Shenhao: I Can Cash Back A Hundred Times

Chapter 237 (For Subscription)

Chu Jiang didn't feel any hurry, but smiled slightly. This time when I went out to eat, although I didn't bring much money, Wang Yufei had a lot of cash in her bag. Although the cash was not in the millions, there were still hundreds of thousands.

"Well, I'm going to ask my servants to send me some money now, everyone, don't leave after a while. After listening to what I have to say, everyone will get a sum of money, not too much or two One hundred thousand, everyone present can get two hundred thousand, that's right, everyone heard correctly. This is not much money, only two hundred thousand, if anyone needs it, welcome to stay at this Mala Tang booth and continue to wait After a while, the waiting time does not need to be too long, at most 20 minutes, and the servants of my family can come to this stall with money.

Chu Jiang's words made most of the "140" present a little confused. Is this a new way to show off your wealth? Why did you give two hundred thousand to everyone present? And is there any connection between this statement and what he said just now?

Everyone looked at me and I looked at you, their small eyes were full of doubts, especially the owner of this stall, Ma Datou, and that little pickpocket.

Chu Jiang is here to give money? Didn’t he want to expose himself just now, why is he suddenly giving money generously?

Chu Jiang's words in the next second explained everyone's doubts.

"Everyone listen to me first, I will do what I just said. And what I said today is not half a lie, the owner of this stall is called Ma Datou and that little pickpocket

I have formed an alliance for a long time, and I have been cheating my employees for several years. Every employee has been tempted by high salaries. As a result, I was fired for being greedy for money in less than a month. This Ma Datou would also encourage his employees to give his employees a dismissed pension before being fired. I also worked here a few years ago. I remember that I was fired. That day Ma Datou gave He paid me five hundred yuan, which moved me very much, so I never thought that Ma Datou would be such a person at the time. If anyone here has seen this Ma Datou Malatang stall, which has been in one place for a month, please stand up. If you see the same employee for more than a month, please stand up.

The situation is exactly as Chu Jiang said, the big head of the horse has been here for less than a month. All the customers present were speechless.

"Today, you don't need to worry about whether what I said is true or not. I just want to spend 200,000 yuan to buy everyone to say a word for me. You only need to say that the owner of this stall cheated his employees, and that a small pickpocket cheated his employees. Everyone just needs to say this sentence. I believe that money can turn ghosts around. It should not be difficult for everyone to help me say this sentence. I just asked everyone to wait for the 200,000 I promised you. All you need is to do it. You can get this one thing.”

When Chu Jiang said this, he sent a location to his servant and asked his servant to bring a cartload of money. Liu Xiner was originally working out in the gymnasium of Villa No. 1 in the eastern suburbs with her servants and sisters, when she suddenly received a text message from her young master, she immediately took the two sisters to the bank to withdraw money .

Chu Jiang paid his domestic servants a very high salary, so when Chu Jiang said this, the servants quickly took their bank cards to the bank to withdraw money. They have a lot of money in their bank cards, and Chu Jiang has already paid his salary within a day or two of joining the company. So when they got the order from their young master, these servants set off with their bank cards without any hesitation.

If Haidu Bank's treasury is not large enough, these millions of dollars may not be able to be counted at once.

Sure enough, within twenty minutes, Liu Xiner drove Chu Jiang's extended Rolls Royce to the small vendor that Chu Jiang had located.

"Wow, a luxury car!"

"Wow, this is the first time I've seen an extended Rolls-Royce."

"This must be a car driven by some big boss. Although we in Haidu are very rich, there are probably not many big bosses who can open such an extended Rolls-Royce. What happened today? These rich people No matter what, I like to run to this small Malatang stall.

As a result, as soon as the car door opened, three maids in maid outfits came out.

"Young Master, you and Fourth Young Mistress are here! I don't know why you called us here suddenly? And you asked us to bring so much money here, the salary you gave us

We don’t think it’s going to be much. After all, it’s not easy to bring cash, so we only took 10 million and came here, and put all the money in the car. I don’t know if the money is enough? If it’s not enough, we’ll go again Take Master"

After getting off the car, Liu Xiner hurried to Chu Jiang and asked anxiously.

"Ten million should be enough. After all, there are not many people eating at this stall." After Chu Jiang said this, he glanced at how many people were left at the Malatang stall, and found that there were only Just dozens of people. If it's only 200,000 yuan per person, it's enough.

The owner of the stall, Ma Datou, and the little pickpocket who framed the employees together with Ma Datou were stunned. The reason is so frighteningly scary! A scary person drove over in a Rolls-Royce extended version. The value of the car is more than 10 million yuan! Moreover, the appearance and temperament of these maids are far superior to ordinary maids, and they can be compared with the daughters of ordinary rich families. The most important thing is that this extended version of Rolls Royce is still stuffed with money, the level of this local tyrant is simply not too scary.

And the customers who ate at this stall were also stunned. They didn't know what to say for a while. After all, there is no need for such a big boss like 1.6 and such a rich rich second generation to come here to find a Malatang little girl. Troublesome for the vendor owner. It's not like this person is full and has nothing to do.

"That's good, as long as the young master didn't delay your affairs."

"I will transfer the money to your salary card after I go back. I will double the money and return it to you, as if I borrowed it for you." When the three maids wanted to say something, Chu Jiang After waving their hands, the three maids fell silent.

"Okay, everyone here, it's time for me to fulfill my promise. Everyone should be able to think clearly that there is no need for a person like me to trouble a Malatang vendor."

ps: Today's first update asks for subscription.

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