Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1491: Master, look at me!

Qian is a very strange word.

There are a thousand worlds to say, and there are a thousand worlds to say.

Wang Xing instinctively felt that when he practiced a thousand rules, even if each rule only realized one percent, it would cause a qualitative change.

In the tomb, Wang Xing began to retreat.

He was reading the deity information of the obsession law, and the data was turned into a flood into his sea of ​​knowledge.

This law was really touched by him and fully presented to him.

"I will also be in retreat for a while."

I was thinking for a while, and I sat up with my knees crossed: "After entering the realm of the **** meteor, although I also found some soul fragments scattered when the deity fell, let Xiuwei break through to the realm of the emperor and king, but now most of them Soul fragments have been acquired by Cross. If I want to continue to break through in the future, unless I kill Cross and capture the soul fragments, otherwise it is impossible. As for killing Cross, it is impossible at my current strength. But good There is also the Dean. Every time the Dean retreats, his strength is improved rapidly. Maybe it won't be long before he can fight with Clos. Of course, this is the perfect plan, but I must prepare for it with two hands. Los, I'm looking for the future cultivation method now. Whoever says that the soul is incomplete can't ask the peak, there must be a way. "

"I'm a god, do you have to retreat too?" The dragon dragon wiggles his separate front claws.

"Well, retreat." I nodded my head. "Say you, it's interesting to always fiddle with this forefoot that has been abolished. Can't you spawn another one?"

"It's too much divine power, and the divine power is still being lost here. I'll wait until I go out. Outside, my body can absorb external energy spontaneously, and I can grow a front paw without consuming my divine power. "The dragon is the way.

"It's really easy to figure out. You're home, too." I was speechless.

"It's all closed, it's boring, if only my love concubines could come over." Molong thought, feeling that he could never go back.


Two months later.

There was a strange breath on Wang Xing's body. This breath was very strange, which surprised the magic dragon next to him.

The dragon that had been sleeping on a large rock stood up all at once, and then watched Wang Xing vigilantly.

"what happened?"

The dragon shook his head: "It just felt like someone was stuck in the soul, it hurts."

At this moment, Uranus has reached a critical moment.

In the melting pot of the world, more than half of the goddess of obsession with the law has been melted. Looking closely, the data came out of the devotional godhead, forming five data chains, connecting Wang Xing's hands, feet, and skull, entering Wang Xing's body. Finally, there is a model of the law of the universe that flows into the planet of Venus like blood, and merges into one of the dim light spots, making this light spot more and more bright.


Quantitative change finally caused qualitative change, and the dim light spot suddenly burst into great light, emitting a bright light.

The law of obsession became, successfully lighting up in the model of Wang Xing's law of the universe.

This is also the thousandth rule.

Suddenly, the model of the laws of the universe shined light, illuminating Wang Xing's sea of ​​knowledge, and expelling darkness.

On Wang Xing, a ray of light broke through the sky, entered the depths of space, and finally reached the place where the law of the universe originated, which caused some resonance of the law of the universe.

Suddenly, the entire universe shuddered.

Many powerful beings, at least at the level of God King, opened their eyes in disbelief and couldn't believe it.

What exactly is it that has caused the induction of the universe's original law, has anyone achieved the universe's realm of God.

Don't understand, no one can understand.

"What did the master do, and what happened just now, I felt an extremely horrifying power, even if it was a one-billionth one, the power that could destroy me suddenly appeared here, but it suddenly disappeared again. "The dragon said insultingly, staring at Wang Xing with some fear.

"You feel it too." I heard the voice of God.

"Of course I feel it. I'm scared to death. Tell me who the owner is and where is the Immortal Academy. Can you tell me something?" Molong asked with expectation.

"Yes, give me a first-order source magic weapon." I said indifferently.

"What did you say?" Molong said dumbly.

"I told you to give me a first-order original magic weapon."

"No, it's the previous sentence."

"You feel it too, is it this sentence?" I recalled it from God, and his memory is still very good.

"No, I don't feel anything." Molong said, lying on the stone again, licking his paw, trying to lie to him with a first-order original artifact, the door was not.

"..." I was awkward with a look of God.


Somewhere in the cemetery of the gods at this moment.

A glimmer of coldness flashed in Cross's eyes: "I found it, it was there. It's a sly guy, there is a tomb they stole. I also searched there before. I didn't expect them to kill a return carbine. Hidden inside again. But the breath that burst out just now exposed them, and that breath definitely does not belong to the cemetery of the gods. "

As soon as the figure flashed, Clos turned into a black light and flew to the hiding place of the three stars.

In the grave.

What the dragon felt, and suddenly awakened: "No, Monarch Clos is here, we are done."

As soon as his words fell, the entire tomb was shaken, and the three people inside were shaken out by a powerful force.

"Oh, mom!"

The dragon screamed, and I, the god, hit the rock wall.

Fortunately, Wang Xing's response was timely. He had just practiced a thousand rules, and was still realizing the wonders. He felt dangerous, and immediately stabilized his body.

"go out!"

Wang Xing reached out and grabbed me to be the **** and the demon dragon, and several leaps came out along the passage.

"Look where you flee this time."

Cross chuckled, his eyes cold.

"Sovereign, don't do it, I surrender, surrender now ~ ~ Devil roared and broke Wang Xing's hand.

"Surender?" Cross stunned.

"Yes, I was voluntarily. I was unfamiliar with these two people, but I was coerced." The dragon shouted without restraint. "My heart is toward the monarch, how can I betray you You must understand me, I am your best subject. "

"Then you come over!" Cross said slowly, thinking slowly.

"Thank the monarch, praise the great monarch." The dragon was excited, and trot flew to Cross.

"Shameless, shameless!" I am the scorn of God.

But at this moment, the demon dragon standing next to the monarch suddenly stretched out his intact front claw, and a claw grabbed it towards the back of the monarch Clos.

"Master, look at me!"

The dragon's mouth was still yelling, and his claws had been pressed against the back of Clos's head. If he smashed this, Clos's half life would be gone. Super Fairy College

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