Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1934: Old Demon Han was shocked to hear of 'Fairy Mo'

Xujing, South Gate.

Standing outside the magnificent south gate of Xujing, he first looked at the city wall that was several tens of meters high, like a mountain, and then looked at the strong soldiers standing at the parapet and arrow stacks above. Finally, Han Li was nothing. Without saying a word, he pressed the straw hat on his head and looked at the ordinary farmer's clothes he was wearing. He was sure that there would be no problem, that he would not be recognized by others, and then he finally took a step forward and walked towards him. Go to the bustling south gate.

He is not sure if there is anyone in the magic way in this Xujing, and he is even more uncertain if he has the terrifying power of fighting monsters with his bare hands at the landing point. Therefore, for the sake of safety, for the sake of his own life For the sake of it, he had to disguise his identity and act in a low-key manner.


"What a bustling Xujing!"

Soon, after paying a few copper coins for the city entry tax, he successfully entered the southern city and saw the bustling Xujing streets and countless business travelers.

"It's unbelievable..."

"The world of immortals has broken its head. It has been fighting for nearly two or three years, but Xujing is still prosperous here, and I don't realize it. It's really rare!"

"It seems……"

"Master Li Yuanhua is right. The seven factions really rarely interfere in the affairs of secular dynasties. Presumably, this task given by Master is quite taboo in the sect. I have to be careful. I can't use anything I say. Act as Huang Fenggu!"

After watching for a while and thinking about it, Han Li quickly knew what he should do in Xujing this time, that is: be careful and keep a low profile.

As long as the task can be successfully completed, it is good. As for other things, it is best not to intervene easily, so as to avoid unnecessary trouble.


"The front line of Jinguyuan is tight, and the magic way has destroyed the royal family in Jiang country. I don't know how long this tranquility here will last?"


After a sentimental sigh at first, Han Li shook his head and continued to walk forward.

He could already imagine that if their seven factions could not resist the invasion of the Devil Dao, once the Devil Dao army came to the Xu Kingdom, even if the Xujing had a city wall and countless elite soldiers, it would collapse in an instant. , the royal family in the royal city will no longer exist!

That is the gap between mortals and cultivators. If none of the seven major factions can resist them, let alone this mere mortal dynasty.

"I don't know what happened to the ancient teleportation array that Qi Yunxiao repaired..."

"I really don't want to use it one day."

I don't know why, but Han Li always felt that the situation of the seven major factions was not good, and the decline was becoming more and more obvious.

Therefore, he felt that it was time to prepare to retreat, and he must improve his cultivation as soon as possible, and since the Jinguyuan frontline camp had already escaped, he could never go back.



Suddenly, Han Li, who was thinking about his thoughts while walking, was accidentally hit by someone, but when he turned around with a frown, he found that it was a little girl about twelve or thirteen years old who hit him, and the other party was actually a trainee. A monk at the fifth level of Qi?

"Look at what?"

"It's not intentional!"

Seeing that Han Li was looking at him, the little girl not only didn't apologize, but she playfully made a big face at him before continuing to hop around and run forward.



Are there so many cultivators?

Han Li didn't say anything, he just felt that he could meet someone who practiced the fifth level of Qi while walking on the road. Although that kind of cultivation has long been ignored by him, but a young girl can To be able to have such a good cultivation base really made him feel very emotional.


Thinking of that terrifying little girl who was fighting monsters with bare hands outside of the city before and didn't know her specific cultivation, he suddenly didn't feel that the little girl in front of him was so rare.

"Tui Er!"

"You slow down..."

"Don't run around!"

At this time, as the little girl ran over, another old man appeared behind him, and Han Li just took a cursory look, and unexpectedly discovered that the other party also seemed to have the strength to practice the ninth level of Qi?



"It's daytime, and in the city, where can there be danger?"

The little girl named 'Tui Er' in the distance looked back at her grandfather who was following behind, and then continued to jump forward with a smile.

"Cough cough!"

"This little brother..."

"Cui'er is naturally detached, so I've been offended just now, please bear with me?"

After a while, the lousy old man who looked trembling but actually had the ninth level of Qi practice caught up, and pretended to bow to Han Li who had just been bumped by the little girl.

"It's okay!"

Shaking his head, Han Li tried his best to restrain his breath, while pretending to be ignorant, he helped the other party up and did not accept the other party's big gift.


"Sir, your granddaughter is not bad..."

Then, Han Li said something like this, and with a look of admiration on his face, he smiled and joked at the little girl in the distance who was picking and choosing at a certain stall.


However, it's okay if he didn't say it. He didn't know if he had offended the old man in front of him when he said so, or maybe it was because his tone was a little frivolous when he just said it, which made the old man have some kind of bad feeling. idea?

So, very abruptly, Kuang Fang glared at him with a vague shock or confusion spell wrapped in his eyes.



It's a pity that Han Li just snorted coldly, resisting the opponent's spell and glared back.



"Little man Xiao Zhen, you have offended your seniors with your eyes and no pearls. Please don't blame your seniors?"

After a while, when Han Li, who didn't really want to cause trouble in public, lifted the spell of shock and immobilization, the other party hurriedly reported his identity and gave him a salute.


"I saw it. Your spell to conceal your breath is quite novel. If it weren't for a close distance, I'm afraid I wouldn't even know that you are also practitioners."

"Never mind!"

"This is not the place to talk, let me record your breath first, and talk about it another day?"

After saying that, he patted the ninth-layer Qi-refining cultivator Xiao Zhen on the shoulder, and then looked at the little girl in the distance who seemed to have noticed the movement here and was running towards this side. Han Li was in a hurry. After talking more, he chuckled lightly, gave the old man a look, turned his head and left.


"Who is he, did he bully you just now?"

The little girl named 'Cui'er ran over to try to trouble Han Li, but was stopped by her grandfather Xiao Zhen.


"Cui'er, please be quiet, that person is a cultivator of the Foundation Establishment period, we can't afford to offend him!"


"Foundation period?"

"Building a foundation is great, so you can bully people?"

"This girl also knows Sister Mo at the Core Formation Stage, and Sister Xiaoli, but she..."


"Cui'er, no matter what Fairy Mo is, she can't be by your side every day. You can't quench your thirst from afar. Be careful, he will kill you and my grandson. What's the use of Fairy Mo turning back to avenge you? ?"


"Let's go, listen to Grandpa, don't make trouble, we really can't afford to mess with that person!"

"Good! Be obedient!"

Soon, after that Xiao Zhen and his granddaughter 'Cui Er' quarreled and argued for a while, after saying a few words, the two left in a hurry.


When the two of them were far away, they continued to pretend to move forward, but in fact, Han Li, who had been paying attention to listening to the conversation between the grandfather and grandson, frowned and stood still, and at the same time, he subconsciously looked back. A glance at the street where the grandfather and grandson disappeared.

The grandfather and grandson were only low-level monks on the ninth and fifth levels of Qi Refining. Han Li was in the middle stage of foundation building, and he would not take them seriously.

He had planned to take some time to use some means to get the magical breath-holding technique on the two of them, but now...

"Fairy Mo? Formation stage?"

"Little carp?"

"real or fake?"

After hearing that the two of them seemed to know a 'Fairy Mo' who was at the stage of forming an elixir and a 'Little Carp' whose strength was unknown, Han Li couldn't help but feel a little troubled.

Of course, the two of them are not difficult to deal with, and it will not be difficult to get the other party's breath-holding technique. However, for the sake of a mere novel spell, they will provoke the Core Formation 'Fairy Mo' or some other person behind them. The powerful 'Little Carp', then he must carefully consider the pros and cons.

If it wasn't for the mysterious cultivator who was fighting monsters with his bare hands at the small lake outside the city before, Han Li might just think that the little girl was just talking big, but after seeing that After the mysterious power, he felt that in Xujing, which was originally an ordinary world, there was such a 'Fairy Mo' and a 'Little Carp' of unknown strength, which seemed to be unacceptable?

"That's it."

"It's better not to create extravagant branches, go to that Qin mansion early to see it!"

In the end, after thinking twice, Han Li finally decided not to go to trouble with the two grandfathers and grandsons for the time being, and also not to pay attention to the novel breath-holding technique of the other party for the time being, so as to save unnecessary trouble for himself. scourge.

After all, he is now just a cultivator in the middle stage of foundation building. Even in Huangfeng Valley, he is just a cannon fodder at the bottom. It is true that he should not act too high-profile.


After thinking about it, he looked left and right, then lowered his hat and hurriedly merged into the bustling flow of business travelers, and walked quickly towards the block where the dignitaries lived in the west outside the imperial city.


What Han Li didn't know was that on the other side of the Xujing Imperial City, outside the Xingwang Mansion in the 'Sixteen Kings' Lane opposite Xingning Street, a woman in white clothes and a gauze hat was silently On a street corner, he secretly stared at the gate of the Xin Wang Mansion.

That's right, she is the 'Mo Fairy' Mo Caihuan who Xiao Zhen and his granddaughter Xiao Cui'er called before!

And the reason why she is staring at the Xinwang Mansion now is to actively investigate the recent disappearance of the scattered cultivators in the Xinwang Mansion and the scattered cultivators near Xujing.

After all, that was related to her reputation as 'Fairy Mo' and the reputation of her master Huo Xianxian. She didn't want to be pointed at her by attacking the loose cultivators near Xujing and absorbing the skills of the loose cultivators. Cultivation so fast.

However, she has been staring at the Xin Wang Mansion for almost a day, but she still hasn't found anything worthwhile.

"It's getting late..."


"It seems that this is the end of the day. If you don't go back soon, Master and Junior Sister are afraid that they will have a quarrel!"

After waiting for a while, Mo Caihuan was ready to give up after seeing that Prince Xin's mansion was still calm and there were still no valuable clues.

Speaking of which, she originally planned to dress up in disguise, then sell herself and sneak into the palace as a little maid and conduct a long-term investigation, but she thought that there were two masters and younger sisters who were 'waiting to feed' in her family, so she didn't dare to stay for long. She is lurking, so she can only stay here every day to observe or take time to sneak in at night to collect some information.

But unfortunately, after several days, she still didn't find any valuable information. Except for a 'immortal master' who pretended to be a ghost, there was no clue about the disappearance of those loose cultivators. Let her I have always felt annoyed.

"Let's go back..."

"A little later, we won't be in time for dinner."

Looking at the gradually sloping sun in the sky, and then at the heavily guarded gate of Prince Xin's Mansion in the distance, Mo Caihuan, who felt that she was busy again today, planned to turn her head and leave.



Suddenly, at this moment, Mo Caihuan, who was planning to go back, made a new discovery.

"that is……"

"It's him?!"

Seeing that guy in black, and even the gatekeeper of Xinwang's mansion was polite to him, Mo Caihuan's eyes widened instantly, and then his right hand unconsciously touched the hilt of the long sword at his waist.

She didn't know if that person was related to the recent disappearance of loose cultivators near Xujing, but she recognized the guy.

That is the owner of Lanzhou Wusemen, and her father used to be close friends, but later, after her father's disappearance, the other party began to target them everywhere, and in the end, he directly turned his face and sent someone to destroy her. In Mo's house, her family was destroyed and she had to live in Yanjiabao. Later, she went to Xujing and met Master Annie.

But now, what she never expected was that the dog thief was actually here in Xujing, and, looking at the respectful attitude of the guards of the palace, it was not difficult to judge that the other party seemed to be a steward of the palace of Xinwang. Or a doorman?


Thinking of this, Mo Caihuan, whose eyes gradually became sharp, slowly pulled out the long sword from her waist.


"Do not……"

"The matter of Prince Xin's Mansion has not been investigated clearly, so we can't make a fool of yourself early!"

But fortunately, Mo Caihuan finally held back, and gritted his teeth and slowly pushed back the half-sheathed long sword.

"I can't kill him yet!"

"Compared to him, the case of the disappearance of the loose cultivator is more important. It is better to wait until the investigation is clear before talking about it. He can't run away anyway."


After muttering these words to himself, Mo Caihuan, who had made a decision in his heart, said no more, and directly pushed his thin sword, which he bought with a few taels of silver, back into the scabbard. Then, after seeing the man's back, he turned around and left.

She still doesn't know if there is any connection between Prince Xin's mansion and the disappearance of the loose cultivator, but to find out that Prince Xin's mansion is related to the enemies of her Mo Caihuan family is indeed a pleasant surprise, making Mo Caihuan feel stalked for the past few days. No effort wasted.

However, she has to think carefully about what to do.

More importantly, it's really getting late now, she has to go back to cook for the master and sister, or else, if she misses the meal time, when she takes a bath at the abominable master and sister She had to use a stick to slap her ass. Fairy Mo didn't have the ability to resist those two terrifying guys, and she didn't want to suffer that humiliating humiliation again.

After thinking about it, she hurried forward for a while, and found that there was no one left or right, Mo Caihuan suddenly activated her magical power of watching the stars in the five villages of Shimen, making her figure instantly disappear in the square where the dignitaries in Xujing lived. City street corner.


What Mo Caihuan didn't know was that because she hadn't gone back for a long time, a certain bad girl from her family, the master, and the worse little sister had already come to Xujingli together and found the best restaurant.

At this time, they were eating their big meal in a private room, and they even told the cook to help them tinker with the 'casserole and eel pot'. How can they still remember her, the 'Fairy Mo' 'The presence?


(?w?) Is there a monthly pass?


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