Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1472: 40 years retreat

Hongmeng and Linmeng both looked at Wang Xing with curiosity.

This is Hongmeng Space, and it is definitely not for anyone who wants to come and walk.

Wang Xing wants to leave, so easy?

But in the shocked eyes of the two, Wang Xing disappeared abruptly, disappearing in a complete sense, as if he had never been there.

"Really left?" Lin Meng walked to where Wang Xing was just now. "The space barriers of Hongmeng Space can only be broken unless it reaches the level of Hongmeng's control. Who is this person? It seems that his strength is not very strong. , How can you easily get out of here. "

"Interesting," Hongmeng said, and the scene appeared ten minutes ago with a wave of his hand.

"Is it possible to go back in time, just to see how he left, I don't believe that there is no clue whatsoever," Lin Meng said.

As the picture passed quickly, both of them showed a shocking look.

Because in the scene of retrospective time, there are only two of them drinking wine alone, there is no Wang Xing at all.

It seems that Wang Xing has never appeared here.

"It's impossible. He just sat here absolutely right now." Hongmeng's face looked terrified. "What happened in the past can't be changed. Time will always move forward. This is something that even Hongmeng can't control. By going back in time and tracking the track of time, you can see what happened in the past, which is also in accordance with the laws of the universe. But now, the person who should have appeared in the back of time is gone, and I can only think of one possibility. "

"What is possible?" Lin Meng curiously.

"Someone, or just that person, has erased his own mark in the long river, creating the illusion that he does not exist here. But no matter what, it is worth our careful study. Because Even if it is me, I can't completely erase the imprint of my existence in time. Haven't we been studying higher realms, maybe we have found it. "When Hongmen said here, his eyes were solemn.

"What does Brother mean?" Lin Meng's face also changed slightly.

"Although time can never be changed forward, but if you can completely erase your mark in time, what will happen is really curious!" Hongmeng said lightly, looking at Linmeng "Second brother, don't you want to try it?"

Lin Meng was shocked and thought it was crazy.


Among immortal colleges.

When Wang Xing came back, he suddenly took a few breaths: "True Nima is thrilling, and I came back alive. Na Hongmen's eyes look really terrible. His strength is too strong, who knows what he thinks in his mind According to my current strength, it is impossible to recruit him into the college. It is impossible to be assured even if he is recruited. System, what do you say? "

"The host is right. Hongmeng and Linmeng both exist in the ninth-order of immortality. They have learned about 99% of the universe ’s secrets. The host went with them before they had the strength to fight them. Too close, it will only become their research object. For them, the host is the best research material. "

The system said, looking a little dignified.

"System, they're not studying me, they're studying you. Through this incident, I peeped out a lot of your secrets. You are definitely a kind of existence above the immortality, but I still I ca n’t understand what you are and what form of existence is. ”Wang Xing said slowly, his eyes were a bit sharp.

The system was silent and completely silent.

Wang Xing smiled slightly: "Someday I will figure out everything. But now, I still have to cultivate well. This time, although a bit thrilling, I also got great benefits. First, I probably swallowed ten Hongmengqi. Secondly, I drank Hongmeng's glass of **** wine full of great energy and the essence of the law, and benefited a lot. "

To sum up, Wang Xing felt that he was not losing.

In the void space, he began to digest these things.

The powerful energy in the wine was released, and rushed into his limbs, and he was running the real devil.

He has to use the power of this divine wine to make this incomprehensible refining body magical power and thoroughly begin.

Time passed slowly, and Wang Xing's practice was very exhausting.

Ten years later, a peculiar breath appeared on his body, which is the characteristic of the introduction of the real devil.

His consciousness was completely carved into each of his bones and bone marrow.

Now even if all his bones were broken into pieces, he could gather again in an instant.

The second stage of the first-order **** body was practiced to a peak by him, and only one step was needed to reach the third stage of the first-order **** body, and engraving consciousness into his own cells.

"A cup of divine wine has such an effect, which is beyond my expectation. The next step is to refining the ten strands of Hongmeng gas." Wang Xing thought, the world furnace was working, "the world furnace was used to refining Hongmengzhi. Qi ~ ~ spurs the ascension of the world's melting pot. According to the deduction, at least 60% of it can be successful. "

He calmed down and continued to retreat.

This past year is another thirty years.

Wang Xing didn't expect that it would take such a long time to refine the ten strands of vitality.

Mainly the energy level of Hongmengqi is too high. According to the division of energy level given by him, Hongmengqi should be at least seventh-order energy.

And the level of energy in his body now only enters the fifth level.

However, after refining, the benefits obtained were obvious, and his world finally ushered in sublimation.

The world's melting furnace, which was originally the third stage, finally entered the fourth stage, which is the last stage, and the next stage is to be transformed into a cosmic furnace.

Entering the fourth stage of the world furnace, the inner space is divided into layers, and the world in countless dimensions has been completely expanded by millions.

This is completely a sublimation of quality.

But at this time the problem also came. To complete the transformation of the fourth phase of the world furnace to the universe furnace, these spaces and dimensions need to be completely filled, which requires huge energy consumption. The immortal crystals and immortal stones he got from the stars into the world are all invested in them, but they are nothing more than salaries.

Standing up, Wang Xing's figure flashed back to Xianxian College.

"Dean, you finally came back." The Qing Emperor looked at Wang Xing with a look of joy, "Now there is a major event that you need to handle yourself."

"Oh, what's the big deal?" Wang Xing was curious.

"The Baiyu Genius Trial is about to begin, and our college has been excluded." Qingdi said, looking a little angry.

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