Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1937: (??ω??) The situation changes

Today, this seemingly prosperous Xujing is destined to be an uneasy day.

Is this not?

When a certain young master Han was enjoying his breakfast in Qin Mansion, at almost the same time, in the noisy Prince Xin Mansion, the enemy who had been gnashing his teeth by Mo Caihuan, the five-color door The head of the door, butler Wang finally hurried to the outside of Prince Xin's room and pushed open the door and walked in quickly.


"You go back first!"

Then, he first saw at a glance that there was nothing on his body, and he still had a bruised nose and a swollen face. Even one of the eyeballs was swollen and protruded from the eye socket. He waved his hand in annoyance and repelled the palace maids who were serving on the side.


Immediately afterwards, he walked over to the bed with no expression on his face and without saying a word.

Then, he suddenly stretched out his hand and lifted the thin brocade embroidered quilt covering Prince Xin's body, frowning like that, and stood by the bed with a cold face, looking down at the man lying on the bed, moaning in a low voice, all over his body. There is indeed a good Prince Xin in every place.



After a while, I looked at the closed door behind me, and then I focused on the outside of the door, and found that no one dared to peep or eavesdrop, and then the steward Wang suddenly whispered to Prince Xin, who was lying on the bed. scoldingly asked:

"Stop pretending, there are no outsiders now, I know you won't die."

"Tell me."

"This is how the same thing?"

The matter that Prince Xin was almost beaten to death and thrown beside the dung bucket has now spread widely in the capital, and I am afraid that almost everyone in the capital knows about it.

To be honest, after he received the news, he thought he had heard it wrong, but now that he saw it, he realized that the situation was even more serious than he imagined before he came?


After feeling the coolness on his body and hearing the voice, finally, the Prince Xin, who was groaning in a low voice and seemed to be grimacing while lying down, slowly opened his relatively intact eye.

"Management Wang?"

"Cough cough..."

"I have seen the guardian, the guardian of the law..."

Afterwards, when the Prince Xin on the bed saw that there were no other idle people around, only the manager of their palace, he raised his hand with difficulty, as if he wanted to stand up and salute him, but in the end he still had to give up.

After all, he was beaten really badly. In addition to the blue nose and swollen face, many bones on his body were also broken. Even though he was gifted and had practiced some kind of special technique, he still suffered from such a serious injury. , it was enough to keep him from moving freely for a long time.

"All right!"

"No salute."

"Although I am the protector, you are also the direct disciple of the sect master. You and I don't need to see outsiders."

Seeing Prince Xin's ugly appearance, the steward Wang became even more impatient, and waved his hands and said angrily.


"Last night, you made a lot of noise, and you almost took your life into it."

"Come on, what the **** is going on here?"

After glancing at the places on the opponent's body that were smeared with ointment and exuding a strong medicinal scent, the manager Wang urged him to ask again, completely ignoring the fact that the other party was still a seriously wounded person at this time.

"Cough cough..."


"Lord Protector, at that time, it was like this..."

As a last resort, seeing that the guardians in the door were eager to find out the truth, that Prince Xin had to cheer up, endure the pain, and tell his tragic experience.

It turned out that last night he couldn't bear the loneliness and the ecstasy-like hunger, so he attacked at night again, wanting to catch one or two loose repairers to open up the meat to repair his body.

The result can be...

Did he never expect that he would accidentally kick a big iron plate?

Until now, he didn't know what happened at that time. Anyway, he only remembered that he took the lead in launching the attack, and wanted to make those two skinny and tender meats agile and compelling at a glance. The little girl who made up the loose cultivator was caught and slowly enjoyed it, but who would have thought that his attack didn't even touch the opponent's side, and he was beaten so badly by the opponent that he was almost beaten to death on the spot?

The fists hit him, not to mention how painful it was, and even interrupted all the horns that he had grown when he was demonized. After that, he couldn't remember what happened, only that he woke up after waking up. He has already returned to the palace.


"Two little girls?"

"That sounds rather rare."

Two little girls can defeat the sect master's direct disciple. This statement made this Wang Guanshi, who is called the servant of the palace and is actually the protector of the Heisha sect, subconsciously think that there is something strange about it.

"That's weird!"

"In that state of demonizing blood, you should at least have the strength to complete Qi training or even the initial stage of foundation building, right?"

"Those two little girls, what are their cultivation bases?"

"Could it be above the foundation building?"

After thinking about it for a while, Steward Wang, who felt that something was wrong, frowned again and asked.

Fortunately, people in the capital now only know that the prince of Xinwangfu was beaten, and he was beaten badly, but they didn't know that the one who was beaten was actually the head disciple of their Heisha Sect, otherwise, his It is estimated that his face will be lost, and the leader must be furious.

"I have no idea……"

"One of the five or six-year-old girl touched me, the other didn't..."

"And the one who started with me, I only know her..."

"Cough cough!"

"She seems very strong?"

After coughing for a while, Prince Xin said everything he knew with such difficulty.


"If you can be beaten like this, and you won't have the power to fight back, then at least you have to be in the middle or even late stage of foundation building to make it possible!"

"But a five- or six-year-old girl definitely won't have the strength in the later stage of Foundation Establishment!"

As he was talking, the steward Wang or the Protector Wang suddenly had a gloomy face, pondered without saying a word, and didn't know what he was thinking about.


"Lord Protector, Protector, what do you think?"

"Will it be..."

"Will it be sent by the seven major factions, those old things that rejuvenate their youth?"

At this time, the Prince Xin, who was severely injured, seemed to know the seriousness of the matter, and then asked nervously and weakly endured the pain.


"No matter what the other party's background is, your private actions are your fault. When I go back and report to the sect master, if I punish you, you will suffer!"

However, the Protector Wang did not answer, just shook his head, and then glared coldly at Prince Xin, who was lying on the bed.

"Cough cough..."

I don't know if it was frightened or painful, and the Prince Xin coughed again when he heard the words, and after a while, he recovered and explained:

"Lord Protector, I can't help it either..."

"Now the Xiuxian world is in chaos, and there are fewer and fewer loose cultivators near Xujing. My blood sacrifice method is too strong, and I am so hungry that I have no choice but to dispatch."



"Cough cough..."

The Prince Xin wanted to say something more, but he accidentally affected the injury, and suddenly hugged his chest and curled up in pain, unable to say anything.


"If you're hungry, wouldn't you take the waste blood sacrifices in the palace first?"

"do you know!"

"If you ruin the big event of the leader, can you afford it?"

It's okay not to say this, but when it comes to this matter, the Protector Wang pointed angrily at Prince Xin's nose.

"That's it!"

"It's useless to talk too much!"

After a while, after remembering that the other party was the disciple of the leader and the prince of Xin Wang, and it was not his turn to blame, he snorted a little embarrassingly, and did not criticize any more.



"I'm just starving to death... No, I won't fight those **** ideas!"

At this moment, the Prince Xin seemed to have regained his strength, and then, after being beaten so badly, he even arrogantly contradicted him.

Obviously, he still seems to be an unyielding and arrogant guy, so a mere beating still doesn't seem to make him change his temper.



"When you're really hungry..."

"You wouldn't say that."

Seeing the opponent contradict, the Protector Wang was annoyed, and then he sneered directly.

"Go on!"

"What magic did they use?"

"Maybe, I can find some clues in it?"

After a pause, the Protector Wang did not continue to say more, but continued to ask questions, as if planning to use the spells used to find out the specific identities of the two 'little girls', and wanted to know whether the other party was from Seven The great faction is still the magic way.


"I have no idea……"

Prince Xin, who was lying on the bed, shook his head weakly, and then slowly closed the one eye that wasn't much swollen. As for the other one that bulged, he couldn't do anything for the time being.


"do not know?"

However, in the face of that answer, the Protector Wang was not satisfied, so much so that his voice became a bit sharp in vain.

However, after he glanced at the direction outside, he held back because he didn't want to attract the attention of the maids outside.


"Indeed, I really don't know."

Shaking his head with a miserable smile, then, Prince Xin continued:

"Lord Protector."

"You don't know that she..."

"From the beginning to the end, no spells have been used."

Thinking of being beaten by a little girl with her fists and knocked out, the Prince Xin, who was lying on the bed, laughed miserably again.


"You mean, from the beginning to the end, she fought with your **** body with her fists, and she beat you like this?"

After a while, Hufa Wang, who realized the seriousness of the situation expressed by the other party, exclaimed and asked anxiously, trying to confirm whether it was what he thought.


Prince Xin nodded.

Although he didn't want to admit it, but, looking back on it now, it seems that the situation at that time was really like that?


"This matter is not simple, I will report back to the sect master immediately!"

"During this time, you are honestly recuperating in the palace, and you are not allowed to go anywhere!"

"That's it!"

After he finished speaking, he pressed the king's guardian law and his face was blue. Finally, after taking a deep look at the prince who was lying on the bed unable to move, he snorted again, waved his sleeves angrily and hurriedly left.



Soon, with the departure of the guardian king, the dismissed maids filed into the room with various medicines, cleaning utensils, hot eggs and other items to treat wounds.


But what the steward Wang Hufa and Xin Wang Shizi didn't know was that while they were talking and pondering, someone outside of Xin Wang's mansion was preparing to continue to trouble them.

That's right!

That person was the Fairy Mo Caihuanmo who was wearing a white gauze, a hat on her head, and a scarf on her face, who came in a hurry from outside the city early in the morning!

Moreover, when she entered the city, she also heard about the boat's uproar about the prince of Xinwangfu who was beaten and thrown by the dung bucket and almost couldn't be rescued. What did she do last night, how can she still not guess the ins and outs of things?


"It really takes no effort to break through the iron shoes and find nowhere!"

"Thanks to Master and Xiaoli!"

"Now, I finally know that the Lanzhou Five-color Sect Sect Master and Xin Wang's Mansion are the same raccoon dog. They must all be related to the disappearance of the loose cultivators this year!"

"It's time to act!"

Looking at the closed door of Prince Xin's mansion not far away, thinking that the enemy of the Mo family and the key clues to the disappearance of the loose cultivator are all inside, Mo Caihuan gritted his teeth, ready to find an opportunity to carry out operations.

However, thinking that it is daytime now, and the bright sky and the bright sky, she hesitated again, wondering if she had to wait until night.


"It's that dog thief!"

"Where is he going?"

At this time, before Mo Caihuan could think about it, she found out: the small door beside the gate of the palace was suddenly opened, and then, the dog thief who had a feud with her Mo family, the man from the Lanzhou Five-color Gate The door owner walked out from the inside, and then, the other party hurriedly walked towards a certain place in the north as if there was something wrong.


Mo Caihuan did not rush forward, but continued to stay where he was, and stared at the manager of Prince Xin's mansion who was hurriedly heading north.

"Never mind!"

"The matter of revenge can't be When the decision is made, then move it, go and investigate carefully for a few days before talking about it!"

After speaking, I first looked at the Prince Xin's mansion, and Mo Caihuan, who felt that the Prince Xin, who was seriously injured by Junior Sister Xiaoli, should not be able to escape for the time being, changed his mind again, and then moved towards the man from a distance. The dog thief, who hurried northward, followed.

"I want to see, where is the dog thief going?"

"Maybe, there are other clues..."

Lanzhou's five-color door has become the steward of Xinwang's mansion, and the prince of Xinwang's mansion is one of the murderers or one of the murderers who attacked loose cultivators near Xujing in recent years. These kinds of things are mixed together, and Mo Caihuan is always hidden. She felt that things were unusual, so she just followed up.


???(?)??? Monthly Pass?


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