Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1930: (*^o^) Curiosity killed the cat

In view of the fact that Xujing's land boundary has been a little unstable recently, Mo Caihuan didn't dare to go anywhere for the past two days, so he just stayed at home and practiced hard, and this house lasted for three full days.


However, the strange thing is that today Mo Caihuan didn't read the book attentively, but suddenly threw the "Book of Changes" in his hand as a reference, and then lay on the desk and sighed, not knowing whether it was Worry about something.

"Xiao Li, you said..."

"When can I become as good as you?"

Mo Caihuan asked a little sullenly.

Ever since she learned about Miss Zhao's accident from Sister Cui'er the day before yesterday and the state of the Immortal Cultivation Realm near Xujing, especially the situation in the Loose Cultivation Realm, she has become like this in the past two days. She is always a little absent-minded when she is cultivating.

Of course, it wasn't that she was worried about her own safety or that she was attacked by that monster-like evil cultivator again, but she felt that Sister Xiao Cui'er had found her, but she, Fairy Mo, couldn't help her. I always felt that I was a little useless, and I always felt that the name of 'Fairy Mo' was a bit exaggerated, and I was brooding about it.


"As powerful as me?"

The koi lying on the squat was stunned, and then she jumped up with a straight carp and sat cross-legged on the squat, blinking her eyes, and turned towards the one who was lying on the desk not far away. Up, Mo Caihuan, who neither read nor practiced, glanced at it several times, but did not rush to speak.


"What's the matter, is there any problem?"

Aware of her junior sister's strange eyes, Mo Caihuan felt a little inexplicable, so she couldn't help sitting up straight, looked at her clothes, and adjusted her makeup before asking strangely.

"Naturally there is."

"Senior Sister Mo!"

"Let me ask you."

"How long have you been cultivating?"

Jin Xiaoli didn't rush to explain, but just asked strangely.


"I'll do the math..."

Mo Caihuan really hadn't calculated this question carefully, so he couldn't help recalling it subconsciously.

"At that time..."

"I was separated from Brother Han in the desert. Before that day, I was still opening a medical clinic in Yanjiabao, and then the Ghost Spirit Gate sacrificed seven disciples in Yanjiabao blood. Fortunately, Brother Han blocked the enemy's pursuit and we were lucky. escaped."


"At the post house inn in the desert, Brother Han let me down and asked me to come to the capital with a motorcade. That's when I met Master."

"So, it should be more than six months, right?"

This is really not ignorant, but a shock!

In this way, even Mo Caihuan couldn't believe it. Before she knew it, she had been practicing for more than half a year.

It's no wonder that what people often say, "there is no time for cultivation", is actually quite reasonable, isn't it? She herself can't really feel the passage of time, and she always thought that it would not be long!

"Do you know it's more than six months?"

"You have only practiced for more than six months, and you want to compare the Taoism of the Great Immortal Ben Li for more than a thousand years?"


"The mirror is over there, you'd better take a look yourself!"

After saying that, after indicating the location of the expensive crystal mirror not far away to Mo Caihuan, the arrogant koi lay down on the soft slum again and continued to hold her huge hydrangea on it. Have fun.

"Why look in the mirror?"

Mo Caihuan first subconsciously asked.



But soon, she reacted instantly and knew that it was the fish who was making fun of her.


However, after thinking about it, she also knew that the other party was right.

She was indeed a little too hasty, so she had to snort and give up, and sat down in her chair again, sulking.

"If only I could comprehend 'exorcism', 'corpse exorcism' and swordsmanship earlier, at least I can help a little bit..."

"Otherwise, I, an immortal cultivator, always feel a little weird..."

While talking, Mo Caihuan lay down on the table again, her face full of frustration and annoyance.

Xiao Cui'er's younger sister only practiced the fifth level of Qi, but she admired the skills, spells, and other talismans that the other party knew.

"Senior Sister Mo, you are already very competent!"

"You just have to keep working hard, and you will soon reach the level of the immortal cultivator. The focus of your practice is on 'dao' rather than 'skill'.

"Furthermore, it takes at most one year to reach the stage of forming an elixir. If you say that kind of thing, you don't know how many others you will envy!"

"But you'd better never say it!"

Jin Xiaoli lay there, raised his feet and stepped on the hydrangea while playing, and at the same time he didn't forget to point to the ink ring.


"But I don't think it's so powerful?"

"It's still a pill..."

Flat mouth, Mo Caihuan seems a little disapproving


"You don't need to form elixir, because you are not cultivating immortals now, you are already a fairy child of Taoism."

"You just need to concentrate on cultivating."

Suddenly, Jin Xiaoli seemed to remember something, and hurriedly added.

Because of her high morality and strong mana, she was given the responsibility of supervising and caring for Mo Caihuan's cultivation by their master Annie, so she was told a lot of things.

However, it is her own business whether to perform that duty or not.

"I know, you've said it many times!"



"Xiao Li, isn't Master very powerful?"

"At that time, didn't you see her make a move? What was it like?"

At this moment, Mo Caihuan remembered another important thing, and then hurriedly put down the book in his hand that he couldn't concentrate on reading for a long time, but asked with great interest.

Although it has been half a year since the apprenticeship, Mo Caihuan is indeed the master Annie who has never seen them. One is that there is no chance, and the other is that the other party never ran out to play. Take them, so the only reference she knows on weekdays is the formation that no one but the three of them can get in, and the thousand-year-old demon who was beaten up by Master Annie and brought back to cook. Little Carp Junior Sister.



Poof! !

Hearing Mo Caihuan mentioning something, the little koi who was lying on the slack and playing with the hydrangea suddenly froze, and then the hydrangea naturally slipped from her tender white feet in the air and slumped. Then rolled to the ground.

"Can you tell me?"

"Junior Sister Xiaoli?"

Seeing the other party's reaction, Mo Caihuan felt that there was a door. Then, even more interested, she left the desk and ran to the other party's soft side, sat down and begged.

"You really want to know?"


"How much do you think?"

"really want!"


"of course it's true!!"


After confirming, suddenly, the koi hurriedly got up and sat down on the soft slump. Then, she stretched out her hand thiefly, and then a golden bubble appeared on her hand.



"I don't want to ask you to make a wish. Besides, your wish is not very good!"

Seeing the golden bubble, Mo Caihuan, who thought that the other party wanted to trick him into making a wish, straightened his face and waved his hand in rejection.


"It didn't work because you made a random wish!"

"How can there be a direct wish to immediately reach the full level and learn all magical spells?"

"That kind of thing shows that it is beyond the ability of making a wish!"

It's okay not to mention this, but when he mentioned this, Koi angrily reprimanded and protested.


"What is beyond the scope of ability?"

Mo Caihuan narrowed her eyes.

She remembered what happened not long ago. At that time, the little carp in front of her excitedly ran to her and told her that she had realized a talent and magical ability that could satisfy a person's wish, so let her try it?


Just like now, the other party made a golden bubble, and she also tried to make a wish, but in the end nothing happened, the other party just tricked her.

"There are many!"

"For example: if you can eat 20 dishes tonight, you will have 20 dishes tomorrow!"


"When you go out, remember to buy me a candy man and..."

With that small face, Jin Xiaoli solemnly pointed her fingers and talked about all the things that her innate supernatural power can do.


"What you said, I can do it without making a wish!"

"never mind."

"Tell me what this thing is for!"

After shouting to stop each other, Mo Caihuan hurriedly changed the subject, and asked again about the little bubble floating in front of the two of them.


"Senior sister, didn't you just say you wanted to know Master's strength?"


"You'll know when you touch it."

Although he was very dissatisfied that his words were interrupted, Jin Xiaoli still didn't say much, just pushed it gently, and the bubble slowly floated to Mo Caihuan again.

"Touch it?"

"and then?"

Subconsciously, Mo Caihuan stretched out his hand.


The next moment, just after she finished speaking, Mo Caihuan just felt that the golden bubbles seemed to have a huge suction force, and directly sucked her whole body into it.

but in fact……

She was not sucked in, but her consciousness was sucked in, and her body was still sitting sideways on the soft slump, but her expression became a little dull and her eyes were dull.

"Senior Sister Mo?"


"Don't be curious about everything!"

Looking at Mo Caihuan's appearance, Jin Xiaoli first unhurriedly stretched out his hand and pinched the opponent's handsome face and nose, and then jumped off the soft collapse with cheers and rolled towards her. The hydrangea under the desk ran over.


At this time, Mo Caihuan opened his eyes after twirling around, and was surprised to find:

She herself, for some reason, turned into a big carp swimming leisurely in the water of a large river?

And, she also found that she was observing the surrounding waters in some strange cross-eyed way?

'! ! ’

'Sister! ’

'Junior Sister Xiaoli, what's going on? ! ’

'Hey! ! ’

"Junior sister?!"

Of course, Mo Caihuan, who was horrified, shouted loudly after she figured out her situation.

But unfortunately, she soon discovered that she didn't seem to be able to really speak, and she couldn't control the fish's body, she just entered the fish's consciousness and swam with the fish.

Furthermore, her junior sister Jin Xiaoli did not answer her, nor did she explain to her why it became like this.

'Hey! ’

'Senior sister? ! ’


'what? ’

When Mo Caihuan cried out mournfully in the fish's body for a while, and when she was screaming Tiantian should not be screaming, she was surprised that one of her cross-eyed fish's eyes actually came out of the fish. One side saw the scene of the shore, and saw a small red figure that seemed to be distorted by the refraction of light on a pebble?


'It's Master! ’

'Very good! ’

'Master! save me! ! ’

'I am Caihuan! ’

'Master! ! ! ’

Although the figure became a little distorted and turbulent due to the refraction of the light and the turbulent water surface, she still recognized the other party at a glance, and while her big fish swam towards the other party, she did not forget her heart. Shouted loudly.



Unfortunately, Mo Caihuan found in despair that her master couldn't seem to hear her cries, and was still sitting on the pebble by the river, letting her bare feet dangle in the cold and clear water and play with the splashes Son.

'! ! ’

'That's not right! ’

Soon, in addition to despair and anxiety, what made Mo Caihuan feel even more terrified was: she found out that the big fish she possessed seemed to have bad thoughts about her master?

'Master! ’

'careful! ! ’

Because, after circling and observing for a while, it actually began to circle around the blind spot of the opponent's side, and then slowly approached?

'not good! ’

The ink color ring that is attached to the fish and feels the fish's every move, how can you still not know what this big fish wants to do?

'Master! ’

'Run! ! ’

'Danger! ! ’

So, she screamed and struggled again, even if she couldn't make a sound at all and couldn't control the big fish's movements.

'! ! ’

'Master! ! ! ’


The big fish lurked to the side of the pebble with the current, and in the screams of Mo Caihuan, suddenly the fish tail broke through the water and flew into the air, and then directly opened the mouth of the blood basin, facing the man sitting on the pebble. The little girl who was playing in the water flew down and was about to swallow it in her mouth.



"People have been waiting for you for a long time!"


In the next second, Mo Caihuan was very fortunate that her master seemed to have been prepared, but when the big fish's huge mouth was about to swallow it, he ducked and ducked. He also quickly grabbed the tail of the fish.


Bang! Bang!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Without waiting for Mo Caihuan to react to what happened, she could only feel a whirlwind and severe pain.

Then, before she finally passed out of coma, she faintly realized that the tail of the big fish she possessed seemed to be caught by her master, and she went back and forth on the river viciously many times. She slapped and slapped the ground again and again, until she twitched, until her eyes rolled, until she didn't even have the strength to 'talk' and fainted?



Opening her eyes again, Mo Caihuan only found that she seemed to have returned to the big study at home.




Of course, after she felt the whirling sensation, she fell to the ground and retched.


"Senior Sister Mo, now you know how powerful Master is?"

When Mo Caihuan wanted to spit out something but couldn't spit out anything, Jin Xiaoli had already picked up her big hydrangea toy and walked to Mo Caihuan who was pale and weak. Just ask to That's right!

Just now, she used magic to separate out her memory and let Mo Caihuan 'put herself in the shoes' to experience the whole story of her koi carp when she met their poor little girl master, and to experience them personally. The powerful master of the Great Fire Immortal.

Of course, she let the other party feel the most important part, but she didn't fully reveal the cause and effect.

Although, at that time, she had no intelligence and no transformation, but Jin Xiaoli felt that she could grab the fish body of her thousand-year-old monster and slap her back and forth on the river dozens of times, directly knocking her out. To stun them alive and smash the demon pill to pieces at the same time is enough to get a glimpse of the tip of the iceberg of their master's strength.


Mo Caihuan raised her head and glanced at her thiefly smiling junior sister with difficulty. Then, with an ugly face, she just wanted to open her mouth to say something, but in the end she didn't hold back, her eyes were white, and she was gorgeous. He fell softly to the floor of the study.

"do you died?"


He stretched out his hand to probe Mo Caihuan's pulse, and found that it was still beating very vigorously, and Jin Xiaoli finally felt relieved.

"Fortunately, not dead!"

Then, she didn't even go to help or do anything else, she just climbed onto the soft slump again, and played with her hydrangea again.


(=^▽^=) Remember the monthly pass~?

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