Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1628: Start of collapse

Next, Qingdi called out all four interviewers today.

Ranno, Crocodile Thornton, Yan Taixuan, Gray Wolf.

Others were okay, only Thornton was holding his alloy tail, his face frowning.

This is how it happened. I came to Xianxian College and almost didn't say anything about it, but I couldn't save it, but I was transformed.

I don't know if this tail shadow does not affect my own spaceship.

The Qing Emperor looked at the four and slowly said, "After our deliberations, three of you four meet the admission criteria of our college and can be admitted."

Of the four admitted three, the crocodile **** was naturally brushed off.

Whoever asks this guy is not here to apply.

"First Lanno, congratulations on your admission to our college!"

Qingdi slowly said, "In the future, you will be the teacher of our college. I hope you will love this career."

Ranno nodded, his face calmed.

"Second Yantai Xuan, congratulations."

Qingdi continued.

Teacher Zhong Shan over there nodded slightly. He was more optimistic about Yan Taixuan, and wanted to communicate with her in the future to cultivate her experience.

"Third Grey Wolf, congratulations!"

Qingdi said reluctantly on his face. If the dean did not talk about the advantages of the gray wolf, he must have brushed this guy.

Such a wolf, who does n’t know who the pet is, has really affected the image of the teacher team.

"Haha, I was accepted."

The gray wolf is very excited: "Eat sheep, when can I eat sheep. I want braised, steamed, grilled ..."

Hearing his words, including Wang Xing, was speechless.

Be fruitful!

"Thornton, you can go back."

The Qing emperor slowly said, then looked at Wang Xing, which meant that Wang Xing sent him back to his world.

Wang Xing nodded and looked at Thornton: "Is this tail good to use?"

"Good to use, easy to use!"

Thornton learned cleverly this time.

"It's easy to use. When you go back, tell your queen, and next time you dare to talk in a mess, I will personally go to your world to catch her and let her know what is the ultimate fear.

Hearing Wang's threat, Thornton was a spirit.


"Let's go back!"

Wang Xing then waved a white light and dragged Thornton away.

Huang Rong then took three new teachers through various entry procedures, and everything went smoothly.

Soon, the news of the three new teachers spread throughout the academy, but it was surprising that the popularity of Grey Wolf surpassed that of Lan Nuo and Yan Taixuan.

In a blink of an eye, it was another century.

This time the recruitment of Wanjie did not meet the requirements for opening. Fortunately, Wang Xing had already been prepared and used to it.

On this day, the weather on the earth is fine and sunny.

"Dean, what are you looking at?"

Next to Wang Xing, Yan Taixuan said something strange.

Now Yan Taixuan looks very beautiful in modern clothes and long shawl.

"The law of the origin of the universe."

Wang Xing said faintly. He had been here for a month and seemed to be waiting for something like: "How are teachers from Taiwan, how do you like the life of the college?"

Xu Taixuan nodded.

After arriving at the college, she found she was in love with it.

Teaching, cultivating, doing research every day, and then learning to go out shopping, shopping, watching movies, drinking coffee, or taking a vacation to some unfamiliar planet like a human being on earth when there is no class, it is really pleasant.

She forgot everything, and it seemed that everything in the world of the tomb of God had nothing to do with her.

"I like the college atmosphere."

She said sincerely: "Dean, or the law of the universe you are looking at, why can't I see anything?"

She is more interested in this, because in her world, the heavens that many people want to resist, and the law of the universe's origins in this world seem to be exactly one thing.

"Your state is too low."

Wang Xing said without mercy, but the realm he said was not a realm, but in fact a degree of understanding of the laws of the universe.

Only when we reach a certain level can we discover the true content of the laws of the origin of the universe.

"The dean can tell me what happened to this universe's original law. I can feel that the universe's cosmic energy is very unstable, especially these days." Wu Taixuan said his discovery, "I see According to the dean's theory, the dean compared the universe to a pond, and now the energy of the universe is very unstable. It is like there is a strong wind and waves in this pond, but the pond is no better than the sea. It's hard to show up. "

Wang Xing nodded. She did not expect that Xu Taixuan had read her own writings.

"You're right, the law of the universe is the system of the universe's operation, in order to maintain the smooth operation of the universe. So in general, the energy of the universe is stable. But now this system is affected by external and internal forces and collapses. Zhu In heaven and earth, countless stars are affected, and the energy of the universe is naturally unstable. "Wang Xing explained," In fact, from a long time ago, the law of the origin of the universe should start to collapse, but now it seems to finally reach a certain stage. "

Huo Taixuan froze and could not help asking: "at what stage?"

Wang Xing pondered for a moment, but didn't rush to answer.

A few minutes later, he slowly said, "In my opinion, the law of the origin of the universe is a special group of energy, and now this group of energy cannot be maintained, and it must officially enter the stage of shedding.


Xu Taixuan paused: "Does that mean that there will be many universe origins scattered out?"

She grabbed the key at once.

Wang Xing looked at Xu Taixuan, nodded approvingly,

"You know the innate godhead. The small universe collapses, and scattered small universe origins can form innate godheads, making people step up to the sky and become immortal. The law of the origin of the main universe has fallen off, and how powerful his origin is. How many people become gods and ancestors. And the collapse of the law of the origin of the universe means that the law of the origin of the universe further loses control of the universe, and by then the rules of the entire universe will be rewritten. "

After speaking, he said solemnly: "The best and worst times have come."

Hu Taixuan was silent, but in fact there were many things she could not understand.

"What else do you want to know, just ask?"

Wang Xing smiled. He would not hide anything from the college teachers.

Besides, it is because the world of the tomb of the gods is very similar to their current world.

"it is good."

Hu Taixuan nodded: "The dean can tell me what the best age means, and what does the worst age mean?"

She was not contrived at all, but simply asked.

Wang Xing smiled: "First say why this is the best age. Take your world as an example. The reason why Dugu defeated the sky and other people wants to destroy the sky is plain. I do n’t want to be controlled by heaven. Our universe is the same. After the collapse of the law of the origin of the universe, there is no more thing that can restrain practitioners. At that time, cultivation will become much faster than it is now, and breakthroughs in the realm will become easier. Have the opportunity to find opportunities for eternal life. "

"An opportunity for eternal life?"

"Yes, jump out of this universe and not be limited by this universe, and become an existence outside the pond, that is, eternal life."

Wang Xing said lightly, very sure: "So this is the best era, full of infinite possibilities."

Yan Taixuan took a deep breath and she understood something.

This era is indeed the best of times, fascinating, and many people may have waited long for it.

"As for this is the worst era, it is because the universe will become a disordered state after the collapse of the law of the origin of the universe. At that time, no one can be sure that he can live. Those who should be immortal should have existed. Maybe it will all go to extinction. Another thing is that aliens will spread throughout the universe, no longer confined to the Shenhe River, and bring disaster to the entire universe. "Wang Xing said in the end, he was a little worried.

Yan Taixuan has all understood so far.

She looked at the starry sky and felt that it was not that simple to come to Xianxue Academy.

Many supernatural beings in the Shenhe at this moment are also paying attention to the law of the origin of the universe after that endless space.

Like them, they looked somber.

A year later, the energy of the entire universe suddenly trembled, many planets trembled, many dimensions of the world also shifted, and many immortals felt their chests were extremely depressed. It seemed that something came to their chests fiercely. .

Ordinary people don't feel deep, like time suddenly pauses for a second or two, and then returns to normal.

Wang Xing stood in Tianxian Mountain, but he had already seen everything.

The law of the origin of the universe has entered the stage of shedding, and tens of thousands of origins of the universe are scattered in groups and flew into those planets, those dimensional worlds, those innate or acquired universes.

A large part of it scattered outside the Shenhe River, and then disappeared quickly.

Even Wang Xing couldn't catch it.

"This moment is finally here."

Wang Xing murmured. He looked and could still see that there are three clusters of the origin of the universe, which actually landed in Wuxingshan Star Field.

But that's just it.

After the three laws of the universe's origins fell into Wuxingshan Starfield, he didn't know where they actually fell.


More than a dozen teachers from Jinxian Realm appeared next to Wang Xing, and they also felt the change.

Wang Xing nodded: "Anyway, these are just some of the original drops of the universe's original laws. Even if they are acquired, they won't turn any waves."

When all the teachers heard this, they felt relieved.

"Then we don't need to do anything?"

Zhong Shan thought for a while, but said: "The scattered universe origins, if the students of our college are merged, they will definitely increase their strength."

Wang Xing didn't know what Zhongshan meant.

However, he shook his head: "If the students are looking for these scattered sources, I have no objection, but they do not support it."


Zhongshan is puzzled. It is not a good thing to find these sources to enhance their strength.

Why not support it?

"No reason, because now I can't speak well."

Wang Xing thought about it, with some dignity: "Well, let's just go back and talk to the students. I can't control everything next."

In the college, many students soon received the news.

They have their own ideas on this matter.

Where the galaxy is more than a thousand large galaxies, a large galaxy here is called the Tianqianghe galaxy.

In this large galaxy is a large universe called the Silver Wing.

Just now the king of the silver wing universe, the king of the silver wings, made a decision. He wants to pass his position of king to the eldest son, the silver wings Qianlong.

But this decision made the third son Yin Yize very dissatisfied.

"This old guy didn't even pass the position to me, I'm the best prince of Silverwing Universe."

Yin Yize was extremely angry.

He felt that this was very unfair to him, especially his father Silverwing had promised him before, and the position of the lord of the kingdom would be passed on to him in the future.

But who knows, it is now passed to Silverwing Qianlong.

"Three princes, we have all been deceived by the lord. He said that passing the lord's seat to you is actually to let you relax your vigilance." A man said slowly, "In fact, you originally guarded the frontier and ruled our bank. One-third of the wing universe ’s army, even if the owner does not give you the position, we can still fight. But now, our military power is quietly taken away by the owner, let alone ~ www. ~ It is estimated that it will be difficult to leave the country now. "

Hearing that, Yin Yize looked ugly.

Knowing this already, he should not have returned, this time he completely put himself in a dangerous situation.

At this time, he noticed a sudden change in the surrounding space.

"No, who is it?"

He was shocked and looked around.

The man next to him is the same: "Three princes, this is the strong man who created the realm."

Yin Yize's face is ugly, but here is the capital of the Silver Wing Universe. Here, there are only a few people who can make powerful creatures.

"Three princes, you shouldn't be back."

At this time, a voice came: "You want to be the master of the country is impossible. The mother of the great prince is from the Shanhe family, and the ancestor of the Shanhe family is a seventh-order emperor of the kingdom of kings, you understand What? "

Yin Yize followed the sound and saw that it turned out to be one of the ten creators of the Silver Wing Cosmic Kingdom, only obeying the orders of his father.

"So you have to die."

Talking, the figure of the talking man flew towards Yin Yize.

Yin Yize's men immediately intercepted, but was directly killed, followed by a man's sword pierced Yin Yize's chest.

Yin Yize fell down unwillingly. He knew that someone would kill him, but never thought it would be his father's hand.

He hates it, but what's the use?

The man had done all this, and the figure disappeared.

But at this moment, a group of white light broke through the space and flew into Yin Yize's chest, but the soul that Yin Yize was about to dissipate has gathered again.

"The law of the origin of the universe."

Yin Yize said in his mouth, stood up strangely, and the wound on his chest healed at a speed that was visible to the naked eye.

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