Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1576: From 1

Zhang Xiaomeng, who was still inadvertent, suddenly trembled.

She never thought that Mu Liuli would tell her and Liu Fan at this time.

what is this?

To put it plainly, is to force the palace, forcing Liu Fan to agree.

Ordinary people dare not say such things, but Mu Liuli dares, and because of her straightforward personality, she suddenly attacks Liu Fan at this moment.

There, He Yunze couldn't help but secretly gave Mu Liuli a thumbs up.

Sister, you are really strong.

Liu Fan was still tasting fine wine, but at this moment he looked dignified, and the cup in his hand was slowly lowered.

At this moment, although his face was calm, his heart was panicking.

This is the first time he has experienced this situation, and he has no idea how to deal with it.

Everyone didn't speak. At this time, no one really knew what to say or what to say.

How to say, there is a layer of window paper between Liu Fan and Zhang Xiaomeng. If it goes with nature, I don't know when they can break through this layer of window paper.

But now, Mu Liuli put the two's affairs into the sun in a word, and that layer of window paper was also torn.

"Why, it's a man who doesn't want to be awkward." Mu Liuli looked at Liu Fan before he expressed his sigh. "You know that during your absence, our little Meng is wind and rain, and we dare not even practice in isolation." Too long, just to go to your house with your mother. Now that you are back, whether you like Xiao Meng or not, you should give her an explanation. I think ... "

"Sister Mu, don't tell me." Zhang Xiaomeng stood up at this time, her face was a little blushed, although she was called a little witch, although the college students were afraid of her, but faced With her own feelings, she is still so green in the face of Liu Fan.

Mu Liuli sighed and shook her head: "Isn't your little girl brave enough? Why are you crunchy when it comes to the key? Like is like, dislike is not like, let him know if you like, Even if he rejects you, you can still die and focus on cultivation. Unlike now, you are half-hearted all day and don't know what you want to do. "

Hearing this, everyone nodded secretly.

For this reason, Zhang Xiaomeng's practice has indeed been affected.

Zhang Xiaomeng froze. She stood here, her fists in her hands, and her heart was terrifying.

She wanted to get away, but reasonly told her that if she flinched this time, she would not have the courage to face Liu Fan in the future.

"Xiao Meng, confess to Liu Fan now." Mu Liuli said again, completely trying to assist in the end.

Everyone was aggressive for a while, how could they not find this sturdy scientist.

However, many people can see clearly the situation in front of them, this is already driving Zhang Xiaomeng to a dead end.

Forcing her to confess, no matter if Liu Fan did not agree or not, let her be relieved from this.

"Xiao Meng, don't froze, confess." Xiao Yao thought for a moment, the first one followed.

Then others echoed.

With so many people supporting themselves, Zhang Xiaomeng's heart moved for a while, and she also had some confidence.

"I ... I!" Zhang Xiaomeng looked at Liu Fan, his face turned redder, and his words were a little unpleasant.

"Whatever you want to say?"

"Yeah, just say you like him."

"What are you afraid of, is it just being rejected?"


"Everyone will be quiet for a while." Liu Fan suddenly spoke at this time. His voice was not loud, but everyone heard it clearly.

Everyone was stunned, and they all became quiet.

Liu Fan stepped toward Zhang Xiaomeng step by step at this time. His pace was not fast, but he was extremely firm, as if he had made a decision.

What is he going to do?

Everyone was curious, all holding their breath.

Zhang Xiaomeng became more nervous, and some were at a loss.

Step by step, Liu Fan finally came to Zhang Xiaomeng, he looked at Zhang Xiaomeng, a smile suddenly appeared on his face.

"How can I let you confess first, I am a man, and I want to confess to you."

He whispered softly, but for Zhang Xiaomeng, it was like a thunder.

Everyone was choking.

Liu Fan has to confess that the style of painting has changed so quickly.

Zhang Xiaomeng had already covered her mouth, and was surprised.

Then I just watched Liu Fan slowly kneel down, and a red rose appeared in the palm of his hand.

He said so, with a smile on his face.

Zhang Xiaomeng froze, tears swirling in his eyes.

Everyone else was cheering, even Su Yu and Qin Yan nodded secretly.

Liu Fan is really a man.

"Xiao Meng, what are you still doing? Promise him!"

"Together with."

"Wow, we have witnessed the love of the little witch."


Zhang Xiaomeng took the rose with one hand, and a happy smile appeared on his face: "I do!"

She said so, the whole Xiaoyaochi cheered.

Liu Fan slowly got up, grabbed Zhang Xiaomeng's hand, and looked at everyone: "Thank you, I will be good for Xiaomeng in the future."

Everyone laughed.

"Lovers get married."

Yi Tian said lightly, can't help but be envious.

Some couples hold hands tightly and tell themselves to cherish each other.

Next, everyone also offered their own blessings.

The party was almost finished here. The events of Liu Fan and Zhang Xiaomeng made the party more meaningful and enriched.

Finally, the students communicated with each other and exchanged things.

"Xiao Meng, would you like to thank me if you can be with Liu Fan?" Mu Liuli said, "We have developed a batch of new things here at the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Do you want to purchase some?

"I will buy as much as I want." Zhang Xiaomeng was indeed grateful to Mu Liuli, and Zhangkou was right.

"Xiao Meng said buy, then buy." Liu Fan followed.

"Qin Yan, where did you get the chaos magic stones? I heard that even in the Shenhe River, there aren't many of these things." Thousands of years, I never thought it was in your hands. "

"I just got it by chance, and I just got it less than a thousand years ago." Qin Yan smiled.

"Xia Yumo, this is a deductive treasure from a secret place, do you need to see it?" Su Yu slowly said.

"This is the Lingbao of the day after tomorrow, of course I need it." Xia Yumo was so excited, "Meng Qi, take out the good things from your collection and see if Su Yu wants them?"

"Okay, okay." What else could Meng Qi say, paying for his wife was his obligation.


After a party, everyone learned a lot.

"Su Yu, when you were just at the party, didn't you have something to say to me, now that everyone is gone, you can say it." Qin Yan said lightly, looking at Su Yu with curiosity.

"In fact, it's nothing, but it's a message that may be useful to you." Su Yu smiled.

"What news?" Qin Yan was curious.

"In the past 10,000 years, I have traveled through the Xinghe River. I have heard that there is such a place, called Lost Land, and there is an existence called Destroyer. It is said that this Destroyer was born of destruction, although it was only At the pinnacle of creation, the general king emperor is not his opponent. I know you have always wanted to consolidate the law of destruction. This is also the most powerful law contained in the idol's prison power. He may be a Good reference. "

"Are there such a thing?"

"It's true."

"Position tell me, just when I owe you kindness."

"It's okay to be human, if you really understand the law of destruction in the future, come back and ask me to drink."

"it is good."


A month later, Qin Yan set out.

The lost land is too far away from the earth, and it will take at least a thousand years to pass it at his speed.

Along the way, Qin Yan basically never rested.

In such a blink of an eye, it was 1,500 years, and he came to an extremely barren star field.

The environment is harsh and the energy of the universe is extremely thin.

"It's worthy of being lost. It's really barren."

Qin Yan murmured that the Milky Way is far enough away from Shenhe, which is actually farther away from Shenhe than the Milky Way.

He even had a feeling that it was almost at the edge of the universe.

As the figure flashed, Qin Yan entered the Lost Land. The entire Lost Land was actually a large galaxy.

Gradually, one by one, Qin Yan also discovered some living planets.

In a planet, there is a group of orcs like Warcraft, where they built civilization.

A sacrifice is being held in the orc kingdom.

The dense orcs, or criminals, or civilians, were continually detained here, one by one full of despair.

"We used to serve the monarch, shouldn't we come back?"

"I don't know. Anyone who has arrived at the Monarch Star has never returned."

"No one came out alive, maybe they couldn't bear it."

A group of people are anxiously waiting for their fate.

High in front of the square, an orc with scar on his face leaned on the throne, squinting his eyelids as if sleepless.

"King, the sacrifice for the monarch is almost the same." A little orc whispered respectfully.


The Scar Orc slowly opened his eyes ~ ~ scanned the square and said indifferently, "Open the world channel and dedicate them to the great monarch!"

"Yes, king."

The men said, driving each orc into the archway of the world.

All the orcs who just saw them disappeared into the planet.

Qin Yan looked at all of this, and a trace of consciousness followed, but found that this was a teleportation array, and all the orcs were teleported to a specific planet.

That's where the monarch is.

"Monarch, is that the tyrant of destruction?"

Qin Yan murmured, and the figure left the planet in a flash. He was not very concerned about the life of these orcs.

The priority now is to figure out the situation.

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