Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1574: Classmates after 15,000 years

Liu Fan saw this and knew that he had to go there this time.

He really should meet these old classmates.

So he replied: "Send it to me at the time and place, and I will be there on time."

Within a minute, he received a reply.

"A month later, the floating mountain was thirty-three days, Xiaoyaochi."

Liu Fan thought for a moment, then no longer tangled.

Time passed slowly, and a month was nothing more than a flick of a finger.

On this day, the floating mountains were obviously a little unusual. The Qingshen army students below looked up to the highest thirty-three days.

"Have you heard that the students of Xian College will meet in Xiaoyaochi."

"Well, it is said that all the students from Xianxian College participated."

"I really want to go up and see the charm of the students of Xianxian College. I heard that these students are now the lowest in Yuanxianjing."


Above the thirty-three heavy heavens, there is a puddle of water covering an area of ​​three or five acres.

This water pond is Yaochi, but it is not the real Yaochi, so it is called Xiaoyaochi.

As a promoter, He Yunze naturally came early.

At this moment, he has already broken through the realm of Shengxian, walking step by step, like a true dragon driving in the fog in Tengyun.

Suddenly, a rather angry man appeared.

At the moment of the man's appearance, the starlight in front of him appeared to be Su Yu, who had not appeared for a long time.

"Su Yu, you're here. I have to say that your starlight magic is very mysterious." He Yunze said, somewhat envious.

"He Yunze, others do n’t know, I do n’t know you yet. In this 10,000 years, your bloodline supernatural power has been cultivated to an extremely terrifying realm. When you break through the realm of Jinxian, the life form can be completely transformed. At that time, you were too virtual Tianlong, controlling endless magical powers, traveling the universe, and no one can be enemies. "Su Yu glanced at He Yunze, but he knew that He Yunze's potential is huge, and his future achievements may not be under him.

"Both of you brag about each other like this, is it interesting?" A man tore up the space and got out of it, it was Yao Jie, "Well, you all broke through to the realm of the Holy Fairy one by one, only me or Yuanxian Realm, really Ashamed. "

"Oh, I just smiled and didn't talk." He Yunze waved his hand, looked at Yao Jie with a scorn.

"In Yuanxianjing, I have mastered seven rules but have been reluctant to break through the sacred fairyland. I have to do all things in one way. Now my strength is unfathomable, and I say I'm ashamed." I walked over and the voice was coming before people had arrived.

"Yi Tian, ​​is it interesting?" Yao Jie looked at the person who came over, and hummed, "Say what I do is one way and one, do not you also do five elements in one. Why? Forces flow between each other, endless, is it about to break through. Alas, are you going to be named the Five Elements Emperor in the future? "

Around, many servants arranged by He Yunze were already stunned.

The students of Xianxian College appearing right now are really too powerful.

"I'm here." At this time a vicissitudes sounded, only to see that it turned out to be Qin Yan.

"I haven't seen you for a long time," Su Yu said first. "Is your law of destruction to be comprehended? This is a powerful law that surpasses the law of stars."

"It's a little worse." Qin Yan said, and sat down along Xiao Yaochi.

"I'm here, I'm here, have you come out to greet me, but I brought good things." A naughty voice sounded, only to see a handsome boy flying over the clouds, "I go, Did you all come so early? "

"Jing Yun, what are you bringing?" He Yunze was curious.

"Hey, Erguotou in our time, I just got it from Taobao Street." Jing Yun smiled.

After listening, everyone looked forward to it.

Immediately afterwards, someone came over again.

"A lot of people, if I rob you all, I'll send it." A familiar voice sounded, and many people shuddered.

"Little Witch Zhang Xiaomeng is here, everyone is backing away." I don't know who shouted, many people really have the urge to run away.

Subsequently, more and more people.

"Mungyeong, here."

"Mao Xiaomao, you want to kill me."

"Wu Yingze, come, let's have a drink today."

"Grandpa, are you still tough?"

"Haha, Uncle Pang Zhen is the oldest student in our college, and I can't help laughing at that time."

"Jing Yun, your sister is here."

"Where and where."

"Bai Xiaofei, why are you alone, don't you hear that you talked to someone, bring them together."

"I'll go. Look, isn't that our Zhenyu Emperor?"

"Xia Yumo, it's Xia Yumo here, she is with Meng Qi."


With the arrival of students, more than half of Yaochi was filled with people.

Some students can't wait to chat with other students, so they're busy.

At this time, a figure emerged from the distant void, and at the moment he appeared, the world seemed to be dim.

"Liu Fan, it's Liu Fan."

Some people exclaimed, others looked at them.

Zhang Xiaomeng, who was in a red dress, trembled, and a smile appeared on her face.

"Sorry, everyone has been waiting for a long time." Liu Fan said, looking at Wen Qingzhi, "When did you go out, why not say a word."

"Yesterday, thinking about seeing the party today, I didn't inform you." Munchyeong replied.

"Come on, you are the protagonist today." He Yunze smiled, greeted Liu Fan in person, and arranged him to face Zhang Xiaomeng. "Haha, I won't disturb you."

"Are you okay these years?" Zhang Xiaomeng looked at He Yunze leaving and immediately asked.

"It's okay." Liu Fan didn't know what to say, and he didn't know where Zhang Xiaomeng liked himself, "Yeah ~ ~ Thank you, I often visit my mom when I'm away. . "

"Yes, it should ... No, I'm idle and idle ..." Zhang Xiaomeng said incoherently.

"It goes without saying, I understand." Liu Fan interrupted Zhang Xiaomeng.

At this time, several people suddenly looked up at the void.

There was even a rice-sized aircraft there. If you didn't look closely, you wouldn't find it.

"Mu Liuli, our Mu Da scientist, when are you going to come out?" Su Yu said lightly, and the power of the stars caught the rice-sized aircraft.

"I thought no one could find it. You students who practiced first-class rules and powerful immortal students were all perverted." When a voice came, I saw that the rice-size aircraft flashed a red light. Then, a woman wearing a silver long dress appeared. This is Mu Liuli. This silver long dress on her body is not ordinary clothes, but defensive equipment created by scientific and technological means. Now they are selling very hot.

By this time, everyone was finally here.

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