Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1697: Strange continent

Wang Xing didn't know what to say, he had heard the emperor Yin Haojun's deeds before that.

This guy was in the Hobbit world at first, and a pack of instant noodles flickered. I don't know how many people, but now I didn't expect to make it worse.

"Yin Haojun, why did our college have students like you? We are named after the immortal college. Do you know what immortality is? Sacred, majestic, supreme ... All good words can't be overstated. But you Look at you, where does it look a little fairy. "

Wang Xing said in a distressed manner, and this made some students take a sigh of anger.

"Dean, I ... I ..."

Yin Haojun was also dumbfounded. Wasn't this set quite useful before? At least when he was acting dean of the Qing Emperor, he ate this set.

But at this time, the style of Wang Xing's painting turned: "However, there are some aliens in Xian. You can see that there is a teacher like Shen Gongbao, there is a ghost like the Minghe ancestor in the flood, and there is a queen mother in the lotus. Yes, you just keep it, I'm bullish on you. "

"Did I hear it wrong?"

Yin Haojun was dumbfounded, and I all kneeled down, and you told me this.

"Dean, you are not fair!"

Luo Qiu blushed, and was a bit unacceptable. How could there be such a dean.

Is it obvious that people can make false immortals.

"What can't be accepted, Yin Haojun is deceiving. You are deceived, only to show that you are not smart enough. After being deceived, you cannot find a place, indicating that you are not strong enough. If you look at it this way, is it good? too much."

"This ... it really is."

Luo Qiu thought about it carefully. If he reached a high point and found he was deceived, he would be able to beat Yin Haojun directly. If the wisdom was enough, he would not be deceived.

Seems to be more of his own reasons.

Yin Haojun was excited when he heard it, and stood up straight from the ground: "So you all have to thank me, I'm training you."

Even Liu Fan is dumbfounded this time. Can you lie to someone so tall?

It is conceivable that after Yin Haojun obtained this imperial edict from Wang Xing, he will become even stronger.

At this time, two people walked into the door.

They are Qi Yuan, a biologist at Kewu Society, and Dragon Sky Fish from Yixian Society.


They said immediately after they entered.


Long Tianyu looked at Liu Fan, apparently somewhat hostile.

"Everyone is here." Wang Xing looked at, "This time you are summoned to come here to give you a task."


"Yes, when I was wandering into the void, I discovered a strange continent. At that time, I felt that this continent might be helpful to the development of our college, so I took note of the position of the continent. Now I call you over. Let me explore this continent and see what is going on in the continent. What is helpful to our college? "

Liu Fan and others were all eyes bright.

Strange continent, there must be a lot of treasures and opportunities above.

"This task was led by Liu Fan. This is also Liu Fan's assessment task. The minimum requirement is to complete the exploration of this continent and know what is useful to us. If the task fails, Liu Fan will be in the next millennium. Do not apply for further examinations. "

Don't apply for further examinations within a thousand years. This is forcing Liu Fan to complete the task.

If you don't complete it, even if you have a college student's practice, you can still only be a high school student. The key is that you have nowhere to reason.

"Well, what questions do you have?"

Everyone looked at each other, and at this time Luo Qiu stood up and said, "Dean, how can we get over?"

"The academy will send you directly to that bizarre continent."

"That would be great."

"Dean, what's the situation on that continent? Did you let Liu Fan lead the team? Is there a Jinxian level on it?"


Hearing here, everyone is serious.

After all, in this group of people, Liu Fan broke into the Jinxian realm, and the others were all emperor monarchs.

"If it's okay, get ready to go."


The crowd went out one by one. Liu Fan was the last one. When he came to the door, he looked at Wang Xing and bowed down.

"Thank you Dean."

"Some things don't need to be said, you know what I know."

Wang Xing said, the figure faded a little bit until it disappeared.

Three days later, seven people were teleported from the mission hall of the academy, and when they reappeared, they had reached a sky above the continent.

"Fast, is this here?"

Yin Haojun looked towards his feet, and he could see many rolling peaks faintly, but looking towards the distance, the length and width of the entire continent did not know how many billion kilometers.

The position of the entire continent is also very strange, completely separated from the universe universe, and clearly located deep in space.

"Let's go down."

Liu Fan took the lead, and the seven of them fell on the continent through the clouds outside the continent.

Then everyone was stunned. The environment of this continent was very similar to that of the earth, except that the oxygen concentration was very high, reaching ten times that of the earth.

The high oxygen content also caused the entire continent to be flourishing, with some trees as high as a thousand kilometers.

"Captain, what plans do you have?"

Ye Ying looked at Liu Fan and asked casually.


He said slowly, attracting everyone's eyes.

"Sorry, no."

"go with!"

The crowd groaned.

"Well, let's explore this continent separately."


"Yes, yes, that's what I want."

"It's not good to be too separated. Liu Fan, you're already in Jinxian Realm. You should team up by yourself. How about the two of us?

"I have no opinion."

Having said that, a few people soon formed a team.

Rennes and Long Tianyu.

Qi Yuan and Ye Ying.

Luo Qiu and Yin Haojun are in a team.

"set off!"

"If there is a situation, please contact me at any time. After three days, everyone will gather to compile the news."

"Understand, Captain!"

Several people began to act quickly, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

For a while, somewhere in the forest.

Yin Haojun sat on a tree with a rump and slowly said, "Luo Qiu, in fact, I really don't want to be a team with you as a deadly master ~ ~ My ideal teammate is Goddess Ye."

"You are the master of death. Your whole family is master of death. You think I want to be with you as a liar."

"Angry, isn't it?" Yin Haojun smiled at this moment, and jumped down from the tree. "Have you noticed one thing, the dean's arrangement is very interesting."

"Interesting? What do you mean?" Luo Qiu was a little strange.

"Don't you see that Liu Fan is from the Brahma League, Ye Ying is from the Goddess Alliance, I am from the Emperor League, you are from the Xian League, Ren is from the Exotic Society, and the Dragon Heaven Fish ’s Exotic Society Representatives of other communities outside the six major communities. Do you think this is a coincidence? With your pig's brain, obviously you haven't seen the intention of the dean. "Yin Haojun said that he hated iron and steel.

"This ... is really strange?" Luo Qiu paused.

"So I think this is basically a knockout tournament for the clubs, maybe the six major clubs are going to be replaced." Yin Haojun sighed, feeling that he had already seen the truth.

"Really?" Luo Qiu felt that his brain was not enough.

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