Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1624: Can't be destroyed

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As the dean of Xianxian Academy, Wang Xing did not attend the event. He has rarely shown up. The entire immortal college, as well as the emperor as a college representative, came to witness all this. People everywhere are thrilled. In a primary school, the children are gathering to watch this live broadcast, and they all look very excited. "We will also have immortal gods in the Earth Federation." A child was very excited: "I will become immortal when I grow up." He said, but there was a loud laughter all around. "Liu Xiaoneng, if you can become immortal, we can all become cosmic gods. In our school, your martial arts assessment score is the third lowest. I really don't know where you come from. I feel confident that I can become immortal." The little boy said scornfully, "You are like this, I can hit a hundred in the future." "I can hit a thousand!" "I can hit 10,000." Many children rushed and said, very proud. That Liu Xiao could hear this, but was not angry at all, but clenched his fists, and said loudly, "No matter what you say, I will certainly be immortal in the future." Then, in return, only a bigger laugh. In the virtual world, many immortals who are unable to return to observe the ceremony of the Earth Federation are gathering together. "Long Lao is working hard for the Commonwealth, and now it is clear to see the moon and the moon." Someone said with emotion, "A congenital godhead, that is one step into the sky, it is exciting to think about it." Other people are also moved to hear him extremely. They never thought that Long Wen would become a **** because of this, and that is the sanctification of merit in that myth and legend. "Do you say there is a congenital **** in Xianxian College?" A man asked carefully at this time. If they don't want to get an innate godhead, if they still have it, wouldn't they have a chance. Hearing this, a few people also showed contemplation. By virtue of their own cultivation, they may cultivate to the immortal realm in the future, but if they imitate Long Wen and make a great contribution to the Earth Federation, they can become gods with this opportunity in the future. "Yes, there must be." A woman slowly said at this time, she is the current star of Tianlanxing. Because of its special position, Tian Lanxing can serve as the star of this planet, and its administrative level must be a whole higher than that of other stars. "Really?" Someone blurted out, looking fiery. Many people also looked at the woman at this time, and this woman, called Ophelia, was actually a Westerner. It is said that she has the British royal descent before the Earth Federation, and now many British nobles respect her. "Yes." Ophelia said lightly, and didn't mind sharing some of the news he heard by chance: "Milion, the president of the Pan-Eastern Commercial Bank, came to Tianlan Xing a few days ago, I I accidentally heard that she revealed that there were about 400 innate astrologies, and more than 200 people participated in the competition, but the dean of the Immortal College alone won 38, and their Pan-Eastern Commercial Bank's ten innate astrals. Eight were given by the dean of the Immortal College. "Everyone was shocked to hear this. What is the strength of the dean of the Immortal College, even one person has seized 38 innate deities, and even the Pan-Eastern Commercial Bank has to give the dean emperor the dean of the Immortal College. "In that case, the dean of the Immortal College should still have twenty innate gods." Some people have already figured it out, but they are very excited: "We still have a chance, we have a chance." The same is true of other people. Maybe in their lifetime, they can also get an innate godhead and achieve immortality. "There may not be as many as twenty, or they may have already been divided. After all, the congenital goddess obtained from the dean of the Immortal Academy did not say that all of it should be given to the Earth Federation." Ophelia poured cold water on everyone. , But she said again, "But the dean of Xianxian Academy is so powerful, it is certainly not difficult to get the innate godhead in the future, and even if there is no innate godhead, I believe he must have other means to make it immortal. So everyone just needs to be good. Show that we should make our due contribution to the development of the Earth Confederation, and there is no guarantee that we will not have another opportunity in the future. "After hearing this, everyone felt that this twist was a bit urgent. But they also have to admit that Olivia is right. In other cosmic nations of the Wuxingshan Starfield, many people have connected to the interstellar network of the Earth Federation and are watching this prosperity. They are very envious, even sour. They also knew that after the ten people of the Earth Federation were promoted to immortality this time, the Earth Federation could not be provoked. Because they cannot afford it, the power of the Earth Federation has increased several times. Qingshen army, thirty-three days of floating mountains. This event is held here, and many people have entered the venue. "Long," Ma Yun said, and walked quickly. The two seemed like friends they hadn't seen in a long time, and a big hug came. "Mr. Ma." Long Wen smiled. When he was in office, the two did not deal with each other. "I didn't expect that I would become a **** with you. It was really fun." laugh it out. More than Long Wen did not expect, he did not expect, he did not even think he would have a chance to become a god. Others who have obtained the qualifications for the integration of innate deities, are also entering at this moment. For a while, the entire venue was lively. At this time, Miao Zhenyu came to Thirty-Three Heavens and began to arrange follow-up matters. "When the host finishes speaking, and you want to reward the ten people who have made outstanding contributions to the Earth Federation, you will go out with these ten innate gods." Miao Zhenyu said lightly, and these ten people were actually Intelligent robots will never worry that they will violate orders. "Yes." Ten intelligent robots answered, and each of them received an innate godhead. "Very good." Miao Zhenyu saw that there were no problems and left the treasure house. Over there, the host has started speaking. "Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for coming to witness the awards ceremony. I believe everyone also knows that this is an unusual award, rewarding those who have made significant contributions to our Earth Federation, and the prizes It is the innate astrology that has been spread now, a type of practice that can make the practitioners who have just begun to practice become one of the immortal treasures. So, what we want to witness today is the birth of ten gods. "The host said, There is already applause. Witnessing this great moment is memorable for all of them. "Now, please ask the representative of the Emperor Qingdi to speak a few words for everyone. Speaking of Teacher Qingdi, some people may not know him, so I will briefly introduce it to you. Teacher Qingdi is an immortal The teachers of the high school department of the college can even exercise the responsibility of acting dean when the dean is absent. In addition, it must be said that the Qingdi teacher was the first true commander of the Immortal College. The system was drafted by the Qingdi teacher. "After hearing this introduction, many words that did not know Qingdi's identity were completely frightened. Senior High School Teacher of Xian College! Acting Dean! Commander of the Green Army! This status is really terrible, and everyone knows at this moment why the Xianxian Academy sent the emperor over. "Mr. Qingdi, please say something to everyone." The host said respectfully. Many people also looked at the emperor and waited for him to speak. The emperor had already been used to this scene. There was nothing nervous. He organized the language and said slowly: "As we all know, our college Ninety or more students are from the Earth Federation. It can be said that because the Earth Federation provides so many high-quality students for our college, this is our college. Our dean is also feeling this, so I intend to Come up with some rewards in return to the Earth Federation, that is, ten innate gods. "The crowd was instantly excited, and they turned out to be grateful to them. It ’s just that smart people like Long Wen are smiling on the surface, but they ca n’t help but say ‘this is a fool’. Who changes thanks? "Of course, the dean also let me tell you that the ten innate godheads are not the end, but just the beginning. In the future, everyone who has made a great contribution to the Earth Federation will have the opportunity to become a god. If you are not talented, or if you have a good practice Not very enthusiastic, this is definitely a good opportunity for you to ascend to the sky. "Qingdi continued, and these have actually been approved by Wang Xing, and those who have made great contributions to the Earth Federation can still get the reward of the college. Many people were excited when they heard the promise of Qing Emperor. In this way, they also have a chance to become immortal. Next, the emperor didn't say much, the host over there began to introduce the situation of Long Wen and others. With the introduction of ten people, the next step is to award rewards. In the treasure trove at this moment, Pearson and Patten finally entered, and ten innate godheads were right in front of them. "Someone?" Patten couldn't help exclaiming when he saw the ten figures in the treasure house. Pearson was also startled, but after looking at it, he sneered: "What people, but ten intelligent robots." Then he walked directly. "Congenital aura, congenital aura." He looked at the intelligent robot's hands, and he was almost drooling. "This must be congenital aura. I didn't expect us to get it so easily." Patten also felt the same. "Hurry up, let's go." Pearson said, taking away the innate godhead from the intelligent robot, and the intelligent robot wanted to resist and was destroyed by him. In a blink of an eye, all ten innate gods were taken away by the two. "Let's go, it won't be too late if we don't," said Pearson, who knew the time was urgent, but at this moment the alarm sounded loud. "No!" He exclaimed, trying to teleport out of the treasure house, but found that he couldn't do it at all. This treasure house is isolated from space, and it is difficult to fly inside. "Come on," he said, and immediately ran outside. Just as soon as I went out, a shout came from outside: "Someone stole something, and the treasure house was stolen." "What, who is stealing the treasure house?" "Is the innate godhead in the treasure house?" "Quickly fence them. "Many people yelled, and even the emperor and others knew that. The emperor's will suddenly shrouded over it. "What the **** is going on, why did we just get it, others will know, and it came so fast." Pearson couldn't help but anger, he found that the two of them were surrounded by groups in an instant. "The treasure trove contains the innate godhead, and the alert is already strict. We were not surprised at all." Patten thought, but said, "I still think about how to leave." "It is too difficult to leave now." Tiandi ’s will has shrouded us, and he will always do something to us. ”Pearson clenched his teeth. At this time, someone recognized them. "Pearson, Patten, it's you." This is a man. He is also a teacher of the Qing Army, and he knows them well. Many people were horrified at hearing this. Entering the treasure house to steal the innate godhead turned out to be an instructor of the Qings Army, which is incredible. "Hartley, what do you know?" Pearson looked at the talking man and sneered ~ ~ This is an opportunity to become immortal, what do we people come to the Earth Federation for, not just to find a breakthrough The opportunity to reach the immortal realm, but now the opportunity has come, a total of ten innate gods, even none of them. We will also develop the Earth Federation. Why? Just because we are not humans on earth is really ridiculous. Since Xianxian Academy didn't give it to us, we grabbed it by ourselves. "Hartley is the man holding his back. He looked at Pearson in disbelief and said coldly:" You have done a little for the development of the Earth Federation, but you think that your contribution can be worth one Innate Godhead? It's so shameless, you just want to be immortal, just for your own greed. "Person was not annoyed at all when his own camouflage was revealed. He already had an idea at this moment:" I know that the will of the Emperor of the Earth Federation has locked us, even the immortal teacher Qingdi has locked us. But you have to think about it, this innate godhead is in our hands. If we destroy the innate godhead, you will have nothing. "He said lightly, even threatening with innate gods." Is it so easy to destroy innate gods? " Are you stupid? "At this time, a voice came, and it turned out to be Miao Zhenyu," Now you obediently hand over innate deities, and I can leave a way for you to live. "Can't be destroyed?" "Pearson only felt his head buzzing. He tried hard, and it was useless. Suddenly, he was anxious." It's okay, isn't it impossible to destroy, isn't it a congenital godhead that can make a god? We now use all of these innate deities. He yelled, and immediately swallowed all the innate gods in his hand. Patten swallowed, but also learned Pearson swallowed all the innate gods. Everyone was stunned, and ten innate gods were just swallowed up. Was it wasteful? Only Miao Zhenyu smiled coldly.

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