Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1492: Walk and see

A sneak attack, a shameless sneak attack.

Clos's face was dark. After he reacted, the laws of space aroused, and the layers of space twisted along his back.

The magic dragon was still very proud, but under the distortion of space, his claws were broken a little bit, but the one-meter-long claw was twisted at least a million times in the middle.

The dragon screamed without any doubt, but he was also a ruthless man. Even if the claws were twisted so many times, he still forcibly grasped and grabbed a large bunch of Clos' hair, still wearing it. Traces of blood.

"You die for me!"

Clos was anxious, and he was even tricked by a clown to urge the space to continue twisting, and he was going to chop the dragon into hundreds of millions.

"Master, help!"

The dragon shouted, and now his body was imprisoned, and he could not even escape.

Naturally, Wang Xing couldn't watch the dragon being killed. He ran out with one hand and grabbed it violently. My world was exhibited, but the power was more than doubled.

The means of imprisonment that Clos exerted were immediately broken.

At this time, Wang Xing's five fingers gathered together, grabbed the dragon's tail, and carried him to his side.

"It's almost, it's almost."

At this moment, the dragon feels hesitant, and he wants to pat his chest with his front paw, indicating that he is scared, but he finds that his front paw is completely disobedient.

"Master, what's going on?"

The dragon looked at his only remaining front claw, and it looked good outside, but it drooped and it was completely impossible to drive.

"The law of space penetrates into your body. Under the distortion of the law of space, the material structure inside your claws has been destroyed. Now the outer skin looks good, but inside it is already a pile of minced meat. Wang Xing said truthfully.

"What, can I still save this forefoot?"

"Can't save it, cut it."

"Cut it again?" Demon Dragon is very injured, why is this, and the God next to me can't help but laugh.


"You **** guy, I will kill you all this time." Clos's voice was cold and suspended in the void.

"It depends on whether you have this strength." Wang Xing's strength has increased greatly, and he has great confidence.

Clos was furious, no longer talking nonsense, and a second-order original artifact sword appeared in his hand.

He had never used weapons before. At this moment, he chose to use weapons. Obviously, he really did his best to kill the three.

"Dead, space cut!"

Clos slashed towards King Astral, countless blades cut the space, turned the space into countless pieces, and the material in this space was cut along with it.

Wang Xing jumped up and flew to Breiteng's tomb, pushing the tomb to stand in front of him.

This tomb has been transformed by the perfect **** Brytten, and it can completely prevent the distortion of space. The forces of space cutting fell on the tomb, leaving only a few marks on it.


Clos couldn't help cursing, he also knew that the grave was extremely hard, but unexpectedly it was used by Wang Xing to become his defensive shield.

"You eat me a sword too!"

Wang Xing flew from behind the tomb at this time, turning into a sword, and turning the sword into a rule, which is exactly a sword flying fairy, but a super version of a sword flying fairy.

This sword came over, broke through the space defense in front of Cross, and straight into Cross's brows.

"Space shield, infinite defense!"

Cross shouted, space shields appeared in front of him, millions of shields condensed in the small space.


Layers of shields shattered, finally blocking Wang Xing's attack.

"How is this possible? How long has it taken before? His strength has improved so much." Clos looked at the shield in front of himself and was penetrated by two-thirds of Wang Xing, which shocked him.

"The master is terrific." The magic dragon was so excited that he had no two claws and twisted his dragon waist excitedly.

"I don't believe it. It's only half a year. Do you have the ability to fight with me?" Cross said, a white light flew out of his hand, and it turned out to be a dark hexagonal pyramid. When flying towards Wang Xing, the awl began to change shape, the six edges contracted toward the inside, and a dark arrow was found out, which finally turned into a long arrow, recreating Wang Xing's heart.

"A magic weapon?"

Wang Xing sneered, a wheel appeared in his hand, but the wheel axle was turned slightly, the wheel brush turned and flew out.


The wheel hit the long arrow, and the long arrow flew out.

"The master is using the magic weapon of Brighton." The dragon recognized it, a little excited.

"Damn it." Clos saw that Wang Xing easily blocked his magic weapon's blow, and the battle in his hand cut directly at Wang Xing. "The two realms are cut, the void is delimited!"

Space seems to be divided into two, like the beginning of the world, the turbidity gas drops, and the clear gas rises.

Wang Xing saw that the power of this move was huge, urging the model of the law of the universe, and a powerful force poured into the sword.

"Ignore the rules, break!"

He yelled, a sword containing a thousand rules, and made the thousand rules in the whole space useless.

When the sword fell, a trace of the power of the universe's original laws suddenly entered into it, then chopped out.


Clos's sword was blocked, and the cut space was stiffly anchored.

"No ... impossible!"

Clos looked at the scene in horror, and the man had the power to fight him.

"I can finally fight this guy ~ ~ This is the benefit of understanding a thousand rules." Wang Xing took a deep breath, "But just now, when I urged the model of the universe's original laws , There is a strange feeling, as if something is calling me, in this space. "

"I don't believe it, come again." Cross was mad and attacked Wang Xing desperately.

"It's the same number of times. It's impossible for you to kill me." Wang Xing sneered. "Unfortunately, my strength is not enough to kill you, but you can rest assured that this day will not be long."

"Huh, dream!" Clos gritted his teeth, finally stopped the crazy attack, and then looked at me as Shinto, "I am God, you are mine, it is mine, and I will not let you leave the world of Godfall of."

"Don't say that, you and I are innocent." I turned my head.

"Hum, look." Clos flickered and flew out toward the exit. He didn't know what he was going to do, and he wouldn't give up. That's for sure.

"Dean, what are we going to do next?" I was a little expectant from God, and the dragon also looked at Wang Xing. Super Fairy College

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