Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1931: (*???*;) Flame Fairy is the devil?

Time flies, but the Seven Great Sects and the Six Sects of Demon Dao are still fighting desperately in a place unknown to mortals, and the winner has not yet been determined.

On this day, on the front line of Jinguyuan, in the increasingly large camp of the Seven Sects, the immortal cultivator 'Big Brother Han', who has been haunted and worshipped by Mo Caihuan, was suddenly given to him by his master Li Yuanhua. Please come to the tent for tea.

Of course, there is no other meaning, just drinking tea and talking about things.


"You mean..."

"Let me go to the capital?"

"at this time?"

I didn't say I didn't know, but when I said it, I was shocked. Anyway, Han Li was slightly taken aback.

Originally, Han Li thought it was because of his outstanding achievements during this period of time, and then he was called by his master to prepare a reward and try to send a few treasures by the way. The other party actually wanted to leave the front line where he could openly kill people and win treasures and make meritorious deeds in exchange for treasures at this critical time when the seven major factions and the six demon sects were fiercely competing, and went to Xu Jing, which had nothing to do with it. This is what he wanted. do not understand.

"Yes, Master!"

"Why is this?!"

You must know that he has really accumulated a lot of military exploits during this period of time, and he is ready to exchange for something, but now he is leaving in a hurry, he is more or less reluctant.


"It started a long time ago."

"I think back then, my teacher was still a disciple in the Qi training period, and I just joined Huangfenggu not long ago..."

Looking at the apprentice who has performed well recently and has a stable temperament, he is somewhat reluctant. As a last resort, Li Yuanhua had to briefly recount the whole story from beginning to end.

It turned out that when Li Yuanhua was still an ordinary disciple of Huang Fenggu during the Qi refining period, a fellow apprentice brother once took action to save his life, and just like that, the two forged a cause and effect.

But who would have thought, that senior brother was actually an unfortunate person who died in a trial...

Afterwards, after Li Yuanhua built the foundation, under his repeated visits, he finally succeeded in finding the only son of the senior brother.

Originally, Li Yuanhua planned to take that senior brother's belly under his sect, but who would have thought that the senior brother's only son was also an unfortunate person. He had no spiritual roots and could not cultivate?

As a last resort, he had no choice but to settle for the next best thing, swearing that in the lifetime of his life, he would protect the wealth and safety of his family from generation to generation.

As a result, the only son of the senior brother and his descendants, under the arrangement of Li Yuanhua, settled down in the capital of Xu State and spread their branches and leaves. Now, they are the fourth generation, that is, there are almost a hundred people. years.

"I see!"

"Do you want your disciple to go to Xujing?"


"It's good, why bother them?"

Nodding his head, he first sighed at Master's high righteousness, and then Han Li asked again with some confusion.

As the so-called separation between immortals and mortals, in Han Li's opinion, since the descendants of the uncle are already in the fourth generation, they should not bother and interfere too much, and it should not be at this time. Move him away from the front line, especially before Han Li's own plan is completed.

"I don't want to either."

"In the past, the battle in the world of immortals never involved the mortal world, but this time, you don't know that the thieves of the devil's way actually shot directly and wiped out the secular dynasty of Jiang country!"


"I'm very worried, they will do the same in Xu country, and that's it."

Speaking of which, Li Yuanhua sighed.

"Because of this, the teacher wants you to take a trip on your behalf and go to Xujing!"

"You just need to keep an eye on it, it's best if it's all right, but if the devil really takes action against the world, as a teacher, I hope you can protect the family's well-being."

With that said, Li Yuanhua took out a genealogy and handed it to Han Li.


Although he was a little unhappy, but the teacher's order could not be violated, so Han Li had no choice but to stretch out his hand and prepare to take it.


"This matter can only be regarded as a personal entrustment by a teacher. It is very taboo for cultivators to meddle in worldly affairs. Han Li, do you understand?"

Li Yuanhua let go of his hand and handed the genealogy into Han Li's hands after he explained it again.


"Disciple must live up to Master's entrustment!"


"Right now, the Seven Sects are facing off against the devil's way. It's time for my disciples to eliminate the devil and defend the way. Now that the disciples have left the front line and headed to Xujing, wouldn't it be a little bad?"



"Okay, Han Li, be the master of the master. Even if you have completed a sect mission, as for the military exploits in this place, your share is indispensable, and you will not suffer any losses!"


"Thank you, Master!"


"You have always been cautious, and you don't have to explain much to your teacher, so things are settled."


"Master, this disciple obeys!"

"go Go!"



"A fellow Daoist of the Covering Moon Sect recently led a team to perform a mission near the capital city. I happened to pass by this place. Why don't you take her flying boat along the way, so as to hide people's eyes and ears?"



"Go early and come back early."

In this way, at the frontline camp in Jinguyuan, Han Li gladly took over the business trip to Xujing, and prepared to take this opportunity to take the opportunity to escape and go to the more secure hinterland of Xu country to do some private work for his master Li Yuanhua.

Now, his Dayan Jue has reached the first level, and the Qingyuan Sword Art has reached the fifth level, and he has entered the middle stage of foundation building. During this time, he has killed more than ten foundation building players of the same level before and after Jinguyuan. Cultivator, it's time to take it as soon as possible and it's time to leave.

After all, the attacks of the Demon Dao are getting more and more intense. With the passage of time, the camps of the seven major factions will soon become the front lines. He, a small foundation-building cultivator, is simply a low-level cannon fodder. Staying here, there is no telling what will happen at that time!

Therefore, now that he has the opportunity to leave early, he will accept it as soon as he sees it, and he will definitely not refuse him with an extra credit to Master.


What Han Li didn't know was that when he packed up his things and all kinds of trophies and was about to leave the camp of the Seven Great Sects and take a flying boat of a senior of the Moonlight Sect who had a 'relationship' with him, he went to Xujing for a business trip. On the outskirts of his home, in that small pavilion in the bamboo forest, another 'Fairy Mo', who also had a lot of ties to him, finally made up his mind and was going to personally investigate the recent intensifying attack in the Xujing loose cultivator world. case.


Character: Mo Caihuan

School: disciple of Wuzhuangguan

Title: Taoist Fairy Child (pseudo)

Level: 8

Constitution: 78

Mana: 63

Strength: 63

Stamina: 63

Agility: 68

Basic martial arts: Qixingdun (level 12), Zhou Yixue (level 20), Xiaoxiang Xianyu (level 25), Immortal Cultivation (level 19)

Has comprehended martial arts:

Star Wars (Comprehension condition: Seven Star Escape skill reaches level 1)

Exorcism (Comprehension condition: Zhouyi Learning skill reaches level 20)

Misty Rain Swordsmanship (comprehension condition: Xiaoxiang Xianyu skill reaches level 25)

Ethereal Form (comprehension condition: Xiaoxiang Xianyu skill reaches level 20)


"Sister Cui'er, don't worry!"

"This time, I, Mo Caihuan, will not make those cult thieves feel better!"


The reason why Fairy Mo Caihuanmo was able to reassure that Xiao Cui'er in such high spirits was precisely because, after nearly a year of 'hard' training, she finally succeeded, and the character level reached the eighth level, and that 'Zhou Yi Xue' and 'Xiaoxiang Xianyu' made great progress, and she finally realized the Wuzhuangguan sect's 'repelling corpse' supernatural power, which can relieve all kinds of poisoning, as well as 'Misty Rain' and 'Mischievous'. On the sword.

Although the supernatural powers and swordsmanship were just the first glimpse of the door, and they still need to continue to be refined in the future, but now she can't bear it anymore, she just wants to show her 'Fairy Mo' divine power well, and let the scattered people near Xujing. Xiu and those thieves who specially attacked loose cultivators know her reputation as 'Fairy Mo'!


"But, Senior Sister Mo, do you know who those thieves are and where do they live?"

Unfortunately, without waiting for Mo Caihuan to continue to say something to Xiao Cui'er, in this bamboo pavilion, which had already turned a little yellow due to the passage of time, the koi carp who had to follow me out of boredom was once again. He said rudely, as if he poured a basin of cold water on her directly, which made her calm down instantly.



"Sister Cui'er, do you know more information?"

Mo Caihuan, whose face became a little embarrassed after being hit by her junior sister, hurriedly looked at Xiao Cui'er, who wanted to see if the other party could give her some more important clues.


"I do not know……"

Xiao Cui'er was very happy to hear that Sister Mo was finally able to help, but she didn't seem to know more about the situation than the other party.

"I only know that the elder brother of Li's family in Chengdong was attacked last month..."

"And then, three months ago, it was Sister Zhao and the others..."

"And this month, before half of it has passed, several people have disappeared."

"Furthermore, they are all casual practitioners in the middle and late stages of Qi Refining..."

As she talked, she remembered the sister Zhao who had a good relationship with her, and that the other party had been missing for more than four months, and now she must be Xiao Cui'er, who was already fierce. On the bamboo table, his eyes became rosy at the same time.

"Miss Zhao..."


Thinking of that girl Zhao, Mo Caihuan couldn't help but sigh.

"Sister Cui'er!"


"Are there any more clues?"

Knowing that sighing was useless, Mo Caihuan asked again.

Since some things have already happened, they cannot be undone, and now, the first thing she has to do is to find the initiator before more disappearance cases happen, and then completely eliminate the other party!

As for whether she could eliminate those thieves who frequently attacked the loose cultivators, she didn't care too much.

Because she couldn't turn to her junior sister Xiaoli for help. The other party is a thousand-year-old monster. With the help of two peach cores, it is said that there have been nearly two thousand years of Taoism. The 'Fairy Mo' who also wastes most of the spiritual energy can compare.

Besides, if Junior Sister Xiaoli can't do it, they can still turn to their master Annie for help, but the other party is the flame fairy who can easily defeat the thousand-year-old demon with one hand. Presumably Master will not refuse to help eliminate demons and defend the Dao.



"I remembered!"

"Recently, there is a loose cultivator from the Xinwang Mansion in the city. I don't know what the details are. The other party is very high-profile, and he has become the Immortal Master of the Xinwang Mansion. Grandpa suspects that this person may be related to the recent disappearance of the loose cultivator?"

"However, Grandpa is only suspicious. After all, that person is too high-profile. He is completely different from our loose cultivators near Xujing, and he is also an outsider..."

"And there's..."

While she was talking, Xiao Cui'er suddenly stopped and looked at Mo Caihuan, she seemed to have something to say, but she didn't say anything, she seemed to stop talking.


"What's wrong?"

"Sister Cui'er, if you have anything to say, just say it!"

Seeing the other party's expression of wanting to say something and then wanting to stop, Mo Caihuan couldn't help but feel a little baffled, and hurriedly opened his mouth to ask again.

"Sister Mo, don't be angry when I say it..."


"Why should I be angry?"

"Then did I really say that?"


"Just say it!"

"Is such that……"

"There is also a rumor in our scattered cultivating world that it is... Recently, a mysterious monk has come to this bamboo forest, and his disciples are making rapid progress in their cultivation. Since then, the frequency of being attacked and missing has become more and more frequent, so..."


So what, Xiao Cui'er didn't dare to say any more, she just looked at the sister Mo Caihuanmo, whose face was gradually becoming dull and stunned.

To be honest, if she hadn't been very familiar with Sister Mo in front of her, she might have doubted it.

Think about it too, a person who has just practiced for less than a year has almost or completely reached the realm of an alchemy cultivator. That kind of terrifying and unheard of cultivation speed, if it wasn’t for some kind of crooked way, who would Believe?

And it just so happened that in this year, dozens of loose cultivators in the late stage of Qi training were missing near Xujing, and it was even more so that Sister Mo entered the country so quickly. All these coincidences combined, Even Xiao Cui'er sometimes couldn't help but doubt the other party and that Great Flame Immortal.

Poof! !


"I see. It turns out that Senior Sister Mo and Master Annie are the big devils?"



At this time, Jin Xiaoli, who was sitting on the sidelines, couldn't help it. She first spit out the tea she had drunk in her mouth, and then Mo Caihuan and Xiao Cui'er, who were sitting opposite, had their faces covered. , then laughed unbridled and danced.


Wiping her face, Mo Caihuan first glared at her junior sister, and then she looked at Xiao Cui'er, who was also embarrassed in front of her.

To be honest, after what the other party just said, Mo Caihuan also suddenly felt that she and her master Annie, who saw the beginning and the end of the dragon, were indeed quite suspicious?

However, she knew that in the past year, she had been cultivating with great concentration, and only now did she understand several immortal methods and sword tactics of Wuzhuangguan. Where did she have the time and motivation to attack others?

As for the flame master in her family, let alone!

She knows better than anyone else that the master Annie in her family is only interested in delicious food. Moreover, the other party never eats people, and he will never eat intelligent creatures with intelligence. Otherwise, the current Junior Sister Xiaoli It was already made into chopped pepper fish head and served on the table.


"Sister Cui'er, do you doubt us too?"

So, after analyzing it, Mo Caihuan, who knew the cause and effect, first smiled bitterly and sighed, and then she looked at Sister Xiao Cui'er in front of her with bitterness and anxiety.

"Of course I don't doubt it!"

"Otherwise I wouldn't be here!"


"According to what Grandpa said, at present, you and Xin Wang's Mansion are the most suspicious!"

Sticking out her tongue, Xiao Cui'er made a face at Mo Caihuan.

She really doesn't doubt that the sister Mo Caihuan in front of her did it, because, as she knows, even if it **** people's skills, it can't increase so fast, and it only takes a year to reach the late stage of Foundation Establishment, or even to form an elixir. The level of is really too appalling.

Furthermore, the breath of Sister Mo in front of her is very light and pure, which makes people want to get close, just like the other party is really a fairy who has been exiled from the fairyland, and how is it possible that such an existence is possible. Is it the kind of evil cultivator that **** people's skills?

Anyway, Xiao Cui'er doesn't have much doubts about Sister Mo and the Great Flame Immortal she has never been fortunate to meet, and her intuition also tells her that the matter must have nothing to do with the other party!


Looking at Xiao Cui'er's expression, Mo Caihuan finally breathed a sigh of relief after knowing that her only friend was not suspicious of her like anyone else.

"Is it the Xin Wang Mansion?"

"I understand."

Then, she quickly made up her mind.

Now, she can understand that, whether it is to clear her suspicions or to eliminate demons, she must intervene in this matter, and must investigate that Xin Wangfu!


"Sister Mo, what are you going to do?"

"Do you need my help?"

In this way, while a thousand-year-old demon who was also heartless continued to gloat and laugh at misfortune, Xiao Cui'er and Mo Caihuan got together and were ready to investigate the recent attacks on loose cultivators near Xujing. and the disappearance case.


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