Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1623: Unwilling

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Long Wen looked back and didn't realize it. You Libo is the same. It is a habit to watch the person immediately respectfully stand behind Long Wen. "Zhenyu, why are you here?" Long Wen thought for a while and said quietly. He had the opportunity to be re-elected as the Prime Minister of the Earth Federation, but at that time he chose to step down and support Miao Zhenyu. Later, Miao Zhenyu also became a good friend with him, and the two were regarded as teachers and friends. "Mr. Miao, hello." You Libo said respectfully. If Long Wen was like his father, he gave him the most help and support, and Miao Zhenyu played the role of his idol. Miao Zhenyu looked at You Libo and nodded approvingly. At the beginning of Yu Libo's political career, he was able to retreat with Long Wen, which cannot be done by ordinary people. "Long, I'm here to tell you a great thing." Miao Zhenyu laughed, and didn't plan to sell anything. "Our immortal college intends to select ten people who have made great contributions to the Earth Federation since the establishment of the Federation. , A special reward is awarded. And you are one of them, and you are the one who deserves to be ranked first. "Hearing this, Long Wen and You Libo were stunned. Faculty awards? Is there such a good thing? Both looked curiously at Miao Zhenyu, waiting for Miao Zhenyu's explanation. "As we all know, more than 90% of our college students are from the Earth Federation. In fact, in order to thank the Federation for providing so many high-quality students to the College, we have given out some rewards to the Earth Federation." "Well, that's it "Miao Zhenyu explained, and this statement was agreed by Wang Xing. There must also be a name for issuing the innate godhead. This is like fighting a war. You always have to be famous and you ca n’t say it to you. It ’s not a mess. This statement is indeed justified, it is enough to fool the average person. But Long Wen is obviously not an ordinary person, this set can't fool him. What thanks to the Earth Federation, he knew that even if the Fairy College didn't enroll in the Earth Federation, it still didn't worry about recruiting good students, and the Fairy College recruited students in the Earth Federation, but the Earth Federation made a lot of money. The Earth Confederation has what it is today, and it is precisely the Faculty College that has contributed to it. "Well, I know I can't fool Longao." Miao Zhenyu was embarrassed. When he saw that Long Wen was going to be angry, he yelled and treated me as a three-year-old child, so he said truthfully: "True This is the situation. Our dean has obtained some innate deities, and intends to give out ten gifts to the Earth Federation to enhance the strength of the Earth Federation. You also know that the Earth Federation is still too weak now. Great Emperor, we are not humans on earth. "Hearing this, Long Wen nodded. You Libo is the same. I think it makes sense, but he doesn't know what the innate godhead is. Seeing Long Wen is the same, knowing nothing about this innate godhead. Miao Zhenyu smiled, how could he not know the doubts in the hearts of the two: "About the innate godhead, what I want to say next, I hope you are not too surprised." Surprised? Long Wen said without a smile: "I've also been a Prime Minister of the Earth Federation, and you can scare me to no avail." You Libo is the same. I feel that the two are people who have seen big scenes. They have already reached that kind. Unpredictable state. Miao Zhenyu thought it was a little funny, and slowly said: "Then you listen, this innate godhead is a strange godhead born after the destruction of the innate universe. Even a cultivator who has just cultivated can be directly promoted to a congenital godhead. Immortal realm, which is the Golden Immortal Realm as we speak of the Earth Federation. And Long Lao, a congenital goddess that you want to integrate, is even higher **** level, corresponding to the Da Luo Jinxian Realm. "After that, Miao Zhenyu paused. a bit. "So congratulations, Long, you're going to become a god." He continued, smiling with a smile: "What? Are you surprised?" Both Long Wen and You Libo stood on the spot, their chins were about to fall to the ground. Higher God? Big Luo Jinxian? How is this possible, can it be such a supernatural **** so easily? I don't know how long, Long Wen took a deep breath and slowly said, "Zhenyu, are you really flirting with me? This is not a joke." "It is true." Miao Zhenyu patted his chest and said: " After I have notified everyone, a month later I will give the innate godhead as a reward and give it to you under the testimony of the federal people. "After speaking, Miao Zhenyu casually talked and left. Waiting for Miao Zhenyu to leave, You Libo was quite excited: "Master, you are going to become a god." Long Wen bowed his head. Become a god? This was something he had never thought about, and he knew that relying on his talent, it would be good to practice to the emperor's realm in this life. But now, he not only wants to become a god, but also a superior god. This is not his luck, but the silent return he has paid for the Earth Federation over the years, which is his greatest respect. He was also very excited, but after the excitement, he was a little dignified: "Libo, the greater the so-called ability, the greater the responsibility, the immortal college makes me a god, and I will shoulder more responsibilities to revive humanity." He can also understand the meaning of Xianxian Academy. The innate godhead of this higher **** is not Bai Na. "Father, we will save you a lot of trouble after you become the superior god. For example, Clariana, who is now giving us headaches, will give him 10,000 guts, and he will not dare to block our school construction projects. "You Libo said, somewhat proud. Long Wen smiled, too. Elsewhere, Miao Zhenyu still notified others. "Hello, Mr. Ma Yun, in order to thank you for your outstanding contribution to the Earth Federation and the Earth ’s humanity, Xian Academy will give you a special reward." "Special reward?" The contribution of the federation and the earth's humanity is indeed not small. The current business system of the Earth Federation was almost made by him. The financial system of the Earth Federation was also indirectly contributed by him. His contribution to public welfare, especially education. He was respected by many people, and many even regarded him as an idol. "Yes." Miao Zhenyu said, speaking briefly. After hearing Ma Yun, he was even more shocked than Long Wen, only feeling a pie in the sky. Other people who were notified by Miao Zhenyu had almost the same expression. After half a month, this matter is also fermenting. Almost half of the federations knew that the Fairy College would donate ten congenital gods to the Earth Federation, of course, there were also elements of the Earth Federation's intentional publicity. After all, this will be done by the testimony of all federal citizens. Qing Shenjun, thirty-three days. There is an exquisite palace here, occupying a small area, but it looks very magnificent. The owner of the palace, called Pearson, was an emperor-level strongman who took the initiative to turn to the Earth Federation, and was one of the two Great Emperors of the Earth Federation. Pearson's face was very bad at the moment, and he was a little bit angry: "A total of ten innate gods, but none of them were given to us, it was too much for us to see. We are the only two emperors in the Qingshen army. , Also contributed to the Earth Federation. "Hearing this, the same is true of a man next to him. "Yes, a congenital godhead can make a person immortal, and although we are the emperor's realm, Shou Yuan has consumed most of it, and the probability of breaking into the immortal realm in the future is even less. We came to the Federation of the Earth. I heard that there is an immortal college here, which may give us a chance to make a breakthrough. However, the immortal college does not accept us, but instead let us serve in the Qingshen Army of the Earth Federation, which simply looks down on us. "The basket next to him said, Called Patten, an orc man. The two hadn't felt anything, but this time the congenital deities caused them to erupt completely. They felt very unfair. Why didn't they give them innate deities and let them break through to the immortal realm. Why is it for those people, especially a few of them, that they are regarded as the presence of ants, they can shoot to death. Like the one called Ma Yun, it is only the 9th-order cultivation of Zhou Guangjing. "I'm not willing." Pearson gritted his teeth. "An opportunity that allows us to break through to the immortal realm and can increase our lifespan by dozens of times is in sight, how can we just let it go for free. I feel like I lost this time Opportunity, we will regret it for life. "Patten nodded. The congenital godhead is too rare, who knows when it will appear, and even if the Xianxian Academy is given to the Earth Federation, they may not have both of them. They are outsiders and they are also very clear. "What do you think?" Patten asked, "I can contact a few teachers of Xian Academy, but even if these teachers can be the dean of Xian Academy, he may not change his decision and give us congenital deities. Even if It is our vows, and the same is true of our allegiance to the Earth Confederation. "Hearing this, could Pearson not understand. From their point of view, how powerful the Dean of the Immortal College was, they ignored their request. In the eyes of the dean of the Immortal College, maybe they are just a small, insignificant person, where they will care about their feelings. "Yes, that congenital deity can make a person who has just cultivated become immortal, and what can we do as emperors." Pearson groaned, using innate deities, they are actually no different from those who have just cultivated. It may be that they have a little more fighting experience. "The Earth Federation has a sentence called non-ethnicity and its heart is different. Do you think that under the same circumstances, how could Xianxian choose us." Patten was silent, no matter what None of them can get innate deities. The opportunity to become immortal is just around the corner, but they are not eligible for it, which is really driving them crazy. "Maybe we can get the innate godhead by our own method." Pearson thought about it: "I heard that the ten innate godheads are on Miao Zhenyu, and this person is not the dean of the Immortal College, and his strength is ordinary. The realm of the emperor. "Patten didn't realize it, and looked at Pearson in horror. "You want to grab the innate godhead from Miao Zhenyu?" He was a little dignified: "I tell you, this possibility is too low. Although the two of us have the strength of the emperor, it is very difficult to capture or kill Miao Zhenyu. The key here is the Earth Federation. We will be aware of the Emperor ’s will as soon as we shoot. By then we will be suppressed by the Emperor ’s will before we take away the innate godhead. ”Pearson nodded, he knew that Pa What Fuji said is reasonable. "Do you have any good ideas?" Patten asked Shen, looking at Pearson in no surprise. "Yes." Pearson nodded. "I bought a person around Miao Zhenyu and got a copy of the activity process for the day when the congenital gods were awarded. One of the links was that Miao Zhenyu took out ten innate gods and put them in first. Go to the treasure house of Qingshen Army ~ ~ Then when the event started, some waiters took out the innate gods one by one, it was like awarding prizes to the outstanding human beings of the Earth Federation. "Treasure? Patten froze, he knew the key. "Yes, after Miao Zhenyu puts the innate godhead into the treasure trove, we can take the opportunity to steal the innate godhead, and then leave without knowing it." Pearson sneered, thinking that although this plan was risky, it was highly feasible and completely Worth a fight. Patten understood, and Pearson said to himself that he actually wanted to steal the innate godhead with him. "In order to become immortal, don't you want to fight for it?" Pearson looked at Patten and said slowly: "And there are ten congenital gods, we can all steal them. By then, the remaining congenital gods, we If you sell it, you can get a lot of wealth, which is enough for us to be happy and happy for a long time. "Patten didn't feel a little heartbeat, where did he not know the value of the innate godhead. Pearson saw the change in Patten's look, knowing that he was about to convince him: "Besides, after we stole the innate godhead, we can immediately escape into the Shenhe River. Immortal College is very powerful outside the Shenhe River, but in In the Shenhe River, they have no power. At that time, even if Xianxian Academy wanted us, it would be beyond our reach. There would be no way to take us completely. "" It goes without saying, I did it. "Patten gritted his teeth, this It's totally worth it once. Then the two of them discussed how to assign the ten innate godheads, and they quickly reached an agreement. Qingshen Army, another place. "Everything is ready." Miao Zhenyu said slowly, his eyes with some irony. Time passed quickly, and the day came, and this golden age will be broadcast live across the globe. Even within the Wuxingshan star area, as long as it is connected to the network of the Earth Federation, you can watch this event.

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