Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1500: 1 drop of blood from Wang Xing

According to the description in the original work, the Purple Azalea costume is definitely an authentic magic weapon of the fairy house. The makeup is like a purple ribbon that can be wrapped around the shoulders. Originally owned by red sperm, later passed on to Yin Hong. However, it could not protect the user's head. In "The Romance of the Gods", Yin Hong, who was wearing a purple robe of fairy clothes, was also defeated by Deng Yunyu's face with "Five Color God Stone".

Flicking the whip is already the top of the day after tomorrow's Lingbao, and can't break the defense of the Aster Fairy.

It can be seen that the Aster fairy costume is definitely a defensive treasure.

As soon as Wang Xing's hand was stretched out, the Aster fairy costume appeared in his hand.

A lot of information appeared in his mind at the same time, just like the manual of the product appearance, and it was very detailed.

It turns out that this Aster fairy costume is even more wonderful than what was said in the original work. It is not just purple ribbons, but can be transformed into various styles of clothes to wear on the body.

It can be said that with this purple satin coat, there is no need to buy clothes in the future.

Seeing what style of clothes, a change in the purple sage costume appeared directly on the body.

"Shuang Ning must like it, and this can also protect her safety." Wang Xing muttered in his heart. If he walked along the way, the most owed is Leng Shuangning. Although they have Husband and wife are true, but they do n’t even have the name of the husband and wife, and he gave many resources to the students, not much to Leng Shuangning.

This Aster fairy costume, Wang Xing only wanted to give Leng Shuangning this time.

After receiving three rewards, he began to call Chang'e, the first Jinxian teacher of the college.

With a flick of his finger, a drop of blood appeared, and he flew towards the golden Chang'e character card. For this process, Wang Xing could no longer be familiar with it.

"Friendly remind the host, after the host can not obtain the ability of the card character, there is no need to sign a contract with the college teacher using this method of blood dripping, just hold the card and meditate in your heart to summon." The sound was loud, crisp, harsh, and hurtful.

Wang Xing looked at his finger and looked at a drop of blood that was still in front of him, and wanted to cry.

System, you are absolutely deliberate.

Wang Xing wanted to beat the system, but he didn't even know the shadow of the system.

What else can be done, the blood has shed, and it cannot be wasted.

Wang Xing looked at an orchid on his desk, which was planted in cold frost. It is said to be a new type of blue flower called ice blue.

He pondered for a moment, causing the blood to fall on the leaves of Ice Blue.

Although it was just a drop of his blood, it was like the glass of wine that Hongmeng threw out. It contained extremely powerful energy, even some mysteries of laws.

This strain of ice blue also seemed to feel something. The leaf holes of the whole body were open and began to absorb this drop of blood.

"You are quite spiritual." Wang Xing smiled. "But my blood is not what you can bear, but let me help you."

Then, he pointed towards the tip of the ice blue.

A cosmic force was input into the cells of Ice Blue, helping Ice Blue strengthen all the cells more than 10,000 times.

Bing Lan immediately jumped into joy, at this time finally was able to fully absorb a drop of Wang Xing's blood.

This drop of blood followed her veins and flowed into all parts of her body, making her feel like having blood vessels.

"What will happen next depends on your fortune."

Wang Xing smiled, he was just whim, just do whatever he wants, and what this ice blue will evolve in the future depends on her own ability.

Next, Wang Xing can finally summon well.

In the mind of Chang'e, the card in Wang Xing's hand slowly changed into a mist. This mist continued to solidify, and slowly became Chang'e on the card, and finally appeared in front of him.

Beauty is so beautiful.

It's a beauty that doesn't eat human fireworks. It's cold and arrogant, it makes people want to approach, but they dare not.

"Dean," Chang'e began, her voice was so nice.

"Oh, I'm the dean." Wang Xing then responded. "Mr. Chang'e is really beautiful. No wonder there are so many legends about you in our Chinese legend. If you know that you have come to the college, I can guarantee it. College students are bound to be crazy for you. "

"The dean has won the prize." Chang'e's face was ashamed and she hadn't seen anyone so directly praise her for being pretty.

"I don't know what rule Chang'e cultivates?" Wang Xing thought for a while, and couldn't help wondering.

"I am the Taiyin Xingjun, and the nature of cultivation is the rule of Taiyin. The so-called Taiyin is the ultimate of the rule of yin, and the power is still very powerful." Chang'e brazenly exaggerated himself at this time, after all, he will teach here later, If no student had taken her course, she would have been laid off. Of course, if she knew she was going there, even if she didn't say anything, there would still be people taking her class, and she wouldn't be so nervous.

"Let's go, I'll show you the academy." Wang Xing smiled and issued an invitation to Chang'e. It is also his honor to serve beautiful women.

"There is work, Dean." Chang'e nodded, still cold.

When the two left the dean's office, Wang Xing started to introduce, and he was definitely a competent tour guide.

"Here is the teacher's apartment in the high school department of the college. It consists of a row of detached villas. The teachers can choose their own style. This is the yard in front of each villa. Teachers can also plant some I like the flowers and plants. "Wang Xing smiled," I will let someone arrange a dormitory for Teacher Chang'e when I wait. "

"This house is very special ~ ~ It's much more chic than where I live in the Moon Palace." Chang'e looked at it and had already figured out the structure of the villa.

At this time, several teachers came over.

"Dean, is this the new teacher of the academy?" Lu Dongbin said, but he did not know Chang'e, and he did not appear in the gods. He only became immortal later, and not from the same book. In the world, even if the characters have the same name, they cannot be exactly the same.

"Yes, her name is Chang'e, the moon palace." Wang Xing smiled.

"Chang'e?" Lu Dongbin froze, and he was flustered, "The junior Xiaoxian Lu Dongbin, met Xingjun."

"No courtesy." Chang'e froze, waving his sleeves, and dragged Lu Dongbin, which made the star on the other side dumbfounded, what about this operation.

"Beauty, you are so beautiful, so beautiful, can you marry me? Proposal from a sincere skeleton." At this time, an untimely voice sounded, and only saw Xunzi brushing one knee before Chang'e. The two black cave-like eyes seemed to be full of expression. Super Fairy College

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