Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1700: I am so hot, help me quickly

? Yin Haojun is also very proud, feels that his acting skills are outstanding.

"Come on, the city owner is coming after him."

Luo Qiu looked behind him and noticed a figure chasing fast towards them.

"So what are you doing, run!" Yin Haojun said, offering his own flying sword, combining human and sword, the speed doubled.

"Your sister!" Luo Qiu was silent, and just let me run away with you. You are now flying a sword, and the old driver drove me, leaving me gone, why not take me.

However, Luo Qiu had also practiced the escape of the immortal law, and the demon **** Liujue passed through the clouds and mists, and quickly chased up toward Yin Haojun.

The speed of the two made the city owners behind dumbfounded.

The emperor of the two circles was not slower than him at last, and finally watched the two plunge into the forest, and he had to give up.

The city owner went back, discouraged.


He said to Nicole, respectfully.

In their world, hierarchy is severe.

Although he is one of the eight major city lords and a vassal of one side, his position is naturally incomparable to that of the king.

After all, he was just the next **** to cultivate, but the king's supreme existence comparable to the two snake kings was the strongest of their race.

"Master Jero, Yin Haojun ... how about those two?" Nicole asked a little bit hesitantly.

She now regrets it. There is only one thought in her heart, that is, Yin Haojun must not be killed by Jero, otherwise she will regret it for life.

"Not to mention, the two guys ran faster than the rabbits. I watched them enter the territory of the White Wing Snake King, and I dared not chase them."

"They escaped?"

Nicole froze and then smiled.

Jello looked at Nicole, and he didn't understand what was going on. Didn't you let me catch someone, I didn't catch it, why are you still happy?

The next day, Nicole heard the knock on the door early in the morning.

"Hao Jun!"

She hurried to open the door, but after opening it, she was found to be a maid of the city's main government.

Suddenly, her face was full of disappointment.

"Princess, you should return to your country today."

"Okay, I get it now."

Nicole nodded, and then slowly closed the door, lying on the table alone and crying loudly.


In the forest, Luo Qiu and Yin Haojun just hunted a viper of the ninth grade of Yuanxian.

"Snake blood is the real treasure. People in this world temper their bodies with snake blood, so that the body is continuously strengthened, and finally reaches the level of the **** body." Luo Qiu thought for a while, "To be honest, the two of us seem to be holy The cultivation of the pinnacle of Wonderland is only one step away from Jinxian Realm, but when it comes to physical strength, it is not as good as the life of the world's Yuanxian Realm. How about taking a snake blood bath and trying the results?

"Hey, I have long wanted to try it. If this snake blood is also useful to us, we can definitely improve our strength significantly, and then we can fight against Jinxian, a second-level Jinxian." Yin Haojun I feel that this experience may really make a big hair.

The two talked, learning how Nicole had dealt with the big snake, and then one dug a hole in the ground, the snake blood poured in, and the man jumped in.


As soon as the two entered the Snake Blood Pool, they felt a strange energy digging into their bodies, which was extremely comfortable.

At this time, the communication watch rang.

"Goddess Ye, where are you?"

Yin Haojun looked at the person projected in front of him, which was Ye Ying and Qi Yuan.

Luo Qiu also came over curiously.

"Don't mention it, it's too bad, we got into a city in the Dongse Kingdom, but not long after entering, we were spotted by the city's owner and hunted down hundreds of millions of kilometers." Ye Ying hated.

"Haha!" Yin Haojun laughed. "We have also entered the city, but the situation is much better than you."

"You're entering the city too?" Ye Ying frowned.

"Yeah, not only did we enter the city, we also lived in the city's mansion for a few days." Luo Qiuling interjected next to it. "What's even better is that Princess Nicole of the Dongse Kingdom knows that she is still with Someone talked about a timeless love in the city, and now it is estimated that the princess is still crying in the city's mansion. "

"What and what are these?" Ye Ying was very aggressive. "Forget it, just send your position, we will come right away."

"Okay, wait for you, Goddess Ye, Moda." Yin Haojun said, giving the location to Ye Ying.

Three hours later, Ye Ying and Qi Yuan hurried over.

They looked at Luo Qiu and Yin Haojun, who were lying in the snake blood pool, and they felt that they were really comfortable.

"You guys are taking a bath?" Ye Ying looked at the two of them, and there was a feeling that they were not here to perform the task at all.

"You don't seem to have any information at all, Luo Qiu, come and talk to them."

"it is good."

Luo Qiu did not hesitate next, and said the information obtained by the two of them was seven or seven.

After Ye Ying and Qi Yuan listened, they looked at the snake blood.

"Qi Yuan, you are a biologist ... is this snake blood useful to us and what are its ingredients? Can you see if it can be detected?"

"This is simple."

Qi Yuan said, took one hundred milliliters of snake blood, and then took out a lot of instruments to start the test.

Time passed slowly. About half an hour later, the results came out.

"how about it?"

"It's incredible. There is a special factor in this snake blood, which can strengthen the body's cells, and this factor is also found in some star beasts, but the amount is very small, but in this snake blood, this factor The concentration is too high ... "

"You say directly what is good for us and what adverse effects it may have."

"It goes without saying that the benefits have been strengthened with this snake blood. Although UU reading we can't be like life in this world, we can have a first-order deity in the realm of Yuanxian. After all, they have been from their ancestors. At the beginning of this physical strengthening, the absorption of this special factor has been incorporated into their genes, but in the realm of the Holy Fairy, we can completely strengthen the first-order **** body. What's wrong, we on earth have a saying that the blood of the snake kinky……"

"Goddess Ye, I'm so hot. Save me quickly. I feel my body is going to explode ..." Yin Haojun opened his mouth after hearing the snake blood's prostitution.

"Go!" Ye Ying shook his sleeves and threw Yin Haojun hundreds of miles away.

"Although the snake blood is **** ... but Xiu is not affected as long as he reaches the realm of immortals." Qi Yuan said embarrassedly.

Yin Haojun came back with a look of horror, listening to Qi Yuan's words, he really wanted to slap him: "Can you finish the next time, you look at this face, you have been swollen. I know you have a lot Take out the little pill and make up for my injured little heart. "

Qi Yuan immediately turned his head as if he hadn't heard.

"Ye Ying, Qi Yuan, let's make an alliance." At this time, Luo Qiu's voice sounded.

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