Shenhao: I Can Cash Back A Hundred Times

Chapter 387 (For Subscription)

Cao Ying looked very excited and joyful. This was the happiest thing she had done since she was kidnapped. It was very, very boring to stay at home, and she was not allowed to play on her mobile phone, watch the TV or touch the computer. I was going crazy, but now I am fine. Not only did my beloved come to see me, but I also brought myself a very precious gift.

Can Cao Ying be unhappy?

The gemstone in my hand is very warm and feels very good, with special texture and special shape, it is so beautiful that it is difficult to describe it in words.

"Chu Jiang big brother, I really like this gift!" Cao Ying excitedly gave Chu Jiang a hug, not caring that her parents were there. He didn't care that Chu Jiang's girlfriend Wang Jinxi was present, so he gave Chu Jiang a big hug.

There is no way, Cao Ying is really too excited at this moment.

"Happy "Five Five Three" is good, this is the reward for your plan, you have made a huge contribution to the company this time, the company will reward you well, don't patronize to see how good-looking you are, check it out price."

Chu Jiang broke free from Cao Ying's arms in embarrassment and said.

"Okay, Chu Jiang big brother."

Cao Ying followed Chu Jiang's instructions and opened the browser on her mobile phone. However, Cao Ying was more avant-garde, so she took a photo and searched.

Sure enough, the result did not disappoint Cao Ying.

"What? A few decades ago, this thing was worth 150 million yuan? God, what era is it now? The currency has depreciated so much. How much should this small stone be worth now!"

Cao Ying's words strengthened Cao Long's determination. No matter what, this man would make him his son-in-law. If such a wealthy son-in-law appeared in his home, his Cao family was not yet prosperous. up?

"Good girl, now that you know the value of this thing, do you know how to work in the future? And what to do, don't you know?"

The meaning of Cao Long's words was to ask Cao Ying to find a way to return the gift to Chu Jiang. Although it is said that 500 million is indeed a lot of money for the Cao family, face is more important, and if your own The daughter and Chu Jiang are together. In love, the consumption of the two should be as equal as possible.

"Okay, father, I understand, I will work in Chu Jiang big brother's company well, and I will return a big gift, don't worry, father, this sunset opal is unique in the world The precious gems should be priceless now."

Speaking of this, the Sunset Fire Opal in his hand could not help but clenched a little bit, for fear that if his hand slipped, this Precious gem would fall to the ground.

"Chu big brother, I don't have any precious gifts. My grandma gave me a pair of gold bracelets before she passed away. These bracelets are inlaid with gold and jade. Although they are not old objects, they are very meaningful to me. I'll go up and get it for Big Brother Chu.

Cao Ying's words made Cao Ying's parents silent. Of course, Cao Ying's parents knew what the pair of gold and jade bracelets were.

This pair of bracelets was given to grandma Cao Ying by an emperor in troubled times. Although the bracelets are not very old, they are very valuable for research and can basically be regarded as national treasures.

But if you don't show off this thing, if you don't show it off, no one will care about you.

And this pair of bracelets is very meaningful, it is a dowry. It is the dowry of Grandma Cao Ying's ancestors, which has been passed down from the war-torn era to the present.

Cao Ying's grandma told herself that the pair of bracelets belonged to a man and a woman. The man's bracelet was bigger and rougher in shape, while the woman's was smaller.

Cao Ying still remembers that her grandmother told her that this pair of bracelets, the bigger one, must be given to the person she loves the most, the man who treats her best.

Although Chu Jiang hasn't said anything to Cao Ying now, Cao Ying has a very strong intuition that her true son must be Chu Jiang.

That's why Cao Ying proposed to give Chu Jiang a bracelet inlaid with gold and jade.

Because the relationship between the two families is very good, it can be said that Wang Jinxi also knows about this pair of gold-inlaid jade bracelets, knows the meaning of this pair of gold-inlaid jade bracelets, and knows that this pair of gold-inlaid jade bracelets will be handed over to Cao Ying. The real one.

Therefore, when Cao Ying brought it up, Cao Ying's parents didn't know what to say. It would be fine to say this if Wang Jinxi wasn't around, but if Wang Jinxi was here, wouldn't it be a bad idea to say it like this?

Although Wang Jinxi is not the biological daughter of Cao Ying's parents, the relationship is also very good. In the past few years, even from Wang Jinxi's childhood to adulthood, Cao Ying's mother has regarded Wang Jinxi as her own daughter......

Therefore, Cao Ying's parents agree that their daughter likes Chu Jiang, but because Chu Jiang's girlfriend is Wang Jinxi, they do not publicly support it.

Now, the couple are watching Wang Jinxi and what Wang Jinxi will say. If Wang Jinxi is unhappy, then Cao Ying's parents will say that this is a joke from their daughter

At that time, I don't need to care about the symbolic meaning anymore, just a valuable gold inlaid jade bracelet will be fine.

However, the result was beyond the expectations of Cao Ying's parents. Wang Jinxi just smiled and didn't say anything.

Do you think Wang Jinxi is not jealous? How is that possible?

Chu Jiang now has four girlfriends, and Wang Jinxi is not sure if there are only four, which means that there are at least three people who want to share Chu Jiang's love with her.

Now, if there is one more Cao Ying, there will be four people sharing Chu Jiang's love with her, and even though Cao Ying is very smart, she always looks silly and cute.

This kind of girl happens to be the one that men love the most, Wang Jinxi understands this on 4.2 days.

But, why did Wang Jinxi say so, because Chu Jiang was sure that they would not be the only women in this life, and Wang Jinxi didn't want Chu Jiang to fall in love with someone who was looking for money, not for the family.

Cao Ying really likes Chu Jiang, Wang Jinxi knew this, so she didn't say anything.

"Hey, hey, don't be so polite, this is a reward for your hard work, and you were injured, and the company didn't give you condolences or anything, so, this also includes the condolences, so ah , Don’t do anything in return, or I’ll be angry.”

Cao Ying was about to insist, and when the bracelet was in Chu Jiang's hands, she would explain the meaning of the bracelet to Chu Jiang, by the way.

ps: Today's first update asks for subscription.

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