Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1627: I do not know

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Thornton was terrified. Although he was a little shy, he was not stupid. He ran towards the door. In his opinion, as long as he ran out, it was safe, and he didn't know it was a college, even if he went out, it was useless. Besides, Wang Xing could not let him enter the academy. "Where do you want to go?" Wang Xing made a move, and a space forbidden appeared around Thornton, restricting his movements: "People take him down for braised fever." Thornton was frightened. He found that resistance was completely useless. "Wait, wait a minute." He shouted, "I'm just talking, can't braise me." But how did Wang Xing and others care about it, someone was already there to catch Thornton. "Don't, don't!" He was sweating in anxiety, already thinking about being put on the grill: "Yes, I'm here for an interview." He was anxious and quibble. "Interview?" Wang Xing looked at Thorton and stood up. "You are an idiot, take it down." Then someone immediately took Thorton down. At this time, Wang Xing said lightly: "After taking it, inform Qi Yuan. Isn't he going to study the way of life evolution in the Super Theological World, I sent him a good research object. Let him cut off the crocodiles God Thornton could do one leg or that tail, study slowly, don't really take his life. "" Yes. "The emperor understood and understood Wang Xing's meaning. Thornton was carried away crying, and felt like he was really finished this time. "Please invite a third interviewer." Wang Xingfeng said indifferently, and the teachers next to him reacted. The dean's belly is black, and sure enough he has no bottom line. Communication system again, with a white light flashing, a woman appeared in front of her. The woman's face is beautiful and beautiful, the Yaobi cherry blossom lips seem to be carved from the sky; the waterfall-like long hair is black and bright, and the white and pink skin is as fresh as the flowers and trees and the snow; the slender and beautiful body, the beauty of Zhong Tiandi, is like a dream. , Aura is overflowing, the glory is peerless, the true autumn water is the **** jade as the bone. A white suit wins the snow, surrounded by colorful clouds, the whole person seems to be stained with a layer of holy brilliance, worthy of the most beautiful fairy in the Nine Heavens Xuan Realm ... Wang Xing is a bunch of people, is a woman? Still beautiful. "Miss, welcome to participate in the recruitment interview of Xian Academy. We are today's interviewers. It is up to us whether you can pass the interview in the end." Qingdi said slowly, but she was not confused by the beauty of the woman. , Please make a simple self-introduction first. "He said, smiling. However, he was still shocked at the cultivation of the women, because the women even reached the level of Jinxian level 5 mixed Yuan Taiyi and Jinxian. "Introduce yourself?" The woman looked at Wang Xing and others, and nodded: "My name is Yantai Xuan, from the world of the tomb of the gods, and one of the seven incarnations of the incarnation of the female. One of the martial arts. She also joined forces with the ancestors of the sacred places of the evil and evil to seal the peerless evil demon ancestor, and then shattered the void to become the supreme heavenly realm. I and Chen Nan ... "When she said that, she stopped. "That's all I have introduced myself, sorry." She said, reluctantly: "I really want to come to your college to teach, please give me a chance." Qingdi frowned and looked at Wang Xing unconsciously. . Obviously Yan Taixuan was hiding something, but almost everyone knew about her, and there was no need for her to say anything. "If you meet the admission criteria of our college, we will naturally give you a chance." Wang Xing said lightly, he knew that Xu Taixuan was not an ordinary woman, and it was the most amazing and amazing in the world of the tomb. The one, "Begin a formal interview now. Teacher Qingdi first introduce the situation of our college." "Okay." Qingdi responded and introduced immediately. Hu Taixuan listened carefully and secretly shocked the strength of this college. "Yuan Taixuan, let me ask an interview question. Why did you come to teach at our college because you love the cause of the teacher? I think it should not be, you know almost everything in the world of the tomb of God, you are not Such a person. "Huang Rong said lightly," Well, can you give me a reasonable explanation, otherwise I might think that you are insincere and come to our college to make a plan. "Xu Taixuan hesitated, she did not expect Interview questions are like this, not about cultivation. "You have five minutes to think about it," Boyahan Cook said. "If you can't give an answer after five minutes, we will consider you to refuse to answer the question." Xu Taixuan nodded and hesitated. The answer is given. "The reason is simple. I don't want to stay in the world of the tomb of God." She said, looking indifferent: "I want to leave that world so that everything in that world has nothing to do with me. So after receiving an interview from your college When I invited, I chose to agree. But at that time, I only thought that your college's recruitment was just a hallucination of myself, but I didn't expect it to be true. Now I have been led here, I don't know where it is, but I ’m sure It is no longer in my original world. "After hearing this, several teachers were choking. "Yes, our Immortal Academy is indeed out of your world." Wang Xing slowly spoke at this time, and he could understand why Huantai Xuan wanted to apply for an academy, just to escape. As for who to evade, what to evade is self-evident, " If you want to stay in our college all the time, you must pass this interview, otherwise we will drive you back to your original world. "Hu Taixuan nodded, and she would naturally do her best. "Let me ask a question. If you have already served in the college, if there are students in the college who have different opinions from you, argue with you, and refute you strongly, what will you do?" Qin Yu said slowly at this time, and this made Feng Yun's eyes brightened, because it almost coincided with the questions raised in his last interview. Huo Taixuan froze. After thinking for three minutes, she slowly said, "I think it is a good thing for students to have different opinions. If they are all taught by the teacher, then they will not produce any outstanding students. Therefore, I respect students who have different opinions. I am willing to study with them and make progress together. Of course, if this kind of argument is good after class, if it is in class, I would suggest that he discuss it after class, if he does n’t listen, I will invite him out. ”This answer Let a few teachers have their eyes brightened. This is exactly the same as the treatment of modern society. Although it is not the best answer, it is also the best answer. How did Xuan Taixuan think of these answers, saying that her superhuman intelligence seems to be true. After this question was over, Fazu saw that no one spoke, and smiled, "Let me also ask a question, what do you think is the significance of our cultivation?" This is also a question he asked last time. Everyone has their own unique understanding of cultivation, and the answers are diverse. Some people cultivate to become stronger, some to get revenge, and some to protect their family and friends. Hu Taixuan, what is the significance of her cultivation? "I don't know." She thought for a long time and gave this answer: "I used to think that I was practicing to become stronger, but now I don't know. Or can anyone tell me why I am practicing?" This answer , Beyond everyone's expectations. Cannot understand. However, it may be easy to understand the situation of Hu Taixuan in the tomb world. "Dean, what do you say?" Qingdi asked, and he felt that it was Yan Taixuan who refused to answer this question. Wang Xing pondered for a moment, and shook his head: "This is also an answer, like some people are alive, he doesn't know why he is alive." After hearing this, several teachers of Qingdi nodded. At this time, Wang Xing looked up at Yantai Xuan again: "Although you don't know what the meaning of your cultivation is, I want to tell you that the existence of our academy is to explore the mysteries of all things in the universe. Battles, killings and everything But it is the flavoring agent on this road, and this is the meaning of the cultivation of everyone in our college. I hope that after you become a teacher of our college, you can also work for this and cultivate for this. "Explore the mysteries of the universe ? Mutai Xuan murmured, his face suddenly a little dignified. "Okay, continue the interview below." Wang Xing didn't want to say anything more, so that's all for the point. The next interview was much smoother. Without so many intricate questions, Yan Taixuan could give an answer almost casually, and for a cultivation problem, she even made Zhong Shan's eyes bright and praised. "Mr. Taitai, please wait in the office next door. We will announce the result of the interview when everyone interviews are over." "Okay." Taitai Xuan went out with her attendant. There were some changes in her. It seemed that it was different. Already. "Yes, please invite the next interviewer." Wang Xing said, the communication system, leading the last interviewer today. As a familiar white light flashed, a man appeared. No, it's a wolf. Several teachers looked at each other. Isn't this wolf a **** beast, but there is no breath of **** beasts on his body, unlike him. "Dean, what's going on?" Qingdi couldn't help asking, thinking that Wang Xing had led the wrong person. Other teachers also looked at Wang Xing. "Ahem!" What Wang Xing could say, the atmosphere was awkward: "You see what I do. Have you ever seen a wolf standing in a small pant without a face and wearing a human face? I don't see this wolf at first sight. It ’s not a beast of God, but it ’s also a kind of flood. ”When hearing this, Qingdi and others were dubious. "Continue the interview." Wang Xing urged: "This interviewer, please introduce yourself." "Interviewer, me?" The wonderful wolf pointed at himself and thought of something, excited: "Nice I came to interview to become a teacher of Xianxian College. My name is Grey Wolf, my family is in Qingqing Prairie, and my strengths are high IQ, optimism, confidence, simplicity, love for my wife and son, strong, dissatisfied, full of math and physics, Dedicated, plan things, cook, oppose superstition, love science. Love research, good at hard work, perseverance, perseverance, perseverance, strong will, wit, funny, good at invention, perseverance ... My shortcomings are ... … Oh, I have no faults. "A group of teachers were aggressive. Gray wolf? Green grassland? What kind of ghosts are they? And you said so many advantages, there is no one disadvantage, who is Huyou. A group of teachers didn't know the gray wolf, but Wang Xing couldn't help twitching his face: "Qing Di, go to the post-cook to see if the crocodilian Thornton is out of the pot, I think he is fine." Hearing this, Qingdi was dumbfounded. Dean, what do you mean, it's not about turning back. "I just asked, Thornton's tail was chopped off by Qi Yuan, but who knew that Thornton would not be able to walk after the tail was chopped, so Qi Yuan installed a mechanical tail on him, pure k6. Made of alloy, hardness can cut the planet. "Qingdi said. Wang Xing couldn't laugh or cry. He thought about the communication system: "I said the system, how did you get the gray wolf ~ ~ Which one is he?" The system seems to have known that Wang Xing would ask. "Grey Wolf is a wolf. In his world, he is the strongest." The system said. Isn't this nonsense, that world is basically a wolf or a sheep, of course, the wolf is the strongest. But this wolf, he has not even eaten sheep, but chased the wolf every day. "Host, don't underestimate the gray wolf. He is an inventor. In his world, he can even make aircraft carriers and spaceships. Many of his other small inventions violate the law of the universe's origin. Research value, "said the system. The invention of the gray wolf? Wang Xing was surprised, but he thought of the robot cat, and many of the props he brought out were amazing. With this in mind, Wang Xing felt much better. He told these situations to several teachers, and some teachers were also curious about Grey Wolf. I just knew that the gray wolf came from a cartoon for children, and they were a little bit crying. "Wolf wolf, I'll just click directly. When you come to our college, the most is to take an elective course on invention and creation at the elementary school. I want to know what requirements do you have for salary, or are there any other conditions?" Wang Xing knew This is the end of the matter, and the gray wolf is almost indispensable without recruiting the crocodile **** Thornton. What else is there to say, just be crude. "I want this number." The gray wolf's fingers were raised in both hands, and said solemnly. "What do you want?" Qingdi said, a little curious. "That's eight." Wang Xing said silently. The gray wolf is a wolf. Where are the ten fingers? "Well, eight fat sheep every month. Deal." "Eight sheep?" The gray wolf froze. "Too little?" Wang Xing thought for a while. "If you are doing well, I will draw a planet for you and raise sheep later." "Mum!" The gray wolf has already burst into tears, and can finally eat sheep.

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