Shenhao: I Can Cash Back A Hundred Times

Chapter 386 (For Subscription)

Although Cao Ying was injured and suffered a lot from the hands of the robbers, but fortunately her face was not injured, because she had almost recovered, her face was ruddy, and she looked very good.

A light makeup was put on, which made Cao Ying, who was already very beautiful, even more attractive.

Although Cao Ying is wearing loose home clothes, it can't hide her good figure. The youthful breath burst out from Cao Ying's body, and with her charming face, Chu Jiang couldn't help but take a second look.

Seeing Chu Jiang looking at his daughter in a daze, Cao Long was secretly delighted.

"When Chu Jiang is able to dump Jinxi, just choose my daughter. Although I feel sorry for the old Wang family for having this idea, but there is only one son-in-law. If this kind of rich son-in-law can stay, then I am sure." We must do whatever it takes to stay."

Cao Long thought in his heart.

"Chu Jiang big brother, Sister Jinxi, I'm so happy that you all came to see me, yeah yeah, I can finally go downstairs and do some activities. Just resting in my room for a long time, Cao Ying couldn't bear it anymore up.

Fortunately, she was not sent to the hospital, otherwise this chick would be insane.

"Well, how do you feel better~?"

Chu Jiang asked.

"Thank you Chu Jiang big brother for your concern. I feel much better. After your bodyguard treated me, I felt that all the pain in my body disappeared, but after waking up, there was still some pain, and the doctor also told me His wounds healed surprisingly fast, simply inhuman healing speed.

This chick Cao Ying is really outspoken, why are you talking about this kind of thing? Isn't it causing trouble for Chu Jiang by talking about this kind of thing?

But fortunately, the Cao family has a flattering attitude towards Chu Jiang, and modern medicine is extremely developed, some people can master quick healing skills, it is not surprising that the healing medicine is similar to the ancient golden sore medicine.

So her parents didn't take Cao Ying's words to heart.

"Well, it's fine, it's fine, it's fine, but you still need to cultivate, you, don't just look at your phone when you walk in the future. Don't help the old lady who shouldn't be helped. There are too many touches, you say If you meet someone who touches porcelain, that's okay, who would have thought that you would meet a human trafficker!"

Chu Jiang originally wanted to say that Cao Ying's luck is no one else, and he has never heard of anyone who was kidnapped after being touched. Cao Ying was really the first.

"Then I don't know! Regardless of whether I hit it or not, I saw the old grandma fell down, and I always wanted to help her, and my family is not short of money, so I am not afraid of her touching porcelain. And I also There is a driving recorder, and I thought it would be fine to help it, but who would have thought that so many things would happen?"

Cao Ying was also very speechless. When she met Zheng, she said that she was unlucky.

"Okay, okay, brother Chu, don't say such things again, Cao Ying was frightened just now, do you want to help him remember?"

Wang Jinxi said with a smile.

"We, Jinxi, are still sensible. You, you have become more and more beautiful over the years. Before, you were very beautiful since you were a child. Sometimes when Aunt went to pick you up, he would see the boys in your class. Follow your ass all the time."

Cao Ying's mother smiled and held Wang Jinxi's hand, recalling.

"At that time, I told your mother that I had to keep an eye on you. If my goddaughter was abducted by some bad boy, I would break up with your mother."

Speaking of this, a group of people in the hall couldn't help laughing.

"Hahaha, is there really such a thing? I really don't know!" Wang Jinxi has never heard her parents mention this matter, but she thinks it is quite interesting

"Well, that's true. Tell me, our family Cao Ying is so beautiful, but why doesn't she have the temperament like you? I think it's because I don't read enough books. Scholars have a kind of elegant temperament, I guess We, Cao Ying, are so different from you in this."

Women's topics are too high-end, and men can't get in at all.

Because Cao Ying's mother is a senior, Chu Jiang, who is a junior, can't easily interrupt their conversation.

"Okay, let's not say so much, the young master came this time, not only to show compassion for his subordinates, not only to visit Cao Ying's condition, but also to commend her."

Wang Jinxi took out the Sunset Fire Opal in his hand and said, when he took out this gem again, Chu Jiang and Wang Jinxi realized that they seemed to have forgotten to buy a box.

0...seeking flowers...

Although this gemstone is very precious, if it is not in a box, it always feels a little too frivolous, and this gift will be a little too solemn.

"Uh, um, the young master and I came here in a hurry, so we forgot to buy a treasure box worthy of this stone. You can find this stone on Baidu Encyclopedia.

Wang Jinxi said.

"This is a gem made in Europe. We came across it in the Wenwan market, so we simply bought it. The price we bought was very low, but the value of this gem is dozens of times what we bought."

After Wang Jinxi finished speaking, she showed this beautiful gem in front of everyone.

"Wow, it's so beautiful! Sister Jinxi, is this really for me? I'm so happy." When Cao Ying saw this gem, she was attracted at first sight.

She couldn't help but walked towards this gem, and stretched out her hand, it could be seen how much she longed for this gem.

"Of course this is for you. Your marketing plan this time has been very successful. We thought your marketing plan would be very old-fashioned, but young people are young people. Although they are a few years younger than my younger brother, but As a young man, your thinking is very avant-garde, and this success is inseparable from your avant-garde thinking."

After Chu Jiang finished speaking, he also walked in front of Cao Ying.

Chu Jiang's handsome face suddenly overwhelmed the light of this jewel.

"Your performance this time is very good. Go search now, how much is this gemstone worth, and see if you are satisfied. By the way, Jinxi, what is this gemstone called?"

Chu Jiang was suddenly very embarrassed, and the whole paragraph collapsed.

"Hahaha, young master, shame on you, this gem is called Sunset Fire Opal, it is a precious gem in Europe, it disappeared in our country many years ago, I didn't expect to find it today, so I bought it. "

After speaking, Wang Jinxi handed over the gem to Cao Liu's Curie.

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