Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1616: result

The emperor immediately notified and all seven interviewees arrived soon.

Athena, Demon King, Angel Yan, Zhong Shan, Tang San, Guanyin, Nezha.

They looked at each other, but their minds were different.

Zhongshan and Nezha knew that they would be admitted, so they were very calm and waited to announce the admission result.

Tang San knew that he was the weakest among these people, and felt that he would be brushed off. He had no hope at all and was very calm.

The remaining angels Yan, Demon King, and Guanyin are all very stingy.

However, among the three, Guanyin seems to be a little more confident. Although her cultivation is not the highest among the seven, she is also ranked second.

Unless she was only admitted to one person, she would have no reason to brush her off.

At this time, Wang Xing spoke as the dean: "After our final negotiation and decision, six of you seven will be admitted to our college and can become teachers of our college."

Admission of six people?

This admission ratio is really high.

Everyone's expressions changed again. Tang San thought that it was only himself who could be brushed off, only a bitter smile. Guanyin has completely let go of her. Of the six people who can stay, she must be one of them.

"Now announce the admissions results."

Wang Xing did not hesitate anymore, watching the seven men slowly said, "First Athena, congratulations."

Hearing this, Athena took a deep breath and a smile appeared on her face.

She was accepted, she was really accepted.

Wang Xing smiled, and then said, "Congratulations on the second demon king, you have been accepted."

He was a little surprised when the ox devil was surprised.

He did not intend to apply for a teacher at Xian Academy, but it was a mistake, but he was eventually accepted.

It was a pleasant surprise, he didn't react at all.

In this case, wouldn't he be able to see his wife and children again, and if his little wife Princess Yumian could also come to the academy, wouldn't he be happy.

I don't know if Princess Yumian can see the information he left, knowing that he came to the Immortal College.

"Third Angel, congratulations."

Wang Xing thought about it. He still has a good opinion of Angel Yan: "There are also angels in our earth federation, but they are purely cultivating civilizations, and they are slightly different from the angels in your world. There is also a long bow in our college The male angel student is a leader among the students. He will definitely cultivate to immortality and become truly immortal in the future. I think you may be interested in him. If you have time, you might as well learn about it. "

Angel Yan nodded, showing a curious look.

Wang Xing continued: "Fourth Zhongshan, congratulations."

Zhong Shan nodded, very calm.

He is the best of these seven interviewees, and it is no surprise that even the others.

But among the remaining people, some people are not calm.

That's Guanyin. Four people have been announced. Doesn't it mean that the one who was brushed off is among the three of them.

Who will it be?

At this time, Wang Xing's voice continued: "Fifth Tang San, congratulations."

After hearing this, Tang San almost thought he had heard it wrong.

He heard his name, how could that be, happiness came too suddenly.

He was accepted, accepted by Xian College, and he will be a teacher of Xian College.

Guanyin gradually lost her smile at this moment. She originally thought that Tang San was the most likely to be wiped out, but Tang San was accepted.

Wouldn't it mean that it wasn't her or Nezha who was eventually brushed off.

She thought about it carefully, Nezha was just a little fart child, the most immature person in the world, and Nezha was definitely brushed off.

This must be the case, it cannot be her.

But at this time, Wang Xing announced the last admission quota: "Mr. Nazhe, welcome back to the college, you will be the official teacher of the college."

Nezha smiled, he waited for this day for a long time.

After leaving Xianxian Academy and returning to his own world, he felt really boring.

At this moment, Guanyin was dumbfounded, and only felt Tian Lei rolling.

Nezha was accepted. The six people who have been admitted have all been determined. Does that mean that she is the one who was brushed off.

Why is that?

"Sorry, Ms. Guanyin failed to pass the interview of our college and was not able to become a teacher of our academy. Of course, this is not to say that Ms. Guanyin is not good enough, just that Ms. Guanyin's concept is slightly different from our college. Okay, I will send Ms. Guanyin returned to her world. If Ms. Guanyin can receive the recruitment notice from our college again, she can still participate in the interview. "

Wang Xing said, the communication system sent Guanyin back to the original world.

Avalokitesvara is still in the midst of persecution. What's the idea?

What was the reason for this, she didn't know what the idea was, and it was because of this that she brushed her.

Next, Wang Xing arranged for the emperor to entertain the six teachers who were admitted, but it seems that the emperor is not needed, and Nezha can already introduce the college to several teachers.

"Mr. Nazhe, the college has changed dramatically since you left. Let me introduce it."

Qingdi had to say.

I was a little embarrassed.

Time passed like this, and the joining of several new teachers made Xian Academy more lively than ever before.

In addition, the experience in the heavenly world is also constantly advancing.

With the participation of the students of Xianxian College, the world of Zhetian becomes more chaotic.

In such a blink of an eye, it came to the second century, that is, the second recruitment of Wanjie.

"System, how about the application of Wanjie recruitment this time?"

Wang Xing asked, still looking forward to this: "Xian College is short of teachers now, so please apply for more powerful people from all walks of life."

Only at this time, the system slowly said: "There are less than three strong candidates for this application."

Hearing this, Wang Xing was absolutely down.

What is the situation of less than three people, UU reading www.uukanshu. com how many people are there?

"If there are less than three, there will be less than three. Don't worry about a few. One is one."

Wang Xing was helpless, and felt that it could only be so.

There is no way, now that there is one more teacher in Jinxian Realm, the strength of the academy will grow.

"Host, if there are less than three people, the interview cannot be started."

The system said faintly, this made Wang Xing's heart to kill.

There are less than three people who cannot start the interview. That is not the recruitment of Wanjie. It can only wait for the next hundred years.

On this day, Wang Xing is giving classes to students in the college, which is also a daily work of him.

The Qing Emperor came at this time and said, "The dean, the strong man behind Pan-Eastern Commercial Bank, Cahill and the head of the bank, Million, came and said there was something to discuss with you."

Wang Xing nodded slightly.

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