Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1457: give me? Props?

"The host received a system package this time, which included a total of three items. The first one was a set of thirty-six characters of" Feng Shen Yan Yi ", and the second one was the" Shushan "magic collection, covering" Shushan ". Twenty-two magic weapons in the world, the third is ten unrestricted contracts, "said the system slowly.

Wang Xing didn't feel stunned, this reward is quite ah.

The thirty-six celestial magpies, also known as the thirty-six celestial generals, are Tiankuixing Gao Yan, Tianxun Huangzhen, Tianji Xing Lu Chang, Tianxian Xing Jibing, Tianyong Xing Yao Gongxiao, Tianxiong Xing Shi Zhe, and Tian Mengxing Sun Yi, Tian Weixing Li Bao, Tian Yingxing Zhu Yi, Tianguixing Chen Kan, Tianfuxing Lixian, Tianmanxing Fangbao, Tianguxing Zhan Xiu, Tianjuxing Li Hongyu, Tian Xuanxing Wang Longmao, Tian Jian Xing Deng Yu, Tian An Xing Li Xin, Tian You Xing Xu Zhengdao, Sky Star Code Tong, Tian Su Xing Wu Xu, Tian Yi Xing Lu Zicheng, Tian Xingxing Ren Lai, Tian Weixing Gong Qing, Tian Jiuxing Single Move, Tian Gao Ke, a star, Tianshou star, Tianhu star king tiger, Tianping star Butong, Tiangui star Yao Gong, Tianju star Tang Tianzheng, Tian lose star Shen Li, Tian prison star Wen Jie, Tianhui star Zhang Zhixiong , Skyburst Bied, Sky Crying Liu Da, Tianqiao Starway Sanyi.

The key is thirty-six days, all of which are Shengxian Xiuwei.

Corresponds to the emperor of their universe.

Moreover, he is proficient in all kinds of magical powers, such as good fortune, upside down yin and yang, changing stars and fighting, returning to the sky and so on.

Together, they can even fight Jinxian.

Twenty-two magic weapons in the next "Shushan" also appeared in front of Wang Xing.

They are Jiuzimu Ghost Sword, Nine Heavenly Yuanyang Ruler, Xuanguang Ruler, Tianyan Mirror, Liuyang Shenhuojian, Taixu Shenjing, Tianxinhuan, Xuanyin Jushou, Jinwu Divine Barrier, Ruyi Hookah, Jiu Sui Ding, Yu Ding, Demon Bomb Moonbow Crossbow, Mystic Mystic Wusuo, Heart Lamp, Heart Singing Bell, Cosmic Disc, Mi Chen, Five-Star Wheel of the Sun and Moon, Clutch Wu Yungui, Golden Lotus Throne, Qibao Gold Tower.

The lowest of the twenty-two magic treasures is the fourth-order Force Magic, and the highest is the acquired Lingbao.

But these are of little use to Wang Xing.

Wang Xing didn't realize an idea: "With these 22 magic weapons, I now have more than 30 magic weapons. These magic weapons are not useful to me at all, and they don't know what the students put in the college. When you can exchange it out, it is better to imitate the Hongjun Taoist in the myth and legend, and to give a treasure once, it is a reward for those outstanding students in so many years. "

Seems interesting.

Finally, there are ten unrestricted contracts, so there are a total of sixteen left in his hands.

After receiving all the rewards, I have acquired the immortality or ability of each teacher, and the next step is summoning.

Only saw a teacher appearing in front of Wang Xing.

Jiang Ziya, Black Bear Essence, Yellow Wind Monster, Liang Warcraft, Poseidon, Robot Cat ...

Thirty-six days ...

"Is this the Immortal College?"

A group of people looked around curiously, and finally locked their eyes on Wang Xing.

Wang Xing bowed his head and smiled: "Welcome teachers to teach at the college. Now, Mr. Huang Rong will tell you about the rules and regulations of the college, and related benefits and treatments as a college teacher."

At this time, Huang Rong came in from the outside: "Hello new teachers, hello everyone, I am the director of the Human Resources Department of Xian College. I am mainly responsible for the personnel affairs of the college. As a new college teacher, you need to know the following ... "


Huang Rong finished all the things to be accounted for, and the next step was to apply for the teachers.

Wang Xing will not participate, and let Huang Rong arrange.

There were forty-two new teachers in the college all of a sudden, and many students were curious.

Huang Rong also let the new teachers and students know each other, and the college seemed very lively for a while.

"Look, this is Jiang Ziya, the teacher in charge of the gods." Many students shouted.

"Don't dare to be, dare not to be." Jiang Ziya caressed his beard, looking a little proud.

"Oh, isn't this Brother?" A voice came from Shen Gongbao, "I didn't expect Brother to be qualified to teach at Xian Academy, it's really gratifying."

"Shen Gongbao ..." Jiang Ziya heard this voice, his face changed greatly.

"My brother saw me by surprise, but my brother, I was defeated by you in the world of Fengshen Romance. Now in the college, you lost to me."

"What do you say?"

"Haha, who made me an advanced college than you. In 149 years, I have been promoted to the deputy director of the admissions department of the college, responsible for the admissions of the junior middle school, and you are just a small employee, eh!"

"Deputy director of the admissions department of the junior middle school of the college?" Jiang Ziya froze. He knew that the staff of the college were also graded, and this deputy minister had great rights in the college.

"How about, envy?" Shen Gongbao was a little proud.

"Mr. Shen Gongbao, the dean just greeted me, saying that he planned to give Jiang Ziya a magic whip, appointed him as the deputy director of the student department of the college, and will be responsible for the discipline violation work of junior high school students ~ ~ 黄蓉The voice sounded.

"Student Office?" Shen Gongbao was a stunner. This is a large department, and their admissions department needs to get approval from the Student Office to complete the annual enrollment.

"What's wrong with you?" Jiang Ziya was still a little strange.

"Oh, brother, why did you come to the college, why didn't you tell me, I'd better take the wind and clean the dust! Brother, you must be hungry, let's go, let's go to the cafeteria now, and I treat you." Shen Gongbao said, extremely He enthusiastically pulled Jiang Ziya to the cafeteria, while Jiang Ziya was still aggressive.

At this time someone finally noticed Doraemon.

"Wow, is this Doraemon Doraemon? I thought it was a doll." An excited voice came, and it was Chanel, the mermaid queen, who was one of the students recruited by Xian Academy at the time.

"I'm not a doll. I'm a teacher at Xian Academy." Doraemon said, pointing to her teacher's card. "See? I'm certified. Teacher Huang Rong said this is called holding a certificate. Only the college is currently I do n’t have the teacher ’s tooling I ’m wearing, but someone has been told to tell the weaver girl to make it for me. ”

"Doraemon, teacher?" Chanel was amazed, and she glanced at Doraemon's teacher's card.

Many people also noticed the situation here.

Gathered together.

Doraemon looked at Chanel and thought: "You are the first person to talk to me. As a reward, I can give you a prop."

"Send me? Props?" Chanel was dumbfounded.

"Yes." Doraemon continued to dig out of his pocket, and soon pulled out something, "Oh, this is it, a pack of small cookies in the shape of an animal."

Chanel was dumbfounded, and everyone else was stunned.

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