Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1699: Curtain show

Next, it's about the distribution of big snakes.

"Yin Haojun ... this big snake ..." Nicole asked.

"Although this was killed by my companion, but whoever we give it to will be a family in the future, this big snake will be sent to you as a meeting gift." Yin Haojun is very atmospheric, completely regardless of Luo Qiu, who keeps winking at him.

When Nicole heard it, he had a look on his face.

She immediately instructed her three men to deal with the snake. At this time, Yin Haojun and Luo Qiu both discovered some special places.

The three men did not chop the skin of the snake, but bleed it up a little bit, and they were very careful and careful, for fear of omission, until the whole snake's flesh became white and there was no bloodshot, so it stopped, and then it was casual. Cut the skin of the snake and cut his meat.

"Yin Haojun, do you see that they want snake blood and are not interested in the skin of the snake at all?" Luo Qiu said.

"Why didn't you see it? I'm not stupid."

"Why do you say this? Is the blood of the serpent more precious than the skin of the first-order original artifact?"

"I don't know, just ask."

"Don't be easily exposed ..."

It's just that Luo Qiu's words haven't finished yet, Yin Haojun has already spoken.

"Nicole, what do you collect so much snake blood for?"

Luo Qiu's head turned away, this is not to tell them plainly, we are not people in their world.

Is this simply death?

"It's too much to say that the Holy Blood can make our bodies stronger."

"Holy Blood?"

Yin Haojun nodded and turned back to Luo Qiu, "Have you heard? This is holy blood, which can strengthen the body."

Luo Qiu: "..."

The three Nicole took care of this, and did not rush back, but continued hunting snakes in the forest.

At this time Liu Fan and Luo Qiu only noticed that many kinds of big snakes were hidden under the dead leaves under their feet.

"How can there be so many snakes in this world."

Luo Qiu was somewhat surprised. He took a closer look at these snakes, but in fact they are somewhat different from the snakes on the earth.

First of all, these snakes have a layer of keratin-like things on their bodies, just like a natural armor, so these snakes are so strong in defense. Secondly, the heads of these snakes are like the heads of the dragon in Chinese legend. Finally, what is most different from the snakes on the earth is that the seven inches of these snakes, which is the position of the heart, have hidden a pair of wings, but if they are not strong enough, these hidden wings cannot pass through the flesh and grow out.

The strength of this snake that can really grow wings may have reached the Golden Wonderland.

"Do you think this snake looks like the viper in our Chinese legend?"

"It looks alike, then it's called Viper."

Yin Haojun said casually that he named the snake the viper, and the snake blood is naturally called the viper holy blood.


"Come, eggplant."

While resting, Yin Haojun suddenly held Nicole and took a picture.

Nicole reacted and it was too late when he pushed away Yin Haojun.

"What is this?" Nicole pointed to the latest generation of cameras in Yin Haojun's hands.

"This is the camera. You try it." Then, Yin Haojun immediately took his hands. Of course, this must be a bigger suspect, and he began to teach Nicole how to use the camera.

Nicole tried it and was surprised to find that he could actually record something he saw.

In the evening, Yin Haojun got into Nicole's tent, saying that he wanted to ask Nicole to watch a movie.

"Beast, beast!"

Luo Qiu listened to the laughter coming from the tent, and the whole person was bad.

The camera, player, and everything have been put together. Even if Nicole is stupid, he should know that they are visitors from afar.

Say yes to hide, see the girl and forget everything.

The next morning, Yin Haojun came back with a sigh of anger, and this guy actually spent the night in Nicole's tent.

"Yin Haojun, I think we must be exposed."

"I know."

"Then you go to hook up with Princess Nicole?"

"This is not a gang, this is love."

"I feel like following you, I don't know how to die."

"How come, you didn't see me get Nicole right away, and we wouldn't be able to get any information by that time."

"That's it ... well, I think it's time to roll the sheets, think about whatever posture you want."


"Ha ha……"

The agreed three-day assembly time is up, but there is news from Liu Fan, saying something, and not meeting for the time being.

Yin Haojun and Luo Qiu don't understand what happened, but if they don't gather, Yin Haojun will be happier.

In this way, as Nicole walked in the forest for another half a month, they hunted thousands of snakes, and collected hundreds of barrels of snake blood.

It's a pity that Liu Fan still has no news.

"Luo Qiu, do you think Liu Fan will hang up?"


Luo Qiu gave Yin Haojun a glance. The extraterritorial battlefield was so dangerous that Liu Fan hadn't died. Where is it so easy to die here?

Fortunately, Nicole plans to go back.

"Hao Jun, you really want to go back with us." Nicole asked, thinking about it.

"Of course, the ugly daughter-in-law always sees his in-laws ... No, the ugly daughter-in-law always sees his father-in-law and mother-in-law. After seeing your father and mother-in-law, I must use the thousand kinds I learned how to get along with my father-in-law and mother-in-law. Ways to get your father and queen to accept me. "

"You are really interesting."

"Luo Qiu, have you heard that? He said I was really interesting. She was interesting to me."


Along the way, Yin Haojun still got some information.

This continent is very large, but there is only one country above it, that is, the Nether Kingdom, which Nicole said. As for why there is no Heather, it really exists, but it was destroyed as early as a million years ago.

The Dongse Kingdom now has a total of nine cities, the most central is the King City, which is located in the center of the Dongse Kingdom and is guarded by the other eight cities.

Now they are going to Saiyan City, one of the eight major cities, and then they can return to the King City from Saiyan City.

"Nicole, you are so pretty. This is for you."

Yin Haojun picked a wild flower from the side of the road and gave it to Nicole, which is a thing he must do every day.

Send flowers and then Quanico is beautiful.

It is said that it is a classic routine of the pick-up Dafa he learned. The main idea is to always do one thing, let the girl get used to your existence, so when you suddenly do not do it, she will think of you, think of you until you fall in love you.

Almost half a month later, the six finally arrived in Saiyan City.

The Saiyan city in front of it is 10,000 meters high. The city is covered by soldiers. Look carefully at the city wall, and there are some marks left by the sword.

"I go, you see no, the entire city wall is wrapped in snakeskin."

"Nima, it's extravagant. How much armor this can do is really a bunch of prodigals.

"Don't you say there is only one kingdom on this continent, then who built the walls so high? Who is it for?"

"You ask me, who I ask, well, it's time to call Nicole again, I'm going."

"How come I'm with you."

Luo Qiu regretted it again, and then he could only die with Yin Haojun.

All the way to the city.

Nicole entered the Mansion of the City unhindered, but the Man of the City was not there, and it would take a few days to return.

When he came here, Yin Haojun was able to reach more people. He flickered, and made the situation in this continent even worse.

How can this continent be called a viper continent?

Because in this continent, in fact, the most numerous are not Nicole's elven-like life, but snakes, vipers.

The outer wall is indeed not against people, but against snakes.

It is said that once a viper invaded, hundreds of millions of people in a city became the food of the viper.

Morning in the city capital.

Yin Haojun was calling Nicole: "Nicole, when I first saw you, I even thought about our child's name."

"what is it call?"

Nicole looked at Yin Haojun and asked.

"What do you think of Yin Busting?"

"Yin Bing Sting ..."

"Well, it's okay. This is the name that I thought of after a night of hair loss. I don't know how many."


Another day.

"Nicole, can you call my husband?"


"Because, with us, the wife calls his husband like this."




It's another day.

Yin Haojun looked out the window and felt a sense of killing: "Luo Qiu, the beautiful boy scheme failed."

"Oh, you've taken advantage, and now tell me it failed."

"My love." Yin Haojun sighed longly: "Yesterday, the owner of the city came back, I believe you also felt that his cultivation is very strong and surpassed us."

"Yes, it's strong. It should have reached Jinxian level."

"Then, the atmosphere of the city's main mansion changed. This is to catch our rhythm."

"Can you feel it?"

"I saw Nicole see the Lord of the City for the first time, and only then."

"I said that Nicole knew that we were visitors from outside the world, and no matter how we were, we were waiting for the Lord of the City to come back. She wanted to make sure she was foolproof."

"Yeah, she took advantage of my love."

"Roll the calf, you have taken so much advantage of others, so it's not a loss."

"Loss, I really do what I give."

"You think I'll believe ... you asked me to prepare yesterday, I'm ready, shall we go now?"

"Before I leave, I want to see Nicole again."

"See you again?" Luo Qiu looked at Yin Haojun like an idiot. You are addicted to acting.

"See, there must always be an explanation." Yin Haojun thought for a while, "And, I haven't asked her today."

"Come on, don't say I didn't remind you." Luo Qiu waved.

Yin Haojun smiled, went out without changing his face, and didn't seem to realize all this.

Luo Qiu was helpless, really a little confused what Yin Haojun was going to do, but he carried the Star Bow on his back and followed it with a long knife.

Nicole's place.

"Nicole, I came in. Are you still sleeping ..."

Saying, wherever Nicole is still asleep, he opened the door and went in.

At the moment Nicole was wearing a costume and was looking at him.

"Nicole is so pretty today."

Yin Haojun smiled: "Actually, I am here today ... to say goodbye."

"bid farewell?"

Nicole looked at Yin Haojun, holding a dagger in his hand, his face was cold.

"Yes, I'm leaving."

Yin Haojun looked at Nicole and smiled.

"Tell me, where are you from?" Nicole looked at Yin Haojun with a sense of murder.

"You knew already?"

"I knew it when you showed up."

"Then you would let me follow you?"

"Since you are willing to hunt snakes with me, I don't mind using you."


Yin Haojun sighed and reached out to touch Nicole's ear.

But the moment Yin Haojun stretched out his hand, a silver light flashed, only to see a dagger stabbed at Yin Haojun, and directly penetrated his chest.

"Are you really going to kill me?"

Yin Haojun looked at Nicole with painful eyes, making people distressed: "You will regret it."


Nicole was at a loss for a moment, he thought that Liu Fan was going to do something to him, and she shot, but apparently she was wrong.

Liu Fan looked at the knife on his chest: "This is the first time you gave me something, a dagger."

Nicole was silent, and there was a throb in the whole person.

"You will regret it. There was a sincere love in front of you. You did n’t cherish it. When you lose it, you will regret it. The most painful thing in the world is this. Chance, would you still do that? "

Yin Haojun said, taking three steps back.


He looked at Nicole and said slowly.

Then he saw that he yanked his dagger, blood splattered, and landed on Nicole's shirt.

"Luo Qiu, let's go."

"You bastard, that's crazy."

Luo Qiu's voice sounded, and he pushed the door directly to help Yin Haojun: "For a woman, I haven't seen you fight like this."

At this time, a strong breath came over.

That was the Lord of the Lord ’s House.

"do not……"

Nicole said, the voice was low, but as the whole room exploded, the voice was drowned.

"No matter who you are, go hand in hand!"

A man with a snake crown, staying below zero, firmly locked Yin Haojun and Luo Qiu.

At the same time, tens of thousands of soldiers surrounded the two.

"Take me away."

"I know they will die like this, and they will not be with you."

Speaking, Luo Qiu stepped on his feet and saw only tens of thousands of lights lit up. These light spots formed a matrix.

There is no matrix formation in this world, and very few people in the universe can crack the college formation. This is why they can confidently leave.

The formation method started and the clouds rose.

Everything can't be seen ~ ~ Nicole just watched Yin Haojun's figure getting weaker and lighter, and finally disappeared with the clouds and fog.

"City Lord, just received the news, the two men flew out of Saiyan City."

"Damn, what the **** is this. But they want to escape, where is it so easy, chase me!"

Watching the city owner and soldiers chasing out, Nicole was motionless. At this time, she touched her ear subconsciously, and there was a small red flower, which was very bright.

Unconsciously, tears had fallen.


Outside the city.

Yin Haojun looked at Luo Qiu who had fled with him, and suddenly he lost his face, an excited description appeared: "Luo Qiu, what do you think of my curtain call?"


Luo Qiu looked at Yin Haojun, whose wounds had healed, and he was completely speechless. This time, you're bullied.

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