Special Forces: I, Private! Destroy the Wolf Fang at the beginning

Chapter 836 Audio stage, students begin to fight back!

La la la la la la la la……

Another burst of magic sound came from the student's headphones.

"Damn! It's endless!" The student who had been trapped in the forest for a long time roughly pulled off his earphones and cursed in a low voice.

While cursing and scratching his head, he wandered around unconsciously in a small place.

"Pay attention to the adjustment and don't be impatient." Lai Runjiang frowned and looked at the person who was walking around, obviously having symptoms of collapse, and said.

The student cast a broken look at Lai Runjiang. His eyes were already bloodshot, his chin was unshaven at this time, his face was dejected, and his whole person was exuding gloom. He said in a tired voice: "Brother Jiang ,I……"

"Don't give up so easily!" Lai Runjiang scolded in a stern tone, interrupting the student's unspoken words.

There were tears in the corners of the student's eyes, and his clothes were wrinkled into dried pickles, and they were all painted in red, blue, green, and yellow colors. Coupled with his really bad spirit, he looked like he had escaped from a refugee camp.

"Brother Jiang, I can't hold on anymore, I really can't hold on anymore." The student squatted on the ground and buried his head in his legs, unable to swallow: "I have tried my best in the computer course, but I can only I can barely keep up with everyone, but these are far from the standard, and I can’t keep up.”

"The instructor said there will be no elimination, but now I know that no elimination is the cruelest elimination, woo woo woo."

Lai Runjiang was a little at a loss. He was also sad, but he didn't know how to comfort this completely broken man.

The other two members of the team were also in a low mood at this time. They wiped the water sprayed by the drone on their faces, angrily tore off the headphones that were still playing the magic sound, and squatted with their heads drooped on the crying teammate. beside.

Silent companionship.

Lai Runjiang looked at the sky speechlessly, as if this would make those frustrations go away with the wind.

But reality still gives them a big tease.

They had not deciphered or taken down the drone that had followed them, and it was still spraying water and paint at them.

In the earphones, there were the proud voices of students like them who were unable to crack the code and were set up by the instructor to counter-track them.

Just a little frustrated.

Suddenly I found that they seemed to be unable to do anything.

Lai Runjiang shook his head violently to get rid of this terrible thought. This kind of thought should not be allowed to occur for a moment, it is too easy to enchant the mind.

"Don't be sad, get up! Now is not the time to think about these things. Even if you want to quit, you must finish the road ahead and don't let them look down on you." Lai Runjiang said to the three people squatting on the ground.

"Everyone move, let's go find the other team members first."

"Ahem! Brother Jiang is right. Even if you want to quit, it will be after you go back." The crying student wiped the corners of his eyes and instantly became full of fighting spirit.

This made the other three people stunned, almost unable to recover from the negative emotions.

Li Feng's four-person team, carrying four drones on their backs, walked leisurely on the mountain path (making their own roads when there is no road, and building their own bridges when encountering water), feeling a bit like travel companions.

Huang Youzhao held a stick in front of him to clear the way. Zhang Pingshun also held a stick in his hand and was walking in second place with a vigilant look on his face. Li Feng held the computer that was turned on and was paying attention to the information on the computer while branching to look at the road. In third place, Ye Zhen stepped back and followed the three team members forward.

"Brother Li, do you think this ear-piercing magic music was really played by the instructor? It just doesn't feel like his style." Ye Zhen asked, listening to the magic ear-piercing music coming from the headphones again.

"It really doesn't look like it, but it does look a bit like what Fan Jiao likes." Zhang Pingshun chatted to the side.

"How do you know that Teacher Fan likes him? Have you ever talked to him?" Huang Youzhao led the way with a serious look on his face, while asking curiously.

"Yes, Teacher Fan likes to play the instructor's UFC fantasy game. I can play it well. Teacher Fan is also willing to take me to form a team after class, and then I learn about some of Teacher Fan's personal things." Zhang Pingshun said.

"That's right. I have always had a feeling before that the firewall reinforcement and counterattack did not seem to come from the same person. It seems that Fan Jiao and Li Jiao are still in the base." Li Feng affirmed.

"Tsk, I was tricked by the instructor again." Ye Zhen said angrily.

"This is a gain. At least we know the division of labor among the instructors. Maybe we can make targeted adjustments." Li Feng comforted.

In the training base, Fan Zhicheng looked at Li Feng's team angrily, and of course he listened to their conversation.

Li Yiyu was holding back his laughter until he was constipated. He couldn't help but raise his lips and raised his eyebrows at Fan Zhicheng, "Why, I'm asking you to play such devilish music, and you'll be exposed."

Chen Fan didn't expect that Xiao Anping would do this again. He smiled and said: "Old Fan, this time the boat has capsized in the ditch, so you can scream."

Fan Zhicheng snorted twice and said nothing, but kept staring at Xiao Anping, as if he wanted to drill a hole in him.

He didn't expect that just after playing games with this kid a few times, he would have all his records checked out.

"Old Fan, don't underestimate these students. They are all serving in the army, especially the seven little ones who have started military training at the age of five or six. They have learned a lot and are very good at it. If you want to hide it from them, you still have to do it." It's quite difficult." Li Feng said in a comforting tone.

Fan Zhicheng still said nothing and gave Chen Fan a look to let him understand. Moreover, Chen Fan's comforting words were not comforting. Thank you, no need!

Beep beep beep!

The sudden loud alarm did not relieve Fan Zhicheng's depression, but made his brows more and more tightly knitted.

Chen Fan took a look at Fan Zhicheng's computer. Wow, during the time when he was joking, Li Feng's dependent program completely replaced the previous main control program in the control room, and even took the lead and replaced the previous main program.

Li Yiyu's pupils shrank unconsciously, and his eyes flashed with interesting light. Interesting, these students are really interesting.

"The game counterattack begins, instructor, Li, and Fan, see you at the base." Li Feng's voice came from the voice control speakers of the base, and there were also many students' slightly heavy breathing and rustling sounds.

"It's interesting, but it's a pity that you can't get to the base for the time being." Chen Fan said with a smile.

"Instructor, we will go back." A student said loudly in the headset.

"Then I'll wait. I hope you won't be too embarrassed." Chen Fan said, and cut off the communication connection with the students. From then on, in the base, except for the students' images, no more audio from the students could be received.

In the mountains, the students shouted happily, and some were happy, circling around the team members.

Hey! At first glance, that person was Gao Wenhe. At this time, he was jumping and circling around the other three team members happily, and he was talking quickly, but the three of them were very tacitly silent, and they didn't want to communicate with him at all.

He is really talkative!

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