Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1573: Astral Talent

"Liu Fan, a third-year student of the High School of Xianxian College, has achieved the Holy Fairy Realm with first-class rules and rewarded 10,000 mission points. I hereby commend and encourage them!"

"Liu Fan, a third-year student of the High School of Xianxian College, has achieved the Holy Fairy Realm with first-class rules and rewarded 10,000 mission points. I hereby commend and encourage them!"

"Liu Fan, a third-year student of the High School of Xianxian College, has achieved the Holy Fairy Realm with first-class rules and rewarded 10,000 mission points. I hereby commend and encourage them!"


The whole message was pushed three times.

First-rate rule!

Holy fairy realm!

After Su Yu, Liu Fan became the second person to practice first-class rules.

The entire college was shocked.

When Long Tianyu saw the news, he was pale and didn't say a word for a long time.

Originally, he wanted to challenge Liu Fan after breaking through the realm of Shengxian, but now he has no confidence at all.

The first law, that is, the mountain above him, does not have enough confidence to consolidate the first law.

In the task hall, countless people watched Liu Fan are full of worship.

However, Liu Fan ignored these, but he saw that his task point rose by 10,000 points, reaching a level of nearly 30,000.

The college rewards students who have developed first-class rules, or students who have made other amazing achievements, but this 10,000 points is still terrible.

"I want to redeem something."

Liu Fan thought about it, and had already made plans.

"What to exchange?"

A virtual panel immediately appeared in front of the intelligent robot, which students could view on their own terminals.

"Talent Fragment."

Liu Fan said that he saw few talent fragments and added: "All mission points, all exchange."

After practicing in the realm of Holy Fairy, Liu Fan felt the importance of talent more

The intelligent robot nodded and opened the exchange interface for talent fragments.

"The exchange rate for Talent Shards is 1,000 mission points per block, but this is limited to the first six exchange points. Starting from the seventh block, the price increases to 2000 task points per block. After the twelfth block, the price increases again to reach each Block 5000 mission points. You now have a total of 19008 mission points. You have previously redeemed four talent shards. Now if all the mission points are redeemed, you can redeem nine talent shards. "

The intelligent robot said slowly, there is also a redemption list listed above.

For the first two pieces, the exchange price is 1,000 task points each and 2,000 task points are consumed.

For the last six blocks, the exchange price is 2,000 task points each and consumes 12000 task points.

For the last piece, the exchange price is 5000 task points, and 5000 task points are consumed.

The cumulative cost of task points is exactly 19,000.

Liu Fan nodded: "No problem, let's exchange."

After he finished speaking, there were nine more well-packed boxes in front of him, and this was the talent fragment.

The intelligent robot reminded at this time: "The talent fragments can only be used by themselves, not given to others."

"I know." Liu Fan said.

He is well aware that if he violates this system, he may be fired directly.

The college's punishment for such things has never been lighter.

All the tasks were spent cleanly, Liu Fan left, and many people were still in shock at this time.

They already knew what Liu Fan was going to do.

Back at his place of residence, Liu Fan looked at the nine talent fragments in front of him full of expectations.

He knew it well.

A piece of gifted talent can enable unskilled students to rise to the star level.

Two talent shards will allow a star student to be promoted to a star rating.

Four pieces of talent will allow a star-studded student to rise to the galaxy level.

Eight talent shards will allow galaxy-level talents to rise to the astral level.

Sixteen talent shards will allow astral-level talented students to rise to the cosmic level.

At present, the highest talent among students is actually just a galaxy level.

It is said that students with universe-level talents can achieve the minimum realm of the Lord in the future.

Liu Fan has already used four talent shards. Talent is now just entering the threshold of the galaxy level, barely reaching the galaxy level.

Now he has got nine talent shards, and he can completely upgrade his talent to the level of the star domain in one fell swoop.

What is a star-level talent, that is, in a star field, talents can be ranked in the top few, or dozens of people.

Of course, this is only an estimate.

In fact, it may be less than this number.

After all, even a life with such a level of cultivation talent may not have grown up and fell for various reasons.

With almost no hesitation, Liu Fan began to fuse the shards of talent.

Pieces of talented shards fit into his body, transforming his body and soul.

Time passed slowly like this, in a blink of an eye a month.

Liu Fan opened his eyes that day, he felt that the world in front of him was completely different.

He can clearly feel the lines of the surrounding space, the traces of time flowing from his eyes, and the operation of various laws around him.

The world in front of me looks like it has been placed under a microscope.

His body also seems to have completed a sublimation, and each pore is unbridled open, like a small black hole, constantly engulfing the surrounding cosmic energy.

Among his soul, a black hole vortex emerged slowly.

His universe-level talent is exactly the kind of law talent that devours the law.

After feeling the changes in his body, he slowly got up and went to the community.

Meng Qingzhi is busy refining weapons and magic weapons, and recently the affairs of the society need him to deal with.

"President, are you out of customs?" Zhang Delin first noticed Liu Fan.

"Out of customs." Liu Fan nodded.

"President, you immediately exchanged nine talent fragments in the mission hall, but it caused a huge sensation. Is your talent upgraded to the astral level now?" Zhang Delin asked with expectation, and many people around him also They raised their ears ~ ~ They were also curious, what level of cultivation talent Liu Fan is now.

"Good." Liu Fan looked at this Zhang Delin and thought that this guy was really gossip enough.

"It's really a star-level talent. You are the first one in our college to reach a star-level talent. It's really amazing." Zhang Delin was so excited that he was even happier than Liu Fan himself.

Liu Fan did not know what to say, but at this time he received a message.

"Liu Fan, I heard you are back. How about getting together?"

He glanced at the sender of the message, turned out to be He Yunze.

In the original words, Liu Fan was trying to refuse because there were too many things in the Brahma League, but at this time, another message came.

Still from He Yunze, "There are also Su Yu, Yao Jie, Qin Yan, and Mu Liuli, and they will all come at that time."

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