"What do you think, Lao Fan, Li Feng is pretty good, right?" Chen Fan said with a proud look on his face.

Fan Zhicheng gritted his teeth, wanting to punch this guy who looked like he deserved a beating, but he couldn't beat him, what to do? Urgent, waiting online!

"The strength is good, these students know how to cooperate, and they have put their acting skills into it. It would be a pity if they don't act." Fan Zhuancheng curled his lips and said.

"Is the student who was crying so hard just now acting?" Li Yiyu asked uncertainly.

"Of course, the students I taught are not so fragile." Chen Fan said.

"Then his acting skills are really good, boss, when you want to open an entertainment company one day, you can ask him to guest star." Li Yiyu said hesitantly, with a little admiration in his tone.

However, the crying was really sincere, and the expression on his face was impeccable when zoomed in and seen in close-up. He really spent a lot of money.

And the team members of that group also cooperated very well, and they worked together seamlessly.

Li Yiyu stretched and flexed his fingers. Since the trainees were working so hard, as an instructor, he should also work hard.

In the large giant screen information center of the base, Chen Fan, Li Yiyu and Fan Zhicheng each occupied a computer. This time they all stared at the computer seriously, no longer looking bored and about to doze off.

"Attention, teams. I suspect that we are blocked from each other by signals. Otherwise, it would be impossible for us to walk for five days without encountering a group of people." Li Feng said into the headset.

All the trainees clearly heard the voices of other trainees in the headset in the past five days, except for the team members who came out with them, and they were a little excited.

"Why don't we talk about the places with high landmarks that we have been to in the past five days." Lai Runjiang said.

"We went to a swamp. The leaves of the trees in the swamp were lush at this time. We got stuck there. There were many traces left when we rescued people and got the drone there." Lu Fei said.

"I, I, we are now at the edge of the swamp! The trees inside do have a lot of leaves, but we didn't find any traces of you, Lu Fei." Gao Wenhe's voice came from the headset.

"Gao Wenhe, you search along the swamp, be careful." Huang Youzhao reminded.

"Jingxi, what's the situation over there?" Li Feng asked.

"Brother Li, we have been tracking peripheral activities with drones at the beginning. So far, we have successfully controlled three drones, all of which are related to the programs taught by Li, but the flash points are difficult to find." Deng Jingxi paused and continued.

"So in order to find clues, we walked very slowly. I am sure that there are obvious pigments on the ground along the road we walked."

The headset suddenly became quiet. Everyone seemed to be hit by a certain acupuncture point, and their thoughts were suddenly led away by the previous programs. The more they thought about it, the more it made sense.

Li Feng asked about the situation of several other teams. Everyone chattered about several locations, and some people immediately agreed that their place was a bit similar.

Then everyone began to carefully look for clues around, looking very seriously and carefully, not letting go of any traces.

"Xiao Yu, pay attention to a few students among the students. Their camouflage and hiding performance are very excellent in school. Don't let them find any flaws." Chen Fan said, staring at the students who were all looking for faults on the big screen.

All the students were sticking their butts out, carefully observing every place, and even more, every tree and every grass was carefully looked at again and again, as if trying to find out their differences or similarities.

Of course, there were also those who poked ant nests and insect nests.

Looking at these strange actions of the students, Chen Yiyu wanted to laugh inexplicably, but his face was very serious. Fortunately, fortunately, the students almost hit the mark by accident!

The students searched for a while, but really didn't find anything. Even Gao Wenhe's team walked around the edge of the swamp and didn't find any traces left by Lu Fei's team.

Everyone's mentality was about to collapse again. They knew there was a problem, but they just couldn't find any evidence. This feeling was really bad.

"Those who haven't controlled the drone yet, get rid of it first. According to the experience of Deng Jingxi's team, we should start from this angle and control the drone as soon as possible." Li Feng reminded everyone, and after thinking for a while, he said, "I suspect that the drone can still be used outside the base."

The teams, as well as the students who were baptized by the drone all the time, changed their thinking, and the decoding of the unmanned reverse control went smoothly, especially Lai Runjiang's team. From the four drones spraying water all the time, no drone dared to spray water on them now!

It can be said that the emancipated serfs sang, if Li Feng hadn't said that they could still use it at the base, they would have wanted to shoot down the drone and dismantle it.

"La la la, la la la la la la la." The student who was crying before was humming a cheerful song at this time. After solving the drone, he made considerable progress in the direction of progress.

He was so happy that he controlled the drone to spray water on himself, combed his hair, and shaved off the new stubble.

Lai Runjiang looked at this man who was so depressed that he wanted to lie down and rot on the spot just now, and now he was so excited that he couldn't help but secretly give him a thumbs up.

He changed so quickly.

"Brother Jiang, is this the face-changing technique? Xiao Ji is like a completely different person now." The team member joked with Lai Runjiang.

"This is also a kind of ability. It should be used in the execution of tasks. It is easier for him to penetrate the enemy." Lai Runjiang paused for a while and said:

"I have seen a special forces member before. He was full of murderous aura and his aura was very strong. But in the next second, he was able to restrain all the hostility in his body and it was not detectable at all."

"That is the legendary master. He can control the aura of his whole body freely and use it whenever he wants. People with such aura are either heroes or heroes." The student envied.

"Don't doubt it, our instructor is!" Li Feng's voice suddenly sounded from the headset, responding to the student's words about the master: "Our instructor's ability is far more than just computers, and it is not just the surface that everyone sees. We still have a long way to go to pass the instructor's assessment."

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