Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1617: Innate godhead

Wang Xing was not in a hurry to see Cahill and Mirion, but he meticulously ended his class today.

"Okay, after class."

Three hours later, Wang Xing said slowly.

He sorted out his lessons before leaving the classroom.

Many students are accustomed to this, without any surprise. Maybe his dean is awesome and awesome outside. But in the college, he is a real teacher, without any shelf, he is a respected scholar.

In the reception room of the college, Wang Xing met Cahill and Million.

"Principal Wang."

Cahill said, somewhat surprised: "Are you just giving classes to students?"

He saw what Wang Xing had, which turned out to be a textbook called "Decomposition and Synthesis of Energy", and two other children wrote the standard textbooks for the first year of senior high school and the words printed by the teaching affairs office .

It's the same with Million, some unbelievable.


Wang Xing smiled: "So I just knew you were here, but didn't come immediately."

He has nothing to hide from this, and in his opinion, if it is not urgent, he must complete his course.

This is what a teacher should do, and the dean should play a more representative role.

Cahill was embarrassed, but he didn't dare to say anything.

Wang Xing's practice is there, even if he feels that Wang Xing despises him a bit, there is nothing he can do.

"I don't know what happened to you this time?"

Wang Xing looked at the two and asked: "Did I tell you that the incident last happened? Several other shareholders of Pan-Eastern Commercial Bank have the intention to sell their shares?"

He asked, this is something he is more concerned about now.

In order for Xianxian College to annex Pan-Eastern Commercial Bank, it must acquire all its shares.

After he acquired the shares of Pan-Eastern Commercial Bank, he also showed his intention.

Whoever wants to sell shares can sell it to him.

Cahill and Mirion came together to give him that guess.

Cahill smiled bitterly: "President Wang, you think too much. Now Pan-Eastern Commercial Bank is developing very well, and no shareholder is willing to sell its shares. I think you want to acquire the entire Pan-Eastern Commercial Bank. That's impossible. You give up this plan. "

Mirion also nodded: "The shares of Pan-Eastern Commercial Bank are firmly in the hands of the four founders. They are all prosperous, all at the same time. commercial Bank."

Wang Xing laughed and said nothing.

Whatever is glorious and glorious is detrimental, that is not enough interest.

Of course, he wouldn't say it explicitly.

After all, the time is not right yet. The immortal college must obtain the entire Pan-Eastern Commercial Bank after the end of the Shenhe era.

It's really early.

"Then why do you come here?" Wang Xing asked.

He said, and also inquired about the recent affairs about Pan-Eastern Commercial Bank.

Indeed, the development momentum is very good, and no problems have been encountered.

"Let me talk."

Cahill thought about it. He knows that Wang Xing doesn't like to turn corners, so he doesn't plan to waste any words: "It's like this, we get the news that there is a small universe going to destruction outside Shenhe. This small universe A very rare newborn universe. If it is destroyed, the fragments broken by the law of the universe will automatically condense into a precious innate godhead, which can be described as a treasure. "

Wang Xing froze slightly, his face grimly.

He naturally knew what the nascent universe was, and that was the universe that emerged as the main universe formed.

The newborn universe is rare, and its original laws are actually the aggregation of various universal original laws, which is completely different from the small universe condensed by the gods.

The birth of the new universe is destroyed, and the original laws of the universe are broken and condensed to form innate godheads. The role of this innate godhead can be described as terrifying, in short, it can make people immortal.

A congenital godhead can make a newly cultivated person immortal.

So sometimes in some unknown places, some new universes are destroyed, and the innate godheads formed are accidentally obtained by some people. These people then step up to the sky and become immortal and become a hopeful existence.

Of course, the innate godhead is wonderful, but it also has disadvantages.

First of all, the laws contained in the innate astrology are uncertain, and many of them are third-class laws. Therefore, practitioners who have great potential generally incorporate innate astrology, but in fact they have a self-destructive future, and it will be difficult to understand other higher laws in the future. Therefore, the slightly ambitious geniuses will not easily use the innate godhead, unless they are about to reach the end of their lifespan, and still cannot comprehend the higher laws.

Secondly, although the innate godhead makes one step up to the sky, there are also actions to promote seedlings. The cultivator integrates the immortality of the innate godhead, once the combat power is much weaker than the normal immortality, and after two years, the cultivation will be more than a hundred times more difficult than before.

But even so, how many people can be sure that they can break through to immortality.

Like the current universe, an immortality may finally appear among the trillions.

So this innate godhead is extremely precious. This is the treasure for those who are not very talented and not high in potential. The treasure that is ascending to the sky in one step often appears at an auction and the price will be sold out of the sky. I don't know how many people are willing to lose their homes for this, but if the high-level innate godhead is like a godhead that can make a man a perfect god, even some immortals can kill and overpay for this.

"Why did you tell me this?"

Wang Xing looked at Cahill, but he did not think that the other party would be so kind: "I think it must be that this innate godhead is not so easy to obtain. You want to help me and grab the innate godhead together."

Cahill nodded when he heard that.

When he came to Wang Xing, he came to help.

This is also the meaning above. Wang Xing's cultivation must be the realm of the main god, and there are few rivals outside the Shenhe. Now that Wang Xing is still a shareholder of their Pan-Eastern Commercial Bank, if he tells Wang Xing about this news, he will hope to get more innate godheads at that time.

"Your Fairy College has been blessing the Earth Federation, but to be honest, the strength of the Earth Federation is still too weak. Mainly because the Earth Federation has no strong player at all except the Fairy College. Of course, the Earth Federation has been absorbing strong However, the strongest of these strong men is nothing but the emperor, and there are only two. Another thing is that these strong men absorbed by the Earth Federation are not Earth humans, after all, they cannot be completely loyal to the Earth Federation. The college cracked down on them, and these people have long been chaotic. "

Cahill said, telling Wang Xing with a smile.

He knew that Wang Xing could not let the students of Xianxian use the innate godhead, but the people who changed to the Earth Federation were different.

The Commonwealth of the Earth needs innate deities, and immortal deities who can sit in the town.

"You make sense."

Wang Xing had to admit that Cahill talked about his heart, that the Earth Federation was too weak, which was indeed his heart trouble.

If we can acquire some innate gods and cultivate some immortality for the Earth Federation, then the Earth Federation will really have the capital of Xinghe.

"Talk about your conditions."

Wang Xing was attentive and bluntly said, "As long as it's not too much, I can promise you."

Hearing this, even Milion was excited.

She also knows that Wang Xing is strong. As long as Wang Xing agrees, if they **** the innate godhead, they will gain something.

A smile appeared on Cahill's face and slowly said, "The destruction of the newborn universe will give birth to at most 3,000 innate gods, and at least more than 300 innate gods. What we mean by Pan-Eastern Commercial Bank is Dean Wang Xing joins forces to fight for innate gods. If we can win ten innate gods, there is no need for Dean Wang Xing to pay any price. If we cannot win ten innate gods, Dean Wang Xing will provide us with ten innate gods. , I immediately told the truth about this small universe. "

Ten congenital gods are the goal of Pan-Eastern Commercial Bank.

Don't underestimate the ten innate gods. There must be many people fighting for the innate gods. It is already terrifying that a force can win ten.

"Who are these people and what strength are they fighting for the innate gods?"

Wang Xing did not rush to agree, but asked.

Cahill pondered for a moment, and slowly said, "I'm not very clear, but there must be many alien immortals, and the strongest of them should be the same as me. They came from the Shenhe River, and many of them would have a combat power comparable to that of the Lord God. "

"An alien immortal?"

Wang Xing murmured, some killing in his eyes.

These aliens are their natural enemies. They come from another universe and are fighting endlessly with the creatures of this universe.

In the Shenhe River, the assassination of aliens and their cosmic creatures has never stopped, because several extraterrestrial battlefields have been formed, of which the universe that died each year is immortal, and the bones can be piled into a mountain.


Cahill nodded: "The war between the immortals is mainly a war against aliens. It is the same inside and outside of Shenhe."

He said, his face solemn.

He had been to extraterritorial battlefields, and he knew how terrible they were.

"Immortality is rare outside of the Shenhe River, but in the extraterrestrial battlefields in the Shenhe River, every day the immortality dies are in units of ten thousand." Cahill slowly said, "There is a saying, Once the immortals break through, they will be dragged into the Shenhe River by the universe's original laws, in fact, to defend against aliens. This is the self-protection mechanism of the universe's original laws, just like the human immune system. These aliens are viruses, but the immortals antibody."

Wang Xing didn't speak. He actually understood better than Cahill.

The original laws of the universe he was seeing are collapsing precisely because the original laws of the universe can no longer control the entire universe.

The aliens are like viruses, destroying the last layer of protection of the universe's original laws until the entire universe is completely paralyzed.

"I promise you."

Wang Xing slowly said that he did not bargain with Cahill again.

He can see that this condition was not driven by Cahill at all, but the four founders of the Pan-Eastern Commercial Bank in Shenhe.

That should be their bottom line.

"Then wish us a happy cooperation."

Cahill smiled, and this mission was much smoother than he thought: "About ten years later, the small universe will begin to enter the stage of destruction. I will bring people over and let us go together."

Wang Xing nodded, saying there was no problem.

Cahill then left with Million, and Wang Xing didn't send much.

He looked at the endless universe, and the speed of the collapse of the root laws of the universe was accelerating, and he did not know when it would completely collapse.

At that time, the laws of the universe's origins can no longer maintain the operation of the entire universe, and a new era is coming.

But unlike others, Wang Xing knows that this is a crisis in the universe, but also an opportunity.

It ’s like a person is infected with a virus and completely loses control of the body, but if one day his body kills these viruses, the person ’s body will not only weaken but also strengthen like a Phoenix Nirvana More than before.

This is evolution, evolution of the universe.

Time passed slowly, and it was ten years later.

"President Wang, we have arrived."

Cahill brought four people to Wang Xing: "Let me introduce them. These four are the immortality of our Pan-Eastern Commercial Bank, Alberta and Rudolph, the perfect gods, and Gavin, the higher god."

Wang Xing nodded and looked at the four.

Alberta and Rudolph, the perfect gods, were okay. He glanced at them at a glance, including the moves and rules they had learned.

But that Gavin, he just found that this man was covered by a layer of mist.


Wang Xing smiled and said hello to the four.

Alberta, the only woman, didn't speak, but nodded mechanically. It was a response to ~ ~ Gavin scratched his head and didn't seem to know what to say.

But Rudolph, he hummed, "We have four people from Pan-Eastern Commercial Bank. You wo n’t be the only one at Xian University? I do n’t know what you think above, but we and Pan-Eastern Commercial Bank and you Collaboration with Xian Academy. "

Hearing this, Wang Xing froze.

This guy looked down on Immortal Academy, and Cahill had been taken aback.

When he came out for confidentiality, he did not tell the three that Xianxian Academy was already the sixth largest shareholder of Pan-Eastern Commercial Bank. Regarding the strength of Xianxue Academy, he repeatedly emphasized that Xianxue Academy can't be messed with, but who knows if this Rudolph is second, he didn't even take his words to heart. Does this guy think that he is not doing well.

He was trying to say something, but Wang Xing had said: "Sometimes more people are useless, the key is to look at strength. It ’s like you, it ’s useless in front of me."

Talking about him, he just grabbed Rudolph in one hand and wanted to teach Rudolph a lesson.

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