Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1935: (???) High end hunter

Since he already knew in advance that Xujing is a place with hidden dragons and crouching tigers, there was a terrifying little girl who fought a monster with her bare hands, and then she heard about the existence of 'Fairy Mo' of unknown origin, so Han Li, who was awe-inspiring, agreed I didn't dare to wander around in Xujing.

He just casually looked at the bustling mortal street scene, and after looking at the big red lanterns that seemed to be prepared for the festival, he took advantage of the approaching dusk, rushed to the destination Qin Mansion early and handed over his famous post and letter .

Then, he quickly met with the Qin man of the Qin mansion, and after explaining his purpose, he successfully settled down in the Qin mansion in Xujing as a nephew of the Qin family.

"Master Han!"

"Master Han!"

"The master has explained that he will serve you as his own young master. If you have any orders, just say it!"

"Don't treat the little one like an outsider!"

First, after taking Han Li for a walk in the courtyard of the Qin mansion that only entertained distinguished guests, Qin Gui, the servant of the Qin mansion, followed behind him and said flatteringly.

"That's natural."

"You see, I'm new here too. Can you tell me about the climate in Beijing and recent current affairs?"

He didn't reveal his identity as an immortal cultivator, he just gave him a hint, which made the other party feel astonished. After he didn't dare to underestimate him, Han Li asked with great interest while strolling around this exquisite courtyard.

That's right, as Han Li said, although he is an immortal cultivator, he really needs to get to know Xu Jing well first because he is not familiar with Xu Jing's life.

Although he didn't think that such a small person who guarded the gate of the Qin Mansion would know the secrets of the immortal world, but even if it was just some chores in the market, he would like to hear it, maybe let him analyze some things. Different information may not come out?


"no problem!"

"Master Han, it will be fine for you to be a cow and a horse in the future, let alone such a trivial matter. If you have something to do, you can tell me."

Hearing that it was such a trivial matter, Qin Gui, the disciple, dared to neglect him, and hurriedly stepped forward with a flattering smile, and while continuing to show his loyalty, he began to speak vividly.

"It's not a small boast, but there is really nothing that a small person doesn't know about the capital!"

"Tell me, little one..."

"Master Han, you came at the right time. In a few days, it will be the Mid-Autumn Festival. You must have seen those lanterns on the street, right?"

"When I wake up at one o'clock on the night of the Mid-Autumn Festival, the city will be full of red, not to mention how beautiful it is!"

"At that time, the day and night will be very lively, dragon and lion dances and lantern riddles will all be available. What's more, the big girls and little daughters-in-law who are rarely seen on weekdays will all go to the street to enjoy the lanterns and the moon. If Young Master Han Be careful, don't miss it!"

Having said that, the doorman Qin Gui also winked at Han Li with a look that a man could understand.

However, when he saw that Han Li's expression didn't seem to make any waves, and he wasn't too interested in those little wives and big girls, in order to avoid leaving a bad impression, he hurriedly changed the subject.


"Then it will be a few days later. It's still early. If you are idle during the day, Young Master Han, you can go to the city for a walk."

"But you have to be careful, there are places where you can't run around."

"Because this capital is divided into four areas: the south, east, north and west, the imperial city is in the north and must not be approached; the nobles are in the south, so it's okay to stroll around; the east of the city is rich and good, and the west side of the city are some merchants and pawns, not many big households. People, but it is more lively, and there are some good food restaurants."

"But if you want to go to some big restaurants or brothels, Young Master Han, you can only go to the east. That's where you should go, Young Master Han..."

"According to legend, the division of the capital was drawn by the immortals on the mountain back then?"

Just like that, Qin Gui started talking nonstop, until Han Li got a little impatient and gestured for him to shut up, then he stopped embarrassingly.

"Let's talk about something else!"


"Since you just talked about immortals, then Qin Gui, let me ask you, do you know if there are any powerful immortals in this capital?"

Thinking of the grandfather and grandson whom he met on the street today, Han Li hesitated for a moment, and then he began to ask such a question carefully, pretending to be inadvertent.


"Li, powerful immortal?"


"Master Han, what are you asking about?"

If it was something else, Qin Gui didn't say anything about it. It doesn't matter how he talked, talked or bragged, but if it was about those immortals, then he wouldn't dare to mess around.


"I'll just ask."

"Looking at you, it seems you know?"

Holding his arms, Han Li was even more interested in seeing the awe-inspiring expression on the other's face and the look of hesitating to speak.

"Of course I know. Can there be things in this city that I don't know about?"

"Master Han, let me tell you..."


After looking around, Qin Gui, the doorman, pretended to lower his voice, and carefully approached Han Li and said:

"Isn't that the Xin Wang Mansion?"

"Not long ago, there was an immortal master Wu with a childish appearance in the capital. The other party is really amazing. Not only is the mana powerful, but he can also release a fire phoenix. That's a real phoenix. Many people have seen it!"

"I saw it when I was young. It was really a phoenix, and the big one was covered in fire. It was terrifying to look at!"


"Then that Immortal Master was invited by Xin Wangfu to be the guest of honor. After that, I'll never have the chance to see that Immortal Master again when I wait for these idlers."

As he spoke, Qin Gui shook his head and smacked his lips, looking like he was still unfulfilled and indignant, obviously very dissatisfied with the matter of Prince Xin's mansion occupying that Immortal Master Wu.

But there is nothing he can do if he is dissatisfied. After all, it is the Xinwangfu, and he does not dare to talk about it.

Although their Qin Mansion is also a rare family of honorable people in Xujing City, compared to his brother Xin Wang, who shares the same clan and surname as His Majesty, there is still a little gap. He dare not talk nonsense to his master scourge.


"Master Wu?"

Hearing that 'Wu Xianshi' would still release the phoenix, Han Li could not help but frown slightly, not knowing how to judge.

If he hadn't experienced the events before and after entering the city, Han Li would probably have only regarded the other party as a loose cultivator who tricked into mortals to cheat food and drink, and would not take it to heart.

However, after experiencing certain things, he no longer dared to draw conclusions easily.


Phoenix or something, that kind of divine object that he has never seen before, he still doesn't quite want to believe it is true, and even more unwilling to believe that such a thing exists in a place like Xujing, just guessing that it is very It could be some kind of spell or blindfolding or something.


"Near Xujing, are there any great cultivators or hermit masters?"

Shaking his head, Han Li, who instinctively thought that 'Wu Xianshi' would not be a powerful person, asked another question.

"Immortal cultivator or a hermit master?"

"I've never heard of that..."

Frowning for a while, Qin Gui finally shook his head blankly, indicating that he didn't know what the mysterious young master Han wanted to ask.

"Master Han, what do you want to do?"

"You don't want to be immortal, do you?"

Then, while looking at the unremarkable Young Master Han in front of him, he exclaimed and asked in surprise.

"no no."

"I'll just ask."


"Did you know that there is a character in the capital called 'Fairy Mo'?"

Then, Han Li began to ask the question about the cultivator at the stage of the formation of the pill, "Fairy Mo", which he had heard on the road.

"Fairy Mo?"

"Is it the top brand in the east of the city?"

This time, there were even more question marks on Qin Gui's forehead.

He had absolutely no idea where the young master Han in front of him had heard those strange things, and he, Qin Gui, who was known as the know-it-all in the capital, had never heard of it?

"You don't know either?"

Han Li didn't answer, just nodded and pondered.

In this way, the situation here in Xujing is similar to other places. Those high hermits and cultivators are not as many as he imagined, or they appear in the sight of mortals in a grand manner. When he came, the little girl and the grandfather and grandson he met might really just be an accident.

"Master Han..."

"Master Han?"

On the other hand, Qin Gui waited for a long time. After seeing that Han Li was just standing there thinking about things and didn't ask any more questions, he flattered and said:

"Master Han..."

"If there is nothing else to do, then the little one will go down first. Later, the little one will order the servants to bring you a few sets of fitted clothes and hot water, and by the way, I will prepare a table of good wine and good dishes for you?"

"Look, what else do you need?"

Although he didn't know the origin of the young master Han in front of him, Qin Gui only knew that based on the master's attitude towards the other party, it was definitely not something he could provoke, he just had to serve the other party well.

As for other things, such as what Mrs. Qin and Young Master Qin ordered, let him come to inquire about the other party's truth or something. to provoke.


"It's okay!"

"You go down, if something happens, I will call you."

Since the other party knew nothing of his interest, Han Li didn't bother to talk to the other party any more, and waved his hand directly, indicating that the other party could leave.

Then, as the other party nodded and walked away, Han Li did not hesitate, pushed the door and walked to the house in the courtyard that Master Qin had arranged for him.


"It's quite chic!"

"That's it!"

"Just stay here for a while."

Looking at the decorations inside, and seeing that this courtyard also has a small hall, a study and a large comfortable bedroom, Han Li nodded with satisfaction, then closed the door and walked straight inside.

Since he was new here, he planned to dormant here for a few days at the Qin Mansion. Before the Mid-Autumn Festival, he would not go out casually at night, so as not to cause trouble for himself.

As Han Li settled down at the Qin Mansion, as the sun slanted westward down the mountain, as night fell, the sky quickly and gradually became dark.


It was a dark and windy night for a month.

Since the Mid-Autumn Festival has not yet arrived in the capital, the curfew is still enforced, and there are basically no pedestrians on the streets.

In this age when there is no entertainment program at night, most of the citizens who are living and resting at sunrise will return to their homes and rest early before dark. Except for a few lanterns at the gates of the rich and wealthy people, there are also dim lights. In addition, on the spacious street, only occasionally three or two watchmen and patrolling Zhijinwu could be seen galloping past.

Of course, not without exceptions...

Is this not?

A certain bad little girl, Huo Daxian, and her family's guardian fish, Jin Xiaoli, were walking around on this dim street in the east of the city with their chubby tummies.

Because before the evening tavern closed, the two of them had a beautiful meal, and even ate the 'casserole eel pot', which was estimated to have been cultivated for hundreds of years. After they left, they didn't go back directly, but wandered aimlessly in the city until now.

What's even more amazing is that they have never been bumped into by the patrolling soldiers or watchmen, and they have wandered all the way here, and they are about to approach the east gate.


"You say……"

"Will Senior Sister Mo be angry with us?"

Suddenly, while walking on the road, Koi Koi, who was not too afraid of the dark, suddenly asked the Master Huo Xian who was in front of her with a round belly like hers and who was burping from time to time.



"Why is she angry?"


Annie asked strangely.

"Because we didn't tell her about the big meal?"


"We ate the 'casserole and eel pot' and didn't inform her!"

Koi Koi put his fingers one by one and said.

Although the chef of that restaurant is average in cooking, and he doesn't seem to know the importance of the eel, and wastes a lot of spiritual energy and blood in the processing, but the koi carp knows that the 'casserole eel pot' It is still a great supplement. If Senior Sister Mo eats it, it will definitely be beneficial to cultivation, but they are not waiting for each other, this kind of thing is definitely not good.

"What 'casserole and eel pot'?"


"People don't know what you're talking about!"


With a blink of an eye, Annie suddenly said so nonchalantly, and then continued walking happily forward.



"Yes, yes!"

Then, Jin Xiaoli also seemed to have understood something that could only be understood and inexpressible, and slapped his thigh fiercely and exclaimed.

"Senior sister doesn't know about the eel at all. As long as you don't talk about it, Master, and Xiao Li doesn't talk about it, then she definitely doesn't know!"


"She's still at home now, waiting for us to go back to dinner?"

I remembered that I had a big meal with my master, and also ate Dabu's 'casserole and eel pot', but Senior Sister Mo was completely unaware of it. She even cooked a table full of dishes at home, and then left pitifully in the yard. Waiting for the two of them to go back, while Jin Xiaoli was secretly proud, he couldn't help but feel a burst of guilt in his heart. He didn't know how to go back later. What expression to use to face each other.


??(?? ̄? ̄)????



"Xiao Li, let's stroll around two more laps, and then go back when the digestion is almost done!"




"Wipe your face clean, don't go back and let her see it."


While talking thiefly, Annie didn't forget to pick up Tibbers, her little bear, and wipe her hands and face vigorously, while pointing at the little koi to quickly clean up the 'battlefield' by following her own example. I'll go back and show my legs when I can save it.


(● ̄? ̄●)


"Clean it up!"

"Then let's go back like this!"

"I'm hungry when I get home, and then we can just have another late-night snack?"

Koi Koi made a loud proposal while packing up.

Although they have just eaten a big meal, for a fish like her, there is not enough food to eat, so she has already decided that when she goes back, she will eat more cooked by Senior Sister Mo. The ten pots of vegetables!

"Night supper?"


"Then it's decided!"


If she walked back slowly, she would be hungry when she got home, so Annie didn't object to that wonderful proposal.


When the two of them were packing up and continuing to walk all the way home, unexpectedly, in front of them on this dark and silent street, they suddenly jumped from the roof of a house beside them. A strange guy with horns, sharp ears, sharp teeth, and a bare upper body, with a red and ominous aura all over his body, and the other side tilted his head and looked at the two of them maliciously?


Jin Xiaoli was puzzled, and she had to look at Annie next to her with question marks all over her head.


"What is he doing?"

Jin Xiaoli has never experienced such a thing as being intercepted by someone, so she seems a little confused.


ε=('ο'*))) alas

It was not the first time that Annie, who had experienced countless worlds, had encountered similar things, so she sighed out of boredom.

"Little carp!"


"He's the kind of weirdo who doesn't study well and comes out at night to prepare for bad things. He especially likes to kidnap a little girl like you or attack a young lady like your senior sister!"


So, Annie, who can guess what the other party wants to do next just by looking at the other party's expression, is not surprised at all and has no expectations to say what the other party wants to do.


"So he's that badass?"


"Master, what are we going to do next?"

After listening to it, Jin Xiaoli couldn't help but be a little excited. After all, it was the first time she met a bad guy, and she didn't have any experience in dealing with it.

"People have just eaten and don't want to move, you go!"


"You can kill or maim!"


"No one saw it anyway!"


With that said, Annie took a step back and signaled that Koi Koi could go up and fight, and she, the master, would cheer on the other side.


"It doesn't matter if you are killed or maimed?"

The koi carp is a little eager to try.

"What about eating?"

However, compared to killing and maiming, Koi prefers another approach. After all, when she was in the river, everything she defeated ended up in her mouth, so now She also wanted to repeat the old tricks.

"He's a human, don't eat it!"


It's a pity that Annie rejected the other party's disgusting idea without thinking.


"Is he human?"

"But, how can there be such an ugly person?"

Jin Xiaoli said that the other party has a strange appearance with sharp teeth and claws and horns all over his body. Where does he look like a person?


Before Koi Koi could ask anything the villain suddenly took the lead and lunged towards her with his sharp claws.


First, she exclaimed, and then, Jin Xiaoli had to raise her milk-white and tender little fist in embarrassment to fight back.

'Roar! ! ’

However, the man still ignored it, let out a wild beast-like roar, and pounced on the koi carp, which was full of spiritual energy.

It can be seen that the guy who was rushing over with a grin on his face didn't seem to know such a sentence: High-end hunters often appear in the form of prey?


??????: Ow! Ask for a monthly pass~?


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