the opponent to give in, and then to find the last chance to escape the encirclement.


"The mayfly that shakes the tree!"


The bald-headed foundation-building cultivator snorted coldly, then stretched out his hand and grabbed onto her blade with his bare hands. After rubbing sparks and controlling the long sword, the other hand slammed toward her. She grabbed it by the neck.



A sense of suffocation came, and as a last resort, she let go of the long sword in her hand, and then used both hands and feet, and started kicking and hitting the opponent's body.

Clang! clang!

However, what she could never have imagined was that the body of this master of the Blood Servant's Foundation Establishment was actually inlaid with steel.


Then, as the throat was pinched, as the suffocation became stronger and stronger, finally, her hands and feet gradually lost their strength, and at the end, her eyes widened and her head tilted, and she didn't know anything.

"Congratulations, Lord Blood Servant!"

"Another cultivator who has practiced the Great Perfection of Qi has been caught!"

And seeing that the bald head succeeded, and seeing that the difficult woman was finally unable to run away, the butler of the palace greeted her and flattered her.


"You guys, take her back and give it to the sect master!"

"Don't make any more trouble!"

However, the bald-headed blood servant didn't even look at the person behind him, he just threw the woman in his hand to the ground, and gave instructions to the Heisha disciples who finally surrounded him.


"Follow your orders!"

Soon, as the girl Zhao was **** and resisted by Wu Hua, the dense forest that had been noisy for half the night finally gradually returned to calm, and Xu Jing in the distance was still the same as usual, and there was a little bit of noise. The lights, as if nothing had happened, were still the bustling and bustling scene.

And the fact is indeed like that. For a few days after that, the world of immortals around Xujing was still very calm. Those scattered cultivators didn't even know that the one they organized and sent out was completed by a group of Foundation Establishment or Great Perfection. The elite investigation team formed by the cultivators of , as early as a night a few days ago, was completely wiped out.

Isn't that?

On this day, in the bamboo forest outside Xujing, she had no idea what was going on. Fairy Mo, who was just immersed in her own small circle of cultivation and life, once again came to the pavilion in the bamboo forest with tea and snacks. , ready to wait for her friends to come to meet.

Yes, they are her friends.

Because, Mo Caihuan not only invited her sister Xiao Cui'er, but also sent an invitation to that girl Zhao. After all, they were the only two friends she knew in the world of cultivating immortality. There was a little bit of animosity, but she still planned to maintain that friendship well.


"This time's dim sum doesn't seem to be as delicious as the last time..."

"Uh uh..."

In the bamboo pavilion, without waiting for the guests to arrive, the thousand-year-old big demon koi and the little carp who was going to follow him once again stretched out his hand to eat.

And, ah, she ate it first, but she still made a very unreasonable and vague comment and complained.

"all the same!"

"Maybe it's because you've eaten too much recently, so you don't think it tastes as good as before."

Having said that, Mo Caihuan stopped paying attention to the other party.

During the recent period, because of the piece of gold that Master Annie took out, they have been living pretty well. Whether it is food, drink or use, they have all improved several steps, so that she will never use it again. Worrying about things other than cultivation.


Speaking of cultivation, when her friends didn't come, she had to raise her wrist again and immerse herself in the fiery red bracelet given by Master Anne.


Character: Mo Caihuan

School: disciple of Wuzhuangguan

Title: Taoist Fairy Child (pseudo)

Level: 5

Constitution: 65

Mana: 60

Strength: 60

Stamina: 55

Agility: 65

Basic martial arts: Qixingdun (level 10), Zhou Yixue (level 13), Xiaoxiang Xianyu (level 17), Immortal Cultivation (level 19)

Comprehend the sect spell: Douzhuanxingxue (comprehension condition: Qixingxun skill reaches level 1)


After several months of hard training, Mo Caihuan has achieved a lot of breakthroughs in the cultivation of immortals. Not only has the character level increased by two levels, but also the "immortal cultivation technique" that must be practiced in meditation every night and the sword that is practiced hard during the day. The method 'Xiaoxiang Xianyu' has made great progress, and the 'Zhou Yi Xue', which is often read and researched, has also benefited a lot. It is not too far from comprehending the supreme immortal method and becoming a real 'Mo fairy'.

Anyway, looking at her little progress, although it is still very slow, Mo Caihuan has become more and more confident and hopeful, and she is determined that she will become a real 'fairy' one day!

At that time, if Brother Han sees her again, I believe he will be very, very surprised, right?

In this regard, Mo Caihuan was already looking forward to it.

Every time she thought of her immortal energy falling from the sky, then raising her hand to dissipate the demons, and Big Brother Han's shocked expression, she couldn't help jumping wildly because of her cautious heart.


"Senior Sister Mo, stop dreaming, wake up!"

However, when Mo Caihuan was immersed in her bracelet, she was complacent and fanciful when she saw that she had made great progress in character data after three months. Suddenly, Jin Xiaoli, a junior sister on the side, interrupted her, and was very worried. Unceremoniously, he kicked her knee with his foot, making her come to her senses with a cry of pain.


"Sister Cui'er, why are you here so late today?"

Not bothering to rub her legs, Mo Caihuan hurriedly stood up and greeted Xiao Cui'er, who was floating like a bird from the bamboo forest in the distance.


"Is Miss Zhao still here?"

Then, when she saw that Miss Zhao's figure still didn't appear, she couldn't help but sighed a little lonely.


"Sister Mo, something big has happened!"

"Originally, Grandpa didn't let me go out at will, but I still sneaked out!"

However, before Mo Caihuan could say anything else, Xiao Cui'er took a step forward and said with a sad face, and looking at her like that, she almost didn't cry directly.


"What's wrong?"

"What happened?"

Of course, Mo Caihuan was a little unclear, but, seeing that something was wrong, she just hurriedly asked him to sit down in the pavilion, and then poured tea for him, sat next to him and asked a little puzzled. .


"Sister Zhao has an accident!"

"There are still a lot of people!"


"They are all……"

In this way, under the worried inquiry of Fairy Mo Caihuan Mo in the pavilion, and in the curious eyes of the koi carp, Xiao Cui'er whimpered, and the sister Zhao and the entire investigation team disappeared a few days ago. , and it has been basically confirmed that the news of the attack was said.


"Miss Zhao is missing?!"

Hearing that this was the case, of course, Mo Caihuan's eyes widened in shock and she stood up.

"Tell me now!"

"What the **** is going on?!"

Then, she hurriedly sat down and leaned over to ask.

"I do not know either!"

"That night, it is said that Sister Zhao followed everyone to investigate, and then..."


"Then she never came back, and so did the monks who went with her. So far, we haven't gotten any news from the monks who went to investigate."

"Many people have left Xujing now!"

"It's dangerous here!!"

With red eyes, Xiao Cui'er whimpered and told everything she knew.

In the past two days, the scattered cultivators near Xujing were frightened and began to feel threatened, so that Xiao Cui'er, who could go out freely on weekdays, was banned, and today she almost failed to come to the appointment.

"It's so serious?"


To be honest, if Little Cui’er’s sister didn’t tell her this, Mo Caihuan probably wouldn’t even know that the situation in the Immortal Cultivation World near Xujing had become so bad and serious.

"Sister Mo!"

"Is there anything you can do?"

"Can you go and save Sister Zhao and the others?"

Then, Xiao Cui'er, who was desperately ill and went to the doctor, began to plead, hoping that Sister Mo, who seemed to be in the late stage of foundation building, could think of something.


"Feel sorry!"

"Sister Cui'er, I don't know what to do either..."

Although she really wanted to help, after thinking about it, Mo Caihuan finally lowered her head in frustration.

She didn't lie, because she really didn't have any good ways to fight the enemy right now. Her level of Immortal Cultivation and Xiaoxiang Immortal Rain were still very low. Therefore, for that girl Zhao, she was really helpless.

"Junior Sister Xiaoli?"

So, as a last resort, she turned to look at Junior Sister Xiaoli beside her.

She can't help herself, and the master is often away from home, and she doesn't dare to ask for it easily. However, the junior sister in front of her is a thousand-year-old demon. If there is anyone else who can help, Mo Caihuan thinks it must be right or wrong. The other party is none other than that.


"Want my help?"


"Do you know where she is?"

Jin Xiaoli heard the conversation between the two of them just now, so of course she knew what her senior sister's eyes meant, so she didn't bother and asked directly.


Mo Caihuan was stunned for a Then she hurriedly turned her head and looked at Xiao Cui'er next to her.


However, Xiao Cui'er opened her mouth, but in the end she couldn't say anything.

"Isn't it over?"

"You yourself don't know where she went, whether she was caught, or where she was taken, let alone whether she died, you don't know anything, how can I help ?"

"Besides, it's been so long, maybe it's been eaten long ago!"

Smacking his lips, the little carp spread out his hands without any hesitation, indicating that the two of them don't need to waste time anymore, what should they do, for example, eat everything on the table before them?


Saying that, she picked up another snack and ate it.

Anyway, she had never seen that girl Zhao, so she would definitely not mind whether the other party was alive or dead.



However, neither Mo Caihuan nor Xiao Cui'er had the carefree temperament of Jin Xiaoli, so how could they still be in the mood to continue their tea party?

At the same time, they were not in the mood to say anything else, they just sat in their respective positions, their heads bowed, not knowing what they were thinking.


|??ω?`) Where is the monthly pass?

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