Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1458: The first treasure

But soon someone remembered what it was.

"This is an animal morphing biscuit. After eating, it will become a corresponding animal. The effect lasts for five minutes." A student exclaimed.

"How is this possible?" A student who had not seen Doraemon animation shook his head.

"Is it true? I don't know if I eat one." Someone said at this time, but none of them dared to come and try.

"Don't you dare? Then I will try it. I'm Yuanxian Realm and I have the basic creation ability. I want to turn me into an animal unless the gods shot it." A student laughed. "Chana, this cookie is for me. One piece, I try. "

"You?" Chanel looked at the open student, who was Xia Houyi, who had a large thunder body.

"Well." Xia Houyi said lightly, full of confidence.

"Well then, I'll give you this, in the shape of a puppy." Chanel picked one out and handed it to Xia Houyi.

"I ate it and watched it." Xia Houyi said, swallowed it, and swallowed the waterway. "Look, there is nothing at all, and it tastes good."

But as soon as his words fell, a group of students around him receded a dozen meters.

"Xia Houyi ... Xia Houyi really turned into a dog." I don't know who shouted first, and other students also started to speak, full of shock.

"Xia Houyi, you ..." Chanel pointed at Xia Houyi's head and clutched her mouth, totally unbelievable.

"How is that possible?" Xia Houyi also felt it at this time. He hurriedly touched his head, and then he was dumbfounded. "I'm Yuanxian, Yuanxian, what kind of cookie is this, it's so amazing. It really turned me into a dog ... and I can't change myself. "

"It's okay, the effect of five minutes is just fine," someone said.

"Hehe, hehe!" Xia Houyi stayed here where he had a face, and ran out of the crowd. This time, however, he was ashamed and shameless. He really answered that sentence and pretended not to become a shame.

There was a burst of laughter all around.

But this is just a small episode, and seeing that Doraemon's props are real, and there is such power, other students can sit still.

"Doraemon, give me a prop."

"I want any door."

"I want a time machine."

"I want a phone booth!"


A group of students shouted, Doraemon became the most popular person in the college.

"You, give you one."

"Well, I'll give you one too."

Doraemon took out two more items, one was swimming powder and the other was a sound coagulant.

"anything else?"

"Yes, what about mine?"

"And me, do I want one?"

Many students saw that Doraemon had no follow-up, and they were all in a hurry.

"Well, I can only take out three props a day." Doraemon scratched her head, a little embarrassed.

"What, three pieces a day?"

"It's only three, and how useful are these props?"

"That is, just say the cookie, the fool will eat it. What is the use of swimming powder, we can practice various elements of five elements to pass through various objects, and the sound coagulant is a joke."

A group of students said, and soon dispersed.

But the next day, there were still three people looking for Doraemon for props.

Doraemon also came up with three props, one of which was to restore the light, and the student who got this item used it, and even repaired a nebula-class battleship at the waste warship processing center.

The news spread, and some students realized the power of Doraemon.

There are still many rare items from Doraemon's props, and the recovery light is the same.

It was only the third and fourth days, which lasted for ten consecutive days, and the items that Doraemon took out turned into all the more obsolete items.

And Doraemon has also become smarter, so he can only please him if he wants props.

So half a month after Doraemon came to the academy, the junior high school student Ying Ling actually got the prop coward spring from Doraemon.

She immediately used the widower's fountain, summoned the goddess of water, and put her phantom cloak into it.

The phantom cape, which was only a fourth-order magic weapon, went in, but after it came out, it became a fifth-order one, but it envy everyone.

Coward's Fountain, the temptation is too great.

Throw in something, and the goddess of spring will come up with the same but more advanced things. This is simply not necessary.

When Wang Xing heard the news, he was stunned.

For this reason, Wang Xing also deliberately asked the system about the setting of Doraemon, and now even the fountain of widowers has come out, and in the future, don't even see any time machine appear.

The answer was to disappoint Wang Xing.

It turns out that there are restrictions on the items that Doraemon has brought out ~ ~ Some are limited to the number of uses, and some are limited to the role level.

Like the coward's fountain, Doraemon's coward fountain can at most upgrade the fifth-order magic weapon to the acquired spirit treasure.

In addition, the probability of high-level props such as Coward's Fountain appearing is very low, and being able to come out once every half month is already the baby's luck.

However, taking advantage of the sensation caused by the baby spirit, Wang Xing finally announced his plan to divide the treasure.

He intends to take out a total of forty-nine magic weapons to reward students who have done great work for the college since its establishment.

Of course, in addition to the system rewards, most of them were taken from other strong men, and they are mainly fourth-order force magic.

In response, the college also announced.

On the bulletin board of the college, all the students were eager to see the college reward plan above, which was the first time the treasure division plan.

"Fenbao, the dean is to imitate Hongjun Taoist."

"The worst is the holy magic weapon. This is not the fourth-order force magic weapon in the universe. It is tempting."

"It's a pity that we haven't done anything for the college and are not qualified to get these treasures. But the college has written that this is the first time the treasure is divided, and there must be a second time and a third time later."


Tianxian Mountain, next to a huge rock in Houshan.

Wang Xing chose the location of Fenbao here. After all, Tianxianshan is the place where the college started, which is of great significance, and forty-nine students were carefully selected by the college.

"Dean, they will be here soon." Huang Rong's voice came, and a total of 49 treasures were covered under a red cloth.

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