Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1473: Learn why

"Hundred Domains Genius Trial Tournament? What is this? Why haven't I heard of it?" Wang Xing froze.

"Dean, I have only recently learned about this trial. This 100-field genius trial is a cross-star genius selection jointly organized by a total of one hundred star fields around Wuxingshan Star Field. It is held every three thousand years. Within a hundred star fields, all the geniuses in the flying realm to the cosmic light world can participate. In the trials, the top 10,000 geniuses in each realm will be expelled. With olive branches, they promised expensive conditions to solicit them. There are many geniuses who can't bear it just to wait for this day. "Qingdi said slowly.

"It turned out that, what does it mean that we are excluded from Xian Academy?" Wang Xing curiously said.

"This is the case. To recruit these geniuses during the Baiyu Genius Trials, they must be recognized by the organizing committee of the trials, that is, to obtain the so-called admissions qualifications. Among them, there are only the Cosmic Arena, Wuxing Mountain Academy, Divine Fire Church, and Immortal Mountain in Wuxingshan Starfield, and there is no our immortal college. That is to say, we cannot recruit students during the trials of Baiyu. "Qingdi said, Still a little unhappy.

"The Baiyu Genius Selection Tournament is not too small to say. It is not surprising that even a genius with a universe-level talent is in it. However, such a trial does not allow our college to enter the enrollment, which is somewhat unreasonable. Wang Xing slowly said, "In this way, I will find someone to ask the situation, and then see how to deal with it, how can I miss it in such a prosperous time."


virtual reality.

Wang Xing found a man who was the Great Emperor of the Holy Fire.

"I've seen the dean of the Immortal College." The Emperor Yingying looked at Wang Xing, but immediately bent over to salute, which is a respect for the strong. Now in the entire Wuxingshan Starfield, no one does not know the dean of the Immortal Academy, has the power of immortality, and even killed the real immortality.

"Don't be so polite, we are also old friends." Wang Xing waved and motioned to Yingdi the emperor to sit down. "I opened the door and saw the mountain directly, I heard that the nearby star domains were united to create a hundred domain Genius trials. There will be countless geniuses in this prosperous world, but our Xian Academy has not been qualified for admission. Do you know why? "

The Great Emperor Yingying heard Wang Xing's inquiries and didn't feel hesitated: "You don't even know?"

Wang Xing shook his head. He really didn't know.

The Great Emperor Yingying thought for a while, and slowly began to say, "It's no wonder that the time for the establishment of Xian Academy is too short, so I will tell the dean in detail. The so-called Baiyu Genius Trial Tournament is a long-established event. , Designed to convey fresh blood to all forces. At present, the organizing committee for the competition is organized by a hundred domain forces, and each star domain usually has an emperor in it. At the beginning of each conference, the organizing committee The members of the club will report the qualified forces in their star domain. After review by the organizing committee, if the conditions are met, this force will be allowed to recruit geniuses when the Bai Yu talents are selected. "

"Oh, what are the requirements?" Wang Xing couldn't help asking.

"In general, there is at least one emperor-level power in the force. Secondly, there must be a secret of at least second class. Finally, the comprehensive strength of this force must be within the top ten of the star domain to which it belongs. The Great Emperor Yingying said in detail, and then Feng Feng changed his path. "Of course, that is not true. It is not really that strict, especially the third one is very difficult to judge."

Wang Xing frowned when he heard this: "Except for the second one, should we all meet in Xian University?"

The Emperor Yingying nodded, and he had to admit that Xianxian Academy was very strong.

Wang Xing pondered for a moment at this time, and asked, "We don't really have any secrets in our college. Can we really not be eligible for admission?"

The Emperor Yingyu hesitated, but stopped talking.

"Emperor Yingying, if you know anything else, please tell me in detail."

"That's okay." Emperor Yingdi said a little helplessly, "Actually, even if any of the conditions are not met, but if the other two conditions are particularly excellent, you can also have the members of this star domain in the organizing committee Special applications, and then after the organizing committee has reviewed and confirmed, they are qualified to recruit talents in the Baiyu Genius Trial. "

"The other two conditions are particularly excellent?" Wang Xing heard this, and his eyes were slightly cold. "Our college has more than ten emperors, which is not particularly excellent. The comprehensive strength of our college is second to none in this field Counting, especially when confronting the Horns, can be said to be the most outstanding, is it particularly outstanding? "

"Well, even if it is any of them, it can be regarded as particularly excellent." Ying Ying the Great nodded ~ ~ In this case, why did our college not get this qualification? Wang Xing's eyes looked a little scary.

"Because ... because of our members of the organizing committee of Starfield, you did not report your college to the newspaper at all." The Great Emperor Yingying felt a terrible momentum, which made him never dare to conceal any more.

"There was no report, it turned out that there was no report." Wang Xing couldn't help sneering again and again, "Tell me who the members of Wuxingshan Star Domain are in the organizing committee and what their strengths are."

"It's not someone else, it's actually the lord Wugan of Wuxingshan Universe." When the Great Emperor Yingxi said here, he looked relaxed, "Well, I know everything I know. Master Dean, just when I don't have came."

Wang Xing nodded.

When Emperor Yingdi passed by, his face was a little scary.

"Well, you witch, Wuxingshan Cosmic Kingdom is like this, and you haven't forgotten to hang up our college. Well, it's very good, but you provoke me for a long time. I have endured you for a long time, don't you just rely on Wushan Jinggu in the Shenhe River, I just want to see, even if you completely destroy your Wuxingshan royal family, what can people in Wushan Jinggu do to me? "Wang Xing said, withdrawing from the virtual world.

Afterwards, Wang Xing went straight to Wuxingshan Universe.

At this moment, the Wuxingshan Universe, after decades of war, the Wuxingshan royal family finally stabilized.

Wu Gan is in a good mood again.

The key is that news came from the Shenhe River, allowing Wugu to stay back, which made him a very strong backer.

In the palace, Wugan was drinking and having fun with several concubines.

Suddenly, an angry voice came: "Wugan, come out!"

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