Shenhao: I Can Cash Back A Hundred Times

Chapter 236 (For Subscription)

"Yeah, what's the big deal about admitting a mistake, what's so embarrassing about it, don't look at the bright clothes you're wearing now, aren't you just an ordinary person, aren't you just a Chu countryman? Can you Where are you going?"

"Just don't do so much, just make an apology and it's over, it will affect our meal." From the video just now, I really didn't see anything wrong, just the waiter went to remember what the customer said After ordering, the waiter said in his hand for a while to check out, and then the waiter left the little pickpocket's side.

"Everyone, don't panic! If I let you watch this video just like this, you will definitely not be able to see what is in this video, what is unusual about it. Next, I will ask my servants to play this video Five times slower, and you should be able to see exactly what's going on."

After Chu Jiang finished speaking, the cyborg in white began to play the slow speed video according to Chu Jiang's instructions.

Through this video, it can be clearly seen that Chu Jiang said there was a problem. The customer quickly stuffed a sum of money into the waiter's apron after ordering. The little pickpocket's movements were very fast. If it wasn't for the camera to record it, no one would have noticed it.

"Wow, this customer really has a problem. What is he doing it for? Why is he putting money into this waiter's group?"

"Yes, is it possible that this person wants to do good deeds?"

"How is it possible? How can there be such a good thing in the world?"

The customers began to discuss again.

"Quiet and quiet, everyone, listen to me slowly. Today I will tell you a story. This story is what I have personally experienced. A very real story happened a few years ago."

Chu Jiang told the customers who ate here a complete story of what happened to him, and the customers felt very incredible> How could there be such a person in the world?

"If you think what I said is impossible, then you can ask this waiter, has his boss made such a promise?"

After Chu Jiang finished speaking, he looked at the waiter. After the waiter learned about Chu Jiang's story, he was filled with righteous indignation. It's hard to imagine how big a hurdle would be in a person's heart after experiencing such treatment.

"That's right, my boss told me. If you come to work with him, you have to work for a full month before you get paid. Because he is afraid that I will give up halfway and slip away suddenly. I can't bear the hardship and don't want to do it. That's why I made such a rule, that's what he told me at the time.

The waiter's words made everyone see clearly the owner of the Malatang stall called Ma Datou.

"Do I rely on this stall to be so dark? When this Malatang stall just moved here, I had a meal here, and the taste was still very good, so I can be regarded as a frequent visitor. It seems that it is almost a month."

"Yeah, there is indeed one more booth here, it seems that it's almost a month."

After his ugly behavior was announced, Ma Datou immediately changed his face.

"Boy, I advise you not to come here to find trouble. The video you shot is not very clear. Who knows what you have processed in the post-processing? You come to my site for dinner. You don't want to eat here and insult me ​​and trample on me. I don’t want to say anything about my dignity, but you made rumors about me today, saying that I have a problem with my character. What evidence do you have? These are all fabricated by you out of thin air, out of thin air, out of thin air, imagination, are you here to make up such an interesting story just to make me close? Has the boss been following him? I'm really curious! I don't know this guest. After he arrived here, I haven't had any contact with him or said a single word. He must be It’s because I think the Mala Tang in our small shop is delicious, and I want to give us more tips, so I did this. It may also be that the waiter in my shop has been working very hard, so the waiter who feels sorry for me gave me this I don’t want the waiter to see it. After all, you, the big boss, just paid a tip of 30,000 yuan, how could he have the nerve to give this kind of tip of tens of dollars?”

...asking for flowers...

Ma Datou's words instantly made the little man know how to answer.

"Boss, you really know me very well. In fact, I have eaten here several times. One of them was because I had no money, so I said I skipped the order. Maybe because the amount was not very large, I said the boss You didn't bother with me about this matter, maybe you don't remember what I look like at all, so I came today to make up for my evasion fee, so I gave this waiter money Yes, I'm not as great as you imagined. I'm just an ordinary commoner, don't think so well of me."

The pickpocket's on-the-spot skills are really impressive. It would be a waste for such a talent not to be a director.

The words of the pickpocket and the big head immediately made the customers eating at the scene regain some sense.

"Hey, what you said in this way does make sense. This gentleman may indeed do this, young man, you can't produce any evidence for what you said. It's all just your speculation. .”

Can't come up with evidence?

"What I said to you just now is not the evidence I want to show, but a script I wrote for you. It can't be said that it is a script written by me, that is, what you will get from now on. Remember what I just said, and take it as fact."

Chu Jiang's words made Ma Datou laugh out loud.

"Hahaha, who do you think you are? Although the people who come here to eat are not as rich as you, they are all good citizens with a sense of justice. How could they help you tell lies to frame me?"

Chu Jiang's remarks were not only funny to Ma Datou and the little pickpocket, even the customers who ate, also felt that Chu Jiang's remarks were very ridiculous.

ps: Today's third update asks for subscription and four reading.

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