Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1501: Or am I too simple

Chang'e looked at the **** in front of her, and the whole person was frightened.

No matter how good Rao's cultivation is, she can't help getting angry at this moment: "Where the disciples came from is simply wanton."

Just listening to her coquettishness, an icy breath swept the mule, this icy breath is not ordinary icy, but the power that can freeze the soul, which is very scary.

Xunzi cultivates the law of the soul. The soul was originally immortal, but in front of this power, it also seemed to meet the nemesis.

His bones were covered in hoarfrost, and his body was motionless.

"Rao ... Rao ..."

The sister-in-law's voice sounded, and her speech was completely unfavorable.

The magic dragon jumped out from the side at this time, and laughed, "This bastard, who proposed to a dozen people within an hour of entering the academy, guilty of suffering this time. Good job, this beautiful lady."

Then, he wanted to climb Chang'e's thin waist.

But Chang'e saw two dragon claws that were not fully developed, and flew him out of the fan with a flash of long sleeves.

"Why even fight me ..."

The demon dragon shivered, his soul was shaking and fell to the ground.

What else can Wang Xing say, and what does it mean to die without death? This is typical.

If you think you are a dragon, you can take advantage easily, and you don't have to look at who is in front of you, the beauty of the iceberg, Changyin, the overcast star.

After spending two hours, Wang Xing finally brought Chang'e to introduce her to the college, and he was liberated.

Without continuing to stay in the college, Wang Xing went home.

My father and mother happened to be there, and they were surprised to see Wang Xing's return.

"Why are you back?" Wang Tiancheng froze.

"Should I not be back?" Wang Xing was silent, why he seemed to be a superfluous person.

"See what you say." The mother looked at her father blamedly. "Where is Shuang Ning, she didn't bring you back?"

"No," Wang Xing thought.

"Then what do you come back for?" Mother was unwilling immediately, which surprised Wang Xing. This is really my mother!

"I said son, although you are the dean of the Immortal College, now the first person in the Earth Federation, the first person in the Milky Way galaxy, and the first person in Wuxingshan Starfield, but why Shuang Ning is also your daughter-in-law, you should also care about it. Take care. "At present some blame," Also, your father and I are still waiting to hug the children, you also hurry up. "

"Yes, I know." Wang Xing was embarrassed. Did he experience the birth?

Back in his room, Wang Xing contacted Leng Shuangning immediately.

virtual reality.

"Husband, where have you been recently? I sent you a message for a while, and I couldn't reach you. I thought you had entered Shenhe?" Leng Shuangning said angrily.

"Something went wrong, and I was trapped in the deities cemetery of Divine Meteorological World, where all the communication from the outside world could be isolated. It took me a hundred years to get out of it, but I learned a lot, so I don't hesitate to do so." Wang Xing A brief explanation, "Well, when are you going back to Earth, I have something for you?"

"Immediately." Leng Shuangning barely thought about it and started to blurt out.

"Well, all right, I'll wait for you on the earth." Wang Xing will cut off the communication, and a look of anticipation smiles on his face.


The next day, the Qingshen Army was stationed.

Wang Xing came here, as the highest cultivation base of the Earth Federation, this place has become a fascinating place for everyone.

And Xianxian Academy has already jumped out of the category of Earth Federation.

Now people in the entire star field want to come to Xianxue College to study, but the barrier to entry is too high.


The arrival of Wang Xing shocked a group of emperors in the 33rd Heavenly Army of Qingshen Army. Several of them were teachers of Xianxian College, and they were also doing part-time jobs here.

"Well, just sit down." Wang Xing glanced at it. There are fourteen people in total. Currently, the Qingdi teacher is not present. One of the deputy commanders here is the teacher Shi Zhixuan of the academy. The local area has obtained a lot of cultivation resources. One of the main things is called Fa Jing. It is a treasure for practitioners to enlighten or start enlightenment. I thought about it and planned to take out a batch to speed up the Earth Federation. Cultivation process. However, there are only a few more Fa Jings, and you are also prepared to play a game or something, and then release these Fa Jings in a reasonable way. "

"This is really good." A voice sounded, and it was Chilong, who was also one of the instructors of the Qingshen Army.

"Well, you can arrange it yourself. This is the Fa Jing I can give." Wang Xing threw out a space ring and put it on the table in front of him. "In addition, where the Fa Jing was produced, I will arrange the college Of teachers and students went in and practiced, and then the Earth Federation will arrange a batch of elites to go in. "

"Okay, we must do it." Demon Wolf Emperor said, now he also pulled over from the meteoric land, it is impossible to join the Immortal Academy, he stepped down to join the Earth Federation, now is also one of the deputy commanders .

Wang Xing nodded, the mountain **** just disappeared.

The fourteen emperors stood up at this time and watched Wang Xing leave, although they did not know in which direction Wang Xing left.

Wang Xing finally, the entire Qingshen Army and even the universities below are boiling.

Reward for Immortal College?


Is there anything more exciting than this, and now sports events have long been occupied by such a game.


On earth, Wang Xing received the news of Leng Shuangning and she returned.

In the two people's home, a single villa, this was still bought by Leng Shuangning.

"Wife, you have been thin for a hundred years," Wang Xing said, holding the frost in her arms.

"Where is it thin?" Leng Shuang gave Bai Xing a glance ~ ~ We are also considered as husband and wife, but which husband you have seen throws his wife at home all day, and sometimes I do not contact you, You don't even contact me, it's really annoying. "

"My fault is all my fault." Wang Xing was really ashamed, and he was probably an incompetent husband.

"What about my gift?" Leng Shuangning couldn't help but reached out his hand at this time.

"Look, I forgot to see you happily." Wang Xing said, and took out the purple sage costume. "Here, a celestial costume of the day after tomorrow, and it can be transformed into various clothes. , In the future, if you wear this dress, you don't need to wear other clothes. "

"You don't need to wear other clothes anymore?" Leng Shuang confined, "Can you transform into various clothes? Anything works?"

"Yes, it's not great." Wang Xing couldn't help laughing.

"You pervert, do you want me to perform a dress-up show for you, or what do you want to do?" Leng Shuang could not help but stare at Wang Xing, a little shyly.

Wang Xinghe, I am still too simple. Super Fairy College

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