Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1575: Recall the past

A group of people all sat down and there were nearly a hundred people.

Such a grand occasion is really rare.

"Today we are all in the realm of Yuanxian and Shengxian. It is considered a gathering of immortals to meet here, and it will be a beautiful talk afterwards. When I say this, I can't help but remind me of our practice together. That time. "He Yunze smiled and pointed at Jing Yun," Xiao Yunzi, I remember that both of your sister and brother were both deceived and deceived by the dean on the Tianxian Mountain. of."

"There is no way to die or live, but it's true that the dean's routine tricked it. At that time, Fange took me to sweep the wolf gang and watched Fange fight dozens of people. At that time, I was aggressive, in my heart I vowed to be such a powerful person. So, I lost my own set of superhero character models and a set of martial arts character doll collections. "Jing Yun laughed a little.

Everyone heard this and couldn't help but laugh.

"Haha, no wonder Xiaoyunzi, you haven't told me how you got into the college, it was so embarrassing." Jing Ling couldn't help it.

"Sister, do n’t laugh at me. I did n’t know how you entered the school. You followed me to Tianxian Mountain. The dean played the old man at the entrance of the college to show you the way. You saw Mr. Huang Rong practicing sword at that time. You were stunned, and you immediately worshiped Teacher Huang Rong as a teacher. You may not know that the meal you ate that morning was still from the college. I guess you still think that you are Teacher Huang Rong It ’s for you. ”Jingyun said.

"Good little Yunzi. It turned out that you had served me that morning. No wonder I didn't like to eat it, but because of the face of Teacher Huang Rong, I ate it all in one bite." Jing Lingqi hummed. .

When everyone heard this, they laughed loudly.

But soon, everyone was silent, and they thought of the funny things when they started school.

"Fan, did you enter the academy?"

"Bai Xiaofei, I know you. You were brought back by the dean. Others begged to enter the academy and could not enter. You still want to run."

"What are you guys, do you know why Xiao Meng is called a little witch? Not only is she really magical, but when she first saw the dean, she would take the sword to the dean. This is definitely the only one. . "

"There is no need to say Qin Yan. When the Qin family looked down on him, but now, the Qin family has disappeared, but the name of Emperor Yan is ringing through the galaxy."

"Miao Yixian and Xiao Yao, tell me your touching story. Now you have included your deeds in the college anecdote. Many students are envious of you."

"Imperial Zhenyu, your plan to rebuild Huaxia is really awesome. It is a dream that has fulfilled all of us. It is really admirable."

"Hey, have you forgotten someone, should our sage Su stand up and say a few words?"


A group of people said that whenever someone said something funny, others laughed.

Time passed slowly like this. After that, a group of students started talking about cultivation.

"Su Yu, how far have you cultivated the rules of the stars? Classmates are gathering, and they are secretive, and they will soon reveal your cultivation."

"Yeah, show it for a while, you're hiding the deepest."

"Haha, I guess the cultivation of our great God Su Yu reached at least level seven of the Immortal."


Many people looked at Su Yu at this time, full of curiosity.

"Okay, then I'll show Xiu Wei." Su Yu had no choice but to lift the secret of covering up Xiu Wei, and a powerful breath suddenly appeared.

Everyone is holding back now.

It is not that Su Yu's cultivation is too high, but it is too low.

"Su Yu, how do you get to the fifth level of Shengxian? This is not like your cultivation speed." Qin Yan first spoke. According to his guess, Su Yu should have reached the eighth level or even the ninth level of Shengxian. Correct.

"Exhaustive words." Su Yu sighed without explaining anything.

Others were talking in a low voice at this time, but it was a little bit noisy.

"Okay, maybe Su Yu might have another big move, let's stop guessing." He Yunze said, then looked at a person, "Yao Jie, wouldn't you come out and say something to everyone? You million The "Three Thousand Avenues" premised on the premise of the year can be proved to be mixed, but it has received support from many students. To be honest, I am also curious about your statement now. "

When He Yunze talked about this, everyone looked at Yao Jie with a brush.

It is generally believed that only the cultivation of higher rules can reach the highest level, like the third-level rule can only be practiced up to the **** realm, the second-class rule can only be practiced up to the highest **** realm, and only the first-level rule can be practiced into the universe **** realm, It is difficult to comprehend the laws, and it is difficult for one person among the millions to master the first-class laws. In contrast, third- and second-class rules are much easier, as is the case with the academy and the universe.

If the theory proposed by Yao Jie is correct, it will undoubtedly give hope to those who practice the third- and second-level rules.

"It's actually not me who put forward this idea." Yao Jie pondered for a moment, slowly said, "I don't hide from everyone that I was lucky to be a disciple of Hongmeng who was the master of Hongmeng when the world changed. Hongmeng and Linmeng are studying the subject That's it. I happened to know the content of the subject, but just said it casually in the college, but it was thought to be the truth by many people. It is ridiculous to think about it now. "

"Hongmeng and Linmeng are both gods of the universe. Their study of this shows that this argument is very reasonable." Su Yu said at this time, and other people also took it for granted.

"I have a question." At this time a person interjected, and it turned out to be Mu Liuli. "Is this Hongmeng and Linmeng fed up, how do they think about this?"

After listening to everyone ~ ~ it was silent.

How can you be full if you study such a meaningful topic.

"Mr. Hongmeng said that this subject was actually proposed by the dean." Yao Jie was helpless at this time.

"The dean proposed ... then I said nothing." Mu Liuli hurried, she was most afraid of the dean, after all, Hongmeng and Linmeng couldn't reach her even more, it was completely beyond the reach, "You all Looking at what I'm doing, let's not discuss this, okay, say something else, this kind of cultivation is really uninteresting, and it's a little sleepy to listen to. Then, I guess I will fall asleep. "

Everyone couldn't help laughing or crying, after all, no one mentioned cultivation anymore.

Seeing that everyone was silent, Mu Liuli suddenly opened his eyes and said, "I think of one thing, Liu Fan, don't you know that our little cute likes you, now you're back, let me give you a word. ? Don't let us wait silly. "

As soon as this word came out, the whole Xiaoyaochi was quiet.


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