Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1933: ?*. ?(^?^*)??*. Go for a big meal!

The sun outside Xujing began to slant westward.

At this time, because of the capture of an amazing good thing, Annie, who was preparing to add vegetables in the evening, returned home more than an hour before the meal.

"Master Anne!"

"you are back?"


"What is this?"

"A snake?"

So, when Annie swayed back to the courtyard of Zhulin Xiaoyuan with the big eel in her hand, the koi carp, who was alone at home, suddenly jumped out of the lotus pond in the courtyard and was the first to greet her. Came up, and at the same time did not forget to look curiously at the thing Annie was carrying.

"It's not a snake!"


"It's an eel!"


"Haven't you seen it?"


Annie was a little dissatisfied and asked strangely, but she didn't stop the other person from coming forward to observe carefully and reach out to touch.

"never seen it."

Koi Koi shook his head.

"Is there such a fish in the river?"

"It looks like a water snake, but it doesn't have scales..."

For such a small thing, Jin Xiaoli said that when she was still a tyrant in the river, she would never take a second look at this kind of thing. She was looking for the kind of big grass carp or big herring, like This kind of thing with little meat, she has always been too lazy to take a look, so naturally she has no impression.


"Why does it still have a beard and a bag on its head, it's strange!"

After looking at it for a while, Jin Xiaoli suddenly exclaimed, saying that the fish in front of her is not like a fish, and the strange 'fish' that the snake is not like a snake is a bit beyond her imagination.

"It should be about to turn into a Jiao?"


Annie said, and picked it up proudly.

"Give it hundreds or thousands of years, and maybe it can turn into a dragon!"


Of course, that's definitely not possible now.

The spiritual energy in this world is very rich, and in the same way, the spiritual energy on the body of this big demon who has not opened the spiritual wisdom and has not changed shape will be even more intense. , the aura in its meat is not comparable to ordinary beasts or fish, and things like this are the best when cooked, not worse than those legendary delicacies in the food industry.


Hearing this, Koi Koi was shocked and angry.

"Such an ugly little thing wants to turn into a dragon?"

She doesn't understand, why do you want to turn into a dragon for everything from cats and dogs?

And like her koi carp, whether it's a human or a fish, it's beautiful and cute, and it doesn't matter if you want to transform into a dragon. The one in front of you needs to have no scales, no color, and it looks smooth and feels smooth to the touch. It's really outrageous that the sticky thing wants to turn into a dragon!


"Can't let it turn into a dragon!"


"Let's eat it now!!"

So, Koi hurriedly suggested righteously.

"Of course it's eaten, otherwise why would people bring it back?"

(ˉ▽ ̄~)Cut~~

"You don't know, it's hard to find something that is old but has no intelligence. This time you will eat it!"


Saying that, Annie glanced at a little girl who was a little shorter than her with some malicious intent.

Back then, she could almost eat the delicious fish head, but unfortunately, the Mo Caihuan messed up and screwed up the matter.


∑('△')? !

"Where's our cook lady?"


Then, Annie suddenly discovered that the guy who is always greeted at the first time on weekdays, her cheap apprentice, maid, maid, and chef, the young lady's ink painting did not seem to see it, let alone in the yard. , even the kitchen and wing room were quiet, which made her feel a little surprised.


"She went to the city to investigate some devil's information."

Jin Xiaoli didn't want to pay attention to the ink color ring, but just leaned in front of the 'eel' that looked as thick as her arm and about two or three meters in length and sniffed, and then smelled a strong fishy smell She couldn't help wrinkling her little nose.

Anyway, she definitely won't say: Because this Sanxiu near Xujing is suspecting that the Great Fire Immortal is the big devil, and then Mo Caihuan is a little bit angry, so this is why he hasn't come back until now, and wants to investigate as soon as possible The truth of the matter?


"How do you eat this fish?"

In short, compared to the world of ink color ring, her koi carp is now obviously more concerned about this staple food tonight.

"Of course it's cooked and eaten!"


"Is it possible that you can still eat it raw?"


Annie didn't want to answer such a stupid question.


"is it not OK?"

Jin Xiaoli said that she used to eat it raw. After all, there is no way to make a fire in the water, and she can't make a fire.

Of course, that was the old old Huangli before her transformation. Now, she is used to eating cooked food. What she eats raw is just casual talk, and it can't be taken seriously.

"Of course not!"


"you do not know!"


"People managed to catch it, and it was almost disturbed and destroyed by a hateful monster in the middle of it!"


Now Annie is still a little unhappy, because she thinks of the cultivator who almost ruined her good deeds.

A guy in the middle stage of foundation building dared to come to her Annie Daxian and pretend to be a big-tailed wolf, I really don't know what to say! And if it wasn't for time, or if she caught this eel and hurriedly brought it back to cook, she would have to give the other party a good look!


"Anyone dare to provoke Master?"

"Where is he?"

"Little carp go eat him now!!"

First startled, then, Jin Xiaoli hurriedly shouted and shouted to express her loyalty, and directly waved her small arms that were also milky white and said while biting her little tiger teeth.

"People don't even know where he is!"


That guy, that self-righteous immortal cultivator was scared away by Annie long ago. Even if he went to that lake now, the other party would probably be gone long ago, and it would be in vain to go.



"Kin Xiaoli, I told you that eating people is wrong!"


It's rare that Annie, who usually only knows that she's going crazy, stares at the door guarding beast Koi in front of her and reprimands her.

"You can't be like a bear, thinking about eating people all day long!"


That strange uncle or something, even if the other party is a bad person, it's better not to eat indiscriminately. What if you accidentally eat it and break your stomach?

After all, the other party is not a shadow creature like the bear, and can directly burn the other party's body and soul!

Besides, even her little bear, Tibbers, she wouldn't let it eat people casually. As for the 'arena' that it kept in private, and the apprentices who liked to steal her and eat her, it was just a matter of Exception, she doesn't want to worry about the kind of things you love and I want.


(● ̄? ̄●)

(Tibbers said that the uncle bear also has a choice to eat people. He usually only eats those tender meat with smooth mouth, and like the strange uncle the two of them just said, he can tell at a glance that he is The old rough stuff, it doesn't have any interest!)

"Don't eat, don't eat!"

"Then I'll kill him!!"

The koi carp is the next best thing, indicating that people can not eat it, but they must be killed!

And her Daxian Li Daxian for more than two thousand years will definitely have no problem in killing a cultivator or something.

"never mind."

ε=('ο'*))) alas

"I won't tell you, let's think about it first, how to cook this big yellow eel!"


With that said, Annie began to change the subject and was a little frustrated.

Originally, she wanted to eat 'casserole and eel pot', but the chef was not at home, and she was not very good at cooking herself, nor did she want to waste good ingredients casually.

After all, the "Prawn King" in the previous world had learned from the past, and the giant eel in front of her was even rarer than the King Prawn, so she would definitely not mess around.

"How to cook?"

"I know this!"

"Master! Master!"

"I've seen Senior Sister Mo cook, just chop it up and throw it into the pot, then add water and set it on fire!"

The koi carp volunteered and said while pretending to be very skilled.

Then, she hurriedly turned around and rushed to the kitchen, and quickly rushed out again after a while.


"You leave it to me!"

At this time, she had a large kitchen knife with the amount of snow in her hand, and she planned to take the eel from Annie's hand and chop it into pieces with a knife. The same chance as her to gain intellect and change shape.

In any case, she had determined that there could only be a big monster in this yard that transformed into her koi carp, and she would never be happy for another ugly yellow eel to compete with her for favor and food!



The other party's rhetoric, just listening to it, feels unreliable.



"I just chop it up and throw it in the pot, can I still eat it?"


Therefore, of course Annie refused to let the other party mess around, and hurriedly carried the big eel and moved aside.

"Can't you?"

"But I saw Senior Sister Mo doing that..."

Looking at the big eel, and then looking at the big Xueliang kitchen knife in his hand, the koi carp felt a little innocent.


"Master, let's try it, cook half of it first?"

Then, she still asked a little reluctantly.

Although she has never cooked, she promises that she has basically seen it.

Senior Sister Mo's ten-level ten-level cooking skills, although she dare not say that she is deeply inherited, but at least she has learned a point or two. I dare not say more about other dishes, but to deal with a mere eel in front of her, she can at least learn it. There are also eight or nine points of confidence that it can be cooked and the soup will be boiled out.



"Not even half of it! It doesn't work anyway!"

o('^') o Humph!

Annie is not happy to give the other party the ingredients she finally caught, otherwise, she might as well bake and eat alone in the wild!

However, in that case, it will definitely not be delicious, and it may even be very fishy?


"Then what?"

No way, Jin Xiaoli had to slowly put down the big kitchen knife in her hand, and stared at the big eel, indicating that she had nothing to do.

"Senior Sister Mo can't come back today, so I'll tell you two!"

"Shall we just stare at it?"

Then, she wailed in frustration, expressing her dissatisfaction that a certain Huo Xian master despised her cooking skills.

"Maybe, when Senior Sister comes back, we will all starve to death!"

"Even if it doesn't starve, it stinks!"

Naturally, starving to death is an exaggeration. The two of them would not starve to death even if they didn't eat for several years, but it was true that the eel would stink and rot.



"Let people think about it first..."


Annie began to think.

Because she knew that what the other party just said was right, they couldn't have been waiting at home for the chef Mo Caihuan who likes to meddle in his own business. If the other party didn't come back tonight, maybe the eel in his hand would be real. It stinks, and then you can't really eat it.

"That's it!"


"Let's go to the city for a big meal. By the way, let the chefs of those restaurants help us cook this casserole and eel pot?"


As long as the mind does not slip, there are always more solutions than difficulties!

No, Annie soon came up with an excellent solution and suggested it out loud.


"Big, big meal?"


“Go for a big meal!”

"Going right now!!"

Hearing that you can go to a big meal, of course, there is no reason for the koi to refuse.

Because she knew that if she went to eat a big meal in the city, it would not be enough for Senior Sister Mo's mere ten pots of vegetables. At that time, she and Master Annie could eat as much as they wanted, even one People can eat twenty, thirty or even forty pots without any problem!

"Master Master!"

"Teacher help you hold it!"

First, he threw away the big kitchen knife in his hand, and then the koi came forward cheering, and snatched the big eel from Annie's hand, which was at least twice her height. .



"Would you like to wait for that guy to come back?"


Annie did not act immediately, but asked hesitantly, and the person she said was waiting was naturally the guy Mo Caihuan.

"Wait for her to do?"

"Don't wait!"

"Master, let's just leave her a message!"

"She can cook herself anyway!"

At the moment of the feast, how can Koi Koi take care of her sister Mo Caihuan?

In fact, let alone a mere senior sister, if she had a choice, between the big meal and the titular master in front of her, she would choose the former without hesitation!



"Then don't wait for her this time, let's go!"



"Set off!!"

Jin Xiaoli followed behind and and dragged the big eel directly, happily following behind her master Anne's ass.

“Have a big meal!!”

In this way, two little girls, one tall and one short, arrived at dusk. Before the sun set, they left their home one after another and dragged the giant eel like a python into the bamboo forest. He jumped towards the Xujing South Gate a few miles away, and at the same time, he directly forgot a certain Mo Caihuanmo Fairy who didn't go home on time.


ヽ(*^?^)People(^?^*)ノ Remember to ask for a monthly pass~


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