After checking the card that could bring weapons, Liang En and Joan of Arc went back upstairs, and then Liang En sat on the sofa and checked the last card he got this time.

The third card is also a skill card, which is of SR level, but its rarity is not based on its level, but on the ability of this card.

[French Knight Call (SR): France is the strongest cavalry country in Europe, from the feudal knights in the Middle Ages, to the Order Knights in the late Middle Ages, to the cuirassiers and grenadiers in the war era.

From these histories, it can be concluded that the French are a people who are good at raising horses, have excellent riding skills, and have a profound tradition of cavalry.

Today, France occupies almost all of the land most suitable for agricultural production in Europe. Compared with Germany, which was a bleak forest in the Middle Ages, Spain was rugged and dry, and England was rainy all year round, the land in France is considered the most suitable place for farming in Europe.

Good sunlight, clear seasons, fertile soil, flat land, and suitable precipitation all determine France's developed agricultural economy.

A developed agricultural economy supports a large population, and sufficient labor force in turn further promotes the development of agriculture.

France's population exceeded 10 million in the eleventh century. The developed agricultural economy supported martial nobles and horses capable of carrying knights and heavy armor.

Although the entire European economic model at that time was a manor economy subordinate to feudal feudal nobles, historically speaking, French knights were indeed better than knights in Britain and Germany in most cases.

It is reasonable for this situation to occur. After all, productivity is the basis of everything. As the saying goes, money means fighting power.

Better equipment, better nutrition, better horses, and more knights competing for money. Putting these backgrounds together, it is not surprising that French knights have strong combat capabilities.

In addition, the population base also brings another result - numerical advantage. According to records, a knight needs at least hundreds of people to support him. Considering that all knights are of this style, a larger population naturally means a larger number of French knights.

Therefore, after possessing the advantages of superior combat effectiveness and large numbers, the French knights naturally looked down upon their European counterparts. On the east side of the Eurasian continent, the Chinese army also became the overlord of Asia while possessing the same advantages.

Among these knights, the most representative group is the Imperial Cavalry. This is a very elite group of troops that belongs to the army directly under the King of France. It combines the powerful individual combat effectiveness of classical cavalry with the discipline similar to modern cavalry.

At the same time, these cavalrymen and horses all have plate armor, and their image is closer to what people think of knights, rather than the earlier mail armor or the later breastplate.

Now, the card will bring a spirit equivalent to a knight from history to fight for historical explorers.

Skill card (permanent), the card user can summon a spirit equivalent to the perfect Knight of the Order. This knight will have no entity like the Ghost Knight, but can attack like a real knight.

Unlike historical followers, this spirit has no self and can only maintain a minimum level of activity except for combat-related content.

The spirit knight can only be seen by the summoner and his historical followers, and can cause damage like attacking ordinary people. However, in the eyes of other beings, this knight does not exist, and is as elusive as the breeze.

For this spirit knight, it can easily cross solid obstacles and is also immune to various physical attacks, but it will suffer more damage when faced with energy attacks.

As a spirit knight, he needs to consume one legend point every hour, but his range of activities is limited to 1km with the summoner as the center. 】

"Good guy, this is definitely a powerful card." After reading this card, Liang En exclaimed subconsciously, and then shared the content of this card with Joan of Arc.

"Yes, this is indeed a very powerful card." After learning the specific content of the card owned by Liang En, Joan of Arc nodded in agreement and then made a request.

"I hope to fight this knight once, because now I am very curious about how powerful this warrior, who is called the most powerful knight in the French classical era, is."

"Of course, but the space here -" The area of ​​this hotel converted from a monastery is not too small. There is even a small square in the middle, but it is still a bit small for cavalry battles.

"That's enough. I'm just fighting on foot. I'll test the riding on horseback when I get back." Joan nodded and put on the protective clothing she had placed in the space before, and then came to the courtyard in the center of the monastery with her weapon.

"Are you ready? Let's get started." After watching Jeanne wave his hand, Liang En summoned the knight in the spirit state.

With the output of the legendary power, a gray mist that only Liang En and Jeanne could see appeared in the square between the two people. Then the mist quickly deformed and turned into a warrior wearing full plate armor. .

The next moment, a knight's sword also made of gray mist appeared in the knight's hand, and then the knight waved the sword and rushed towards the prepared Joan of Arc.

Contrary to what many people imagine, due to the advancement of protective gear in the plate armor era, knights basically no longer need shields for protection, which also greatly improves the knight's flexibility.

For example, this is the case with this spiritual knight. Its flexibility is not like a heavily armored warrior at all, but more like a hunter or killer.

But the fully strengthened Joan of Arc was obviously stronger. She easily dodged the opponent for a moment, and then stabbed the knight's armpit where there was no plate protection.

The knight obviously saw this blow and wanted to protect it, but he moved a little too slowly. As a result, the sword in Joan's hand penetrated under his left armpit. He then stood frozen for less than a second and then exploded like glass.

A real battle will not be like the dozens of rounds of ping-ping-pong-pong played in TV novels, especially for masters. It is very likely that the winner will be determined in a few fights in a battle.

The combat power of the spiritual knight summoned by Liang En was only the limit of ordinary people, so it was reasonable for him to be killed by Joan of Arc in the middle of the fight.

"Its level is very good." After putting away the sword in his hand, Joan of Arc gave this knight a high evaluation, "It was definitely the top warrior in my army back then. You really got it this time. It’s a big gain.”

"As for its riding combat level, we will test it as soon as we get back, but based on my experience with it just now, he is very good at fighting, so his riding combat level should not be bad -"

In many cases, fighting is a one-size-fits-all approach, especially for a high-level competitor, who can figure out the opponent's combat effectiveness through simple exchanges.

So just from the simple fight, Joan of Arc understood that this spiritual knight was very powerful from a knight's point of view, completely better than any knight that had ever existed in history.

"It's normal. This existence was formed directly from history. It should be a combination of all the advantages of the French Order Knights in history. It can be regarded as a perfect warrior." Liang En nodded. "It seems that we are really lucky this time."

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