Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 861 Research and Planning

With their harvest, Liang En and the others left the hotel converted from a monastery in Marseille and informed Elizabeth. Next, a decoration team will come in to renovate the hotel.

According to their previous plan, the renovation team will spend several months to complete the renovation work after entering the site, and then reopen and welcome more suitable guests.

As analyzed before, the reason why this hotel is so miserable that there are no tourists is purely because of the positioning error. Therefore, as long as they adjust their business direction and business scope, they will soon be flooded with guests.

In other words, although the industry here has failed in the past, as long as it finds a direction, this hotel will become a new source of wealth.

After returning to Dublin, the first thing Liang En and the others did was to launch a cavalry battle under the cover of night to test the combat effectiveness of the knight in the spirit state.

Facts have proved that this knight's combat effectiveness on horseback is also very good. At least when Joan of Arc was engaged in a cavalry battle with the opponent, she could clearly feel that the opponent was indeed more powerful than all the cavalry she had seen.

It is a pity that the era of cold weapons is over. Otherwise, just such a summons can defeat hundreds of elite cavalry and become a god who truly dominates the battlefield.

Of course, the situation is actually similar now. At least at the current level of human beings, there is no way to resist a warrior who can ignore all physical obstacles and physical damage and cannot be detected.

This harvest made Liang En very satisfied. In particular, his mastery of the Rococo artistic style allowed him to design a series of jewelry with a strong Versailles palace style in a short period of time.

In addition, he also took this opportunity to practice the newly acquired [Song of Iron and Fire (R)] and tried to become familiar with the summoned weapons, especially the muzzle-loading muskets.

For Liang En, cold weapons are actually very easy to master. At least based on his ability, it is not difficult to master the cold weapons of the Napoleonic era, but muskets are another matter.

After all, those ancient firearms are completely different from the firearms used today. Even if you don't need to consider the complicated loading problem, mastering the ballistics and related habits of this smoothbore gun requires repeated practice.

In particular, although this firearm is formed by extraordinary power, it will have the same sound and light effects and recoil as a real firearm, so you must practice a lot before you can use it well.

At least at the beginning, Liang En was troubled by the completely unergonomic grip of this firearm. When he fired for the first time, he could clearly feel his wrist being very uncomfortable.

Therefore, if you really want to make good use of this skill, it is necessary to practice a lot in advance. Otherwise, having a skill that cannot be used is even worse than having no skill at all.

In addition to practicing using new cards, Liang En has also completed two book collections, one of which has a translation of Cretan Linear B.

As the now recognized origin of Western writing, countless people are paying attention to research in this area, so as soon as this paper was released, a large number of scholars watched it and gave very positive feedback.

As for the other book, it is mainly a biography of Joan of Arc. The content is written in the form of interviews. It can be regarded as a book that can be enjoyed by both refined and popular people.

Although all the contents are true, considering that some of the history has not been preserved, Liang En adapted many parts to a certain extent and wrote them in a speculative tone.

The popularity of this book is somewhat unexpected, and it has received high praise from both casual readers and true historians.

For ordinary people, Joan of Arc is a very famous celebrity, so naturally many people want to know about her secrets.

On the other hand, for those professional scholars, they saw some information that they had never mastered before, but it was very reasonable.

What’s interesting is that neither ordinary people nor scholars have ever questioned what Liang En wrote, because everyone knows the relationship between Liang En and Joan of Arc and Joan of Arc’s family, and think that this is likely to be some of the family members. file.

Of course, these books were not written in such a short period of time. This time they were just sorted out and published by someone.

Fortunately, unlike before when posting an article required racking one's brains to find a solution, now Liang En only needs to send an email and someone will naturally handle the matter for him.

Also because of the publication of these two documents and some other work. Liang En was busy with this work in the next month, so much so that when he finished the work, he realized that summer was almost over.

"In more than a month, you gave a total of seven public classes. In addition to the two books, you also completed four papers on ancient Egypt and prehistoric ancient Greece. Two sets of jewelry and 16 individual pieces of jewelry. design."

On the day she finished this series of work and rested, Joan of Arc took out a small notebook from her back and read seriously about the work Liang En had completed this month.

"To be honest, what you are doing now can definitely be called a model worker. I have never seen you do so much work in a short period of time before."

"Actually, I've done it before, but I rarely do it." Liang En spread his hands and smiled, then asked. "By the way, is there any important news recently?"

"Many, for example, the renovation of the hotel in Marseille is going well, and the banks in the Philippines have begun operations and are making profits. At the same time, the mines in Guatemala have discovered new mineral veins——"

"You know that's not the question I want to ask." Liang En said seriously after listening to Jeanne's words. "What I want to know now is not money-related content, but some important news."

"If we want to talk about more important news, most of them are invitation letters and the like. These things mainly come from universities or associations, but some also come from various research institutes and even private individuals."

Joan of Arc said as she stood up and went to a cabinet next to the room, then took out a stack of documents and placed them on the table. After briefly looking through them, Liang En found that most of them were invitation letters.

Since becoming famous, Liang En has received more and more similar invitations, and for him, the most important thing next is to choose one or a few of these invitations to respond and participate.

After all, man is a social animal, and no matter how high his personal level is, he still needs to adapt to the whole society, so for Lian Gen 1, he will accept those invitations as appropriate, even if those invitations are very boring.

For example, he had previously attended an open class given by a history scholar. The class was filled with commonplace topics that made him almost fall asleep in class.

But the influence of the person who gave the lecture at that time was really too great, so when faced with the other party's invitation, there was no legitimate reason such as being on a field trip and it was not suitable to shirk it. As a result, a whole day was wasted in a daze. .

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