Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1698: Sharp confession

At this time, Yin Haojun was extremely sure: "Eight or nine are inseparable from ten, so you have to think about it carefully, after you don't go back, your six leagues' positions of the League of Legends are gone."

"Impossible, we are the league with the largest number of colleges in our college. The six major groups in our society will not be there, so you should flicker less on me." Luo Qiu thought about it, and felt that Yin Haojun's words were a bit unreliable.

"Haha, how useful are the numbers? Do you know that there is a saying called Sacred Heart Unpredictable, you will understand the dean's mind? I have always heard that your immortal league is overbearing at the immortal college. It is about to become a college domineering. If some students are unwilling to join you, you will be targeted by you. Think about it, if you are the dean, will you have the idea of ​​splitting Xunmeng? Maybe the six major societies can also become the eight major societies. "


"Forget it, you ca n’t understand it based on your IQ, but there is a saying how to say it, it ’s called Ning Chuangxin, whether it is untrustworthy or not. You are representing Xianmeng, your president Yao Jie, You are responsible for the entire Xianmeng League, so I advise you to be kind ... no, I advise you to prepare early. "

Luo Qiu was silent. Although he did not believe Yin Haojun's fallacies, his heart was still shaken.

Isn't it really good?

In case it's true, by then Xianmeng is finished, wouldn't he be responsible.

"Then what do you think I should do?"

Luo Qiu asked cautiously, looking like a consultation.

Yin Haojun laughed secretly: "What else can we do, alliance, one person's strength is small, but the strength of two people is not the same. The two of us first form an alliance, and then pull up the goddess Ye and Liu Fan, the basic It is invincible, and it is not up to us to decide which community will be eliminated at that time. "

Luo Qiu groaned: "Why pull up the goddess Ye and Liu Fan, Qi Yuan and Renn?"

"You are stupid, Liu Fan is the highest among us. If you do n’t pull him on, you can fight him. Besides Liu Fan ’s relationship with the dean, do you think the dean will ban the Brahma Alliance? As for the Goddess Alliance , Then it goes without saying that, as the largest sister society in the academy, it leads more than 80% of the sisters of the academy, which society is banned, the goddess alliance will not. Besides, do you not know the goddess alliance before Who is the president? "

"Cold frost!"

Luo Qiu took a breath, but she knew Leng Shuangning's identity.

The college's asset steward, secretly the wife of the dean, who is second only to the dean, who dares to provoke him in the college.

"It makes sense, you make so much sense." Luo Qiu said hurriedly. "Okay, let's ally with Liu Fan and Goddess Ye. Then we will perform well. When we go back to the training report, it must not be the worst."

"Smart." Yin Haojun said secretly, proudly, without thinking of a sharp operation, this flickered to an ally.

But the next task is still to be completed, the two began to explore this forest.

Suddenly, a roar came.

The two stunned, hurried over, and then stunned.

Only in the dense forest, a five-meter-tall beating tiger was fighting with a hundred-meter-long snake.

This is a fight.

"Yin Haojun, this land really has living things."

"Aren't you nonsense, the environment here is so suitable for survival, it is strange that there is no living thing."

Yin Haojun worries about Luo Qiu's IQ: "My grass, look at it ... these two things are so strong, can you see that the big snake has a tail going down, the tail is like a K6 grade alloy, and the space for pumping appears. ripple."

"The tiger is also terrific. The teeth are comparable to the fifth-order force weapon ... I'm going, hell, he bit the snake's tail, but ... he couldn't bite it, and the snake wore the original artifact-level armor. Are you there? "

"The snake can wear armor, why don't you say that the sow will go up the tree, this Nima is the body of this big snake is too hard."

"If it isn't, it only means that the snake's body is almost comparable to the first-order **** body."

"But the smell of this snake ... I just feel like Wonderland."

The two said that the battle situation had changed dramatically. The big snake had drawn the tiger's abdomen with one tail and threw the tiger out 100,000 miles. The bones were broken.

The serpent immediately chased up at this time, biting the tiger's neck in one bite and directly KO.

The tiger struggled for a long time and did not respond.

"This snake is really cruel."

"Yeah, it's just the Yuanxian Realm, but I feel that even if the two of us want to defeat this big snake, I am afraid it will take some time."

"Mainly this snake is too stiff."

"Well, do you want to do it? I feel this snake is a treasure."

"It also uses you to say that its snake skin is pulled out and it can be made into clothes comparable to first-order original artifact armor."

The two said, Luo Qiu had taken down his star bow, bowed his arrow, and aimed at the snake's eyes.

The snake's body may be strong, but the eyes must be its weakest defense.

"Don't panic, there will be movement."

Yin Haojun's hand was pressed on Luo Qiu's star bow, and he gestured in one direction.

Luo Qiu's face changed, and he immediately closed his bow.

Then, in less than a minute.

Seeing only strange sounds from a distance, it seemed that something was running fast, and the earth was shaking.

"Come here, four people in all, three men and one woman."

"I saw."

Yin Haojun said, swallowing saliva: "Luo Qiu, you see that these people do not look like the elves of our world, especially the woman headed by it is really beautiful, more beautiful than the elven princess Arwen in the movie .I found, just a glance, I have fallen in love with him. Ah, it seems to confess to him. "

Luo Qiu looked at Yin Haojun disdainfully: "At the first glance of fart, I remember that you said this to more than one schoolgirl in the college. But you look at the school girls, who cares about you."

"Don't mention it, this time, I'm serious this time."

"Which time are you not serious."

The two glanced at each other, and they were already fighting over there.

I saw only three men who seemed to be women's men, and took the lead to surround the snake, while the woman was holding a spear from one hand and was going to give the snake a fatal blow at any time.

The serpent was about to eat and enjoy the delicious food, but was suddenly interrupted and suddenly thundered, trying to swallow all four of them.

Yin Haojun and Luo Qiu did not show up, just watching quietly.

"Luo Qiu, the cultivation of these four people are all in Yuanxian Realm. Have you noticed the strength of their bodies? All of their bodies are also strong and boundless, and I feel that they all have almost a first-order **** body. Physical body. "

"Yes, how did these people cultivate?"

"I can't seem to cultivate it."

"Is it a treasure?"

"Yes, so I suspect we have found the core of this experience."

"You mean ... these powerful secrets of these people and the flesh of the snake."

"Yes, the dean said that it is helpful to the development of our college. If you think about it, if we all have this kind of body, is it necessary to improve our strength by several orders."

"It really is."

Luo Qiu said, his eyes were bright.

Xiuwei is just the realm of the Holy Fairy and even the Yuan Fairyland, but it can have an immortal body. Ask who does n’t want it.

"In order to get the secret of their bodies, it seems that I can only sacrifice it." Yin Haojun groaned at this time, with a look of determination.

"Sacrifice?" Luo Qiu hesitated. How did he hear the word and moved him so much? "Yin Haojun, what are you going to do? This is no joke."

"No way, who made me look so handsome. It seems that only I have played a beautiful man and conquered this female indigenous person, and then the secret will be clear. You will give me testimony when I go back, I It ’s all for missions, everything is for missions. My body may not be pure anymore, but my soul is still pure. ”Yin Haojun sighed, feeling that I would not go to hell, but Luo Qiu aside Gritting his teeth and wanting to sting.

Really shameless, never seen such shameless.

"Why, what's your objection to my plan?"

"Oh, this female aborigine is noble at first glance. If you really have this ability, you can conquer her, I will serve you."

"Well, you don't know anything about my handsomeness. You look good. If you catch the chance right away, I will save the hero with my hero."


On the field, three men flew a chain in their hands, binding the snake.

The snake continued to struggle and screamed.


A man shouted, signalling that the woman was ready to go.

At this time, the woman soared into the sky, holding a spear in her hand, descended from the sky, and pierced the snake's head straight.

But at this moment, the big snake looked at his life, and exerted all his strength. He flung his tail to break one of the chains, and then his tail pierced the woman's chest like a flying knife.

If this stabs, the woman will be punctured.

"Good opportunity, I want the hero to save the beauty."

Yin Haojun saw the woman's flustered eyes, rushed away in excitement, turned into a residual image, a sword slashed towards the tail of the snake.

Suddenly, the sword splattered, like a firework display.

Luo Qiu saw this, and just wanted to say one thing, the waves were really too waves.


The blade of the sword collided with the serpent's tail, making a harsh metal collision sound.

Yin Haojun only felt his arms numb, as if he had hacked on an indestructible stone, but the tail of the snake was also hacked and flew out.

He finished all this, stretched out his hand and grabbed the woman's waist, and then saw the petals falling in the sky, the two of them stared at each other, a wretched and terrible, an aggressive appearance throughout.

But the most speechless was Luo Qiu, he was stunned.

Does this also bring special effects to myself, say where the petals came from.

The two finally landed, but in less than a second, they were cast as long as a century.

"Are you okay ... little lady ... no, girl ... no, miss ... no, beauties!"

A series of titles in his mouth finally found that he had no idea what to call.

"Obviously a rookie, what old driver to pretend to be."

Luo Qiu saw this, and bowed his arrow at the big snake.

He Yunze has shot, where can he hide.

I only saw the three arrows burst in succession, locking the eyes and throat of the snake, all arrows of lore.

When the serpent reacted, both eyes closed, the eyelids blocked the two arrows, but the arrow that hit the throat passed directly through the throat and shot a pair through the brain.

The snake trembled, and slowly fell to the ground, whimpering.

Luo Qiu came out at this time, still holding a bow in his hand, with an arrow on it. If the situation is not right, he will come to the four arrows as soon as possible and kill the four women.

"Who are you?"

The woman pushed Yin Haojun away, seeming to be a little stunned.

At the moment, the other three men are also looking at the two with solemn faces.

"Beauty, we are from East China Datang ... Ah, alas, string of words. We are evasive cultivators, and we overheard the sound of your fighting with this serpent and were attracted to it." Yin Haojun said in a humorous voice, This statement is simply too false, Luo Qiu is a white-eyed, you really dare to make up.

"Avoiding practitioners?" The woman looked at Luo Qiu and motioned to the three men to take down their weapons first. "My name is Nicole, the princess of Dongse Kingdom, just thank you for your life-saving grace."

"You're welcome, you're welcome, this is all right." Yin Haojun hit the snake with his stick.

"That ..." The woman pointed to the big snake. Is this the rhythm of the spoils?

"Nicole, don't talk." Yin Haojun said slowly at this time. "Let me first say, you know, Princess Nicole, at the first glance of you, I'm sure you are what I've been waiting for. That person. I like you, Nicole. "

"Oh!" Luo Qiu, who was just drinking a little water, sprayed it out directly. Did you give such a direct expression, have you considered the feelings of the audience next to you?

Seeing you for the first time, have you confirmed your eyes?

Nicole also froze. It seemed that he had not experienced such a battle at all, and a crimson appeared on his face.

Luo Qiu is dumbfounded, what is the situation, girl, will no one confess to you, are you the rhythm of the fall?

God, don't you care.

Next, without waiting for Nicole to say anything ~ ~ Yin Haojun hugged Nicole and kissed directly when the other party did not respond.

At this time Luo Qiu was not dumbfounded, but completely aggressive, and then endless admiration.

This operation is really too sharp.

Nicole trembled, finally reacted, and shoved Yin Haojun away.

The three men next to each other immediately drew their swords and looked like they were about to eat Yin Haojun raw.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I was reckless, I ... I was wrong ..." Yin Haojun looked very regretful and gave himself two big ears.

"You ..." Nicole choked for a long time before biting her teeth. "Never again."

"Yes, I understand." Yin Haojun smiled.

"Nima, that's all right." Luo Qiu's resentful punch hit the tree, and today his three views have been completely subverted.

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