Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1625: Who redeemed it?

Super immortal college 1625 author ruler long inch short full word count 4716 words

The godhead contains extremely terrifying energy, which should be released after entering the body. Pearson and Patten were already prepared. Only one minute passed, and two minutes passed, but they found no changes in their bodies. "What's going on?" Patten's face changed, Shen said, "Although we haven't fused the innate godheads before, we swallowed five innate godheads at once, which should definitely not be the case." I don't know where he thinks it's wrong. Looking up, he looked at Miao Zhenyu. However, it was found that Miao Zhenyu was watching them as if they were looking at two idiots, and was not angry at all because they had stolen the innate godhead. "I see, the innate godhead must be false." Pearson saw it, and couldn't help but be extremely angry: "Miao Zhenyu, did you do it?" He looked at Miao Zhenyu with astonishing intentions. Patten couldn't believe it all. They worked so hard that they stole ten fake innate gods. "How precious is the innate godhead, how can I be placed in the treasure house of the Qingshen Army, you should understand when you think about it. Unfortunately, you are completely red-eyed, you do n’t think so much, and you want to take the innate godhead as your own heart. Yes, that's why you have come to the present end. In all fairness, you are serving in the Earth Federation Youth Army, and the Earth Federation treats you well. In the future, you have the opportunity to break through to the immortal realm with your own strength, but you have given up. Bright Avenue in front of me, just thinking of one step to the sky. "Miao Zhenyu said lightly," Teacher Qingdi, let's do it. These two people steal the innate godhead and have committed a serious crime. They will be arrested and imprisoned in the Qingshen Army prison. Judge them again. "The Qing Emperor nodded, and then started. "Miao Zhenyu, you have a very vicious heart." Pearson suddenly shouted, "I see. This is basically designed by you. You deliberately let your subordinates disclose to us the process on the day of the award ceremony, and let us know that the innate godhead will be affected. It was placed in the treasure house of the Qingshen Army and led us to steal, and then we stole all of us with ten fake innate godheads. "He said, having identified all of them. Because he saw the man Miao Zhenyu bought by him, at this moment he was standing behind Miao Zhenyu, and looked at all this indifferently. "I don't know what you're talking about." Miao Zhenyu snorted. In fact, he could completely admit that this was his trick, it was just unnecessary. But many people can see that what Pearson said should be true. Miao Zhenyu designed all of this in order to eradicate these two mischievous Qingshen teachers. "What do you have to say slowly when you are judged?" Said the emperor, immediately launching an attack. However, the two were also emperor Xiuwei. Rao faced the immortality of Qing Emperor, and he would not be obedient. "Patten, flee separately." Pearson yelled, "Go straight to Shenhe, we will be safe when we reach Shenhe." Needless to say, Patten has already headed straight for Shenhe. Watching the two of them flee, the others were nervous. If they were to escape, it would be a trouble in the future. But at this time, a very bright light glowed in the void, and only saw the figure of a mighty shore standing tall. This figure stands high and is extremely sacred. "Tiandi!" I don't know who shouted, everyone was exclaimed. What Emperor Heaven is, that is the will of the Earth Federation, the condensed thoughts of the Earth ’s human beings, and the Qi of the Earth Federation. Heavenly Emperor rarely shot, no one knows what state he is now, and some people have even started to forget his existence. But today, Emperor Tian appeared again. As the guardian of the earth's human beings, it is naturally impossible to let Pearson and Patten off. The Emperor Tian appeared, and the Qing Emperor naturally stopped. At this time, he did not need to take any action. This was the moment that belonged to the Emperor. "Heavenly will." Pearson looked back, terrified. This was also the first time he saw the emperor's will appear, and even once he thought that the emperor's will was someone else's illusory. "It's strong." Patou felt a tremendous pressure, and he couldn't help but have to kneel on both knees and worship. He can be sure that the will of the Emperor is absolutely immortal. That is, at this time, the two hands of Tiandi's will protruded, and grabbed at them. An immense amount of power immediately locked the two of them, leaving them unstoppable. As the palm was getting closer, I saw that there seemed to be countless worlds born and destroyed in that palm, constantly destroying and regenerating, and the two were terrified at first, then gradually lost their eyes, and then were caught by the two palms of the emperor Separated in their hands and lost consciousness. The emperor completed all this, and grabbed the two and threw it to the emperor. Later, the magnificent body of that magnificent bank disappeared, as if it had never appeared. The Qing Emperor was also a bit surprised. He felt that the will of the Heavenly Emperor had already reached the level of the third-level Jinxian Jinxian. "The two of them have been banned for repair by the emperor's will, take it." The Qing emperor had a glimpse of Pearson and Patten, and they already knew their situation: "The award ceremony will continue next. The godhead has always been with me, and now I have also awarded ten winners with innate godhead awards. "He said, and with a wave of his hand, a whole ten innate godheads appeared. Many people looked very excited. "Long Wen, awarded an innate godhead of the higher **** level." The Qing Emperor has already begun awarding, saying that he led the only innate godhead of the higher **** level to Long Wen. "You can now merge this innate Godhead, I will take care of your safety here. For a hundred years or a short period of three to five years, you can become a third-order **** of immortality, which is equivalent to the big Luojinxian realm in our college realm, and enjoy endless life. "This is what I said before. The award ceremony was selected on the 33rd Heaven of the Qings Army, which is convenient for ten people to retreat here. "Okay." Long Wen responded, naturally he would not refuse the kindness of the Qing Emperor. If you go back and merge the innate godhead, if it is snatched on the road, it will be a big loss. "Ma Yun, one congenital godhead was awarded to the median god." The emperor continued to award, and soon released all ten congenital godheads: "Well, after a hundred years at the latest, there will be ten immortals in the Earth Federation. Keep calm. "At this, many federal people have cheered. Although immortal college also has immortality, those immortality are invisible to them. This is also the case. Since human beings entered the federal era, the Immortal Academy has rarely intervened in the Earth Federation, unless it is a matter of life and death. But these ten immortals are different now. They are not teachers or students of Xianxian College. They belong to the Earth Federation and are the real power of the Earth Federation. Time passed slowly. Said to be a century long, in fact, thirty years later, ten people have merged the innate godhead. Everyone succeeds in making a sensation. "Everyone has been successfully integrated?" Wang Xing asked in the college: "I didn't expect it to be smoother than I thought. The fastest time was only two years." Incredible. According to the information they have checked, it shouldn't be so fast. Is it because the human nature of the earth is different? "Don't think about it, it should be related to the collapse of the law of the origin of the universe. The law of the origin of the universe now has weaker and weaker control of the universe. When integrating innate gods, it becomes easier and easier to understand the rules." Wang Xing thought, Give a reason he thinks, "Not only this, if you look closely, you will find that it has begun from 100,000 years ago. One of the more obvious phenomena is that it becomes easier and easier to become the emperor of the realm. The second-class rule and even the first-class rule are getting easier and easier. "Then, he took a statistic from his desk. "This is organized by Su Yu. It has collected millions of years of data in a thousand star fields." Then, he passed the information to the emperor. "From a million years ago to the most recent 100,000 years, every In one hundred thousand years, the number of people who can break through to the realm of the emperor in each star field is increasing, and the number of people who understand the second-class rule is also increasing. Especially in the last hundred thousand years, it has even doubled. It seemed a little shocked. He had a hunch that the best and worst times were really coming. "Not to mention this, ten of them have merged the innate godhead. What rules have they mastered, are there any special ones?" Wang Xing asked curiously, and he hoped to have some relatively rare rules so that he could also Study it. His practice of cosmic flow techniques includes thousands, and each rule is the object of his research. Now, the number of rules he has mastered has reached 1,600. "Two out of ten people have mastered the second-class rule, and eight have mastered the third-class rule. But to say that the more specific rule, the one obtained by the Ma Yun is quite special. This kind of rule is called a doll rule. Flesh and blood became a doll. "Qing Di slowly said," This is very similar to the ability of childlike fruit in the Pirate World, it must be said that it is very magical. "Wang Xing also secretly tongued out, even this rule. This rule is really special. He has never heard of it. It is estimated that this name is still named by Ma Yun. "Let ’s invite you to this Ma Yun and let him come to our college as a part-time substitute. Then we can pay him some substitute fees." Wang Xing thought about it and planned to get Ma Yun in front of him. What's the rule of dolls? Among the 1,600 rules he currently has, there are no such rules. "Why not recruit him directly as a college teacher?" Qingdi asked for a moment. He knew that Wang Xing was interested in Ma Yun's doll rule, and recruiting Ma Yun as a college teacher is naturally a way to do it once and for all. And for the Ma Yun, it must be highly desirable. "I just created ten gods for the Earth Federation. When the federal people are happy, I have to leave one more time. I don't know how many people will scold me." Wang Xing laughed, "Please this Ma Yunlai took part time to take a class. I heard that he is better than Long Wen as a teacher. The name certified on any interstellar network is called teacher Ma Yun. "Qingdi could not laugh or cry, what is your dean concerned about? Next, naturally, needless to say. Soon Ma Yun came to the college as a part-time substitute, but after less than a year, his doll rules were fully understood by Wang Xing. A day after ten years. Wang Xing received a message that one of the immortal deities in the academy was exchanged for another one, or a higher-level immortal deity. "Who exchanged it?" Wang Xing inquired casually. He was curious about which unsuccessful student, and now he wants to break through the immortal godhead. Such students are really not motivated. "Liu Fan." Qingdi said, and it was also unbelievable: "He realized how powerful he was when he became the golden immortal after he devoured the law of engulfment. But now he has exchanged his innate godhead, is he so impatient to become immortal "Wang Xing frowned, and he did not expect it to be Liu Fan. After pondering a bit, he asked: "Perhaps this innate godhead is not Liu Fan's redemption for himself ~ ~ but for his mother Liu Hongmei." This guess, he felt inseparable. Liu Hongmei's cultivation talent is also not good. If Liu Fan wants to make her immortal, it is not impossible. But Qingdi shook his head: "I have investigated. Liu Hongmei did not integrate the innate godhead at all. This innate godhead exchanged by Liu Fan was not given to her. Unfortunately, Liu Fan also left the college, otherwise I would really ask Ask him, he must not go astray, the future of self-destruction is good. "For these outstanding students, Qingdi and other teachers are very concerned. Therefore, as soon as Liu Fan exchanged his innate godhead, he immediately falsely accused Wang Xing, fearing that Liu Fan would not go astray. "Liu Fan is not so stupid." Wang Xing shook his head, and what was the consequence of integrating the innate deities. He believed that Liu Fan was very clear. In order to comprehend the first-class rules, Liu Fanneng insisted on not breaking through the realm of the emperor. Now the first-class rules are comprehended, let alone without reason. But what exactly does Liu Fan want to do? "Forget it, let me show my supernatural powers to see what kind of ghost Liu Fan is doing." Although Wang Xing knew that Liu Fan would not do this, he was still uneasy. He wanted to investigate what Liu Fan was doing now, and this was still For the first time, he used magical powers to detect students. At this time, the Qing emperor did not feel a little expectant. "Causality, exploration!" He said in his mouth, a wonderful power radiating out, into the depths of the endless space, disappearing. His consciousness came to a strange place with this power. There is a peculiar world with a light-year diameter, and there are ten huge stars, dazzling. The most amazing thing is that he also saw a **** tree that is extremely rare in the Shenhe River, which is taking root in the void and flourishing. That is the world tree. Wang Xing was shocked to see this place. He continued to look at it, and a palace with the Great Brahma Palace entered his consciousness.

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