Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1932: (???)1 Scared the old man Han

Due to various reasons, Han Li didn't dare to stay on the giant flying boat of the senior who covered the Moon Sect, nor did he dare to accompany the other party to Xu Kingdom. Instead, he hurriedly disembarked from the boat in Yuanwu Kingdom, and then finished. After some of his personal affairs, he flew to Xujing, the capital of Xu Kingdom, by himself, and after several days, he finally arrived.

"Is that Xu Jing?"


"As expected of the capital of Xu Kingdom, it looks very imposing. It does look bigger and more prosperous than Yuanwu Kingdom."

Looking into the distance, looking at the huge and square Kuaiwei city on the ground under the clouds, Han Li, who was flying in the sky, couldn't help but sigh with emotion.


"Speaking of which, I didn't intend to come here..."

Originally, Han Li thought that he might never come to such a place in his life, but he had no choice but to come here this time. Ink girl.

Of course, he didn't think much about it, he just had a flash of thought and some sighs.

After all, Miss Mo and his immortals are separated from each other. Although they have a deep relationship, it is destined that there will be no further intersection. In addition to the matter of the Covering Moon Sect, he does not even dare to accept the senior sister Chen Qiaoqian and feeds him several times. After the other party took Wangyou Pill, how dare to think about that mortal girl who doesn't know where she is?

Besides, Xujing is so big, and it is also a big city with hundreds of thousands of people. Where is it so easy to run into each other?

And even if the real one met, it would be fine. For Han Li, a woman would only affect the speed of his immortal cultivation. No matter what, he would definitely not be able to accept a woman easily, not to mention that the other party was just an insane person. Gen is destined to be unable to cultivate immortals, and is destined to be an ordinary person who cannot keep up with his pace.

However, if it was another woman, the one from the Covering Moon Sect, that would be another matter.

But thinking about those are useless, that woman is not easy to provoke, the entanglement between him and the other party is just a beautiful accident, and he does not dare to expect too much to cause disaster.

In a word, he is still only in the middle stage of foundation building. If he doesn't work hard, he will only be able to look up to each other for the rest of his life. Therefore, he doesn't have the heart to think about those messy things now, he just wants to hurry up. Complete the entrustment of Master Li Yuanhua, handle and arrange the affairs of Xu Jing's family, and then leave here quickly, then go back to Huangfenggu to practice well, and quickly break through to the later stage of foundation building, that is the top priority.

"That's it!"

"It's useless to think too much."

"There are many mortals here, and there are many people with mixed eyes, so don't be too public."


"You can't fly in directly, and you can't wear Huang Fenggu's robe. It's too conspicuous. I don't know if there is any magic eyeliner nearby. If you think about it, it's better to just get away and land, and then go into the city in disguise."


Thinking of this, after the plan was settled, Han Li had a thought, and the dark green boat under his feet swooped down, away from the city and the road, towards the mountain stream and lake that seemed to be inaccessible and should not be crowded. Dive down.

Soon, Han Li, who was flying down quickly, took control of his Flying Cloud Boat and stopped across the lake in a hurry, and then stopped steadily at a height of only one foot above the lake.

Boom! !

However, although the flying cloud boat under his feet was controlled and stopped, the turbulent airflow and the air squeezed at high speed were still blasted on the lake surface like cannonballs, and splashed everywhere. While the ripples were violently rippling, there was also a muffled thunder-like sound of breaking through the air.


"The scenery of this small lake in the mountain stream is good. It looks like a beautiful place."

"It's a pity that it's too close to Xujing, and it will inevitably become a place of disputes in the future. Otherwise, it would be good to open up a cave to retreat here."

As the ripples on the lake surface gradually calmed down, looking at the surrounding lake environment and feeling the tranquility and the condensed aura of the weather, Han Li couldn't help but let out a sigh.

Naturally, although this place is good, it is still a little worse than the cave house with a spiritual spring that he opened in Huangfeng Valley. Moreover, the concealment here is too poor. Although ordinary mortals can't easily reach here, they can't resist it no matter what. He lives as a monk who can fly, so his idea just now is just an idea, and it will definitely not be easily put into practice.


Suddenly, a crisp sound of a hard object hitting the Feiyunzhou display under his feet sounded.


not good!

In the next second, Han Li, who realized that he was being attacked, made a decisive decision. Thinking that there was an ambush, he directly copied out a magic talisman between his **** and was ready to activate it at any time, and then a shield like a turtle shell blocked it. In front of him, he turned sharply at the same time and looked in a certain direction behind him.


But soon, pulling one hair and moving his whole body, he was about to fight back, but he was shocked to find:

At this time, the person behind him was not an enemy of the magic way or an ambush monk, but a man sitting on a boulder on the shore of the lake, stepping on a long green bamboo fishing rod under his feet, and holding another A pebble and a little girl staring at her angrily?



That's right, the one who is fishing here is a certain wicked little girl, Anni!

Of course, Han Li didn't know.

"Blame uncle!"


"It's rude of you to fly down like this, you scare away other people's fish!!"


Annie had nothing to do today and wanted to eat and swim in the water. Then, she found such a mountain lake with strong spiritual energy in this mountain more than ten miles outside Xujing. She thought that there might be some delicious food here. The demon she, of course, came directly here and began to catch fish.

But who would have thought, her fish didn't take the bait, but such a weird guy flew over instead?



He looked at the other party up and down, looked at the other pebble in the other party's hand, and then looked at the other party's playful bun and bright red festive clothes. Han Li, who didn't feel any spiritual power fluctuations in the other party, quickly recognized it. It was just an ordinary little girl, but he still glanced around vigilantly.


"Only you?"

After seeing that there were no houses and no adults around, Han Li couldn't help being a little surprised. He didn't know how the little girl in front of him came here and fished by the lake.

"Do you live nearby?"

"How dare you come to such a place alone?"

Immediately afterwards, he asked strangely.

After all, it is only more than ten miles away from Xujing, and if some big family or dignitaries build a summer resort near this blessed land of Lingshan, then it seems that this little girl is not too strange to appear here. thing?

"none of your business?"


It's a pity that Annie didn't give him a good face. Instead, she glared at him again, and then, in disgust, she forcibly threw the other pebble in her hand.


It's a pity that the pebble that was thrown very accurately flew to the front and back and was controlled by Han Li with a spell, making it impossible for him to get close to him at all.


"You see, I'm not an ordinary person, I'm a cultivator, you're not afraid of me?"


With a wave of his finger, the pebble was thrown into the lake by Han Li, and a small splash was splashed directly. Then, he controlled Feiyunzhou to slowly move towards the other side, while he was spared. asked with interest.

He was already thinking, the other party would soon kneel on his knees and call him Immortal Master, then he would reprimand the other party, give him some favors, and then leave here.


∑('△')? !

"Immortal cultivators are amazing, can immortal cultivators disturb other people's fishing?"




"This place is so big, it's not good for you to fly, why do you want to fly to the lake?"



However, Han Li was stunned to find that the little girl in front of him didn't buy his account, and didn't seem to care about his status as a 'immortal cultivator' at all, and even stood up and turned around angrily Pointing at his nose and scolding him?


To be honest, if someone else had dared to reprimand him like this, Han Li would have thrown him into the lake to punish him.

However, considering that the other party is a clever and cute little girl, plus she is innocent, so he decided to endure it for a while.


Then, after thinking about it for a while, he made a magic trick with a set of movements in his hands.

Edict! !

In the next second, several big herrings twisted their bodies and were picked up by him using the fairy method, and then floated to the surface of the lake.



"What are you doing?"


Blinking, looking at the fish that the other party caught, Annie couldn't help but feel a little puzzled, not knowing what the other party wanted to do.

"Aren't you going to go fishing?"


"I'll give you the fish, so we can be counted as clearing each other, right?"

Although he was a little unhappy that he couldn't see the expression of amazement or surprise on the other's face, Han Li still floated the fish and slowly placed them on the grass behind him, and let them jump there. Fluttering.



"It's not this kind of fish that people want to catch!"


Unfortunately, Annie still kept her face straight and did not buy the other party's account.


This time, Han Li was at a loss. Then, feeling that the little girl in front of him was a little difficult to serve, he carefully looked at the other party's fishing rod for the first time, trying to see what kind of shrimp or crab the other party was trying to catch.


"You fishing rod, you have no line or hook..."

"What is this for?"

Then, when Han Li could see the fishing rod clearly, he burst into laughter.

Then, he shook his head, not intending to continue messing around with such an unreasonable little girl, and prepared to turn around and leave to go about his own business.



"It's here!"


However, at this moment, Annie Go suddenly cheered excitedly and rolled up her sleeves, not knowing what to do.


"Who's coming...?"


Han Li was a little puzzled, and he was about to say something when his heart suddenly shuddered, and after he couldn't think about it, he suddenly controlled the flying cloud boat under his feet and flew a few dozen steps away.

Wow~! !

Next second!

In his stunned mouth, he saw a huge, thick body, probably two or three meters in diameter, with an unpredictable body length, a bulge on the head, and tentacles around its mouth. He rushed out from under the lake, opened his mouth and bit the little girl.

"not good!"

There was an exclamation in his heart. Although Han Li really wanted to do something, he had to admit that he was too late to react.

After all, it is a powerful monster, let alone a sneak attack. Even if it is a head-to-head confrontation with him, he is at the level of the middle stage of foundation building, and it is estimated that it will be difficult for him to do anything, so he cannot react more. He could only watch helplessly as he opened his huge mouth and rushed towards the little girl.



However, facing that Han Li was a little trembling when he saw it, and facing the behemoth that was about to turn into a dragon, the little girl not only was not afraid, but unexpectedly cheered?

Then, something even more unbelievable happened to Han Li...

"caught you!"


All he saw was that the little girl cheered and grabbed the beard of the eel, which was likely to have been practised for hundreds of years, and then slapped it on the ground behind her fiercely!

Rumble boom! !

In the midst of the loud noise and the swaying of the ground, the eel that was about to turn into a flood was smashed into a huge and deep ravine more than 100 meters long in the forest behind her!

Then, it twitched for a while and then stopped moving, and gradually shrank after the demon core burst and the aura dissipated, turning into a big eel only as thick as an arm and as long as three or four steps.

"It's done!"


Cheers again, and then Annie rushed forward and used a cane to cross the slippery autumn. Even if she was beaten back to its original shape, there would still be at least a dozen catties of eel. mouth, and then lifted it up contentedly.



"Shu Mi, look, they have caught the fish they want to catch!"

(? ̄? ̄?) Hey!

That's right, the fish that Annie wants to catch is such a big eel.

And although her previous fishing rod had no line or hook, she herself was the best bait, so even though there was a little accident in the middle and was disturbed by a strange slut, she couldn't help but take the bait. .



"Shi Mi..."


"Remember next time, don't disturb other people's fishing by flying around, otherwise, they will beat you up!"

o('^') o Humph!

After finishing speaking, she waved her small fists and stared at the stunned man who was standing on the small jade-like wreck, and after a strange threat from some unknown person who was thinking of something, Annie snorted coldly. With a sound, he dragged the big eel in his hand and walked away proudly.

Tibbers can testify, if it wasn't for knowing that the other party didn't do it on purpose, Annie would have smashed the other party together with the boat a long time ago!

Of course, the most important thing is that this sly big eel was not frightened away by the other party, and the eel casserole that was promised at night didn't soak in soup, otherwise, even if it wasn't intentional, she would have to beat Anni Huo Daxian severely. The other party can't stop.


(● ̄? ̄●)


Be good!

"It seems that's previous concerns are indeed correct."

"Xu Jing is actually hiding dragons and crouching tigers here. That little girl just now is an old monster who has practiced for many years. At least she has Yuan Ying cultivation base, right?"

"Next, you have to be more careful and low-key!"

He was dumbfounded as he watched the little girl use brute force to knock out the eel monster, which was likely to have been in the way of hundreds of years. While stunned and smacking his tongue and his legs trembling, he was also secretly vigilant and muttered a warning to himself.


"It's better to leave here first!"

Having said that, Han Li hurriedly released a flying sword, and then began to fly at a low altitude, flying towards another place that was completely opposite to the direction that the little girl left just now.

He decided that this time in Xujing, he must be careful!

In other words, his own life comes first, and Master's task is second, and there must be no reluctance!

At the same time, you must keep your eyes open on weekdays, and you must not easily provoke a powerful cultivator who is hidden in the mountains like the unknown little girl who just left. Otherwise, he may die at some point. Dao Xiao, that's not worth it.


?(ˊ〇ˋ*)? Remember the monthly pass~

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