Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1936: (???)~? Beijing anecdote

A demon full of suffocation in the district is obviously unable to stop Little Annie's immortal flame, and Jin Xiaoli, who claims to have more than 2,000 years of Taoism.


After giving a hard lesson to some stinky thing with a fist, let the other party know why the flowers are so red, and left a painful shadow in the other party's heart, bystander Annie and the initiator Jin Xiao The carp discarded it at random beside the unknown street corner dung bucket, and then happily hopped home in the dark of the night.

And when they strolled back to their home on the edge of the bamboo forest, it was naturally a relatively late time.



"Little carp!"

In the yard, while thinking of the Lanzhou Five-color Sect enemy she met during the day, Mo Caihuan, who was dozing off a little sleepily and waiting, saw that the two little ancestors, one big and one small, had finally returned, and she said: He quickly stood up and greeted him with exclamation.

"What did you do, why are you back now?"


"Stop talking!"

"Hurry up and wait in the hall. I'll bring the food from the steamer. It should still be hot right now!"

Then, she asked a question subconsciously, and without waiting for an answer from the two of them, she hurriedly greeted her while she trotted away in the direction of the kitchen.



If the other party didn't ask, Annie naturally took a big step towards the restaurant with peace of mind, as if nothing had happened.

After all, it wasn't the first time she came back so late, she was used to it.


And the eyes of the koi who followed behind have been a little dodgy.

However, when she saw that Senior Sister Mo didn't ask any further questions, and saw the calm figure of Master Annie in front of her, she hurriedly gave a jolt, and then hurriedly chased after the Master as if she had been forgiven.

When they came back, they had already finished their confession, so she didn't show too much flaws, and she certainly wouldn't casually say that they had eaten a big meal and ate 'killed eel' Clay's kind of food alone thing.

"All right!"

"The dishes are over."

After a while, I waited for the dishes that were still steaming a little bit hot in the steamer to be served and scooped a large bowl of white rice for each of them, and then I hurriedly sat down and started eating. Mo Caihuan asked in confusion.


"Master, Junior Sister Xiaoli, where have you all gone?"

Because in the past, it was only the master who ran around alone, and the younger sister Xiaoli stayed at home, but like today, it is really rare for the two to go out and come back together.


Shocked, the little koi carp, whose movements in his hands also paused at the same time, did not dare to speak, but looked at their little master Annie eagerly.

"We went into town to play!"

( ̄~ ̄) Chew!

"It's almost Mid-Autumn Festival, the city is very lively, there are lanterns everywhere, and there are many people!"

(? ̄?~ ̄??)??°

Annie didn't hesitate, and while eating slowly, she directly told what they saw when they went to the city.

Of course, she didn't miss the fact that the main purpose of the two of them going to the city was to eat a big meal.


(● ̄? ̄●)

"That's right!"

"Today, when I went there, I also discovered that there are bright red lanterns hanging everywhere in the city, and there are also strings of them. They are on every street, especially in Dongxifang City!"

"Also, I heard..."

"Wait until the Mid-Autumn Festival night, will it be even more lively?"

"At that time, Master, and Xiao Li, maybe we can play together for a night?"

Mo Caihuan didn't doubt, just nodded and said with a smile.

When she went to investigate during the day, of course she also saw the situation in the city and the festive atmosphere of the festive lights, but she was busy investigating the disappearance of the loose cultivator, so she was not in Fangshi. No matter how long he stayed there, he went straight to Prince Xin's Mansion, and he stayed there for a whole day.


"There should be a curfew in the city, why did you come back so late?"

Then, Mo Caihuan directly asked about a place she thought was rather strange.

After all, the festival has not yet come, and the liveliness is only during the day. When the sun goes down, various markets and shops will be closed one after another, and then the curfew will begin at night, although their masters and sisters do not have to worry about being patrolled by soldiers or Jinwu. They were caught, but it was really unreasonable to stay in the city at night and not come back until now.


Jin Xiaoli's face became embarrassed again, and then, biting the chopsticks, she ignored Mo Caihuan's suspicious eyes, but once again cast a strange little expression at their little master Annie. .

"It's nothing!"

??(?? ̄? ̄)????

"On the way back, we encountered a strange guy who wanted to attack us, and then they asked Xiao Li to beat him up!"


"So, it's a little late to come back..."


Yes, that's exactly what happened.

If it wasn't for that bad guy blocking the way and delaying the time, they would definitely be able to come back in the morning, and as for how early, that kind of complicated issues, Annie would definitely not explain too much.


(● ̄? ̄●)


"Strange, weird guy?"

Hearing that someone dared to attack his master and sister, Mo Caihuan couldn't help but exclaimed and secretly sweated.

Of course, she was sweating for the attacker.

After all, one of her masters is the Great Fire Immortal who can catch monsters with bare hands, and the other is a terrifying monster who claims to have more than 2,000 years of Taoism. That person must be so careless to come to her master. Trouble with your sister?


"That's it!"

"And that man is very durable. He beat him for a long time, and he didn't even die!"

Finally, when she got the chance to speak and made sure she wouldn't leak her mouth, Koi Koi hurriedly waved her tender fist and added loudly.


"That's pathetic..."


"Xiao Li, what does that person look like?"

Subconsciously, I don't know if I thought of something, Mo Caihuan suddenly stopped the action of picking vegetables and asked with a frown.

"What does it look like?"

This question surprised Koi Koi.


"It's a strange guy with horns, sharp ears, sharp teeth, and a bare upper body, with a red and ominous aura all over his body!"

Biting her chopsticks and thinking for a while, she soon gave a brief description of the hapless guy who ran out in the middle of the night to frighten her and her master, and then was caught and beaten by her.


"It was him!"

However, what made Jin Xiaoli even more surprised was that just after she finished speaking, she was shocked to find that her senior sister Mo Caihuan suddenly slapped the chopsticks and stood up with a rub?

In that situation, she was so frightened that she could not help shrinking back, almost thinking that the other party found out that they were eating alone!




"Is it your acquaintance, Senior Sister?"

After a while, I thought it was a koi who was an acquaintance of my sister's acquaintance, so I asked cautiously and carefully.

However, it's too late to say anything now, all the fists the size of the teacup have been hit, is it possible that they can go back again?

Besides, she didn't do it on purpose. It was the strange guy who jumped out first to scare her and Master Annie, and then the other party launched the attack first, so she was forced to fight back.


"No, no!"

"Of course, can it be considered?"

Mo Caihuan was a little excited and contradictory, and then, without waiting for Jin Xiaoli to ask again, she hurriedly waved her hand and continued to ask:

"Junior Sister!"

"I tell you, that person should be the guy who attacked me in the first place!"

"That's exactly what Senior Sister I've been investigating these days, the case of the disappearance of a loose cultivator!"

"Tell me, where is he now?"

Perhaps, this is the answer to the sentence: Stepping through the iron shoes and finding nowhere does it take no effort at all?

Thanks to her, she still got up early every day and went to the dark to search hard for the past few days, but as a result, that person came to the door by herself, and she was looking for her own master and sister. This kind of coincidence made Mo Caihuan almost excited. Did not jump straight up.

Well now, the most crucial clue has been found, and the enemy of the family has also encountered it. This is really a double happiness!

And next, it's time for her 'Fairy Mo' to come out, find out the truth and punish evil and promote good, so as to restore peace and justice to the scattered cultivation world near Xujing.


"Lost in the city."

Jin Xiaoli didn't hesitate, and hurriedly raised his hand and said.

Although she knew that Senior Sister Mo had been attacked by a strange person before she entered the school, she did not know that the strange person was a person with horns, sharp ears, sharp teeth, and a bare upper body. The red, ominous and ominous guy', otherwise, she might drag the other party back to the other party for disposal after finishing the fight.

"In the city?"


"Which street is it, take me there!"

With that said, Mo Caihuan stepped forward, grabbed the little arm of the koi carp, and then prepared to go out.



"Senior Sister Mo, I don't know which street it's on..."

"do not know?"

"If you don't know, look for them one by one!"


"No but, hurry up!"

"Master, Master?!"

After arguing for a while, Jin Xiaoli didn't want to go, but she didn't know how to refuse, so she had to look at Master Annie, who was still eating 'night snack' slowly, with her pitiful eyes.

"No need to go."


"She beat her too lightly, and more than an hour later, that person might wake up early and run away, and it's a waste of time to go!"

( ̄~ ̄) Chew!

As a last resort, Annie, who was on the same front as Jin Xiaoli and shared a secret, thought about it, and could only say something to the other party.


"Is that so?"

Hearing this, Mo Caihuan couldn't help being a little disappointed, and then hurried to confirm again, looking at the innocent-looking koi beside him.

"It didn't kill me anyway!"

"I originally wanted to eat him, but Master wouldn't let it, so I had to throw it away..."


"Sister, let go!"

Seeing that Senior Sister Mo was not too insistent on the idea of ​​looking for it all night, Jin Xiaoli hurriedly broke free of the other party, and then continued to eat on his own.

They had just come back from the city, and now they let her go back before her buttocks were still hot. She would definitely not be happy with that kind of thing.

Besides, in the case where the loose cultivator was attacked, the wronged 'big devil', Master Annie, is not in a hurry. What kind of heart does she have?


Seeing that her junior sister was reluctant to look for it, and hearing what her master said again, Mo Caihuan, who felt that it was reasonable, was nowhere to be found.

"I knew I would be with you!"

"Such an important clue, actually..."


After sitting down again, Mo Caihuan naturally began to feel self-pity while thinking wildly.

However, she herself did not mean to go out to look for it now. After all, she also knew that the capital was so big, and she went to find the 'attacker' alone, not knowing where she was left or not. It must be somewhat unrealistic.

However, she secretly made up her mind to go to the city early tomorrow morning to inquire about the news to see if there are more discoveries?


"Help me scoop another bowl of rice!"

At this time, before Mo Caihuan could think about it, the koi carp on the side quickly handed her a large bowl full of rice grains.

So, just like this, the three harmonious masters and apprentices did not discuss the issue of a certain attacker, but started to eat their dinner (supper) again with their own thoughts.

Time flies.

The next day, Fairy Mo hurriedly left the bamboo forest garden early in the morning and headed for the city, when a certain unhappy little girl Huo Daxian and a certain door guard were sleeping on the bed. At that time, the distinguished guest in the Qin Mansion in the capital, Han Li, Young Master Han, finally pushed open the hollow carved mahogany door of the small hall in the other courtyard in a refreshing manner.


"It's so peaceful..."

After stretching and taking a breath of the fresh morning air that smelled of dawn, Han Li couldn't help but sigh when he looked at the clear blue sky.

Of course, he didn't sleep last night, he didn't need to sleep, and he didn't dare to go to sleep.

In fact, he just meditated in the room for one night. After all, he is now accepting the entrustment of Master Li Yuanhua, and he specially came to Xujing to protect the safety of the Qin family. How dare he sleep peacefully ?

Furthermore, Xu Jing, who is unfamiliar with the place of life and crouching tiger, hidden dragon, is not a place where one can relax his vigilance.


"The mortal world..."

"very nice!"

Some time ago, he had been fighting tensely on the front line of Jinguyuan, fighting with those in the devil's way, fighting wits and wits, and his mind and body had been highly tense, but this time, he came to Xujing to accept the task of master. This night here has become the most relaxing time he has ever had.

This kind of carefree mortal wealthy life, without the troubles of cultivation, nor the urgency of advancing, was once a dream of his childhood.


After coming into contact with the world of immortal cultivation and officially starting to cultivate immortals, all day long, he only thinks about Han Li, who has a long-term vision and boundless mana, but he no longer dares to hope for it, and he will not be addicted to it.

After all, mortals are mortals after all, no matter how rich and wealthy their lives are, no matter how monstrous their power is, even if they own thousands of fertile fields, tens of thousands of mansions, and even thousands of beauties, after a few decades, they will still be no match for that one. The tragic fate of the loess, that kind of desolation and helplessness, is something he can no longer be willing to accept.

It would be fine if he didn’t know beforehand, but now, since he has already started cultivating immortals, he is not willing to return to the past no matter what.


At this time, Han Li turned his head and saw that yesterday's doorman, Qin Gui, was walking in quickly towards his small courtyard with a plate full of breakfast.

"Qin Gui."

"What are you so happy about?"

Immediately afterwards, he found that the other party was actually in high spirits, and he was humming something, and Han Li, who was a little emotional, couldn't help but suddenly asked in a strange way, as if he also wanted to know the happiness of this mortal in front of him. What is it.


"Master Han, do you know something?"

"Last night, a big event happened in our capital!"

Hearing Han Li's question, Qin Gui first put the food in his hand on the stone table in the courtyard, and then happily trotted over and said with a smile.


"What's the matter?"

This time, Han Li was even more interested, so he couldn't help but ask again.

"Is such that…"

"The heir of Prince Xin's Mansion was beaten last night!"

Seeing that Young Master Han seemed interested, Qin Gui hurriedly stepped forward and began to be careful, gloat at the misfortune, and speak vividly.

"You don't know..."

"He was not found by the dung bucket until early in the morning, and his body was still blue and purple. That face, she was beaten like a mother...cough, the little one was talking about the princess, and Princess Xin was almost unrecognizable. he came."

"If it wasn't for his shoes and jade pendant being recognized by the watchmen, he might have been thrown into the mass grave outside the city as a corpse to feed the dogs."

"Tsk tsk!"

"That's a miserable..."

"Up to now, although the other party has been rescued, I still don't know who did it. I heard that Prince Xin is in the palace and is in a rage!"

Obviously, Qin Gui's reputation that the Beijing know-how bag inquired about was not vain. No, what happened last night and was only discovered in the morning, he has now gotten the news, and he doesn't know where his source of information came from. of.

"That's it..."


"I see, UU reading you go to work first."

Hearing that it turned out to be such a matter between mortals and noble children, Han Li shook his head with a laugh, and then signaled that Qin Gui could be beaten.

Obviously, he is not very interested in this kind of thing, because that kind of thing sounds like a revenge among the noble children or a sap to fight for jealousy between the goulan, that kind of trivial thing, he won't take it to heart.

"Yes Yes Yes!"

"Then Young Master Han, the breakfast will be put here first for the little ones, please take it slow?"

Having said that, after seeing that Han Li did not have any more orders, Qin Gui did not dare to bother, and hurriedly nodded and backed away.


('??'?)/Remember the monthly pass~?


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