Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1626: Manjie recruitment second

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Grand Brahma Palace! Wang Xing froze a little, he knew that the society established by Liu Fan was called the Brahma League. Entering the palace with consciousness, he saw a man. Liu Fan! At the moment, Liu Fan said lightly: "Ye Ying, this is the same treasure I brought from the college, called the innate godhead. After the integration, even those who have just cultivated can ascend to the sky in one step and become the immortal deities above. Let you fuse this immortal goddess and achieve immortality. "Brahma is the power that Liu Fan himself cultivated outside. After more than 200,000 years of development, the Brahma Realm now has many strong statues of the Creator. But that's not enough. Liu Fan also has to speed up this process. He used up all his accumulated mission points over the years and exchanged for an innate godhead. Then he chose Ye Ying, a subordinate who was extremely loyal to her. Let her be a **** and be her best assistant outside. "Thank you, Brahma!" Ye Ying was so excited that he bowed down toward Liu Fan. Becoming immortal was something she had never thought of before. "Dragon machine, guard her to merge the innate godhead." Liu Fan waved his hand, and Dragon machine immediately came over. "Master!" Longji said, but unfortunately he was just a fool, otherwise Liu Fan could choose to let him merge with the innate godhead. "She gave it to you." Liu Fan left the palace. He still has his own work to do, and there is Longji, a puppet town that can exert its full power, and even if Ye Ying really has a second heart in the future, he will not be completely helpless. The World Tree, Liu Fan came here and stood under the tree. The World Tree, which was originally a seedling, is now very tall. The whole world tree can be said to be a baby. The leaves of the world tree can shield the origin of the universe. The immortals of Wushan Jinggu came outside the Shenhe River, and they carried the leaves of the world tree. Now the leaves they brought are still stored in the warehouse of the college. in. Secondly, the root system of the world tree can reach into other dimensions, extract energy, and replenish the world where the branches are located, so that the energy of this world can be increased dozens of times. Then, the fruit of the world tree can be said to be the most precious thing in the world tree. After the practitioners have reached the immortal state, the kingdom of God from the small thousand world, the medium thousand world, the large thousand world to the universe level, this is the source of the power of the immortal , And the fruit of the World Tree is one by one thousand worlds. After integration, the world is promoted and promoted. But now the world tree of Liu Fan is still very small, far from being able to bear fruit. "The world tree continues to grow, which will distort the surrounding space and form a world of its own. By that time, the entire Brahma realm will be promoted to a dimension." Liu Fan stood under the tree with some longing. By that time, the entire Brahma would be isolated from the universe, and security would be guaranteed. The consciousness of Wang Xing retreated at this time. He no longer needed to observe, and he knew everything about the whole Brahma. "Dean, how's it going?" Qingdi asked, and he saw that Wang Xing's look was a bit wrong, and he felt a sense of shock. What exactly did the Dean see? "There is nothing, Liu Fan has not merged the innate deities, you don't have to worry about it." Wang Xing said slowly, without telling Qing Emperor the true situation of Liu Fan. Emperor nodded, guessing in his heart. However, since Wang Xing said so, he would not be able to ask any more. On a new day, Wang Xing remembers that today is the time for Wanjie to recruit, and this is the third time the system has issued a recruitment notice. The last time, because there were not enough interviews, the recruitment process was not started. This time I don't know how. "System, how many strong applicants from Wanjie applied this time?" Wang Xing asked, and he was still very concerned about this matter: "Don't even get three interviewees together, otherwise the recruitment will be yellow again "In fact, he asked the system carefully and knew why there were so few interviewees. Because it is said to be recruited by Wanjie, but in fact, the system will only notify one hundred Wanjie powerfuls each time, and the average is one every year. Among the one hundred people, there are still some who ignore the recruitment information of Xianxian College, and there are even fewer left. "There are a total of four Wanjie strong candidates who can apply for interviews," said the system, which finally relieved Wang Xing: "Well, I will arrange the teacher for the next test and start the interview immediately." The system naturally has no opinion. The number of interviewing teachers increased to six, and the recorder was still one. Zhongshan, Qingdi, Fazu, Fengyun Wuji, Huang Rong, and Qin Yu who came from the stars to the world. The recorder is also Boyahan Cook. Goodbye Qin Yu, Wang Xing has a feeling of time passing by: "How's it going? I see that your cultivation is a mixed Yuan Jinxian who has reached Jinxian level 4, which is also equivalent to the lower **** in the **** world." Qin Yudian Nodding, he is in a much better position than the original. "It's okay, just recently met with the Zhou family, a bit passive." Qin Yu thought for a while, "then Lei Tiantian is too strong, if he shot, I can only hide in the college. But at present I can't get into his eyes. "Lei Xun Tianzun is a master of Tianzun, equivalent to the Supreme God of their universe. Not to mention Qin Yu, Wang Xing is not Lei Pu Tianzun's opponent now. Offending Thunder and Heaven, Qin Yu really had no choice. . However, Qin Yu's own protagonist halo is only a small person now, and Lei Futianzun may deal with him very little. As long as his Qin Meng world takes shape, then Lei Xun Tianzun can't take him. "I'll talk about these things later, and start the interview now." Wang Xing thought about it, "This is the second recruitment of Wanjie from our college. There are a total of four Wangjie strong candidates applying for it. Admit three. "He greeted several teachers first so that they had a bottom in mind. "Well, officially start today's interview." Wang Xing said, the communication system began to attract the first candidate. I only saw a white light flashing in front of me, and a white woman in ancient clothes appeared in front of her eyes. As soon as she arrived at the college, she looked around curiously: "Is this the Immortal College? I heard that it is recruiting teachers here." Qingdi nodded and looked at the woman Xiuwei, even reaching the level of Jinxian. Yuan Taiyi Jinxian. This woman is so strong. Several teachers such as Wang Xing and Zhong Shan also nodded secretly. This practice is fully qualified. "Yes, our college recruits for Wanjie, and all the strongest wishing to become a teacher can come to the college to apply for employment." Qingdi said lightly. "As for the application process, you must also know, one Round interviews, after passing the interview, you can sign a contract with our college and become a teacher of the college. "The woman nodded, and these were known when she was picked up. "I don't have any questions, let's start the interview." She said, sitting in a chair prepared for the interviewer, with a dull expression. The Qing Emperor is also familiar, and he has already said, "Well, you can simply introduce yourself, just a few words, and be brief." Now several people are curious about the identity of the woman. The woman bowed her head and slowly said, "My name is Lan Nuo, from the world of the longevity world. When I was twenty, the sword asked the world, it was difficult to fight against each other, and then broke the void and entered the longevity world. Participated in the invasion war in the other world and the only true world War, after a century of immortality. Now I'm tired of that world, and I want to find a further way. I happened to receive an invitation to interview from your college, so I came here. "She was simply narrating these, with a look of indifference. But Wang Xing was shocked when they heard it, because this woman turned out to be Lan Nuo. Xiao Chen, the protagonist of the longevity world, entered the longevity world, and it was just by accident that he followed Lan Nuo, so that was the story behind it. It can be said that Lan Nuo is an extremely key figure in the world of the longevity world. "Hello, Miss Lannuo," Zhongshan said, and he still respects Lannuo: "Welcome you to come to our college for an interview. I have known your world. To be honest, according to your performance in that world, It is completely free to enter our college without a test. "Wang Xing nodded secretly, this Lanuo did have such a qualification. "Let's follow your interview process." Lan Nuo said, she was upright and still wanted to take advantage of her own strength to serve in Xian Academy. This has greatly increased the favor of several teachers. Fengyun thinks without hesitation: "Then let me ask an interview question. If your students are very mischievous or even insulting your language in the course of your teaching, what will you do?" It's really sharp. Although there will not be such students in the college, Lannuo doesn't know. "You have five minutes to think about it," Boyahan Cook said, reminding Ranno not to hurry to answer. Lan Nod nodded, and about three minutes later, she asked: "Can I ask, how old are all the students?" "Already mature, and some of them are already a long live." Fengyun said lightly. "Be assured, they are not children." He saw Ranor's doubts and smiled. Upon hearing this, Lanno already had the answer, and she looked a little coldly: "Then for such students, I would recommend that the college be expelled immediately. Since it is no longer a child, it should understand the principle of being a teacher for life and being a father for a day , The language insults the teacher, there is no etiquette and morality, what else is cultivated, and successful cultivation is also a disaster. "This sharp answer made several teachers fail to respond. But at this time, Wang Xing took the lead and applauded: "That's right. Cultivation and morality first. Our college trains students, and it has always adhered to this principle. Talented and unethical, such students must not want It is not a big thing to have talents without virtue. The college does not lack talents and resources, and it is not necessary to accommodate unethical students. "Several teachers also nodded secretly. The college does this at the moment, starting from the admissions qualification review. Take virtue into account. "I've also come to ask a question, is Teacher Lan Nuo willing to serve in the college for a long time?" Wang Xing asked. He has always been a full-time teacher, which is certain. In other respects, Lannoo has fully met his requirements, and this last question is actually only for reference. "Yes," Lanno said, and she was ready when she arrived. "Well, please ask Teacher Lan Nuo to wait in the office next door. We will announce the interview results when all interviewers have finished the interview." Wang Xing said, letting people take Lan Nuo down. Next is the second interviewer. Wang Xing's communication system began to draw the interviewer. A familiar white light flickered in front of me, and only saw an orc with a crocodile covered in scale armor appeared? A few of Wang Xing were choking, what the **** was this. "What's your name and where does it come from?" Feng Yun thought for a while, but was the first to speak. He felt a familiar atmosphere in this crocodile man, and it seemed to have been felt by the teacher in the previous interview. By the way, it's Angel Hiko. Wang Xing and Zhong Shan also felt it. This crocodile man and Angel Yan have taken the same evolutionary path ~ ~ That is unique to the world of Super Theological Seminary. "Well, howl is Thornton, but the queen said I was a **** or something." The crocodile man said, a little confused, "You are the **** of a fairy college. I didn't come here for the interview, it was our queen who asked Let me give you a word. "Upon hearing this, several teachers were curious. Queen, that should be Moganna. "Oh, what does your queen want to bring us?" Qingdi asked curiously. "If she also wants to come to our college, I can only say I'm sorry, I can only wait next time." I did not receive the college's recruitment notice You cannot come to the college yourself. Morgana should have not been notified, but Thornton, the crocodile god, must have told her about the recruitment of Xian Academy. "No, it's not this." Thornton shook his head, then learned the way Moganna said, "The words our queen is going to bring you are, 'Your group of green pools, help Angel Yan that little cricket hit me. Don't let me find where you are, or I'll have to smash your college '. "There was a sudden silence all around. Wang Xing, Zhong Shan, and Feng Yun are jealous. "Ahem, Moganna is going to smash our college?" Qing Di said slowly, seemingly unbelievable: "Moganna was afraid that she didn't know how big the gap between her and us was." nod. Wang Xing thought about it at this time: "Forget it, let's not get involved in the Super Theological Seminary. I remember the last time I said that I would give Angel Yan a fifth-order original weapon and replace it with a second-order original artifact. Well, tell her that this artifact is better than the Sword of Flames. "After hearing this, several of the emperor felt the abdomen black of the dean. Wang Xing didn't care about this. He looked at Thornton and said: "It seems that you are not here to apply for it. Please inform the chef. You can have a meal in the cafeteria today and eat crocodile meat." Isn't this about eating him.

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